For this rune that is related to the origin of the world, the two powerful men really want to obtain the true meaning of it, but even if it is placed in front of them, they cannot understand that this rune has not yet been born. Relying on some special abilities, the special shielding effect here, and the huge amount of knowledge, it is possible to understand and depict this rune in advance at this time.

Except for those who have met all these conditions, it is impossible for others to understand what he means. If it is put outside, there are still people who can understand it. After all, if it is put outside, people's knowledge It is possible to reach a level that is enough to understand him, but if you put it here, it will definitely not work. The amount of knowledge about life here is not enough. The rules of this world themselves are incomplete. In such a incomplete world, how can we understand the rules and knowledge of the outside world?

It was the situation in front of them that made the two of them just watch here. Polo Ge is a little better. He is a real strong person outside, so he has access to more knowledge and has a longer lifespan, so he can barely see a trace of charm.

The six-tusked white elephant is more miserable. In this small world, although the six-tusked white elephant is stronger, the total amount of my knowledge he uses is actually limited. In this small world, his lifespan is actually shorter. It's not that his lifespan is shorter, but that he lived for a shorter time and became the powerful being he is now. He gains strength through constant killing and becomes stronger faster than normal. You can practice and become stronger faster.

After the usual cultivation strength is enhanced to a certain level, there is no possibility of continuing to become stronger. When most beings reach the third level of cultivation, it is difficult for them to become stronger through ordinary cultivation methods. They must go through the test of life and death, or experience various special enlightenments before they can continue to make breakthroughs. Only those with high enough talents or good brains can rely on cultivation to reach the spiritual level. Even if they reach this level, there is no way to continue to make breakthroughs.

It is said that you can continue to break through by gathering faith, but no one has a specific method. Everyone's method of breakthrough is different, and you must find your own way.

Therefore, it often takes an extremely long time for outsiders to break through, and it also requires an extremely difficult process. The people selected in this process are all heroes of a lifetime, and in this world where killing can make you stronger, although it is equally cruel, but want to There is a practical way to become stronger. As long as you keep killing and gaining points, you can become stronger in real time.

In this process, if you want to achieve the same strength, the time required is undoubtedly shorter, and the knowledge learned in this process will definitely be less. Many things are systematic and direct. Given, these things are said to be mastered, but they are not really his things. Sometimes they need system assistance to operate them.

In terms of knowledge, the Six-tusked White Elephant may not be as knowledgeable as an ordinary demigod from the outside world. When seeing this rune, it is completely impossible to understand anything.

Even if he can't understand it, he still looks at the runes obsessively. Just looking at the runes can gain a lot of understanding. Even in his current state, he has made a breakthrough.

After gaining extraordinary power and breaking through to the legendary level, Six-tusked White Elephant no longer considered improving his strength through his own training. After practicing to the legendary level, he found that his talents and qualifications could no longer be relied on to continue practicing on his own.

No matter how he practiced, there was no improvement unless he gained points through killing, exchanged them through the system, and strengthened himself to make himself stronger.

And after that, it will be even more impossible to continue to become stronger through your own practice. Legend level talent is no longer enough. Not to mention that he is now equivalent to a saint, and the difference in talent is even further. Even if he is a true saint, it is extremely difficult to continuously improve through his own understanding and learning, and it can even be said to be almost impossible. In the history of China, there are almost no breakthroughs from saints to high-level saints through their own cultivation.

They all had this talent originally. After breaking through, they became high-level saints not long after. The Six-tusked White Elephant never expected that he could continue to improve through practice, but before that, he visualized this rune. At this time, he found that his cultivation level was slowly improving. How could this not surprise him?

This rune is related to the origin of the world. Before he was born, there was more magic than after he was born. Originally, only his destined discoverers could use the abilities of these temples, but now he has been If it is discovered in advance, this part of the power can also be used by those who discovered it in advance.

Although the Six-tusked White Elephant has not yet discovered this rune and has not understood it, you can still enjoy this part of the bonus to a certain extent. You can continuously improve your cultivation just by visualizing it. Although The speed of improvement is not fast, but at his level, any improvement is worth being happy about.

The two people who were obsessed with the runes in front of them had obviously forgotten that their real purpose here was to create the acquired spiritual treasure. In their eyes, the acquired spiritual treasure seemed to be no more precious than the thing in front of them.

However, the person who actually obtained this rune did not forget the purpose of coming here. After making the magic weapon, he returned to his shop and continued to operate.

This acquired spiritual treasure is placed in his shop. Cheng Ying wants more people to see the Houtian Lingbao displayed in his store, and also let more people understand the strength of his store.

Almost everyone who came to his store couldn't help but take a breath of cool air after seeing such a new product in the store, so that the temperature in the store rose a lot.

This is really surprising. If it is redeemed in the system, the cup of Lingbao the day after tomorrow must be sold. Things that can be redeemed in the system cannot be sold at a higher price in reality. . There are only two possibilities for him to list it for sale here. One possibility is that he killed the owner of the acquired spiritual treasure and snatched it away, and then he didn't want to use it. So I chose this thing for sale.

Another possibility is that he built this thing himself, and the cost of using it is much lower than buying it in the system, and such a person may be even more harmful to others. If it is true, then the strength represented by the store in front of them will be much stronger than they imagined.

Chengying hung this acquired spiritual treasure in the shop for more than a month. So much so that the entire Northern Territory knew the news, including the nearest Central Territory.

Everyone is waiting for the sale of this weapon. Although you can almost buy some with points here, the points themselves are also very precious. In the system, the points required for the top innate spiritual treasures are astronomical. Even if They, who are already hundreds of levels strong, can only stay away when faced with such astronomical prices.

The thing in front of you is listed for sale at a price that is definitely lower than the price sold in the system. If you can grab it, you will definitely make a profit. However, Chengying has been keeping everyone interested and has never put this thing up for sale.

It wasn't until the news had spread to most of the world that he threw the thing into the system's mall. Anyone participating in the sand race can use the system to sell and auction items.

This is also a relatively useful function of the system. Cheng Ying does not plan to go to the site to organize an auction in person. That will only cause chaos. When all the powerful people gather together for an auction, the most likely possibility is to fight. After all, now Without a truly strong man standing up to establish order, the entire world is still in chaos, and killings may occur at any time.

If there is an auction, then everyone present is a very precious point in the eyes of others. If you can join forces with others to kill each other and share the rewards, that would be perfect.

So this act of bringing people together is absolutely impossible. Unless one party has almost absolute strength to suppress the other party, try not to gather more than two people together.

After Cheng Ying held the auction, people started bidding immediately, and people lined up for the lowest price almost instantly. The lowest price is almost exclusively found in shopping malls. One percent of the same type of product, and as long as it can be sold at this price, then Chengying will make a profit. You can imagine how much lower the cost is to create the Houtian Lingbao yourself than to directly purchase the finished product?

When he bought imitations of the Four Swords of Zhu Xian before, he spent 80% of the points he had accumulated before. As an acquired spiritual treasure, the price of the Blood Transforming Divine Sword is similar to that of the imitations of the Four Swords of Zhu Xian, slightly lower. , but also because of this huge wealth.

If you can buy it at an ultra-low price of 1%, it will be a huge profit. However, there is no such good thing. After someone sets the lowest price, someone will immediately increase the price.

The price keeps rising amid the mad rush. What’s interesting is that those participating in the auction are not just the top experts, but also some characters whom they have never met or recognized at all.

Some have a certain level of strength, and like Cheng Ying, choose to use relatively legal means such as business to make money, and establish a set of order. Lots of points.

There are also some people who are old bastards. They have super genius treasures that they like, and they have been accumulating points to redeem them. Therefore, although they do not seem to have a high level or strong combat power, the points they possess are very high. Many, and they often hide it from others and don't let others know how many points they have.

Usually, they exchange for some makeover skills. After transferring some points in one place, they change their appearance and go to other places to transfer some. Some of them are more cautious and even disguise themselves as having only dozens of levels. Harvest those guys who are also only a few dozen levels. This is a very low return for those elderly people who are already very powerful. But it is also the safest method, after pretending to be a low-level strong man.

The possibility of being targeted and attacked by strong men of the same level or even stronger is greatly reduced. Those who are targeting them are also some miscellaneous fish that they can easily deal with. When their identity becomes a little bit difficult to disguise, they will immediately change themselves. The appearance and ID can be directly viewed by the opponent, change to another area.

Although the five domains in southeast, northwest, and northwest sound very small. But in fact, each one is extremely vast. If you just count the area, the area will not be much smaller than the ancient continent. It is just because of the specialness of this space that everything coexists with reality and falsehood. It does not need to occupy much space in the outside world, and it does not have a large volume.

These special beings rely on their own incomparable methods and rely on the seemingly despicable method of killing newcomers. Accumulate a lot of wealth. Just be prepared to wait until you redeem the props you want and soar into the sky.

It's just that these people are all jumping out now, because although the props they want are precious, no matter how high the price-performance ratio is, they cannot be higher than the acquired spiritual treasure in front of them.

This is one percent of the original price. Even if the price continues to increase, it only needs to be less than half of the original price. The price/performance ratio is quite high.

After countless life and death tests, the remaining strong men will never use their points casually, and each one will be careful in their use. No, those were eliminated because they did not have an advantage in their own level.

At the auction, people are constantly raising the price. So far, the price-performance ratio of this acquired spiritual treasure is very high. Even if it is not the type you want, it is definitely worth the money when you buy it back. You can even sell it to others at a higher price. People, so everyone is bidding almost like crazy.

However, as the price gradually increased, the bidding speed also began to slow down. After all, the price has gradually reached one-third of the original price. On the one hand, many people can no longer afford so many points. On the other hand, the original price One-third of the original price is not that exaggerated compared to the original crazy cost-effectiveness of only 1% of the original price.

Seeing that the price growth slowed down slightly, Cheng Ying was not in a hurry, but adjusted the display interface of the weapon he created in the system. The rune on the weapon's gauntlet was displayed in the auction house. Suddenly everyone saw the incomparable magic, which made people feel profound when they saw it.

[To be continued]

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