Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 144 Holy Level Magical Weapon

If he really lets it go, Boluo Ge can't go up and test it. He is just a clone in this space, and the strength he can exert is also limited. The only one who can exert the strength of the holy level is the six-tusked white elephant, and His performance in this space is very stable. As long as he continues to use the skills given to him by the system and starts attacking the enemy without thinking, he can exert his full strength.

Because various abilities are given by the system, they have nothing to do with your own training. They are all about full proficiency. The combat effectiveness that can be exerted during the battle has little to do with one's on-the-spot performance, and can be regarded as a stable benchmark.

"Even if there is no one to cooperate with you, can this thing of yours exert the same level of power as us? Are you kidding? Even if I have never been outside, this thing will not be so powerful.

You know how difficult it is to break through to our level, so even if we can use the system, we have to go through countless killings and countless screenings. Only a few beings like us can be born among hundreds of millions of people.

You just created an acquired spiritual treasure and you want to defeat me. Are you kidding me? "The Six-tusked White Elephant decisively accepted the challenge and was prepared to teach this acquired spiritual treasure a good lesson.

"In that case, let's find a place without people." Cheng Ying opened a space door, and the two parties came to a wilderness. Although the size of this competition space is very exaggerated, even smaller than half of the prehistoric continent. But the population here is actually not too large. Even if people from an abnormal space come here, there will be a large number of NPC-like beings here, and the rules here dictate that the population will not be particularly large.

Even the rules here make it almost impossible to form a decent city and kill anyone to improve your experience. In that case, even if each other's strength is similar, there is no way to live together. Who knows whether the other party will suddenly launch a sneak attack at night while he is sleeping and transform himself into the other party's experience?

In this case, it will be almost difficult for cities to appear. The number of people is also constantly being killed and is maintained at a very low level. Therefore, there are many wilderness areas with mineral personnel in this space. It is not accurate to say that there are no people at all in such a place. More or less There are still a few people.

Some people who don't like fighting will hide in these wilderness, because the population is sparse and the natural resources are actually relatively abundant. Apart from the system and killing upgrades, other rules in this space are relatively stable. I think It is relatively easy to live with this knot, live the life of an ordinary person for hundreds of years, and then die quietly. As long as you are not unlucky and meet a strong person, like now, you will have nothing to do. If you go to fight in this wilderness, it won't be a big problem.

Basically, about 80% of this kind of people can survive until their normal death. As for what will happen to them after they die in this world, no one knows. There was no reincarnation in the prehistoric continent at this time. It is said that reincarnation is a special system created later by powerful people who used the reincarnation disk.

If there is no such experience, after death, the true soul will be swallowed by the universe.

The rules of this world are different from other worlds. The entire prehistoric universe is actually raising intelligent creatures. The formation spirits of intelligent creatures are their intelligent personalities, which are very precious things to the universe. If there is no reincarnation, these intelligent personalities will be swallowed by the universe after they die. , transformed into a part of the universe.

This is one of the important reasons why the universe created intelligent creatures. Although the universe itself does not have its own consciousness, any existence has the instinct to continuously become stronger. The same is true for the universe. Only by constantly devouring intelligent creatures can the huge personality after death be It can make the universe continue to grow.

Therefore, some people believe that if you die normally in this world, you will eventually be no different from the outside, and your personality will be absorbed and assimilated by the universe. As for those created in the abnormal space, they will be like NPCs in the game. Where their intelligent personality comes from is an unsolved mystery that no one knows.

After crossing several times, the group came to a deserted area.

They didn't want to be disturbed while fighting, so they came to more desolate and remote areas. Those who lived in seclusion in the deep mountains and old forests were not necessarily weak beings. There were some powerful beings who, after being tired of killing, will be hidden in these places. If the battle accidentally affects them, it is likely to lead them out to participate in the battle, which will defeat the purpose of the test.

As long as you look for some relatively desolate and barren areas, where frequent fighting is less likely to affect other people, in such areas, even if you live in seclusion, you have to pay a considerable price to live well here. For example, in a desert with a diameter of millions of kilometers, even light takes several seconds to travel in this kind of place. In the desert, there is not even a single plant. You can live in seclusion in such an area. What's the point?

This is what the group of people came to, a desert in a desert with almost no life, including plants, animals and even microorganisms.

Legend has it that this desert was left behind after a powerful battle. Now it is a restricted area of ​​life. Because of the chaotic law power generated by the battle, no natural ecological cycle can be born in this restricted area of ​​life. So far, no profession has been born. system.

Fortunately, the degree of chaotic rules is not too high, at least it can be ignored for experts of their level.

"Right here, release that heaven-shaking seal you just created." The six-tusked white elephant transformed into a human form, folding his arms and looking confident.

Cheng Ying directly threw the Heaven-turning Seal, and then flew into the sky with Boluo Ge. They were preparing to observe the battle from high altitude.

Just like the prehistoric continent, this space is also a vast continent, and the height of the sky is also endless. As long as you keep flying upward, you can conduct battle observations in a relatively safe position that will not disturb the battle. .

"To be honest, it is actually more advantageous for you to place the battlefield in such an extremely barren place." Cheng Ying transmitted his voice from a long distance: "The acquired spiritual treasure I created has a powerful intelligent program built into it. , has the ability of self-production. If there are minerals, animals and plants around, it can collect organic matter and minerals to create its own army and create a body more suitable for itself.

In the current environment where there is only sand, the room for its operation will be much smaller, but it can still be achieved if it wants to exert a strength equivalent to that of a saint. You are ready to begin. "

After he finished speaking, he saw the Heaven-shaking Seal moving, but this time it did not turn into a human form, but penetrated deep into the sand like running water. According to his detection, this area was not completely deserted. Water and a small amount of metal minerals can be found deep underground, but these minerals are beaten into the form of slag, as if they were ground into powder and then mixed with sand.

In fact, it can be inferred that the reason for this phenomenon is that there is a high probability that a strong person fought here before, and the aftermath of the battle affected this place. After the powerful force was released from the position where the two were fighting, it will The surrounding environment was completely crushed into powder.

The minerals that were originally here were crushed, mixed in the desert, and turned into desert sand.

After millions of years of operation, relatively heavier metal minerals precipitated in the sand, gradually moving downwards. But this kind of precipitation is too slow, the density of the sand itself is not too low, and the geological activities here are not intensive. Therefore, even if these metal minerals precipitate downward, the amount of sand in them is still very high. Conventional It is almost impossible to refine this barren mineral with such means.

Not only because they are mixed with a lot of sand, but also because they are a mixture of various minerals.

Conventional methods are used to smelt various minerals, and the cost required to break down each type is very huge, and the input is likely to be more than the output.

What is needed is extremely advanced technology to be able to break down the minerals and utilize them, but this is not difficult for Houtian Lingbao.

With the help of the powerful law power contained in the acquired spiritual treasure itself. Metals can be differentiated and analyzed through the power of laws, and different metals can be decomposed from them. Then assemble the required equipment.

This process must be much faster than expected. The Skyshaft Seal turned into a uniform metal and quickly penetrated into the underground. When it reappeared, it had turned into a liquid metal robot, which had already absorbed a large amount of metal underground. What the metal becomes afterward.

Many of them are quite precious metals. Because during the battle, the entire earth's materials were crushed into slag, and those precious existences were mixed with these ordinary minerals. Even if the content is very small, it can be decomposed after a large amount of extraction. Some.

The Six-tusked White Elephant did not take action immediately, but gave the opponent a certain amount of time to prepare. As he had explained before, he needed to wait until the acquired spiritual treasure had developed and been absorbed to a certain extent. Only after enough external matter has been constructed to form a sequence can the strength be shown to confront the holy throne.

"Let's get started, I want to see what you are capable of." The six-tusked white elephant just took a step forward, and time and space fell into a standstill, and the world seemed to turn gray.

This is also the most powerful basic ability that a strong person of this level can display, the control of time and space. Although in front of a truly strong person, this control ability is extremely fragile, such as facing the time and space dragon Ai. When Oriya, this kind of time stops, as long as the other party talks, the fingers can be broken, but for the strong people below this level, this restraint is almost absolute.

When time stands still, the opponent's thinking is still, so how can he resist?

However, just when the six-tusked white elephant walked up to the silver metal man and wanted to smash the opponent with his palm to declare his victory, the moment his palm fell, he found that his opponent was suddenly able to move. Although he was almost unlimited by him, The energy bombing sent his body flying in all directions, but he absorbed part of the power of the law in the process, allowing him to move in this absolutely forbidden space.

At the same time, a powerful counter-shock force was transmitted from the ground. At this time, the Six-tusked White Elephant noticed that what he hit was not the opponent's body. Most of the opponent's body was located underground. This part of the surface was just a display. It came out to show him, and the underground part was almost perfectly hidden under the surface because of the Kun character on this guy. Where there is land, its ability can be exerted beyond its limits.

Conventional hiding methods cannot be hidden in front of the six-tusked white elephant. But this kind of hiding under the ground cannot be detected by him.

Fortunately, the power he exerted just now was only as great as the power he exerted. After receiving such a degree of shock, the Six-tusked White Elephant only stiffened for a moment and then recovered, but his opponent had quickly moved away from him, and The entire body sank into the ground.

Under the earth, it can also tell movement, but the six-tusked white elephant's detection ability becomes extremely vague.

Only when the distance between each other is relatively close, the exact position can be sensed. This alone is enough to start a battle between this guy and the Holy Throne.

If a strong saint wants to kill the enemy, he must at least know the existence of the enemy. As for those curse-type abilities, although it is possible to strike without knowing the enemy's location, under the shield of the earth, the power of the curse will also be greatly suppressed. Big nerf.

The six-tusked white elephant launched a curse attack based on the opponent's aura, which indeed produced a certain effect. There was a violent explosion underground, which was the effect of the curse. It was extremely powerful. Explosive materials were produced, and earthquakes were even more severe. It was replaced by a pillar of light rising into the sky.

However, the Heaven-turning Seal itself has strong defensive capabilities. Although this attack caused huge damage, it was still far from destroying it. In the process, the Six-tusked White Elephant clearly felt the impact of his attack. Part of the power of the law was absorbed by the opponent, and then a burst of white light appeared on his body, followed by a violent explosion, which occurred directly at the location where the white light appeared. Huge energy was released, although it was smaller than Liu Ya Bai Xiang, the explosion supported by almost unlimited energy was much worse, but it also exploded a huge crater in the desert.

[To be continued]

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