Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 138: Acquired Spiritual Treasure

The six-tusked white elephant did not expect that he would be blackmailed when he came out to rob. But at this time, he really couldn't beat him, and he couldn't even run away, he was controlled in place. You can't spend the money on hand at all. If you don't listen to the opponent at this time, I'm afraid the opponent will kill you with one breath.

After all, his level is too high. You can imagine how huge the rewards you can get from killing at this level are. And if the person who killed him was a person whose level was only in the single digits, a large number of reward bonuses between levels would make the value of this reward terrifyingly high.

The Six-tusked White Elephant suddenly realized in despair that even if he went bankrupt, he might not be able to buy his own life. This is the disadvantage of having a low level of your opponent. The opponent's level is too low. Killing you will bring you a high additional reward. If you want your opponent to let go of the benefits you give, you must at least have a higher level than killing him. And this is an almost impossible thing for him to do. Even the top experts have deposits, but in order to maintain their status and not be left behind by others, the amount of deposits will not be particularly large.

Seeing the twinkle in the eyes of the six-tusked white elephant, Cheng Ying also guessed what was going on: "So you can't afford enough money to buy your own life? In that case, I will have no choice but to harvest your life. This will at least compensate for my losses, and even if it doesn’t, it should be a lot equivalent to all the money I’ve made these days.”

"Wait a minute, don't kill me!" Six-tusked White Elephant used his last consciousness to hand out this message: "If you kill me, you will also level up crazily, at least to level 100. You don't want to suppress yourself. If you kill me, all your efforts will be wasted."

It must be said that these words still had a certain effect. When Cheng Ying was about to drop the Zhuxian Sword in his hand, it still stopped in mid-air. The power of this one is definitely enough to completely annihilate the opponent.

"That makes some sense, but what about my loss? Even if I don't kill you, I can let my companions kill you. In that case, only my companions will be upgraded, and we will be the same. A lot of points can be obtained.

You always have to pay enough life money. Otherwise, I won't let you leave. "Cheng Ying doesn't mean to be polite at all at this time. The other party is here to kill him. At least he wants to take away all his income these days. And according to his estimation, if he loses, then he will be surrendered. All the income will probably be forcibly made into slaves by him through contracts or other abilities.

So at this time, the persecution started to reverse a little bit. There is no psychological burden.

"I can hand over all my savings, isn't that enough? Do you want anything else? I have nothing else to give you."

It is absolutely impossible for the Six-tusked White Elephant to sign a slavery contract. There is still a difference between him and the real strong men outside. It can be said that he has more backbone and has not been smoothed by reality, but it can also be said that he does not have enough energy. Time, without the belief that even if you fall to the lowest point, you dare to make a comeback.

In short, the strong people in this area have more backbone than the strong people outside. Will be tougher when faced with the threat of death. In the eyes of the strong people outside, this is a sign of being too young, but to themselves, this is their integrity.

Cheng Ying still knows something about this situation. Although he has only been in this world for a short time, as the owner of a trading center, he is still paying attention to events in major regions. Through these historical events, It can be roughly inferred that the mentality of the strong in this world is somewhat different from that outside.

Seeing that it continues to close, the other party may really commit suicide. Cheng Ying thought for a while and then said: "You hand over all your savings and then work for me. In ten years, you can finally accept such a contract. For an existence like you, ten years is just a flick of the finger." .

I need a strong enough existence to sit here to prevent existences like you from coming to trouble me. For me, I just want to save money quietly. As for killing people, I have no interest at all. "

Ten years is not such a long time for the top powerhouses here. Even if the top powerhouses here have not experienced such a long time outside, their life spans are more than ten thousand years. After a brief consideration, I agreed to this request and signed a contract between the two parties. Because there is a system here, the contract is more binding than outside.

If they violate it, they will have no ability to resist in front of the system. After all, all their power comes from the system. The system can give them power, and it can also naturally take away the power from them.

Cheng Ying took stock of the property he gained. Compared with the property he consumed by purchasing the imitations of the Four Swords of Zhu Xian, it was still inferior. It was only about half of the points he consumed. In other words, the amount he had just spent was After a battle, he still lost a lot of points, and the points he finally accumulated were only 60% of the original.

But it is not without its benefits. First of all, I have obtained a powerful thug. I can do business with peace of mind for a long time in the future without worrying about the interruption of other people. On the other hand, after this battle, his reputation was also improved. He was originally the Four Heavenly Kings of the Northern Territory, but now he has become the Five Heavenly Kings. There are five of the Four Heavenly Kings, which is very reasonable.

After becoming famous, more powerful people came to buy level 5. At first, others thought that the weapons dealer's own level was too low. Even if his initial strength was relatively strong, it was still incomparable to the existence in this world that had truly exchanged powerful extraordinary power. But now it seems that they may have thought wrong.

Since this outsider can be so consistent and show such strong strength after exchanging the power of this world, the upper limit of the strength of the weapons he can create may be higher than imagined.

It may even be possible to create acquired spiritual treasures through some special techniques. It is impossible to create innate spiritual treasures. Unless the innate spiritual treasure itself is used as the material, it is of little significance. It is just transferring the origin of one innate spiritual treasure to another, and it is also likely to destroy the function of the innate spiritual treasure itself. This is usually done only in extreme circumstances.

After this war, Cheng Ying, who became famous, really started to try the production of acquired spiritual treasures. Before the emergence of orthodox cultivation, there were almost no systematic, learned, and manufacturing methods for acquired spiritual treasures.

But Chengying built the Tree of Wisdom and collected too much knowledge. Even though he has not been able to summarize the rune system of this world, he has already gained an extremely deep understanding of the origin of this world.

There is no way to sum up the rune system. This thing is related to luck. If it is not the right person, it will be completely incomprehensible even if it is seen. It is controlled by something higher than the way of heaven. You could say he was a scoundrel, but there was nothing he could do about it. After all, even technology could be capped.

Chengying combines different materials according to their properties and the different laws contained in them, constantly adjusting the proportions and methods of combination. Using different templates and using many precious materials, I have really figured out several ways to create acquired spiritual treasures.

Although it is not as powerful as the Four Swords of Zhuxian he redeemed, it is definitely a top-notch magic weapon. In terms of combat effectiveness, it is not even weaker than some innate spiritual treasures.

This thing is like the combination of various tags in the game. The tags that increase attack speed and reduce attack speed may not be particularly strong in themselves, with only a slight increase. Sometimes they will be weakened when facing enemies with strong defenses, but If paired with Ignore Defense, it becomes extremely powerful.

What Chengying is doing now is something similar, gathering together laws that can enhance and complement each other, and then using these laws together. Let them exert a stronger effect. In essence, the power of acquired spiritual treasures is similar.

In Cheng Ying's memory, there is a weapon in this world called the Blood-Transforming Magic Sword, and he also remembers the materials it needs to use. This is a very powerful acquired spiritual treasure, and as long as he can find a way to use this acquired weapon Once the Lingbao is created, it will be able to occupy the position of a very powerful weapon among acquired leaders.

Unlike ordinary magic props, there is no way to mass-produce acquired spiritual treasures. After making one piece, and then making it in the same way, the other piece will not be able to achieve the same high power. It is like the origin of the world. There are only so many in total. If you take an extra piece, what will happen to others? Just one less portion.

As for choosing the Blood-Transforming Divine Sword to build, it was because he knew the materials of this acquired spiritual treasure. After knowing the materials used, he could calculate the method of building it, and the possibilities he had to face were much reduced. In this way Once it comes, the difficulty will be greatly reduced.

The six-tusked white elephant left in no hurry after signing the contract. The contract not only requires him to serve here for ten years, but also requires that both parties shall not harm each other during these ten years. Therefore, this area is the safest area for him. Although he would still have to find a way to protect Cheng Ying if there was any danger, this was also the best way to stay by the other person's side and find out the details of the other person.

However, after staying by his side, watching him constantly mixing and proportioning various materials, and forging and refining various precious materials in an alchemy furnace that looked very sci-fi, I suddenly felt... Incredible. After each material is processed, the breath begins to become more and more powerful. Although these materials are precious, in the final analysis they are only at the level of mortal things. But after such processing again and again, they gradually broke through their level and began to rebel against their innate nature.

This is simply unparalleled. Although there are still one or two acquired spiritual treasures born by chance in this world, the number of these things is simply more precious than the innate spiritual treasures because no one knows how to refine them. , can only be born by chance. Although most of them are still far behind the innate spiritual treasures, their number is much rarer than the innate spiritual treasures.

There are even many strong people who believe that this is an alternative kind of innate spiritual treasure.

And the guy in front of me is actually trying to practice something similar on his own. It is simply unimaginable for people in this era. Even high-level saints do not have this ability. Even if they are innate saints and emperors, the weapons they use are innate spiritual treasures, not refined by themselves. Yes, those were obtained through their adventures.

I want them to refine this kind of thing by their own abilities. Don't even think about it.

So far, it seems that Chengying has made steady progress in the process of practicing calligraphy. He has not encountered too much trouble in the whole process. Coupled with his extremely large amount of knowledge, even if he cannot contact the body of the Book of Wisdom, rely on it. With this part of the knowledge remaining in his body, he initially calculated the full picture of this acquired spiritual treasure bit by bit.

As more precious materials were put in, light gradually emerged. After Cheng Ying took out the new materials, they were spliced ​​into the shape of a blade.

But now all the materials are gray-white. After splicing all the materials together, the structure of a blood-changing magic sword is finally formed. The gray-white blade seems to be missing only the finishing touch, even after signing the contract. Contract, the six-tooth white statue who works here, couldn't help but hold his breath when he saw this scene.

It was as if he was witnessing history. Although the materials used by Cheng Ying in this process are precious, none of them are truly unique and rare. This means that theoretically he can create a blood-transforming magic sword, as well as other acquired weapons. Lingbao, even though it requires a huge amount of resources, is nothing compared to the finished product of the acquired Lingbao.

Chengying holds ink in his hand. It was made from precious materials, and every drop was worth millions of points, almost the entire net worth of an eighty-level boss.

And now, he is using a brush to change various runes on the body of this acquired spiritual treasure. This process cannot be replaced by machinery. It does not mean that mechanical equipment cannot be as accurate as humans. In fact, If you want to be precise, relying on the assistance of equipment is always better than humans. Otherwise, you don't even need a brush and just dip your fingers in ink. Isn't it closer to direct control by the human body?

This process cannot be done mechanically. The most direct reason is to complete this final rule. This rule itself stipulates that it cannot be completed by machines. It is unreasonable, but it cannot be violated.

[To be continued]

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