Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 137: Four Pseudo-Zhuxian Swords

The face of the Six-tusked White Elephant was not very pretty. His long-planned attack did not directly control the opponent but gave the opponent enough time to consume his points. A strong person at this level only needs a split second to complete his decision. Their thinking speed and reaction speed are very fast.

It is enough to formulate and strengthen your next strengthening strategy in this very short period of time.

After the Six-tusked White Elephant looked ugly at first, when he saw Cheng Ying who had completed the enhancement, his expression softened again: "You're a smart guy, but you still have two levels of points left. The enhancements are also props. It looks like You know very well that this will make me afraid to kill you.

But your biggest mistake is to challenge me. Even if you avoid my loss, you will definitely be severely punished for provoking my majesty. "

"I don't know why these strong men always like to talk nonsense before fighting." Boluo Ge rolled his eyes.

"Don't you talk nonsense before fighting? You should be considered a strong person in your own body."

"No, I'm here today just because I don't know how to talk nonsense before fighting. I killed all those who talked nonsense." Boluo Ge said this with a bit of pride in his tone.

Cheng Ying didn't know what to say for a moment. But the movement of the hand is not slow at all. Although the passive defense of the magic needle resists the opponent's seal, the magic battle is constantly being consumed. After all, the opponent is a rule-level power, a saint with almost unlimited energy, and There is no chance of winning the opponent's output competition.

It is even more impossible to compete with the opponent who has unlimited energy. The only way now is to use powerful attacks as quickly as possible to kill the opponent. And this will require the acquired spiritual treasure he just redeemed.

Yes, he did not redeem the innate spiritual treasures. The innate spiritual treasures that could be redeemed at this price were relatively mediocre, and their power in actual combat was not even as powerful as some acquired spiritual treasures or even some magic props.

It's just because they contain the origin inside that they are sold so expensively, and the person is the most useless thing to him, because the person here cannot be taken away at all, and he cannot absorb these origins in this world. Make yourself stronger.

Therefore, he would rather buy some acquired spiritual treasures that are more effective and have stronger abilities to use. Even if he doesn't have them, it won't make any difference.

And what he is holding now is the strongest among acquired spiritual treasures, imitating the four swords of Zhu Xian.

Although it is just an imitation, it can be called an acquired spiritual treasure, and it can already imitate some charm. The Four Swords of Zhu Xian are among the top ten innate spiritual treasures. And its attack power ranks among the top.

Even if his imitation reaches this level, it still possesses extremely terrifying power.

From the perspective of the six-tusked white elephant in front of him, he could clearly see the power of this set of acquired spiritual treasures, but he seemed a little dissatisfied: "You kid is really ignorant. Even though the combat power of this acquired spiritual treasure is better than the innate spiritual treasure." It’s more powerful, but it doesn’t have its origin, so what’s the use of it? It’s really a waste of natural resources, that’s all, if I give you the acquired spiritual treasure in your hands, I can still consider sparing you.”

"Spare your horse?" Cheng Ying was not polite to him at all, and had already thrown out the four acquired spiritual treasures in his hand. He spent a lot of points, so he was certainly sure of victory. In fact, he had been preparing for this stop a long time ago.

Although his original plan was to accumulate enough points and then exchange them directly for the Haotian Mirror, but since he had already opened a store, he naturally considered the situation of someone coming to rob him, so he also prepared in advance to spend the points to deal with the enemy. plan.

When he redeemed the Four Swords of Zhu Xian, he also arranged the Immortal Sword Formation. Although he had not seen the original formation diagram and there was no exchange for such things in the system, he relied on his understanding of extraordinary power and understanding of the rules. With his understanding, if you want to arrange a formation with similar functions, you can already do it.

One of the biggest problems with the system they use is that it can hardly be exchanged for any knowledge-based abilities. It cannot record the knowledge of the outside world or even the ancient continent. Perhaps during the journey in this space, they just happened to observe the beginning of the world. The opening scene thus deduces these innate spiritual treasures and extraordinary powers. Later, such a world was created based on the imagination and cognition of those who entered later.

The real knowledge must be summarized by the people of this world. If no one who knows the Immortal Killing Sword Formation has come to this world, there will be no such sword formation in the exchange list.

After activating his formation, Cheng Ying searched the system list, and then found that there was a fake Zhuxian Sword Formation in the system list, and he immediately felt how shameless this system was.

This was clearly a waste of his formation, but he actually had to spend money to redeem it himself. This was simply an infringement of intellectual property rights. Normally, the system should pay him dividends from the formation he created. But this system is just a twisted rule. There is definitely no way to bargain with him.

With the activation of the sword array, the Four Swords of Zhu Xian turned into four pillars supporting the sky, standing at the four poles of the world. The endless killing laws shuttled through this space. Even the six-tusked white elephant felt that For a while, my hair stood on end.

"What on earth are you doing? You can use these fake objects to exert such power." The six-tusked white elephant was frightened for a while. The power of the sword array in front of him, even he felt it was extremely difficult.

And not only the formation is powerful, but the controller is also powerful. This formation is extremely difficult to control. Liuyang Baixiang asked, even if he controls it himself, it will be difficult to control it freely. However, this one looks much weaker than him. It exists, but it seems to be controlled with ease.

In the Zhuxian Sword Formation, countless sword qi condensed, and each sword qi looked like the four swords of Zhuxian.

"It's neither copper, nor iron, nor steel. It was once hidden under Mount Sumeru. It doesn't need to be reversed for yin and yang to refine. How can it not be tempered by water and fire? Kill the immortals sharply, kill the immortals, and trap the immortals with red light everywhere. The transformations of the absolute immortals are infinitely wonderful, and the great Luo gods The clothes are stained with blood." The unpredictable sword formation began to operate. Although the six-tusked white elephant had not been attacked yet, it had already felt strong pressure.

That was the pressure brought to him by talents of the same level, or even a level higher than himself. The amount of sword energy was increasing, and he finally couldn't do it anymore. If the formation was allowed to accumulate strength, he would definitely not be able to bear it.

This principle is very simple. Relying on a special structure, energy can be continuously accumulated. The accumulated energy is much greater than the strongest force that the releaser of this energy can release.

To give the simplest example, an ordinary person can walk up ten floors with his own legs. If he jumps from ten floors downstairs, the gravitational potential energy released is just the same as the process of going upstairs. It is accumulated in the body, and this level of energy is enough to smash a person's flesh and blood into a bloody mess and kill him on the spot.

This also means that we cannot see what kind of power a special energy structure can explode in the process of accumulating energy. Ordinary stairs can do this. It is conceivable how much the Zhuxian Sword Array can do. Know.

The six-tusked white elephant absolutely did not dare to let the energy continue to accumulate, so he took the lead in launching an attack, and his huge body rushed forward. The teeth are replaced with golden light. This is a powerful ability he exchanged in the system. It has an almost invincible general effect.

He wanted to rely on his own power of law to offset the sword energy attacks that were constantly condensing. After the sword energy was offset, they would have no way to continue to accumulate.

However, as soon as he got a little bit of sword energy, he felt like he was facing a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. Even with his current extremely powerful strength, he felt boundless fear coming into his heart. This was just a random sword energy.

There were thousands of sword energy like this in the sword formation, and when he woke up from the fear, there was already an extra wound on his body. It was extremely terrifying for a mortal body to be able to hurt him. To the mortal in front of him, an attack of this level was just released casually. The opponent was already standing at the same position as himself, or even a higher position.

The Six-tusked White Elephant also felt a few dignities. If someone had truly reached his level outside and relied on his own cultivation to improve, it would not be like this. Even if the holy position is compared to the innate demon god, it often appears inside. Parallel imports, but all of them were once brilliant geniuses within their own race. Even if they were placed in the entire prehistoric continent, they were definitely existences with unlimited glory when they became famous.

Such a genius has been through so much, he has experienced killings, he has experienced troughs as well. The separation of relatives and the death of friends. Face a big fear. Naturally, one can have considerable resistance in the face of such powerful murderous intent.

Although the strong men in this world have experienced the same number of killings, their improvement through continuous killings is still too fast. As a result, their hearts were not sufficiently settled, and when facing the boundless murderous intent of the Four Swords of Zhu Xian, they seemed a little stretched.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be in such a mess as he is now, being chased by Jianqi in the sword formation.

Cheng Ying had just activated the sword formation, and its true power had not been revealed yet.

If he exerts it with all his strength, with the Four Swords of Zhu Xian, even a high-level saint can resist for a while. After all, he is already a strong man close to the saint, even if he does not use the acquired spirit that he redeemed. Bao fights his opponent fairly and won't suffer any big losses.

The battle was still going on, and the Six-tusked White Elephant already regretted it at this time. The opponent was much stronger than he imagined, and was not a suitable target for robbery at all.

At this time, he would either be killed by the other party, or he could only find a way to escape, and the witness was full of fog. He clashed in four directions, but found that he could only see four sky pillars, that is, the four The four huge Zhuxian Swords, and once he gets close, a murderous aura that is a hundred times more powerful than the sword energy will sweep towards him.

The aura that made his hair stand on end made him dare not approach it at all. Even if he rushed to the edge of the fog, he could not leave.

The number of swords in the sword array has been increasing, and the space for him to escape has become smaller and smaller. As the number of sword qi increases, the functionality of these sword qi has become stronger and stronger, and gradually Already possessing the ability to move instantly, it becomes more difficult to dodge.

"If you let me leave, we won't mess with the river. Otherwise, I still have some points on hand. If I exchange them for any skills of mutual death or disintegration of demons, you won't feel better." The six-tusked white elephant saw himself. After being defeated, he finally started to threaten.

For a strong man of his level, even if he doesn't have too many points on hand, his number is actually astronomical at the lower level. Although the tricks of mutual destruction exchanged with these points are not the strongest, they are If a strong man like him used it, the power it could exert would be huge, and it would very likely break the sword array and injure the person setting it up.

In his opinion, the opponent can only suppress him by relying on the formation in front of him. The main body's strength is probably not very strong. As long as he can break through the formation, even if the oil enters the lamp and dries up, he can drag the opponent to death together.

Such a threat should be effective, but his threat was ignored by his opponent. The sword energy continued to chase him, as if to drive him away and kill him.

Fear crept into his heart little by little. He had killed countless people, but he never thought that he would be killed. The Six-tusked White Elephant was ready to spend points to redeem the technique of mutual death. This was the only way to let the opponent see him. Only with determination can we find a way to survive.

However, in the middle of the chase, the Four Zhuxian Swords at the fourth level of heaven and earth were suddenly pulled out from the ground. The shock of pulling out the giant swords 100,000 meters high was too great. Even if it is a replica, the power displayed is still earth-shattering.

Six-tusked White Elephant thought that his opponent was finally frightened by him and was about to withdraw his formation, but he did not expect that the blades of Zhu Xian's four swords were all pointed at him. At this moment, he immediately realized that something was wrong, but if he wanted to It was too late to do anything.

The four swords of Zhu Xian flew out fiercely and hit him, and then the huge energy imprisoned him, making him unable to move in place, unable to even perform any actions, and even the system interface could not be summoned.

"Aren't you here to rob? Since you dare to rob, others should also do it, and wake up to being robbed! Your life is still relatively valuable, how much do you plan to pay for it? Although your savings should not be I have so much, but it should add up to a lot. I spent 80% of my savings to deal with you. If you can't compensate me, I will have no choice but to kill you." Cheng Ying's face was full of smiles. Feeling cold.

[To be continued]

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