Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 142 The Origin of Rules and Authority

After having the experience of hitting it for the first time, when I made the Houtian Lingbao for the second time, I knew that a special laboratory was used to create it. In the corresponding laboratory, there are special equipment to process the runes. ,

After the initial understanding of runes, some runes about earthquakes were also understood. And they are now densely carved on the machine. This thing looks a bit like a movable type printing device, which can be arranged into different combinations by constantly adjusting the order of the runes.

And the size of the device is huge. But the area where it really works is very small. It is used to process existence at the atomic level. So far, Chengying can use special combinations of runes to keep atoms in the physical state of the macro world. Let him carve it like an existence in the macroscopic world.

Then some runes were built into the atom through these carvings, and a smart atom was obtained.

And this smart atom is just a tiny part of the device in front of us. The really critical parts are all made up of these smart atoms. They arranged themselves into carving knives, carving the runes on the Houtian Lingbao to be produced next.

The materials that can be used to make such things are also very different from the materials in nature. They are even not composed of atoms at all. Matter in the normal world cannot be infinitely subdivided until it is subdivided to a certain level. Their basic composition will appear after the size.

But some things, especially the precious materials used to create acquired spiritual treasures, can be subdivided almost infinitely, or the basic units that make up them are much smaller than atoms. Even now Chengying can't see how big the basic units that make up them are?

And this kind of thing can be engraved with runes that are much smaller than atoms. Even if it is only the size of a fingernail, the number of runes contained on it may reach a level that can be calculated using scientific and technical methods.

That's more than ten raised to the twenty-third power, and that's just the basics. This number is already unimaginable by ordinary people. Even if a person can become extremely small, so small that it can be carved by conventional means, it will take almost endless time to carve such a large number of runes. Even if 10,000 runes can be carved in one day, there is no telling how many thousands of years it would take to carve the runes on any part of the One-Click Houtian Lingbao.

Previously, too many precious materials were consumed to create the Blood-Transforming Divine Sword, and relatively traditional methods were used. However, Cheng Ying's mastery of knowledge was too deep, so he allowed the innate runes on those precious materials to be produced. The effect is quite good, and I leave my own traces on other required materials through rubbings and other forms, and then form the effect I want through arrangement and combination.

However, this will undoubtedly have a considerable impact on the function of the acquired Lingbao. The functions will be different depending on the materials, and the functions cannot be customized according to your own needs. There will always be those that go to waste.

And if all the runes can be done by yourself, then you can make them whatever you want. Although his current understanding of runes is not enough, and he has not mastered all the Bagua formations, and has only mastered one of the ten-minute Bagua formations, it is enough to do many things with the runes he wrote.

But this process must not be purely manual, otherwise, it would be endless. Hence this smart atom. By constructing a carving knife, they can combine atoms and combine them into a knife tip, and then use the combined atomic nuclei to carve their own runes on this material that can be almost infinitely subdivided.

In fact, this is a very high-end and very practical technology. If they are allowed to complete the carving of runes, they will find that a relatively low-end material will become a priceless top treasure after such processing. During this process, no new material is added to its interior. Just changing the rune structure inside it can increase the value of the original material millions of times.

This is also an important reason why Cheng Ying spent so much effort to build such a machine. In the future, whether he sells high-grade materials or acquired Lingbao, this machine can bring him almost endless benefits.

With the precious materials, the runes on the surface began to be reintegrated and re-engraved. The materials that originally looked a bit broken gradually became overflowing with aura, and the power of laws contained in the runes began to bloom, and the inside of the material was transformed. Transform it to make it more powerful.

The engraving speed through smart atoms is many times faster than manual engraving. The engraving speed per second must be calculated using scientific and technical methods, which is at least close to the order of magnitude of ten to the twentieth power. of.

Even if it is possible to process a part at such a fast speed, it would probably take a day, and this is already an amazing speed.

Polo Ge has become more or less accustomed to the existence in front of him, possessing all kinds of abnormal abilities. In comparison, both his knowledge and his ability to accept Cheng Ying were much worse. When the Six-tusked White Elephant saw this scene, he almost doubted whether he was the incarnation of the way of heaven.

To be able to multiply the value contained in the original materials millions of times is simply a rebellion against nature.

Holding a piece of finished material, Six-tusked White Elephant looked up and down in disbelief. No matter how you look at it, this piece of material should be an innate thing, just like a fragment of an innate spiritual treasure. Only through careful observation and deep observation at the microscopic level can we vaguely discover that this is an acquired thing, not a fragment of an innate spiritual treasure.

Chengying snatched his parts from the six-tusked white elephant's hand, and struck the six-tusked white elephant on the head with a knife.

"Don't touch my things, they are very dangerous."

"Is there any danger? Even if it is true, what threat can the acquired spiritual treasure pose to an existence of my level?" The six-tusked white elephant is still a little inconsistent. He is still very confident in his own strength, especially against that talisman. After Wen realized it, he reached a small level. Compared to the time when he was almost beaten to death, he has become much stronger.

"If you are not afraid of death, just give it a try. I added what I learned from the previous twisted space to this part, and constructed a twisted space in the form of runes. These twisted spaces are mutually exclusive. They will be connected with each other to complete the operation of Houtian Lingbao, and allow him to pull the enemy into these twisted spaces when using it.

If you come into contact with this thing rashly, you are likely to be dragged into it. As for how high the strength of the rules in the twisted space is, I don't know myself, but judging from the aura of the fragments of the innate spiritual treasure that this thing almost showed, the absolute degree of the twisted rules in it is probably quite high. Based on your current understanding of the rules, if you are sucked in by this thing, it will definitely be quite miserable. "

In the real world, he may not be able to do this. After all, the rules of the outside world are actually much more stable than those inside. It is almost impossible for him to use runes to forge the rules of the world and overwrite the original rules. At least he needs to be exposed to power at the authority level in order to influence this level to a certain extent.

Even if they reach the holy level, they are still strong and weak, which is determined by the different abilities they master. First of all, the most basic abilities mastered by strong men at this level are rules and unlimited energy.

Becoming a strong person at the holy level is equivalent to signing a contract with Heaven. They can directly use almost all the energy in the world, and have heaven and earth as the source of energy to provide them with energy for use.

Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to say that they have infinite energy, but their own ability to receive and output energy is limited, so even if they have infinite energy, they cannot exert it infinitely.

In addition to this, another basic ability is the mastery of rules, that is, the various physical rules and extraordinary rules of nature. However, the degree of mastery of these rules varies from person to person, just like in the mortal world. Among them, most people can obtain extraordinary power through various means if they want to. Even those beings who are destined to not have extraordinary talents can also obtain it through some protection.

But to what extent this ability can be cultivated is another matter. The same is true for the power of rules. The saint is born with the ability to master the rules, but the application of the rules and the degree of mastery of the ability of the rules all depend on oneself. Training depends on each individual's talent.

Mastering these two items is not only the most basic existence in this level. If you want to reach a higher level, you must master more powerful power, that is, authority.

In fact, compared to rules, authority is not particularly different, except that it has higher authority and can affect a wider range. In essence, it is also a rule, but this rule will become your exclusive rule. If you master the power of fire, then all the flames in the heavens and the world can be controlled by you. Others control the rules of the flame. If it touches your full handle, it will be suppressed immediately and will also be controlled by you.

This is like permissions. The rules can only modify data, which is equivalent to hackers secretly doing things, or dynamic social groups in society who have a certain amount of force and can decide some things in the jurisdictions where they are located.

The authority is roughly equivalent to that of the mayor. Everything in this entire area is under his control, including active social groups, who must also be obedient when they encounter him.

But after all, the two are still almost at the same level. It's just that the same rule can be mastered by everyone, but the same full handle can almost only be mastered by one person at the same time, or at most several people at the same time. If you take away his authority, you can only make your authority stronger by killing the person who has the same authority as you and devouring that part of the other person's authority.

And if you continue to improve, it will be a qualitative change, that is the origin.

This level is almost the highest level of power in the prehistoric world. The origin is not the origin of a certain person, but the origin of the world. The previous powers are at most equivalent to employees in the company. They still need to rely on their own strength to work for the company. To get rewards.

And mastering the origin is equivalent to becoming a shareholder of the company. You are part of this world. It does not mean that you are part of the world, but that you are the world, including time and space, including rules and full screen, including part of everything.

Although the origins contained in the innate spiritual treasures including the innate demon god are insignificant compared to the entire world. But it's still part of the world. If you take it out, this world can still exist. In contrast, things like authority and rules are nothing if they are separated from this world. Only the person can continue to exist after he leaves this world. In theory, he can even use his origin to build a small world outside the world. It's just that the origin that can be obtained is too weak compared to the entire world. Even if you build a small world, it is extremely fragile.

The Six-tusked White Elephant is only at the level of mastering the rules, and there is still a huge distance between it and the entire screen, let alone its origin.

Innate spiritual treasures have their own origin, which cannot be imitated by anyone. There are only so many origins, and they cannot be manufactured. Because the world is so big, as an existence within the world, it is impossible to say that something is created from within the world to make the world bigger.

Unless the share of the world is cut off by some means, the artificial origin can be obtained through some opportunistic means, but almost no one can do this kind of thing. If someone can really do it, this world will have long ago The source was continuously extracted until it collapsed.

What Chengying is trying to do now is to achieve an effect similar to authority through the interconnection and accumulation of a large number of rules and powers, but it does not seem to be very successful so far.

He decomposed the Heaven-turning Seal into more than a thousand tiny parts, and in the process of putting them together, there was indeed a feeling of complementing each other. The more they were combined, the stronger the momentum they displayed. When they were only about half-way through, they It has already shown the momentum of the acquired spirit treasure.

However, no matter how hard it was assembled later, even if the aura already looked a bit like an innate spiritual treasure, the internal laws still failed to connect to form a self-circulating system that could be transformed into authority.

[To be continued]

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