Chengying held his breath and concentrated on controlling time and accelerating the formation. In the time acceleration formation, his acceleration rate is too high. So that tens of millions of years may have passed inside the formation in the blink of an eye, and during these tens of millions of years, no equipment can be undamaged.

Even he has improved the reliability of the equipment to an incredible level. When faced with this passage of time, damage will also occur. And from the outside world, various damages occur rapidly almost every second.

Constant adjustments must be made externally. Repair internally damaged machinery. And it’s almost ten minutes per cycle. All need to be stopped once for an overhaul.

And every time it stops, the space enveloped by the formation has changed. Every time you stop, the scene will be completely different from the last time, just like one completely different world after another.

Sometimes there may even be quite serious accidents, so you must keep a close eye on this formation. If a serious accident occurs, leading to a law riot or some other damage, it is very likely that all efforts will be wasted.

Cheng Ying spent a lot of money on this acquired spiritual treasure that he built for himself. If all previous efforts were wasted because of this, even he would feel very painful for the losses caused.

Therefore, he stared with all his concentration, not daring to relax his mind for a moment. That is, in such a state. Success allowed him to perform beyond his level, eliminating the danger that could lead to wasting all his previous efforts time and time again.

In such a state, he could almost predict the future by concentrating his concentration. A malfunction can be predicted millions of years ago and adjustments can be made in advance. In fact, without this ability to almost predict the future, Cheng Ying would not be able to prevent accidents time and time again. The acceleration rate of his formation is so fast that in the blink of an eye, it may take tens of millions of years. It’s already past.

Even if his reaction is almost on the Planck time scale, it is often too late to respond. It is necessary to predict the possible location of the failure in advance, and then solve the hidden dangers of the failure in advance.

This is already a quite exaggerated ability. If he creates a world by himself, and knows the rules of the operation of every atom in this world. Then he can be almost omniscient and omnipotent and predict everything that will happen in the future of the universe.

This already has some innate holy status, or even the power of a higher level existence.

Of course, this just means that the form of his power is somewhat similar. In terms of size, compared to an existence of that level, it is not even a drop in the ocean.

From high-level saints upwards, strong men are divided into different levels. At the same time, they are also trying to use themselves to replace the universe and become the strongest strong man.

The strongest person that can be born in this universe is the ultimate. Of course, there are many names for these strong people at various levels. Some people will call this level of powerful people the inner universe, and some people will call this level of powerful people saints. After all, these names are just the same title.

The most vivid name is still the inner universe, which is to give birth to a universe within one's body. After mastering enough source power, one becomes a part of the universe. People can carve out a universe within their body. The outside universe is almost the same as the universe.

Such beings can already survive outside this universe, and if they are strong enough, they may even be able to travel to other multiverses to obtain the origin there.

This is actually one of the major crises faced by the prehistoric world. They are actually a relatively weak one among many multiverses. Maybe they are not the weak ones themselves. But it’s not because someone in the previous era delayed creating humans out of selfish motives. As a result, only three of the six saints that were supposed to be born in the universe were born, and the universe had to be restarted. In fact, this universe can handle it. Living through the doomsday disaster.

The so-called doomsday disasters are to a large extent caused by other surrounding multiverses eyeing this universe. They will also appear powerful people from the inner universe or saints. If these people come to this multiverse, Maybe we can plunder the origin of this place. Making their own multiverse more powerful.

Six inner-universe level experts are enough to resist such an invasion, but only three are obviously not enough. After restarting the world, I wanted to collect the number of six, but the fact is that the universe has been seriously injured in the last restart. The birth of three inner universes is already the limit, so it is said that it is not only the situation of human beings that is desperate in this world, but also the situation of the entire world.

Of course, this is a bit far-fetched. It is said that Cheng Ying's current state of control over power is somewhat similar to that of a higher-level powerhouse. He is talking about the inner universe. Although he does not have much original power in his body and cannot create a universe in his body, he has a strong understanding of the rules. The understanding of Zhili has been quite deep. It is already possible to deduce the future through calculations.

Even if a real universe cannot be constructed within the body, virtual data can actually be used to construct a virtual universe.

In fact, Lan Nuo has always been suspicious. The innate spiritual treasure he holds is not actually an innate spiritual treasure, but something left behind after the death of a certain Neiyu-level powerhouse.

After all, it is a real universe. Although it is restricted by some rules, everything in that universe becomes insignificant and extremely weak when placed outside. Everything outside will become extremely powerful when entering that universe, and you will instantly become a peerless master.

But this does not mean that the world is false. It can be seen from the fact that the souls in that world and the personalities of the people in that world can survive in this world and also have extremely powerful talents and extremely powerful abilities. Although there is a huge gap in strength between the two worlds, they are equivalent existences and both are real.

However, these are just speculations. So far, he has not been able to use his innate spiritual treasure. He can only use his instinctive ability, which is to control the inside of the box, but has almost no ability to interfere with the world outside the box. nothing.

When Cheng Ying thought about all this, it only took him a moment. But in this moment, millions of years have passed in the time acceleration circle. And it was this moment of confusion that almost caused him to miss an extremely dangerous loophole.

If he really missed it, the consequences would undoubtedly be disastrous. Fortunately, he always retained a part of his spirit and would not be distracted in any case in the magic circle. Only then will the loopholes be filled.

And even if he accelerates time countless times, in the real world he still needs to stay here for more than a month. As for the time acceleration method, how long the area in the formation has experienced, then It’s unknown.

Observing the Dharma Station from the outside, as time goes by, the situation inside becomes more and more turbid. And the color also began to change. It was earthy yellow at first, and as time went by, the earthy yellow began to turn into dark red. The red color became brighter and brighter, starting to turn into a bright red. It ends up almost white.

In the last few days, even from hundreds of miles away, I could see the sun shining on the horizon.

The time-accelerating magic circle also looks like Taishang Laojun's alchemy furnace. Although you can't feel the heat at all from the outside, you can just look at the bright light radiating out like the sun inside. You can feel the extreme high temperature inside.

In fact, there is indeed extremely high temperature inside the formation. Chengying has not unlocked the time acceleration formation and is still injecting substances into it. This situation is normal.

Time continued to pass, and finally the day came when the complete refining was completed. Cheng Ying's spirit has also been stretched to the limit. Although his body has long lost all the physiological reactions of ordinary people. But at this time, bloodshot eyes could still be seen in his eyes.

And after he completed the casting, his whole person quickly retreated and flickered in the space. At that time, the retreating speed exceeded the speed of light.

Before the six-tusked white elephant watching next to him could realize what was going on, Boluoge had already pulled him and ran backwards quickly.

"What are we running for? I also want to see what Magic looks like when something happens." The six-tusked white elephant hasn't reacted yet, what's going on? He was dragged along, and he didn't know how far he had run.

"Are you really stupid? You obviously have such great strength, why don't you use your own brain to learn something? Does Entropy Zeng understand?

The chaos in an isolated system will continue to increase, and now he is constantly injecting energy into it when he is practicing things.

The formation has never been opened, and don't you still know how much time has passed inside? At that time, it was difficult for us to even calculate it, and it took a very long time. Now, except for the acquired spiritual treasure, everything inside has turned into chaos, and in this chaos, there is countless energy.

After opening the formation, all this energy will be released in an instant. Although we have been saying that no one of our level can defeat us no matter how hard we try, this is just an exaggeration. It is said to be impossible, but it is still theoretically possible.

Just like quantitative changes can lead to qualitative changes. If we simply accumulate energy, as long as we accumulate energy beyond a certain limit, we can be completely killed in an instant.

Hmm... You should kill me. What you exchange for is the position of the holy throne. There is a record of you in the heaven of this small world. You can be resurrected there, but your body will be instantly annihilated without leaving a trace.

The huge energy accumulated in the time acceleration formation in front of you has already reached this order of magnitude. If you stay in place without knowing whether to live or die, when it explodes, I am afraid it will evaporate you in an instant. Now I understand Why did you run away? "

Although the Six-tusked White Elephant is ignorant, his running speed is not slow at all, and his strength is actually much stronger than the projected Polo Song, so at the beginning, the latter led the former to run, and ran After a while, it turned into a six-tusked white elephant and ran away leading Polo Ge.

The two of them were moving at almost the speed of light, or even super-light speed. As they left at high speed, the formation also began to be lifted. However, the formation fell apart just a moment after it was lifted.

There were many people around watching Lan Nuo make his own magic weapon. He spent so much thought, so many precious resources, and so much time to create the magic weapon. Theoretically, it should be extremely powerful. If you can take advantage of this opportunity and steal the magic weapon before it recognizes its owner, it will undoubtedly be an opportunity to soar into the sky.

Although rationally speaking, this possibility is very slim, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it does not exist, but if people make judgments based solely on reason, they cannot be called human beings. Intelligent creatures will always take risks that they simply cannot afford because of their greed.

Therefore, there were many people waiting here around the formation. However, the moment the formation was opened, they realized that they were totally wrong and should not wait here at all. They thought that after Cheng Ying left, they would have What a chance. Who would have thought that the reason why they left was not because of carelessness, but because there was no living person left here at all.

The huge ball of light has begun to expand rapidly, and its interior is filled with pure high-energy particles. Although the temperature can be increased almost infinitely, in theory, there is still the highest temperature.

Temperature is actually just used to describe the speed of thermal motion of molecules. The stronger the thermal motion of molecules, the higher the temperature. Absolute zero means that molecules completely stop moving, and the extreme height of temperature is almost equivalent to all examples. The speed of light thermal motion, the temperature in the sealing formation at this time is already close to this height.

Therefore, the high temperature spreads toward the surroundings almost at the speed of light. The particles that move thermally at the speed of light spread in all directions after the seal is lifted, driving the thermal motion of the surrounding molecules to become intense very quickly.

A large area around was swallowed up by the ball of light in an instant, and everything inside was turned into fly ash under the ultra-high temperature. Even so, the expansion of light has not stopped, engulfing the earth one after another, turning the earth into It exists like red hot magma, and no one knows how long it will take for the light to stop its expansion.

Cheng Ying looked at the huge ball of light from a distance. He stretched out his palm in the direction of the light ball. Although almost everything within the range of the light ball could be destroyed, the acquired spiritual treasure he created was born in such light and could naturally exist.

[To be continued]

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