Before the manufacturing method of acquired spiritual treasures was mastered, this kind of thing was almost as precious as innate spiritual treasures, and the appearance of any one of them could cause a bloody storm. It is definitely enough for countless strong men to fight for.

Even if the Six-tusked White Elephant had known that Cheng Ying had the ability to create acquired spiritual treasures before, he would not have even dared to rob him. After all, if the other party had really created multiple such things, then he could use these acquired spiritual treasures to their full potential. combat effectiveness. It's not much worse than him.

Now that Chengying is strong enough, if he gets the acquired spiritual treasure, he will not be coveted by others.

But if he chooses to sell, that's another matter. I'm afraid countless people will come to please him and want an opportunity to buy privately.

In the final analysis, this is still a world where the jungle prevails, and the degree of predatory nature in this world is even greater than in other worlds.

Because here you only need to kill to become stronger. The stronger the enemy you kill, the stronger you will become. Therefore, it is not that they become harmonious with each other after reaching a high level. It is just that everyone has finally reached this level and their status is more valuable. Most of the time, they will not fight.

But when the opponent is really weak or his own strength has the advantage, he will never let go easily, and he will definitely seize the opportunity to deal a fatal blow to the opponent.

Even if you can't get the points accumulated by the opponent, you can still get a huge reward by killing the opponent, allowing your own strength to break through to a new level.

The current Six-tusked White Elephant is relatively weak among the kings of the Northern Territory, but if he has an acquired spiritual treasure, he can suddenly become the strongest among the four kings of the Northern Territory.

Of course, even so, it is still far behind compared to the other four domains. The Northern Territory is the smallest region in this world, with the smallest number of strong people, and above them, there is also the existence of the Heavenly Palace, where the real top strong people gather.

And they have already begun to think about other issues. He no longer cares so much about the power gained from this world. What they are thinking about is how to bring out the power they have gained in this world. This is not completely impossible. The rules contained in this space are extremely powerful. If you can absorb all this space into your body, you can at least achieve a high-level holy status. If you are lucky, it is also possible to achieve an innate holy status.

But there is no doubt that it is very difficult. The most important point is that all their power comes from the system. This is not their own power. Naturally, they cannot bring it out. Instead, use the system's own power. It is obviously almost impossible to use the power to counter the system, but there are always people who want to try to break through the limitations of this world.

No matter how powerful they are in this world, strong people from the outside world can completely destroy them by destroying the foundation of this world. Even if they can be absorbed by this world, they may become living beings that others can control with a single thought. .

In fact, it is extremely difficult for outsiders to absorb these rule-distorted areas, especially such a famous super field.

The area they are currently in is probably a scene that witnessed the beginning of the creation of the world. Only in this way can various innate spiritual treasures be simulated. Various powerful exchange capabilities. And witnessing the creation of the world is almost one of the greatest opportunities in the universe.

One can imagine how powerful and precious this rule area itself is.

Of course, those are all things for later. The most important thing now is to complete the creation of the acquired spiritual treasure at hand. It has reached the final step and all the runes need to be written on it with a brush. And it must be written by hand. The control of accuracy is very strict, and the written content is also very strictly considered. There are various factors to consider.

While Cheng Ying was drawing the runes, he was also making precise calculations to ensure that the runes he drew would have the best effect and serve as the finishing touch, as its runes continued to be carved. The originally dark ink began to turn into colorful colors. The colors then begin to render onto the weapon it is depicting.

The originally gray-white weapon is like a chameleon, constantly changing its color and rendering itself.

And one of the endless laws seems to be all connected at this moment, like the first piece of domino being pushed. The pieces fit together. It's like Transformers when they transform. Showing unparalleled details.

Thousands of runes between heaven and earth gathered in this direction, converging on the Blood-Transforming Divine Sword and also converging in front of him. Among these endless runes, there is one rune that is the most obvious. His appearance was extremely blurry, and none of the three people present could see him clearly.

Cheng Ying is the person closest to being able to clearly see the appearance of this rune, but it seems that he is still unable to see through it due to some restriction of the power of rules.

The problems encountered at this time may no longer be solved by knowledge, but require the power of laws. In the outside world, he may not be able to forcefully break this seal related to the rules of the world.

But now it is located in a special space area. Using the special rules of this special area, it may be possible to forcibly break through the restrictions of the laws of heaven and realize the true meaning of this rune before certain existences.

Four divine swords flew out from behind him. They were none other than the Four Swords of Zhu Xian. The formation was activated. Although it was just an imitation of the Zhu Xian Sword Array, and the swords used in the formation were also imitations, there was also a gap between Cheng Ying and this rune. There was only the last layer left, the unbroken window paper. With his vast knowledge, he should have already realized that this rune was forced by heaven to suppress his knowledge, which made him unable to have any knowledge of this rune. understood.

But as his knowledge increases and his understanding of the world becomes more and more complete, it becomes increasingly difficult to suppress his understanding of this aspect. Now he can vaguely see the runes clearly. This shows that the suppression of him by the laws of the world has reached the limit. At this time, all that is needed is a final shiver and a last bit of outside intervention.

The four poles of heaven and earth were sealed by four giant swords. In the old city where the shop was opened, all the killers looked to the sky, and the extremely depressing aura made them tremble.

The strong murderous aura seemed to be released from the seal. The four swords merged together in the sky, and then they saw a million-meter giant sword falling from the sky. The smaller it fell, the smaller it became. The power was concentrated on one point, and it hit the illusory and unclear rune in mid-air.

When others saw this rune, they could only feel that it was hazy and illusory. When the terrifying attack just fell, it seemed that they could see it more clearly, but they couldn't tell what it looked like at all.

But for Cheng Ying, he was only a little short of the end. As the powerful power mixed with the rune, the fog that had been unable to see through finally completely dissipated at this moment, allowing him to see the essence of the rune. This was a rune named Zhen. When he saw him In an instant, he fully understood his meaning, and the suppression of Heavenly Dao lost its effect at this moment.

Once this original power is known, there is no way to continue to suppress it. This rune represents all the power of thunder between heaven and earth. Of course, this is only the most superficial meaning. There are also more profound meanings, and it has different meanings when combined with other support runes. It is one of the Bagua runes.

Logically speaking, this Bagua Rune should never be obtained by an outsider like him, but should be obtained by Heaven, or in other words, Hao. He is the destined person. Logically speaking, no one can obtain it except him. This rune is right, but when the intensity of knowledge reaches a certain limit, coupled with the excitement of the final kick and the effect of this world shielding the secrets, it makes this rune appear in this world in advance.

And Cheng Ying seemed to have some enlightenment in the process. He suddenly understood the meaning of this rune. At the same time, he also realized that after he understood this rune, he would follow other Bagua runes. The difficulty of understanding it has been greatly reduced.

It's like the original shielding effect of Heavenly Dao was an egg shell. The perfect mechanical structure made it almost impossible to be broken by the power of this world. But after one of the legs was broken, this perfect structure lost its support and has been If a person who breaks one corner wants to continue to break other positions and completely peel off the egg shell, the difficulty will be greatly reduced.

The remaining seven Bagua runes do not need to be in this shielded place to be able to comprehend.

The hazy and illusory ancient rune appeared between Cheng Ying's eyebrows, and then he drew the rune with a pen. The extremely mysterious path made the two people around him fall into a daze when they saw this scene.

"What is this?" The two of them blushed. They could see the hazy and illusory rune, but they could not see what it contained at all. They only felt that it was related to the most primitive existence of the world. It is valuable knowledge that even the two emperors may not be able to understand.

Among the three major achievements of the world's largest cheating human emperor are establishing the Four Symbols to guard the four poles, understanding the Five Elements to control the universe, and spreading the Eight Diagrams to the world. It is conceivable that if you can understand the Eight Diagrams runes and understand from them What kind of impact will the true cultivation method have on the world? It will be a great merit and it will be enough to change the destiny of mankind.

Cheng Ying seems to have taken this opportunity now. He has taken over the inheritance of the God Emperor and can now be regarded as human orthodoxy. Now he has obtained one of the Bagua runes and seems to have become the promised man.

However, Cheng Ying would definitely not think about relying on the power of fate. The future must always be in his own hands, so he used the brush in his hand to outline the rune and then directly hit the rune on the blood in front of him. Above the divine sword.

Having mastered the Bagua rune means that it can be used freely. In the future, he said that when fighting bosses, everything can be printed with this rune, giving them extra powerful power from the thunder.

This is a great bonus for him to create weapons. In the future, he will also create many weapons and equipment, weapons, and magic weapons. With this rune, the quality of the equipment he creates will reach a higher level.

Including the acquired spiritual treasure in front of me, after being marked with this talisman, it is obviously more powerful than before. The finishing touch is that the blood-red blade is dyed with a layer of blue-purple light. This blue-purple trace Just like the legendary lightning on the blade, it makes the knife appear more powerful and improves the quality of the knife to a higher level.

The Six-tusked White Elephant and Boluo Ge were all dumbfounded at this time, not understanding what was happening in front of them.

"What is the rune you just put on it? I feel that that thing is more precious than this knife."

The relationship between Boluo Ge and Cheng Ying was even closer, so he asked directly if he had any questions. Cheng Ying shook his head and said: "This is one of the Eight Trigrams Runes. I just understood this rune by chance. In addition, there are seven other existences of the same level. As for what you want?" If so, we can only rely on continuous learning. With as much knowledge as I have, I can barely see a trace of his true appearance. The space we are in now has the same effect of shielding extremes. , maybe in that case you can understand this rune through the same method as me.

But it must be difficult. With your current knowledge base, if you want to be able to understand this rune, even if I plan for you what you should learn, I'm afraid it won't be done in a year and a half. , and it also requires a certain amount of luck.

There is only one rune I want to teach now, and it is still too difficult for others to understand. In order for this kind of rune to be understood by people all over the world, at least eight runes must be gathered together to complement each other and confirm each other, so that it can be easily understood. " Regarding this rune, Cheng Ying has no intention of keeping it secret, because even if he makes the rune public, no one can understand it. The amount of knowledge contained in the Tree of Wisdom is beyond the imagination of ordinary people. , it is almost impossible to obtain such a huge amount of knowledge, so under normal circumstances almost no one can understand and use this rune.

Even if he writes this rune on his face and then runs around so that everyone can see the rune written on his face, almost no one will be able to understand it without encountering the situation of the day after tomorrow. The meaning of this thing's existence.

[To be continued]

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