Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 150 The world at your fingertips

At the same time as the light ball spread, a white stream of light flew out of the sky. After flying above the nine heavens, it turned into a pillar of light again and fell on Cheng Ying's body, just like the Milky Way falling from the nine heavens.

Particles exceeding ten to the thirtieth power fell from the sky, each one like a star, falling into Cheng Ying's body and becoming part of his power.

At this moment, he has a weapon that can change its form at will. The smallest unit of this weapon is much smaller than an atom, so the objects he combines are no different from real objects at the macro level. In theory, anything can be imitated and constructed. Unless it is an innate spiritual treasure, something that requires the origin of the world, he has no way to imitate it. He can construct many acquired leaders as long as he has seen it once and collected enough data.

At this moment, he saw golden brilliance quickly gathering on his body, and then turned into a bloody sword in his hand. It was the Blood-Transforming Divine Sword that had been sold before, a weapon forged by him himself. How could you not know the structure?

Then the form transformed into a large seal, which was exactly what the Heaven-turning Seal looked like. During the continuous transformation process, he gradually became familiar with the characteristics of these two acquired spiritual treasures. Then the light group split from one to another in front of him. There were two of them, one turned into the Blood-Transforming Divine Sword, and the other turned into the Heaven-shaking Seal.

It's so outrageous, so unreasonable. If the thing he spent so much energy to create is just a multi-function, how can the acquired Lingbao be worthy of Cheng Ying's so much energy? Woolen cloth.

Two is not the limit for this acquired spiritual treasure. If there are only acquired spiritual treasures of this level in front of you, ten or eight of them can be imitated. Of course, the strength of acquired spiritual treasures is also different, and the difficulty of imitation is also different. It also depends on the understanding of acquired leadership. This kind of understanding is extremely profound, and it is basically made by oneself, and the difficulty of making it is much smaller.

As for the imitation Four Swords of Zhu Xian, although I am very familiar with it, I can finish it in my hands. I don’t know how long it took. But because I didn't build it myself, there are still some principles in it that I can't fully understand, and the cost of making it is high. It must be at least twice as powerful as the Blood-Transforming Divine Sword. If it is the enemy's acquired spiritual treasure, the cost will definitely be greater.

But it can also be seen from the characteristics of this acquired spiritual treasure that it is a weapon with very strong growth potential. The more acquired spiritual treasures you have seen, the deeper your understanding of them will be, and the power it can display will be limited. The bigger.

But now he is still in his weakest state, still in a state where he has not shown any otherworldly power and can only imitate three kinds of acquired spiritual treasures. Imitations of the Four Swords of Zhu Xian also appeared next to Cheng Ying.

The real masters were watching from a distance at this time. After seeing the scene in front of them, they roughly guessed the ability of this acquired spiritual treasure. Their eyes couldn't help but turn red. As long as you have it, you almost have it. All acquired spiritual treasures.

If it can only be transformed into other acquired spiritual treasures, then this kind of power is still within the acceptable range, but if it can be transformed into multiple items for use at the same time, it is already a bit exaggerated. And being able to turn it into three pieces is already a lot. Without some special abilities, it would be difficult to control three acquired spiritual treasures at the same time.

Controlling three acquired spiritual treasures at the same time requires extremely strong control capabilities. Only those who have reached a level beyond mortals can achieve this level. If you want to be able to control multiple acquired spiritual treasures at the same time at the mortal level. Basically only cultivators can do it.

Therefore, the ability shown right now is enough to satisfy almost everyone's needs for magic weapons. No matter how many acquired spiritual treasures you have, you may not be able to use more than three at the same time, and the guy in front of you can transform into three. A piece of spiritual treasure will be used the day after tomorrow. This is almost equivalent to possessing all acquired spiritual treasures.

How can people not be jealous? There are more than just one or two six-tusked white elephants watching this scene. There are only four kings in the Northern Territory. That’s because the Northern Territory is the smallest and weakest. One, and the other four are not only that strong, but are even stronger than the six-tusked white elephant.

Such a huge silence attracted these people, and they were all ready to make a move. Although the Six-tusked White Elephant was defeated, Cheng Ying's strength was more dependent on the acquired spiritual treasure in his hand. , the Six-tusked White Elephant doesn’t have any of its own, so it’s normal to lose acquired spiritual treasures. These masters present not only have acquired spiritual treasures, but also innate spiritual treasures. Although innate spiritual treasures are not necessarily It is stronger than the acquired spiritual treasure, but the original power contained in it is of great benefit to the cultivation of these top experts.

It can also allow them to understand the origin of the world to a certain extent and break through the shackles of the system. In this special space, this is the most precious place for innate spiritual treasures.

Cheng Ying felt the powerful aura surrounding him from all directions, and shook his head: "I don't even have a high-level saint. You really look down on me. If those guys from the sky come down, I still need to prepare. As long as If you come, it won’t be enough to fill your teeth.”

As he spoke, the three acquired spiritual treasures in his hand disappeared. He said that the acquired spiritual treasure he created did not only have the ability to transform into other acquired spiritual treasures, but it was just one of the more convenient among his many abilities. This, the real fighting method is very different from what many strong men present imagined.

"Since you're already here, don't leave." As Cheng Ying spoke, the scene under his feet began to gradually change. Under the huge energy impact and explosion just now, the desert under his feet had melted and turned into a huge piece. of glass.

It was smelted into a piece of glass within a radius of thousands of miles, and it was so crystal clear that it was almost impossible to see the bottom. This huge glass is currently covered by a forest scene of birds singing and fragrant flowers, and this world-changing scene is expanding outward at the speed of light.

There were only a few strong men who could react at this moment and use super-light speed to escape the scene. The remaining strong men were all within the range of fifty light seconds and had already been enveloped when they noticed the problem.

Immediately afterwards, they felt that the world had been turned upside down and had changed into something else.

10 to the power of 30 is such a huge number, and such a particle possesses 10 to the power of 20 super computing units. If it is used to confuse ordinary people, any particle is enough to build a computer that can accommodate billions of people. Huge human servers allow these people to live in a virtual world. It is conceivable that with so many particles, how real will the world that can be built be?

Even if the powerful people present are at the top level in this world, they cannot see through the falsehood of this world.

Because the complexity here is not lower than reality, and the scope of the world is only fifty light seconds in size. Therefore, details can be added almost infinitely within this range, making it impossible to tell any difference between this place and reality.

Probably the only difference is in this world. Many strong men can no longer grasp the power of the law.

"Welcome to my world." Cheng Ying clapped his hands, and the appearance of the whole world began to change drastically. Originally it was just a jungle world with birds singing and flowers fragrant, rivers, lakes, snow-capped mountains, and oceans, but in a blink of an eye, In time, all this changed. Everything that was originally extremely detailed suddenly changed into squares.

The whole world has completely turned into a world composed of 1-length blocks, and now it has really become my world: "To express my respect for you, I have turned on the creative mode. If you have any attacks, you can try to use them." Come out. The hit will not have any effect on me in this state."

Cheng Ying is still very confident about this. Before he sees through this world, the power of any rules cannot be used, and the power under the rules cannot fight against the invincible rule he has now.

He is now a god-like existence to this world, omniscient and omnipotent.

Although the strong people he trapped in this world are strong, they are in the outside world. When they can master the rules, they are strong when the power given to them by the system can be applied. Now the power given to them by the system is changing. It is in a malfunction and cannot be used at all. Under this obvious abnormal state, it is almost impossible to fight against the master of this world.

However, among the many strong men, there are also those who are more knowledgeable, such as the King of Zhongzhou, a strong humanoid with yellow hair and black eyes. The human form is the Tao of this world. No matter what race you are, you will transform into a human form at the end of your training. In this form, your training speed will be the fastest, and no one knows what race the King of Zhongzhou is.

"Although this world is powerful and we cannot use the power of rules at all, this is ultimately a qualitative change caused by quantitative changes. If he could really build a world and absolutely master the rules in his own world, then he would not be where he is now. Realm, but the ultimate, at least the level of dying.

If he can really reach that level, he doesn't need to get entangled with us at all. He can even directly break the shackles of this small world and come to the real big world outside, still retaining his powerful power.

This is cultivation, using falsehood to become true. I think this is the path he took. All his powers here are fake, but once a certain limit is exceeded, these fake powers will become real.

He can even break a certain limit, breaking the limit of the limited number of powerful people of a certain level in the universe. In short, he can never reach that level now. Since his world is constructed from qualitative changes caused by quantitative changes, we can also rely on the accumulation of quantity to destroy this world. "

As he spoke, he had already unleashed his strongest attack. Although it was not an attack with the power of law, its destructive power was extremely huge. He turned an area of ​​millions of squares into a big pit. There is still a difference between this place and the real minecraft. There are no limits on height or depth. There is no 256 blocks to reach the deepest point. Instead, the earth is like the real world, and the depth is determined by the planet.

This place is modeled after the prehistoric continent. It's just that because the scope of the world is limited, even if it is modeled after the prehistoric continent, the real scope is only fifty light seconds, or fifteen million kilometers.

The attack just now destroyed the range of thousands of miles, which also made the King of Zhongzhou frown.

"Sure enough, it's not that simple. I thought I could easily defeat the opponent with the accumulation of usage. But it seems that the opponent has already thought of this. Every block here is protected by the power of rules, and the damage of our attacks will They were greatly weakened, to one ten thousandth of their original size.

In this case, even if the size of this small world is not large, it may take a long time for us to completely destroy it, but the idea is definitely correct. When we destroy it, he blocks it, and when he blocks it, He will definitely attack us. Although his current invincibility is a rule, it may not be without flaws.

When he counterattacks us, he may not still be in an absolutely invincible state.

You continue to wreak havoc and tear this world into pieces! Let's see what else this guy is capable of. "

Cheng Ying was suspended in the air and turned into a square man. After hearing this, he clapped his hands: "Very good analysis, just like your analysis, there is no omnipotent ability. I am in this world." Although there are many permissions, if the world is completely destroyed, then indeed, such permissions will be meaningless.

But why do you think you can destroy my world? Why do you think my authority cannot repair your own world? Just the level of destruction just now! "


Cheng Ying snapped his fingers, and the endless crater on the plain disappeared, leaving people stunned and lost in place.

" are kidding! How could it be possible to repair our damage so easily? You must have used some illusion or spent a lot of money."

Many strong men started their attacks again, and a huge hole appeared on the ground. However, with another snap of fingers, all the damage was restored as before, as if nothing had happened.

"Did you make a mistake? I have authority instead of energy. To repair the damage you caused here, I only need to modify the data. Everything you are doing now is equivalent to being in a game. He wants to rely on his own attack power to cause damage to the surroundings until the server data overflows, causing the game to report an error and crash.

And all the damage you cause before the actual creation data overflows is meaningless to the game controller. "

[To be continued]

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