Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 152: Ten Thousand Knots

This slime-like mob is very troublesome. But it has no fatal effect on them. At most, it makes them shed a layer of skin. And it is shedding a layer of skin in a physical sense. For them, the physical repair of the body is actually the simplest.

None of the powers of these laws directly interfere with themselves. In fact, as they were violated by these forces again and again, they roughly understood what was going on.

The King of Zhongzhou was also the first to speak out: "It's not that the other party doesn't want to directly exert the power of law on our bodies, but that his control of the world lies in the world itself, not in us.

He controls this world, but we do not belong to this world and are not under his control. Otherwise, he can kill us with just a thought, which is obviously impossible.

By the same token, it is absolutely difficult or even impossible for him to directly control the laws in our bodies.

This is an opportunity for us. If his laws only act on the existence of this world, they can only cause us such pure physical damage. In turn, we should think that destroying the laws of this world is actually practical. What we come to should also be the law, our own law.

Although it seems that our power has been sealed and we cannot use the abilities at the legal level and can only use our own physical abilities, it must be that the power of the laws that seals us is by no means without consumption, and when we are not using it, The effect of sealing it should be different from that of sealing it when we use it.

I even think that if it is some of the powers we are best at, he cannot completely seal them. You can try it. What he was seeing in front of him was probably just a tentative attack. This painless attack should be over soon. "

Although they said it was a painless attack, these strong men had already been annoyed and exploded.

Strong men are constantly being stuck together, or their bodies are stuck in strange postures, in order to peel off as little layer of matter on their bodies as possible. Many times they can only choose to endure. If they choose to leave, they will lose several layers of skin on their body.

Even if they have strong control over power, a layer of atoms will be removed from their body surface, which is very troublesome in a world where they cannot recover their own bodies.

It's not that there is no way for your body to heal itself after being injured, but it's that there is no way to absorb materials from this world to repair itself.

It is not accurate to say that. They can indeed absorb the materials in this world, but these materials are false to them.

They have already suffered a loss once, and they know exactly what is going on. It is as if they have come to this special space, where they can gain strength, eat the food here, and use everything here. Seems real.

However, all this is false when it reaches the outside world. After living here for a long time, the material of the body will be replaced by the existence here, and when you leave, the whole person will turn into nothingness in an instant.

The situation in front of us is actually similar, and the nature of this small world is also the same. Every atom here is real, but if you use the atoms here to repair your body, it is equivalent to giving your life to The owner here.

If all the materials in the body are replaced by the materials in this world, then the other party can really fully control the laws used by these powerful people, and even a thought can make these powerful people disappear on the spot.

This is absolutely unacceptable to them. It is impossible for Cheng Ying to step on such an obvious trap. But this means that even if they lose just one layer of atoms, it is an irreparable loss to themselves.

It seems fine now, but if time continues to pass, in a few hundred years or tens of thousands of years, how much of the material on their bodies will be left and can be harvested, and they will still not be able to cause much harm to them, or even Not even a fingernail's worth of material was lost.

But they have seen Cheng Ying's power in time before. When making this piece of equipment, he used time acceleration, which accelerated countless Yuan Hui. In such time acceleration, he was able to maintain the world's stability. Stable and non-collapse, in such a space controlled by him, he may also be able to achieve ultra-fast time acceleration. It doesn't take much time to pass outside. Tens of millions or hundreds of millions of years may have passed inside. Even longer.

If you don't cherish your body's material now, then after a long time, there won't be much material that can be used. Although after their level, the body's material is no longer the most critical thing in life, and power is not They must rely on matter to exist, but if they completely lose their bodies and become like a lonely ghost, they will be greatly weakened at that time, and it will be much easier to deal with them by then. In fact, it is not much different from having your body replaced by another person.

Cheng Ying had already caused them considerable trouble before he showed his true abilities.

However, these slimes are invincible, and their special effects are not absolute. They can break through the defense and destroy them with attacks that exceed the limit. Moreover, due to individual strength factors, the individual slime's defense is higher than that of the ender dragon. much lower. Many strong men can be eliminated in batches by joining forces and using range attacks.

I don’t know if it’s because they really can’t make more slimes or if Cheng Ying has finished testing the weapons and has no interest in this kind of creature anymore. The number of slimes is really within their range, and before attacking There are fewer and fewer rains, but it does not mean the end of the battle for them.

From the last scene, you can roughly guess that after one thing is tested, a new kind of monster will appear immediately.

Sure enough, what appeared this time was an octopus. It was a bit unclear whether it was an octopus. To be precise, it should be a jellyfish. They had incredibly long limbs, and each tentacle was also incredibly long.

It can easily be hundreds of kilometers long, and as they wandered around in the sky, spreading their savings, some saints accidentally got entangled in such threads, and then they discovered this Silk thread has the same properties as the previous slime.

They also stick to whatever they touch, and they also have the characteristics of absolute stickiness. More importantly, these jellyfish are also invincible. Their deposits look extremely delicate and fragile, but there is no way for the birds to tear them apart. of.

Even if these threads themselves are not sticky, it is easy to get tangled in them when moving forward within the envelope of these threads, let alone the threads that stick to whatever they see.

There was almost no room to escape, but in an instant all the holy bits were entangled in it. No matter how hard they struggled, their entangled bodies could not break free from it.

This immediately made many strong men feel desperate. They did not eliminate the slimes, but the creators here discovered that the form of the slimes was not the most suitable. This jellyfish-like form was suspended in the atmosphere. is the most suitable for pasting them.

Just move slowly and let your tentacles stand on them.

After many strong men have cultivated this strength, they will fight in human form. After winding these threads, their hands and feet are entangled one by one, and the whole person is almost wrapped into a ball.

And when they want to struggle, it is even more difficult. The entire space is filled with such threads, and it is impossible to break out. They have no way to break these threads, because they are invincible, such absolutely strong threads. It must use the combined strength of all the strong men to destroy it.

There are too few of these countless threads that can be destroyed at once. It's not even enough to get a space enough to stay.

As for destroying the main body of the jellyfish, it is also possible, but even if the main body of the jellyfish is destroyed, the tentacles it left behind also have absolutely tough properties and cannot be torn off and stuck anywhere. of.

It's okay if your own body is stuck and entangled, but it will be even more embarrassing if you are entangled with others. And if they want to be freed, they must use the power of collective integration to deal with them. Bomb the contact position, or choose to peel off a layer of skin.

And often when two people stick together, they are always disconnected. If you move out instantly, it will be even more troublesome.

Because there are such threads everywhere, there is no open space at all. If you move out instantly, these threads will directly overlap and appear in the body. In that case, the contact area will be larger. Imagine that they are firmly stuck to the body and moving in all directions. What is the effect of the moving threads starting to pull continuously inside the body?

If these threads that were removed from the body surface before were just a layer of skin, then if they appear in the body, the internal organs will have to be pulled out, and a layer of skin must be dragged out from inside.

Many strong men simply gave up at this time, letting the cicadas cling to them, waiting for the number of cicadas to be large enough, and then breaking away again to ensure that they would not miss any chance of escape.

At this time, the strong men no longer cared about the unity and the like before, and all chose to protect themselves. But soon they could no longer continue this operation, because the real killer move appeared in this space. .

Humanoid creatures with green fluorescence appeared here one after another. The existence that appeared this time brought a huge sense of oppression to many powerful people present as soon as they showed their existence.

In a world where the rules are controlled by others, what the other party can create must be extremely powerful.

The sky and the earth are like a small world, and these created things are equivalent to the leaders of the will of this world.

In fact, just like the saints on the prehistoric continent, they signed a contract with Heaven, so that they have infinite energy and immortal bodies. These green figures are the beings who have signed a contract with this world. The world is immortal. They are immortal, and the energy of the world will not be exhausted, and their energy will not be exhausted.

For this world, energy is just a string of data. You can modify it as much as you want. Therefore, in this world, each of these illusory green humanoids has infinite energy.

In fact, it is equivalent to the existence of saints in the outside world, but the number of them here is too many, and the cost is not thousands, but millions.

In this small world, they can all exert a strength that is almost equivalent to that of the Holy One.

It seems that if you don't want to face this desperate situation, you can only choose not to be captured by this special power.

"It's impossible, it's impossible for someone to be so strong. Even an innate saint or even an emperor can't be so ridiculously strong. There must be something wrong, something must have gone wrong.

It's just a dream! Wake up quickly. As long as you wake up, you will know that all this is false. Don't try to deceive me with false illusions. What you did is too lame. How could an acquired spiritual treasure be so powerful? "

Some powerful people have already started shouting hysterically. After all, they are not like the saints outside. They have enough experiences and have a calm mind. When they encounter major setbacks, they will directly collapse.

But there are many who are sober. The voice of the King of Zhongzhou came out, reminding everyone: "Don't try to leave here by suicide or other means. According to my speculation, this is indeed a virtual world similar to a dream.

But all this is no different from reality. The damage we suffer here has a high probability of being directly fed back to our body. If we die here, there is a high probability that we will truly die.

The most powerful thing about this acquired spiritual treasure is that it has almost unlimited computing power and can calculate the secrets of heaven. Unless we can directly see through this place and find out the difference between this place and the real world. Only then is it possible to break the blockade here and return to our own bodies. Otherwise, even our souls will not think that this is a dream. No matter how we self-hypnotize, no matter how we choose not to believe it, it is useless. of.

This is just an acquired spiritual treasure. It cannot be invincible. Try to resist the attacks of these entities as much as possible. When the opponent launches the strongest attack, it is also the time to show your own weaknesses. Now try to mobilize our laws. I think I should be able to sense the power to a certain extent. "

[To be continued]

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