Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 145 Dutian Divine Thunder

This guy has something, can he actually learn my abilities? The Six-tusked White Elephant has already realized the special ability displayed by the acquired spiritual treasure he is facing.

After your attack falls on the opponent, the opponent can temporarily gain his own abilities by absorbing the power of the law. This is also the previous time and space confinement. The moment it hits him, it causes him to absorb the crack and become able to move again.

"In this case, my next skill must be enough to kill him instantly, otherwise if I use it, it will strengthen it. In this case, the battle situation will become increasingly unfavorable to me."

Only then did Liutus Baixiang realize that the combination of various abilities of the Houtian Lingbao in front of him was very beautiful.

For example, his method of constantly absorbing the opponent's ability by being attacked, used on ordinary strong people, is no different from seeking death. It is like the game in that joke, you punch me, I I'll also punch you and see who falls.

Then I'll beat you first, so that I beat you to death and I don't have to be beaten.

If an ordinary strong person uses this skill, the effect will be similar to this joke. If someone punches you, you can absorb his ability and then fight back. Then wouldn't it be over if someone punches you to death?

But this set of Heaven-turning Seal makes up for this weakness by relying on its own strong defense. The Heaven-turning Seal, an acquired spiritual treasure, itself has a very strong defensive power. His body is also engraved with Kun characters that match his own attributes. He can use the power of the earth to further enhance his defensive power. If he does not leave the ground, His defense will be incredibly strong.

It is difficult for most attacks to kill him instantly with one blow. In addition, another point is that living things have their own weaknesses, and the acquired spirit treasure is just a weapon. Although it cannot be said that it has no weaknesses, The number of weaknesses is definitely less than that of intelligent life. For example, mental attacks have almost no effect on the Heaven-turning Seal. With powerful attacks, it is more difficult to kill him than to kill intelligent creatures of the same strength.

The intelligent creatures of life and death will blow his head off and disable his thinking mechanism, but what about killing the Heaven-turning Seal? It's completely meaningless for you to blow up the head of the humanoid it transformed, because they are not weaknesses. He can grow another one anytime and anywhere, and even if it doesn't grow, it won't affect the battle.

The Six-tusked White Elephant thought about this in an instant, prepared for a quick battle, entered his strongest state, and launched the strongest attack. Even if the opponent can absorb the power of the law and feed back his own attacks, he will still be subject to certain limitations. The biggest limitation is the limitation of energy.

"Although this guy is very strong and his defense is almost impossible to kill instantly, he also has his own flaw, which is the source of energy. For a being like me, the source of energy is provided by heaven. It is endless and there is no need to worry about consumption. Every attack can be output at my maximum endurance limit. As long as I can bear it, the upper limit of the output is almost unlimited.

But this product is not good. Although it is an acquired spiritual treasure that can store an extremely huge amount of energy inside, it can also absorb the energy between heaven and earth for its own use through various means. With clever means and its own strength, it can be used in four or two directions. Qianjin can mobilize the power of nature, but the upper limit of the output power is still far behind me.

Therefore, even if I kill with one hit, it is best to use an attack with huge energy. In this way, even if his counterattack is very powerful, the damage caused to me will be limited because of insufficient energy. "

The Six-Tusk White Elephant can be considered experienced in many battles. In this world, the knowledge he has gained may be limited, but his combat experience is not much worse than that of strong men of the same level outside.

After all, they are all killed bit by bit, and they really rely on their own strong strength to improve their levels. In an instant, he found his most suitable attack method and transformed into his own body, that is, a giant elephant with six huge teeth and a height of 10,000 meters. Just standing there is even more majestic than the mountain peak.

It was like a pillar reaching the sky appeared above the desert. Generally, if someone stood at his feet and looked at his thick thighs, he might really think that they were pillars supporting the sky. Pillar.

In this form, he can best display his combat effectiveness and gather the strongest power. At the tips of his six teeth, six colors of light balls emerge, namely black, white, yellow, cyan, and blue. , red, represents the power of the six elements, and after the six powers are gathered in the form of a hexagram, they turn into a huge ball of light, and the volume is still expanding, just like a vitality bomb.

As the huge light ball slowly fell, the ground was crushed into pieces. The six-tusked white elephant was prepared before the battle began, and after his own attack, the ground was crushed into pieces. The effect of the opponent's help from the earth disappears. This method of changing the terrain can be said to be very handy when used.

This is indeed an effective way to fight against this type of player. In the extraordinary world, unusually powerful forces can often be exerted with the help of some special terrain. And sometimes it is even easier to destroy these terrains than to directly confront the opponent.

This is the situation right in front of us. With their strength, destroying the earth is not a difficult task. In comparison, it is much more difficult to damage the Heaven-turning Seal under the protection of the earth.

The colored liquid metal man that the Heaven-turning Seal turned into also discovered the opponent's intention. While the huge light ball crushed the force into pieces, there were also continuous sand flying from all directions to the bottom of the light ball, which was evaporated layer by layer or replenished layer by layer, slowing down the speed of the earth's destruction.

At the same time, the Heaven-turning Seal was also traveling at high speed in the earth, avoiding the attack.

His speed in the earth can exceed the speed of light. At this speed, although the light ball is not slow, it is not easy to catch up with him under the premise of the earth's resistance.

However, for a strong man of this level, the mastery of spatial ability is like instinct. The movement of the earth exposed the position of the Heaven-turning Seal, and after the position was locked, the attack can be said to be able to arrive in an instant.

At the moment of the attack, the light ball suddenly split into two, the front one blasted out, penetrated a space gate and appeared directly in front of Fantian Yin. The light ball suddenly exploded, releasing huge energy and a big bag appeared on the ground.

A mountain range rose up within a radius of 100 miles, and then a hole was broken above the mountain range. The light column that shot up into the sky sprayed from the hole into the sky, just like a planetary engine that changed to a concentrated spray mode.

Then it was seen that Fantian Ye restored his original state, and the Kun rune was engraved at the position of his seal. In this state, his defense was the strongest, and he was almost invincible in the earth. Not to mention the attack of this level, even if it was a high-level saint, it would be almost impossible to destroy him in this state.

However, the real target of the explosion just now was not Fantian Yin, but the earth around him.

At the same time as the explosion, a huge space was blown out underground, and in this huge space, runes were formed one by one, turning into a spherical seal, sealing the surrounding earth so that they would not collapse. The diameter of this underground space was dozens of kilometers, and inside this hollow sphere of dozens of kilometers, the earth and the Heaven-turning Seal lost contact.

The light ball that split into two not long ago, at this time there was still another one left that had not attacked. At this moment, it also disappeared from the original place and appeared directly on the face of the Heaven-turning Seal.

A violent explosion sounded in this underground space. This time, the Heaven-turning Seal had no way to contact the earth. Even if he used his spatial ability in the first time and wanted to move to the land, he was also strongly blocked by the space and did not succeed.

A violent explosion. The ground was torn apart again. The earth, which had already cracked into countless pieces, was torn apart again this time. And this time, the light pillars that shot up into the sky became hundreds and thousands, and the earth could not block the explosion of energy, and began to bloom in all directions.

As for the Heaven-Flipping Seal inside, a large number of cracks appeared on it, and it was almost broken. But just before it was about to break, the Kun Rune was activated again, and at the same time, another rune carved on its surface was activated, which was the Zhen Rune before. There was a mysterious connection between the two, and together with it, a large number of runes deduced by Chengying through the Zhen Rune were also guided out.

These runes gathered together and turned into the last barrier, resisting a large number of attacks, and also absorbing the power of the six element laws in the attack. After absorbing this part of the power, the energy of the attack can also be absorbed by it.

The surface full of cracks is repairing rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The six-toothed white elephant knew the principle of pursuing victory. He moved to this underground space through space. The first thing he did was not to launch an attack, but to cast a seal to seal the collapsed underground space again. He must not let the Heaven-Flipping Seal touch the earth, otherwise, with his strong defense on the earth, it would be almost impossible to destroy it.

After the seal was completed, he turned into a human form and punched it hard.

His body was too big, and the Heaven-Flipping Seal was too small. If he used his original form to launch a physical attack, the huge size difference between the two would waste most of his attack power.

Amidst the loud bang, the attack hit, but it was not completely broken as he imagined. The last layer of runes was much tougher than he imagined, and it was constantly expanding. New runes evolved under the fusion of these two runes, and a layer of extremely tough defense was formed to resist his attack.

This layer of defense seemed to be composed of countless tiny runes that were invisible to the naked eye. The number presented in front of him might be hundreds of millions. Such a terrible, order-of-magnitude defense composed of runes was so great that even his attack was difficult to break directly, especially since he had just teleported to attack and launched it in a hurry, which was much worse than the previous deliberate attack.

While resisting this attack, the Zhen rune flashed violently. Zhen usually represents the amount of thunder. As this force was released, strong purple thunder bloomed from the surface of the Heaven-Flipping Seal.

And just this thunder, blooming a breath, makes the six-tusked white elephant. I was so frightened that my soul almost came out. The power contained in this thing was by no means simple. It even had a hint of the Great Dao, which was the power to open up and destroy the world.

Although it is definitely not the real kind of thunder, even if it contains a trace of charm, the power it can unleash should not be something they can use at their current level.

That was the most powerful kind of thunder in the prehistoric continent. Dutian Divine Thunder, according to legend, this kind of thunder will only appear when the heaven and earth are opened and destroyed. When it first appeared, it was the creation of the world, and when it appeared again, it was the end of the universe.

It is conceivable what kind of terrifying power this is. It is theoretically possible to summon this kind of thunder by shaking characters. However, at least it must be the top innate spiritual treasure to have the slightest chance of being engraved on the acquired spiritual treasure. Above, it can summon at most a trace of charm, and it is only an extremely weak trace.

The purple thunder blasted out like a water column. Although it didn't look very powerful, the power it unleashed almost made the Six-tusked White Elephant feel that its soul was about to be destroyed. The alliance dodged, but was still wiped. Half of his body disappeared.

Moreover, the damage caused by the power of this law is difficult to repair by relying on its own powerful self-healing ability. If the body of a strong person at their level is damaged, it can be repaired as before in just a moment. But the body just injured by the thunder showed no signs of healing in a short period of time.

The six-tusked white elephant knew that he must have fallen into a trap. Where does the opponent not have his own powerful attack? It is clear that this type of attack can only be used in close combat, and has many restrictions. It was because of the flaws that it had been selling before, making itself think that the opponent could only release powerful attacks by absorbing its own power, and that it had no attack ability.

But it's obviously too late to know this now. Even the powerful attack just now was unable to be used in a short period of time. When half of his body was beaten for the second time, his combat effectiveness was greatly reduced, and he would not be able to benefit from the Heaven-turning Seal.

[To be continued]

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