Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 151: Ender Dragon?

"You see, I still give you a chance. I have already told you the structure of this world. If you can escape, I will let you go once. After all, it is not appropriate to kill everyone at once. ,right?

Entering the method of relying on this kind of data overflow, it is indeed possible to explode my world, but the upper limit of the power required is simply not what you can achieve, even if it is an innate saint, or even an emperor. , can't do this either.

Although this is a possible method, it is basically the stupidest method of all, as if we knew it. The weight of the planet can also be measured using a scale, but no one would use a scale to weigh the planet. This is a method that can be done in theory, but is extremely difficult to implement.

You have to figure out how to break through here, and the casualties you pay for breaking through here can be regarded as punishment for your sneak attack on me. "After saying that, Cheng Ying disappeared from the same place. Although he was still in this world, he could no longer be found.

At the same time, many saints also felt their scalps numb. Their intuition is still very sharp, and they can clearly feel that danger is approaching. There is an extremely scary word in those words just now, which is the sentence of casualties. If there is no danger in this world, they Why are there casualties?

Obviously, while they are destroying the world, there will be interference and even killing them. Now everyone's power of law has been blocked. Although they still have unlimited energy and are extremely powerful, they really encountered some For powerful creatures, life would indeed be in danger.

Even if they are entrusted in the heavenly way of this small world, most of them will not really die, but after their bodies are wiped out, it may take tens of millions of years to condense again.

Moreover, there are not just saints here, some people are maverick and exchange for the innate demon god's system. They are more powerful than the saints, but they do not have the advantage of relying on the way of heaven. When that kind of thing dies, it is really dead. The true nature will be exposed and divided by the enemy.

Of course, this kind of strong person is also much more powerful. It is many times harder to kill than the Holy One. In short, each has its own advantages and disadvantages. If you have to choose, the Innate Demon God is actually stronger. In terms of average strength, The innate demon god is three times as powerful as the holy one, and the gap is already quite large.

At the same time that the strong men present felt a sense of crisis, giant square dragons landed in the sky. They were none other than the Ender Dragon, a dull-looking black creature that didn't appear to be powerful on the surface.

But it has the power of rules. First of all, it is immune to some damage just like Cheng Ying's body. Some people have tried to attack these black square dragons in the sky. However, their most powerful attack is on With these giant dragons, it was impossible to even stop them from moving.

Soon they discovered that in addition to invincibility, another characteristic is their hegemony. In short, their actions cannot be stopped. No matter how powerful they are, they cannot stop their progress. Of course, this is definitely not the case. There is no limit, and this limit will be much lower than Chengying's own invincible limit.

But it is obvious that breaking through this limit will kill the dragon at most. It is impossible to break the entire space just because it breaks the law used by a summoned object. In that case, the designer's design would be too stupid.

Although these black dragons have invincible characteristics, their attack power is not very strong. Although the attacks contain the power of law, which greatly enhances their power, it is the strong ones present who decide where these attacks hit them. It's like scraping the body.

Even if they are caused to spurt out flames or have their wings strike against each other, they may not lose a single hair for 100 years.

But the King of Zhongzhou didn't think so. He immediately shouted and asked everyone to avoid them. After discovering the characteristics of these giant dragons, he realized it immediately. The real way these dragons attack is not by breathing fire or by striking with their wings.

Their strongest ability is actually their hegemonic body! This ability to ignore all attacks and all obstacles, if used together with different ender dragons, the two dragons can be like scissors, easily cutting the target they attack in half.

Apparently most people don't realize this. After they relied on their own bodies to withstand several attacks, they discovered the characteristics of these dragons. It was already too late. The two dragons flew towards them and then crossed each other. Their wings fit together tightly like scissors, cutting them in half.

Most saints are not afraid of cutting. They all have strong self-healing abilities. Even if they are cut in half, they can be repaired quickly. Just like slimes, they are not even injured. superior.

But some can't. It doesn't mean that they will die if they are cut in half, but it means that they are cultivating some kind of golden body type ability. If the body is destroyed and cut into two sections from the middle, it is equivalent to their golden body being broken. The body that originally cultivated this kind of golden body is much stronger than the ordinary saint. Relying on its strong body, Many attacks can be ignored, and even many laws can be ignored by them.

But at this time, it becomes a burden for them. The golden body itself is related to their own lives. Once they are forced to do so, they will be seriously injured. Not only will they no longer be able to use the powerful defensive capabilities of the golden body, but they will also suffer severe backlash. Even I was severely injured.

Although their golden bodies are powerful, it is impossible to resist against the domineering body and invincibility. Almost all of them cannot hold it, nor can they use their own strength to forcibly break the constraints of the power of the law. At this time, the golden body The stronger the defense, the greater the backlash you will receive. Only those who react quickly enough to release their golden body in time, allowing their body to be cut in half, or who have time to teleport to avoid it, can avoid it. to such a tragic end.

Although it was not a fatal attack, it caused heavy losses to the strong men present. In fact, it is very easy to avoid such killings. As long as you think about it, with their control ability, you will almost not be hurt. But who didn't think of it at the beginning?

Many people in succession suffered heavy losses. After that, the attacks of these giant dragons never had any effect. They are not very fast. Therefore, it is very easy to avoid them, and although it is said to be an absolute defense, in fact, the attack can be broken through after it is powerful enough to a certain extent. It's just that Jinshan's defense is not enough to destroy it through its own reaction force. Only then were they broken one by one.

"Everyone join forces! Together we form a formation to attack. The intensity of the attack can exceed the upper limit set by the absolute defense. In this way, the number of these troublesome guys can be reduced.

With their presence, no matter what plan we want to implement, it will be extremely difficult to break through. "The King of Zhongzhou once again commanded everyone. As the strongest among them all, he still had some say, and his words were very effective. The people who had been in chaos began to form formations and launch a joint attack. Powerful attack.

Although in this world, the power of their laws has been suppressed and the power of their attacks has been greatly weakened, the combined power is still very powerful. The false absolute defense is still unable to resist this kind of attack and cannot be broken. After being protected, the ender dragon becomes extremely fragile and can easily turn into ashes.

In fact, their attacks are only a few percent higher than the set upper limit of absolute defense, but just by this point, they are far beyond the attack that can instantly kill the Ender Dragon.

However, an attack of this level can only kill one instantly at a time. If it is divided into two, it will not be enough to break the defense.

The so-called absolute defense actually means that the defense power is very, very high, so high that it may be millions or even hundreds of millions of times their own blood volume, so that when regular attacks fall on them, it seems as if they cannot cause any damage. , but in fact, as long as the defense is broken, it can be instantly killed.

Many strong men have been cleaning up the originally large number of ender dragons. The number is indeed declining, but the face of the King of Zhongzhou is not good-looking.

He clearly remembered what Cheng Ying said. He compared the world to a virtual digital world. When they caused damage to the world before, Cheng Ying also repaired their damage effortlessly. It's like resetting the data.

So even if all the enemies they faced were really wiped out, would it really be of any use to the world?

Maybe what they eliminated was just a bunch of data. Chengying needed to change the data in the background. Change the number of ender dragons in the data. With this data, everything they did would be useless, and even the number of ender dragons they faced would be useless. The number will increase hundreds of times.

In fact, the other party has already shown mercy. Otherwise, if the number of dragons they face now is doubled dozens of times, or a higher multiple, covering the entire space, they can rely on invincibility again and again. He strangled them with Ba Ti and turned this place into a huge meat grinder.

Even if this kind of physical attack does very limited damage to experts of their level, if it continues continuously, it may be quite unbearable.

None of this happened, but it didn't mean that the next attacks they suffered wouldn't become stronger and stronger. The number of ender dragons is indeed decreasing, but the sense of crisis has not weakened, but is constantly increasing. There are new monsters appearing.

The monsters that appeared next looked harmless to humans and animals, they were slimes one after another, and their attack power was very weak. As for these strong men, this level of attack power is no different.

However, like the previous monsters, they also have the property of invincibility. They don't seem to be as troublesome as the previous monsters. Although they have the property of invincibility, and there is no way to separate them through attacks, their spherical shells are not elastic, and it seems Just like water balloons that are not filled with water.

Even if he jumps up and hits someone, the attack power is not enough to cause any damage. Even ordinary people may not be hurt by this kind of attack.

However, after learning from the previous lessons, they would never dare to look down upon something that didn't seem to be powerful. At least he's invincible. That alone is already as troublesome as that.

In addition, another point is that there are so many of these things, the Ender Dragon can at least count them. They seem to be endless.

It not only appears on the ground, but also appears in the sky. This kind of thing that has no reason to fly can fly freely in the sky.

And these seemingly harmless guys soon showed their difficult side. They have no attack power and no cutting ability.

But they have an ability that corresponds to cutting, and that is pasting. In short, their bodies are absolutely sticky, and anything stuck to them will never come off unless a layer is torn off.

This is a very disgusting characteristic, because they will also stand next to each other. If one sticks to one, there will be more and more until the person is completely wrapped.

And want to break free. You can imagine how difficult it is to get rid of this absolutely sticky thing unless you tear off a layer of skin.

Although most of the strong men present have the ability to tear off a piece of skin, they will not be fatally injured as a result.

But there are too many of these things, and sometimes you will be in a very bad situation, that is, you have been buried, and you have just taken off a layer of skin, and when you come out, a new one is stuck to your body.

Because this thing is absolutely sticky, as long as there is a little contact, it will stand firmly on it, and the spheres outside are all tightly glued together, even if it can be torn off, this layer will stick to the body. He will definitely stand on the outside level.

If you want to get out of these slime-wrapped spheres, you must take off layers of skin.

As for escaping through teleportation, it is theoretically possible. But this requires having a certain ability, and you have control over your own ability. If it is the kind that relies entirely on the system, the ability to move instantly is given by the system. And something that is absolutely pasted means that it is absolutely connected to your body, and the teleportation data will also be moved out together, unless you have a deep understanding of your own abilities and can apply them flexibly. Give up your skin and teleport. That way you can escape. But not everyone here has such ability, many people are accustomed to relying on the system.

[To be continued]

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