Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 146 Heaven’s Punishment Qing Lei

Half of the six-tusked white elephant's body was wiped out by the terrifying thunder, and this half of its body would not be able to grow back in a short time. But after all, he has reached the top level of this level. Faced with this desperate situation, he was not discouraged, but came up with a solution immediately.

The first is the time and space blockade. He has discovered that his opponent's use of time and space still relies on the power of laws borrowed from him. In this case, the space blockade can still have an effect on him. As time goes by, the power of the borrowed law will continue to fade.

Just like when he uses time and space blockade now, the range of struggle and movement that the Heaven-turning Seal can make becomes smaller and smaller. Unless he touches himself and absorbs the power of the law through this contact process, otherwise , there will be less and less things that can be done.

However, after using the space blockade, he discovered that the Heaven-turning Seal had already had a way to deal with this kind of attack. In fact, the last time he was almost broken, it was not because he could not resist. But it's acting.

As long as he is in contact with the earth, the impact of the space blockade on him will be greatly weakened, even without the help of the law. He can still retain a considerable degree of mobility, and as long as he is not beaten in war, with his defensive power, it is difficult for anyone to do anything to him on the earth.

Once an attack is received, a certain amount of law power will be absorbed by the basic ability of a strong man of this level. In this way, he will have the ability to resist this space blockade.

Of course, this is when both sides are in a state of combat. If the opponent wants to escape wholeheartedly, his movement speed will be affected to a considerable extent after being blocked by space. When the movement speed is greatly reduced, it will be greatly difficult to catch up with the opponent and launch an attack. .

Cheng Ying did not show an anxious expression while watching the battle. Although the injuries on the Six-tusked White Elephant were constantly being repaired, the damage done to him by the power of the law could also be offset by the power of the law. Although the blow just now was powerful, it was absolutely impossible for him to repair his injuries.

"If it's only to this level, then he will definitely lose. I have figured out his ability. Although he still hides a powerful attack power, as long as I don't attack him, he will be under my space blockade. There are much less things he can do. In the process, he cannot launch any attacks on me, and I can take this opportunity to prepare for his powerful attack immediately. You should understand.

At our level, there will more or less be some super attacks that require a long enough time to accumulate strength before bursting out with full power. As long as I use this type of attack, the normal battle will be over. "

The six-tusked white elephant is really confident this time. After the opponent absorbed the power of his law before, he thought that the opponent's absorption was continuous, and that after completing one absorption, he could remain in this state.

But now it seems that is not the case. The absorbed power of law will continue to weaken its effect over time. When the time reaches a certain level, the effect will even disappear, even if the Heaven-turning Seal hides a certain amount of strength. Without space ability, under the blockage of time and space, the power he can display is much smaller. His strength will be greatly reduced. This kind of weakening is much greater than the other hidden parts of the strength. It is almost no longer able to threaten the Six-tusked White Elephant, which gives him enough time to prepare an attack that can destroy this acquired spiritual treasure.

"That's it. I admit that he has an ability that is close to ours, but after all, it is still a little bit behind. If there are more people, maybe he can compete. But it is not enough if he is alone." This is already quite a bit. A high evaluation. After all, there has never been a level in history that is inferior to the Holy One and can make up for the quality gap with quantity.

Under normal circumstances, no matter how many there are of beings who have not reached the holy level, they cannot make up for the quality gap between them.

Cheng Ying shook his head: "Why not continue? You haven't won yet, how do you know you will win?"

"If you continue, the acquired spirit treasure you finally created will be destroyed. Are you really willing to let it go? This thing has a continuous value. Even if it is only useful here, it will be useless if you take it out. It can also be sold for a terrifying price, which may be much higher than the one you sold before. After all, you have two such runes on it.

If it's ruined by me, you'll have to pay for it. My current worth cannot afford to pay for such a precious thing. " Luya Baixiang seemed to have seen Cheng Ying's conspiracy.

"It doesn't matter. Even if you try your best, you won't have to pay for it if it gets damaged or broken. Do you think it really takes a lot of energy for me to create such an acquired spiritual treasure? Before You have also seen the process of my creation. If you give me the same materials, I can completely create another one.

And do you think the material is very troublesome for me? They can buy it directly in the system, and although the price they buy is very high, it is actually nothing compared to the price of the finished product.

Just let it go. After you smash it, the position of the acquired spiritual treasure will be vacant again. I can build it all over again, exactly as I did the last time. There are still some unsatisfactory parts. If you can smash it, I can just repair these unsatisfactory parts. "

The Six-tusked White Elephant thought about the process of building the leader the day after tomorrow, and had to admit it. The pervert in front of him didn't need to expend any energy to create the acquired spirit treasure at all. He could successfully build it casually, and he could afford to pay for the resources consumed even if he was allowed to accompany him.

"Okay! Then don't blame me for being ruthless. The next attack will directly destroy your creation." The Six-tusked White Elephant began to build his own attack. His attack was also a formation, which was obtained from the system. Exchanged. But he hasn't used it for a long time.

This was when he was still weak and used a formation that could amplify his attack power hundreds of times. It's just that the strategy is very troublesome to build, but once it's built, you can even complete the level-skipping challenge. And it may even be possible to fight across two realms. Under extreme circumstances, one's own power can be amplified ten thousand times. Indeed, in the early stage, it is possible to fight across two great realms.

When he was still weak, he had borrowed this trick to kill enemies who were a level higher than him through ambushes and other means, and he had used it many times in succession. Only then did he complete his original accumulation, and after earning his first pot of gold, he exchanged it for powerful abilities. This kind of formation took a long time to arrange in battle. Therefore, it is actually a very dangerous way of fighting. Once the arrangement is interrupted or the energy is consumed and you are unable to take care of the battlefield, you are likely to be seriously injured or even killed by your opponent.

Therefore, although this formation is powerful, he can hardly use it, especially after he becomes stronger, he can use gentler and safer methods. After becoming stronger, he will no longer use such thrilling methods. But this method is undoubtedly the most suitable at the moment.

A red halo appeared on the ground, and complex runes emerged on the halo, appearing one by one on the halo, enhancing the power of the formation.

When Cheng Ying saw the red ring emerging, his eyes lit up. Even he had never thought of this method of application of runes. It can be considered very subtle. It is likely that, like the Bagua runes, it is something that only destined beings can understand. Even in the prehistoric continent, this kind of formation may not have been born yet.

It's just that its level of mystery is far worse than that of the Bagua runes, so it can be directly redeemed in the system. Maybe the six-tusked white elephant didn't notice. Maybe only he can redeem this formation because he has certain characteristics that only he can redeem.

No matter what, now that it is displayed, Cheng Ying can directly refer to the contents of the formation.

During the construction of political law, Fan Tianyin fell into a time pause, although he could break through the limitations of this time pause to a certain extent with the help of the power of the earth. But its own movement speed in space has been reduced to an outrageous level, and even destroying this magic circle has become extremely difficult.

If this continues and this Fa Zheng construct takes shape, the Six-tusked White Elephant may really have enough power to kill him instantly. After all, in this state, it will be difficult for him to construct such a powerful weapon in the earth. Defense, relying on the defense power of the body and the blessing of simple runes, may not be enough to withstand the attack.

However, so much knowledge has been recorded inside him. If he is completely helpless when facing this situation, then all the knowledge injected into him will be wasted.

Seeing that it was in a passive situation, a large number of runes were released from the body of the Heaven-turning Seal. These runes were built into it. After being released, these runes quickly turned into an equally complex formation. Law.

"You are too confident in your power of time and space. The holy throne can indeed control the power of time and space, and it is like instinct. But if you don't develop this instinct and make it more controllable, A more powerful force will also gradually fall behind.

Still haven't figured out what happened? The power of time and space itself is not exclusive to you, but can be obtained by everyone through learning.

Have you forgotten that teleportation is a common ability in almost the entire prehistoric continent? Compared with the power of time, the power of space is not so mysterious, so it is studied by a large number of magicians and extraordinary people. It has been widely used. Although the power of time can rarely be applied, powerful extraordinary beings will more or less master this power.

It's just that there is a huge gap between the level of power they possess and your instincts. Subconsciously, you think that these powerful people who are not at your level cannot have the same power of time and space as you.

This is obviously wrong. If you think that you can rely on such means to completely crush the first person below your level, then you are a little too naive.

Through the power of magic and the amount of knowledge, the power of time and space can also be applied, and the effect they achieve by applying the power of time and space through this method may not be worse than yours, don't believe me Just take a look. "

As the words fell, a large number of runes had been formed into formations. Contained in the formation are the laws of time and space. As the formation operates, the blockade of time and space begins to be revealed, turning into chains emerging in the mid-air.

And these chains drawn by giant lines can be attacked. As the Heaven-turning Seal burst out with powerful extraordinary power, the chains that bound him broke one after another, and even part of the chains were pulled by him towards Liu Yabai. The elephant was thrown in the direction of the elephant.

The six-tusked white elephant did not realize what happened. He was locked and hit before he had time to dodge. Immediately afterwards, I felt that I was imprisoned by the power of time and space.

The application of this power has become their instinct, even if he has not exercised his instinct too much. Despite the explosion of energy in his body, he quickly broke free from this restraint. But the same Heaven-turning Seal is not suppressed by this comfort. It was already attacking him. And the light of thunder flashed on his body again.

After the last experience, the six-tusked white elephant did not dare to despise this kind of light, and dealt with it carefully this time. The light emerging from his body was no longer purple or cyan. Although it is not as scary as the last purple thunder, this time the cyan thunder is equally excellent and has an extraordinary texture.

Even if you don't know what this kind of thunder represents, you can feel the strange power contained in it just by looking at it.

And as the green thunder continued to gather and exploded suddenly, eye-like patterns appeared in the sky where the thunder was torn, making the thunder become even more weird and terrifying.

The red formation of the Six-tusked White Elephant has not been completed. Seeing the powerful attack coming, he can only temporarily activate the formation to temporarily increase his power. But after this use, the formation was useless, and all the efforts he put in behind it were all in vain.

The green thunder fell, and this time it was the Heavenly Punishment Blue Thunder, another kind of terrifying thunder that only existed in myths.

[To be continued]

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