Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 141 Beyond the Original Price

After no other runes appeared, everyone at the auction site was shocked, although everyone was not concentrated in one auction site. But everyone is paying attention to the auction. They all widened their eyes and observed the rune carefully.

It's just that the observation window provided by the system is limited, and they can only observe the rune from a single angle, which is the angle where the weapon is placed.

From this perspective alone, it is impossible to understand anything from this rune. In fact, many runes in nature look like this. It takes repeated pondering, close contact, and even inscription on one's own body to fully understand its meaning.

Just trying to do that is obviously very difficult. This makes the ability to understand and master some cherished runes a racial talent-like existence.

The rune in front of him was more mysterious and profound than any rune anyone present had ever seen. The power contained in it is probably equally extraordinary, which also makes some people who originally didn't have much desire to compete start to continue negotiating prices.

After reaching one-third of the original price, the price started again and continued to soar. This rune alone may mean an extremely high price.

If the meaning contained in this rune can be fully understood, the value it brings may be even higher than the value of this acquired spiritual treasure itself. This is also an important reason why everyone has chosen to raise their psychological expectations without hesitation, and some people are even ready to give a higher price than the original price.

"I'm just showing you the existence of this rune. Don't bid blindly. Although the weapon I made has one more rune than the original, this rune is too profound. Most people cannot understand it at all.

Even if it seems very mysterious to you and you think it’s understandable if you take it back, don’t have too much confidence. At least the strong men around me fail to understand its meaning, and it is very likely that it will be useless if you take it back.

The point was made. If you still choose to buy it and don't understand anything from the runes, don't blame me.

I can only say that I have already comprehended this rune, so I can imprint it on it. This at least proves that it can be comprehended by others in theory, but not everyone has that ability, so do what you can. "Cheng Ying also gave a warning at this time, which felt a bit like lust.

This warning did make some people retreat. It has no impact on those who really want to buy. They continue to increase prices, even at higher prices than the original price. At this time, what everyone is auctioning is no longer the weapon, but the rune on the weapon.

The six-tusked white elephant couldn't help but shake his head when he saw this scene. They had been reminded, but they continued to bid without caring. They were too confident in their abilities. If they could really understand it, how could they continue to be trapped in this world and at their current level?

This rune is something that should never exist in this world. Before that, the two of them had been in close contact with this rune, and even learned it under Cheng Ying's step-by-step guidance. content and understand it.

However, even so, they couldn't understand the runes at all. They just felt that the runes that originally seemed mysterious could have a little more meaning and became more mysterious.

It is still a long way from being able to truly understand and use it. Under such conditions, they cannot learn it, let alone explore it by themselves. I am afraid it will take tens of thousands of years to understand it.

It's just that those who continued the auction didn't know this. When they saw someone successfully comprehending and explaining the understanding and then carving the runes, they thought that they were also the proud ones of heaven and could also come to this space, and Being the top strong person in this space is no worse than others.

Although the owner of the weapon shop is a genius and has a strong production capacity of extraordinary equipment, he is also very powerful and can control his factory. But after all, he is not the strongest person in this world, with the power he shows now. A strong person in the holy position is qualified to say that he is nothing more than this.

At least it can be said that his own strength is nothing more than this. After all, the powerful combat power he showed before was also obtained by redeeming acquired spiritual treasures. Treasures of this level are rare in this universe. Even if they can be redeemed, they are still not enough. Very few people can afford that big price. Since their body has not shown strong enough power, in their opinion, their ability to comprehend special runes is not particularly strong. Since he can do it, even If it is copied, other people participating in the auction will think that they can do the same.

So almost all the bidders in this auction raised their prices as if they had lost their minds. The price gradually increased and even approached the original price.

And even after exceeding the original price, the price continues to rise. But after reaching this price, the ratio is no longer very high. Even if you get a rune for extra losses, the price will not be much higher than the original price.

Cheng Ying had already guessed this, so he was not discouraged. There is more than one opportunity to cheat money like this. Even those who have suffered a loss will not publicize their losses. Publicizing that they have suffered a loss in such an environment where the jungle prevails will only make them a target for others. Only by making others mistakenly believe that they have truly understood something can it have a deterrent effect. Otherwise, if you buy a powerful item, you will become a coveted target for others.

And as mentioned before, even if it is successfully auctioned, it will not be much higher than the original price. Even if someone is really cheated, they will only think that their understanding ability is not enough. He even tried hard to understand it for quite some time. Before Cheng Ying personally took action and taught him step by step, whether it was Boluo Ge or Six-tusked White Elephant, they all felt that they could understand this rune.

They have all tried to understand bit by bit by relying on their own strength. If there is no step-by-step guidance, let them understand how far they are from understanding this thing. They may insist on visualizing this rune for hundreds or thousands of years, but in the end there will be no results.

The same is probably true for those who have purchased this acquired spiritual treasure. Because even if you cannot visualize the true content of this rune, you can slowly improve your cultivation by constantly comprehending and understanding it. Although this kind of improvement is extremely slow, it is not even as fast as killing new people and increasing the points. Some people still think this is a sign of progress. Sooner or later, one day I can rely on this accumulation of time to completely figure out the true meaning of this rune.

The price continues to rise and has reached the original price of this item, which is almost the limit of the increase. After all, not everyone needs this one. The acquired Lingbao. The bidding was so fierce before. The main reason is because it is lower than the original price. If you buy it, you will make a profit. If it exceeds the original price, you will be buying it without any runes. The value is already losing money. Unless you really want this acquired spiritual treasure. If you happen to get this rune, you can get some extra money, but this possibility is very slim.

There were only a few people with so much savings, and if they wanted this acquired spiritual treasure, they would have already bought it.

From this point, it can be deduced that those who can pay more than the original price are actually those who do not really need this acquired spiritual treasure.

During this process, not many people participated in the auction process. There may only be three or five people in total, and they were all anonymous. This is also normal. If some famous strong men suddenly become stronger, they can deceive some people. If this group of people thinks that they are stronger than the opponent and challenges them, they are likely to be instantly killed by their opponents whose strength suddenly increases.

An acquired spiritual treasure is enough to have such a strengthening effect. This is why all auctioneers have chosen to remain anonymous. In everyone's eyes, the real value of this thing is much higher than the original price. Being able to buy it here is definitely a big bargain. The person who buys it may not necessarily need this acquired spiritual treasure. And people who need this thing may not have enough savings to auction it.

Maybe they will choose to rob, but there is no absolute link between strength and deposits. If a stronger person does not have enough savings, it is probably because he has spent his savings and converted them into his own strength. There are also people who spend whatever they earn. Even if they have strong cultivation, they don’t have particularly large savings.

At this time, it is obviously much more cost-effective to rob than to auction. If his identity was exposed at this time, the excitement would be great.

In the end, someone whose identity was not exposed auctioned this item, and the price was one and two times the original price. It was also included in Cheng Ying's estimate. At least the part of the money spent to exchange for the Four Swords of the Immortal was given to Changed back. After this experience, he will produce the acquired spiritual treasures in the future. It will also be sought after by more people.

The name of this unprecedented auction was also announced, and the news that a weapons store appeared in this world gradually leaked out. Although this world is not as big as the real prehistoric continent, it is at most equivalent to the size of a relatively civilized area on the prehistoric continent. But that's quite a vast range. The powerful people living here are all waiting for the next auction.

And what about Chengying? He is not in a hurry to make the next acquired spiritual treasure. Instead, he began to analyze the rune he understood. The choice of the next acquired spiritual treasure is very important. Being able to condense this rune this time has a certain relationship with the properties of the acquired spiritual treasure itself. Only then can we understand it. Same thing.

There are eight runes in total to collect the Bagua runes. If you want a gift, you need to choose the attributes corresponding to the next rune in the process of creating the next acquired spiritual treasure.

Lan Nuo is also selecting the ones whose corresponding properties are more obvious. The most clear one is the Heaven-turning Seal, which is also an acquired spiritual treasure. Its strength is no worse than the Blood-Transforming Divine Sword, and the talisman it corresponds to has attributes related to the earth. Wen should be Kun.

However, whether you can condense corruption depends on luck and whether you have enough knowledge. The amount of knowledge required for each rune may also be different. Cheng Ying then calculated what part of the knowledge other runes might require by studying the one he had analyzed, although it was difficult to continue learning here. But many things can be calculated through extrapolation.

Cheng Ying made long calculations before making the real attempt. After all, there is such a thing as receiving insurance the day after tomorrow. Only one can exist at the same time. If the creation is not successful this time, I am afraid that the acquired spiritual treasure will be destroyed and re-created next time. Understanding the runes that may exist in them will waste a huge amount of resources and time, and most people will not have the energy to do so.

Considering the possible costs, Cheng Ying began to establish a logical connection between the 00 scattered runes he had obtained and the only Bagua rune he had obtained so far.

There is a relationship between these runes. Almost all runes can be derived from the Bagua runes, and it is natural to find out which runes have traces of the shock in his hand.

This is like a puzzle. After finding the shape of one puzzle piece, you can predict the shape of other puzzle pieces to a certain extent. At least you can predict the shape of adjacent puzzle pieces at the position where they contact each other. This is just a metaphor. But it’s not much different from the current situation.

By having already obtained this rune, you can have a certain understanding of the remaining runes. Some advanced runes are actually composed of Bagua runes connected to each other, and the connections between each other will inevitably affect each other. Where they are interconnected, these things that are still incomprehensible can be inferred to a certain extent from the parts that can already be understood.

When he was writing and summarizing these things, a rune appeared vaguely in front of him. It just flashed and disappeared quickly. This also shows that the creation of acquired leaders is not a necessary condition, as long as the gift of runes reaches a certain level and breaks through the restrictions of the Great Law. Li Wenshang has a certain possibility to bypass the restrictions of the destined person to understand the runes.

And it seems that this kind of thing can only be done most smoothly in a place like this that can shield the secrets of heaven.

As one rune after another dimly flickered in front of him, Cheng Ying gained some confidence at first and prepared to build the next acquired spiritual treasure.

[To be continued]

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