Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 136 6-tusked White Elephant

As the reputation expands, more and more people come to the weapons store to buy weapons. This is also the only OnePlus weapons store in this space. The things here are much cheaper than in the system. If you buy them here, Once it is upgraded, it will be much faster than just using the system.

It's just a pity for everyone that only weapons are sold here, not self-strengthening.

Only some low-level people can strengthen here and use fewer resources than in the system to strengthen their bodies.

Cheng Ying is not completely helpless. He can enhance the human body like in the system, but its enhancement cannot be digitized by the system, which is equivalent to him. To the extent that you are much stronger than others when you first come in, it is equivalent to changing a person's initial attributes. As for how much it has changed, only the person who has been strengthened knows it. There is no way to describe it through data. , we can only roughly estimate the cost of strengthening the sample system.

However, this type of enhancement is usually genetic enhancement, or mechanical devices are implanted in the body. In short, there will be various hidden dangers, and there may also be mismatches with future system enhancements, so generally Except for those who are greedy for cheap or those who are in urgent need of improving their strength, they will not choose to use this method of strengthening.

Because the sales were not very good, he did not invest much energy in development in this area. Cheng Ying roughly counted the points he received and found that it was enough to purchase a low-level innate spiritual treasure.

Innate spiritual treasures are also divided into strong and weak ones. Although the weak ones can still provide qualitative help to those with strong spiritual positions, when facing the powerful ones, their shortcomings will immediately become apparent.

For example, among the innate spiritual treasures that he can redeem now, there is a crystal ball. The crystal ball can make up for some things and obtain a lot of information. This ability to obtain information out of thin air is already very powerful, and can even be obtained. Some information deliberately hidden by superpowers.

But this is far different from the Haotian Mirror. The two are also innate spiritual treasures with similar functions. If the user is powerful enough, the Haotian Mirror can analyze almost everything full-time.

If it falls into the hands of an orthodox cultivator, the power will be further amplified. Even a third-level golden elixir master can show strength close to the holy level if he uses this weapon. It is conceivable that this What a terrible weapon.

It can be imagined that the gap between the two is huge. Cheng Ying has no intention of redeeming this low-level innate spiritual treasure. This is just a waste of the points he finally saved.

As for exchanging the Haotian Mirror, even if his analytical ability can only be used in this false world, he can still analyze very valuable knowledge and data, and information is the only thing that can be taken away from this space. .

The knowledge I have learned, even if no matter is allowed to leave this space. There is nothing to prevent this information from being taken away.

However, his behavior of constantly acquiring points has gradually attracted the attention of some strong people. There are many strong people in this area. After all, having a system can make you stronger through killing. , and this kind of strengthening is almost not online.

Although this space is just a false space compared to the outside world, the top experts here are not much different from the top experts in the outside world.

Of course, the outside world is strong enough to reach their level. When you come to this area, you can be as powerful as them, and you can destroy this area from the foundation, but this kind of strength is not a way to be strong. Without destroying the foundation of this world, the strongest person from the outside world is actually similar to the strongest person in this world when he comes here.

It's probably equivalent to the fact that this thing in front of you is a virtual world on the Internet. The strongest in the virtual world. It may even be stronger than the one in the real world, but as long as people in the real world have access to the server in the virtual world, they may be able to kill the server with one hammer.

However, Lan Nuo's current income is not enough for the real powerhouses behind the scenes to keep an eye on him. Keep an eye on him. Those are some powerful men with limited power, but they have already fought against the top super mutants in this world. In this world, people like him can gain wealth by doing business. Naturally, they can also gain wealth through another kind of business. The only way to get points is by robbing.

When a person has far more points than can be obtained by killing him, it is obviously a very cost-effective way to obtain the other party's points through robbery.

The reason why the store can operate normally in this place is because the owner of this store has strong military force and has deployed a powerful formation around the store. Even the most powerful demigod-level beings in this formation cannot break through. Even the spiritually powerful ones don’t think they can defeat the shopkeeper in their own formation, so most of them choose to be obedient. Robbery was not an option.

And robbery is risky. If the person who was robbed would rather die than surrender, there would be no way to get his wealth, and the wealth that could be obtained by killing him was too little. Cheng Ying rarely kills people after he opens the shop, so his level has almost not improved. In this case, the reward for killing him is simply minimal, not even as good as a drizzle.

At this time, some people also realized that by gaining points by setting up stalls in this way, they can lower their level, and by lowering their level, they can lower themselves as much as possible. The opponent kills his own gains, putting himself in a safer position.

His appearance also caused some powerful people in this world to change their strategies, and some people also began to try to actively suppress levels and obtain points through other methods.

Although upgrading can enhance attributes to a certain extent, compared to the danger that upgrading brings to oneself, this attribute currently does not seem to be very cost-effective.

These powerful men at the spiritual level. I think that together we can defeat the shopkeeper in this field, but I feel that such a siege is unnecessary. If forced into a desperate situation, the shopkeeper will most likely spend most of his points on Strengthen themselves, and then fight to the death. Even if they die, they will not leave any points.

This kind of injury is abnormal, consumes a lot of money, and may even be life-threatening. Then in the end, nothing is gained, and it is really not worth the gain, unless one has the strength to crush the resistance level and control him instantly, so that he cannot even call out the system interface. Only in this way could it be possible to rob him.

But this time, a strong man came who thought he could control the shop owner in an instant. He was one of the strongest beings in the entire Northern Territory. This illusory world is too vast, and people usually divide it into four regions: southeast, northwest, middle, and southeast. Although the division of these four regions is not purely based on geographical location, in the area with chaotic rules, You don't necessarily have to go north to reach the north.

But a large connected area will be called a domain. The North Domain is the smallest of the five, but even the smallest one, one of the top experts in it is very powerful. To the outside world, it is equivalent to a holy status, and it is the kind of holy status that has its own special talents.

After the Six-tusked White Elephant heard that there was a big businessman in his territory, he had been thinking about robbery. However, he had been forbearing and observing the big businessman's ability. He could survive in this chaos. To conduct trade in this world, one must have sufficient strength as a foundation.

After his observation, this businessman indeed has considerable strength. At least under the Holy Order, he rarely encounters opponents. The female worker in his shop is also very powerful. Those spiritual positions The judgments of the strong are too conservative, and they have not seen through the true strength of the shop owner at all. However, this level is still completely within the range of the six-tusked white elephant.

But even if he could handle it, he didn't choose to take action immediately. The reason was very simple. If he takes action, what good will it do him if he beats the other person to death? Even if he takes action, if the other party is willing to hand over his money, wouldn't it be a big loss to rob him before he has made any big money?

Six-tusked White Elephants are very confident in themselves. At their level, a small number of points cannot be significantly improved. Even if he exchanged points for enhancements, he would not be able to increase the strength enough to deal with it in a short period of time. The shop owner had indeed made a lot of money during this period, but in his opinion, even if all of it was spent on enhancements, it would still be far from enough. Threaten him. The best way is to wait until the store owner has more money and then grab them all at once.

This is also the best opportunity to rob. The shop owner has not made any breakthrough recently, which means that he has saved all the money he earned. This kind of good habit is rare in the killing world. Most people spend all their points after getting a few points. Unless they really want to buy something, they will not save money.

And after experiencing a robbery, he will probably learn the same thing, that is, spend whatever money he earns. In that case, his level is low and he has no savings, so there will be no benefit in dealing with him.

And even a six-tusked white elephant can't do anything about this. He can't keep looking at him. How can he make money? As for threatening your life once, twice is fine. If you keep threatening like this, you will keep putting the other party in a state where life is worse than death. Maybe the other side would come over and die with him.

But now he felt that he had waited long enough. The weapons store was doing a booming business, and the money he had saved now was probably enough to buy an innate spiritual treasure.

This kind of thing is extremely rare and precious even for a strong man of his level. As long as he can complete this robbery, his strength can make a leap, and maybe he can leap to the next level. among levels.

There are still certain restrictions between high levels and low levels. At his current level, there is basically no gain from killing opponents below level 100. This seems to be to prevent high-level experts from massacring low-level opponents without limit. of.

The sky that was originally covered in neon suddenly became overcast. A giant beast came out of the clouds. It was the body of a six-tusked white elephant. The height of the behemoth was more than 10,000 meters. If you were a little closer to him, you wouldn't even be able to see his whole face. This huge size alone brought an extremely strong sense of oppression. Step by step, he walked towards the town of the plane. Everything in the town was brought about by his footsteps. It collapsed amidst the shaking, as if it had experienced a super earthquake.

And the powerful pressure from him was also released. As a party to the robbery, he did not pay attention to the dignity of the strong, and immediately used his strongest means to control Cheng Ying.

All the sealing and suppression skills he can use are all on that store, so as to prevent the store owner from contacting the system and spending the money he earns. If the store owner contacts the system and spends all the money, this will The robbery failed.

These kinds of seals will finally seal any spiritual powerhouse instantly. Even a saint will find it difficult to resist when facing this kind of seal, and will be trapped for a brief moment.

However, when this was done, the female clerk in the store who had been ignoring customers suddenly stood up and looked up. Immediately afterwards, it seemed that some power was drawn out by him, and he actually resisted the seal. It was this moment that made the formation around the shop start to move.

It had always been an invisible formation, but now it was running at full power and took on its own form. It was a circle of defensive formations. There were tens of thousands of them emerging at the same time, and each one was of the highest level. Types, the combination of each other has complementary effects, and can double the defense ability. In the face of this kind of defense that is almost the limit of magic, even the super powerful seal is blocked.

"Finally, I'm here. I said you shouldn't save so much money. There are top experts in this world. The guy in front of me will not be weaker than my original body, or even stronger than my original form.

My suggestion is that you spend the money you have as soon as possible. The seal he used just now is clearly intended to capture you alive and then steal your money. "

Cheng Ying nodded when he heard this and said: "It's true that you shouldn't save so much money, but you can't spend it all. Spend 80% first, there will always be some money left.

Don't you realize a problem? If I have enough money in my hand, then his purpose has always been robbery, and robbery cannot kill me, which is beneficial to us. "

[To be continued]

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