Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 148: Spend money

The ability of this acquired spiritual treasure to fight independently has a very high attraction rate. It attracted too many people who suppressed their own level but had a lot of money. The swarm of these people caused the price of this acquired spiritual treasure to increase faster than the previous blood-transforming magic sword. many. In the blink of an eye, it has increased to more than double the last transaction price.

This thing is a priceless thing that is not available in the system, and the ability to fight independently is much more cost-effective for the weak and strong than improving one's own strength. In addition, there are two blessings of runes.

But when the price has arrived, this is basically the end. Most people will not save that much money. If they want to make money at one time, they can only make this much at most. Cheng Ying is a little disappointed with this. Compared with the value of the previous day-after-acquired insurance, this one is obviously more than twice as high. But he did not take the price he deserved.

It can only be said that the transaction price has exceeded the upper limit that most people can afford. This price can already buy some less expensive innate spiritual treasures. There are even some challenges among the innate spiritual treasures. If it weren't for this, the acquired spiritual treasure was really more powerful than the innate spiritual treasure, so how could anyone choose him?

After this harvest, Cheng Ying's pockets became bulging again, but he was still far from his goal. If he wanted to redeem the Haotian Mirror here, he would need at least ten times his current assets.

After all, this is one of the most expensive innate spiritual treasures. You are very lucky to be able to exchange it for ten times your assets.

Cheng Ying continues his journey of making the acquired treasure. Because we have learned from the past. He did not spend so much effort on the acquired spiritual treasures that were later created. Anyway, the user's potential is limited. If he makes the performance of Houtian Lingbao too high, he will not be able to sell it at a high price in the end.

This also made the buyers in subsequent auctions feel very sad. If they had gritted their teeth and paid a little more in the last auction, would they have gotten a big advantage?

Some people are worried that Chengying will become more and more expensive, so they choose to take advantage of this moment to snap up. Fortunately, subsequent developments have told them that the price in front of them is basically a stable transaction price, and will be given later the day after tomorrow. Lingbao is basically stable at this price.

The only thing that made Cheng Ying a little dissatisfied was the acquired spiritual treasures he created. It did not allow him to comprehend new runes. Now it seems that the acquired spiritual treasure is not the key. The key lies in the accumulation and breakthrough of his own knowledge. He must make an acquired spiritual treasure that is difficult even for him. Only by constantly discovering and solving problems in the process can he break through the limits of his own knowledge. Thereby realizing new runes.

Compared with making an acquired spiritual treasure that is almost certain to succeed, it is much more difficult. After Cheng Ying hesitated for a while, he decided to build himself an acquired spiritual treasure now.

As for him, he has only comprehended two runes now. The number of runes comprehended is still too few. There is no way to make the acquired spiritual treasure created for oneself exert its strongest effect. This is actually nothing to worry about. The acquired spiritual treasure you create for yourself may not be just one.

What’s the point of making a few more? Even if this one occupies a position. The big deal is back to recasting later.

The materials needed to create acquired spiritual treasures. They can all be exchanged directly in the system, which means that there is no hidden danger of these materials being out of print. Even if some are more expensive, is he still short of money?

Ever since, this round of building has officially begun. As an acquired spiritual treasure created for oneself. He naturally used up enough materials and exhausted what he had learned throughout his life.

It will be regarded as an extremely precious material in the ancient continent. Rehearsing again and again, refining again and again, this process is just like kneading noodles. The surface of these materials is fully carved with runes that are smaller than the nanometer level, even at the atomic nucleus level, and then the material is folded up. The original surface is folded inside. Then another round of carving is carried out, and this step is repeated continuously, so that the runes are accumulated inside the material layer by layer, after hundreds, thousands or even tens of thousands of such folds.

The extremely precious material itself already contains innate spiritual light, and the power of law contained in it is almost overflowing.

The quality of the materials alone has been improved by an unknown amount, and almost every material used in the subsequent construction has to go through similar steps, even if it does not have the ductility of metal. A large number of runes must also be carved on the inside through other means, so that the entire material is filled with the aura of the runes. Let it contain the power of huge and complex laws.

These upgraded materials alone cannot be purchased in the system. If you want to buy these materials in the system, the price you pay is even comparable to buying an innate spiritual treasure.

And the performance of some of the materials is no weaker than the innate spiritual treasure.

When we started building this time, there was a lot of noise. , even if he chose a barren desert, the spiritual light rising into the sky still allowed people tens of thousands of miles around to clearly see that the spiritual light almost reached the top of the world. The colorful light is constantly swaying, sometimes transforming into different colors.

During the creation process, various different combinations of runes were used. As well as the mechanical team and the knowledge of various kinds of knowledge that involve the limits of science in this world.

In this process, every part of this acquired spiritual treasure is transformed. All have undergone sufficiently precise design control. Even any atomic-sized part among them can be freely and independently controlled.

Cheng Ying still chose his favorite form when creating it. That is, it is in the shape of sand.

How does it look? Sand is actually finer than the nanometer level. The smallest particles are smaller than atoms, and when combined with each other, they can transform into almost anything.

The issue of deformation needs to be taken into consideration because such a small component can change into almost any shape and any equipment. This is what he is pursuing. It will be more convenient to upgrade in the future, as long as it is embedded into other acquired spiritual treasures with similar performance. You can combine the two pieces into one.

Chengying is right, this kind of need is huge. Things that can only be processed by the industrial system. Naturally, more massive industrial power is used for processing. Countless nanomachines began to replicate themselves, turning the entire desert into a sea of ​​nanomachines.

And these nanomachines cooperate with each other. Tens of thousands of nanomachines process a grain of sand smaller than an atom.

And each grain of sand contains countless runes and several extremely precious materials. There are tens of thousands of types of sand. Each other is responsible for different functions. It can shoulder almost all functions by itself.

The complexity of the control methods involved has exceeded the imagination of the existence of this world. The complex information contained in a random grain of sand in this acquired spiritual treasure. It is already comparable to what a top-notch magic item can do.

It is conceivable that even if no precious materials are used, just achieving this is enough to make him an extremely powerful acquired spiritual treasure, not to mention that the materials he uses are absolutely useless. Saved.

As long as the materials can be found, the best ones are chosen. Even because the performance of some materials does not meet the standards, it is necessary to use quite extreme methods to upgrade the materials.

It is impossible to create an innate spiritual treasure blue through acquired techniques. After all, the innate spiritual treasure contains the origin and a part of the entire universe. The acquired existence, no matter how much it is created, cannot create an extra part of the universe's authority out of thin air.

But in terms of strength when used, acquired spiritual treasures can really surpass innate spiritual treasures and can theoretically be comparable to the top innate spiritual treasures.

Of course, that is a situation that only exists in theory. Historically, there has never been an acquired spiritual treasure of this intensity.

If Cheng Ying wants to get such a powerful acquired spiritual treasure, he only has one chance in front of him. Only this shielded space can collect so many precious materials, although the price of these materials exchanged in the system does not seem to be particularly high.

But that is compared with other items in the system. In this world where killing can make you stronger, precious materials themselves are much easier to obtain than outside. Even the top-level innate spiritual treasures You can buy them all, let alone. These are precious materials. If we collect these materials in reality, who knows how long it will take.

It is even possible that you will not be able to find them all in your lifetime, after all, some things may be completely out of print.

This time, the processing of the acquired Lingbao lasted a long time, because this time the acquired Lingbao had too many components. If you want to describe how much sand it is made of, you must use scientific notation, and it would take several years to make it through conventional technical means.

When the finished product is manufactured, the number of runes contained in it will reach the terrifying order of magnitude of ten to the fiftieth power. You must know that in reality, the order of magnitude difference between most items in daily life is only ten. to the twenty-third power. Compared with the huge gap in front of us, the gap between atoms and real objects is nothing.

To process runes of this magnitude, even with atomic-level processing equipment, it would take countless hours. In order to be able to see the finished product of the acquired spiritual treasure he designed in his lifetime, Cheng Ying started an unprecedented plot. Time Formation.

An ordinary formation capable of accelerating and decelerating time. Usually this acceleration and deceleration are not exceeded ten times. A formation that can achieve ten times acceleration and deceleration is already a very good formation.

If you want to accelerate and decelerate to more than a hundred times, that is the level of the holy level. At the thousand-fold level, even if you are a holy level, you must start to study time to a certain extent.

Of course, if you consume some special and precious resources, you can actually greatly increase the time tactics and acceleration rate. In theory, it is possible for the holy throne to accelerate 100 million times.

But what Cheng Ying is doing now is countless times more exaggerated than this. He wants to accelerate time to the twentieth power of ten. In this way, he can process a huge number of atomic-level micro machines in a limited time. Within, he successfully created the acquired spiritual treasure he needed.

This is something that cannot be achieved with the power of technology alone and requires consuming some precious resources that are rarely used in the ancient continent. Fortunately, these precious resources can be infinitely exchanged in the system, even if they are extremely expensive, they can be used in The investment in your own acquired spiritual treasure is also worthwhile.

A large amount of ore containing the power of time was sent into the reactor of the time acceleration formation like a coal mine, and then the entire desert fell into a haze. That is the picture of being caught in the acceleration of time.

There was no vicissitudes of life as imagined, no movement of mountains, rivers, vegetation, or prosperity over time. When the formation was activated, everything inside became a blur, as if there was a big fire inside. Fog, general chaos.

This is because when time accelerates to a certain extent, even if the sand dunes take tens of thousands of years to move, it only takes a moment in the eyes of outside observers, while in millions of years, the sand dunes move countless times. times, but in a million years, all this only happened in an instant. So what can be seen from the outside is the afterimage caused by the movement of all the objects inside. There are objects that have moved countless times in every area.

Then everything turned into chaos, everything turned into mist. The speed of movement is so fast that to the outside world it looks like it is still at the same time.

The entire interior of the barrier is like a bucket of settling water. It's just that a photo was taken during the precipitation process, and then the photo was permanently frozen at the moment the photo was taken.

Boluo Ge looked at the piles of treasures that contained the power of time, and couldn't help but feel a toothache. When he made the Houtian Lingbao before, he thought he had spent enough money on it, but now he saw him giving it to himself. Only when I got Lingbao the day after tomorrow did I realize that the previous ones were just fooling people, and now this one can be called a real investment.

It is hard to imagine how powerful this thing is after it is created. The fiftieth power of ten runes can already be said to contain all kinds of things, and can evolve a world within itself, and in this evolved In this world, people living in it cannot even see that they are living in a world evolved by others. It is as if they are trapped in this special space.

[To be continued]

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