Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 153: Evenly divided

When the power of heaven in this world begins to be used, these top powerhouses can indeed feel their own power to a certain extent. The power of their laws was originally tightly sealed by the power of heaven, and now it can finally be used to a certain extent. However, the situation they face has not improved at all.

At first, the power of their laws could not be mobilized, and they faced relatively weak enemies that could not cause any real damage to them.

But now, although their power of law can be used, there are thousands of strong people who can also use the power of law. Those body guards are light green and look like data flows. Each of them has the same power as them. Comparable strength.

Even if they can really mobilize all the power of their laws, it will be difficult to gain any advantage by going all out to deal with this kind of system guard.

The only good thing is that the true degree of the power of law they can mobilize is higher than that of these system guards.

These system guards can only mobilize the authority within the system, and what they mobilize is the authority of the outside world, which is naturally higher than them. But higher authority does not mean stronger, because the opposite authority has greater coverage.

Within the opponent's coverage area, as long as these strong men outside do not have the power of the relevant laws, they will be completely unable to suppress them, or even be crushed by the opponent.

The power at the rule level can directly crush the power below the rule level. Even if the power of these system guards is the lowest level of rule power, any rule level power can suppress them, but in the final analysis, it is one level higher than ordinary power. One level can directly ignore all ordinary levels of power.

Therefore, those strong men who took back the power of their own laws soon found that they could completely suppress these system guards in the direction they were good at, but they were completely crushed by these system guards in the areas they were not good at.

The power given to them by heaven is comprehensive and has no dead ends. They have all kinds of law power that can be imagined. In comparison, the abilities that these strong men exchanged from the system are definitely what they need most. , and constantly strengthen your best abilities.

The resources required to make up for one's own weaknesses are obviously much greater than the resources required to strengthen the direction in which one is good. Most people strengthen the aspect in which they are good. Equipment can be used for shortcomings. To make up for it with teammates and the like, if it doesn't work, you can also go to the system to redeem some pets. These things redeemed from the system are absolutely 100% loyal.

There is no need to worry that he, like other teammates, may betray, etc. In this case, the strength of their weaknesses will definitely not reach the level of rules. A pet that can use the power of rules is such a precious thing. It can be imagined that with so many points, it is better to make up for its own weaknesses.

Cheng Ying looked down at the scene below from the sky of this world, and shook his head: "You are still trying to fight head-on. It is really so unteachable. I have given you a chance, and you are still planning to fight the whole world head-on. If you come to fight, any casualties will be absorbed by me, and the power of the law cannot be blamed on me."

Chengying gave these people a chance. If they made good use of their power of law, they could turn defeat into victory in this desperate situation. However, the way they used their power of law was obviously completely wrong and they did not understand this. The true principles of the world.

"If you could use the power of law to explore the underlying structure of this world, instead of using your power of law to attack these system guards, you should actually be able to break this world long ago.

In the final analysis, this is just a false world built by relying on powerful computing power. If you really want to fight the guards in this world, there is no possibility of victory at all. It seems that the situation in front of me is not desperate enough. It’s not enough for you to see that the path you have chosen is absolutely wrong. "

Cheng Ying changed the underlying code in the background, and then he saw the earth suddenly shake violently, and a yellow pillar that reached into the sky rose from under the earth.

Huge black and yellow pillars are connected to the sky, like pillars holding up the sky, and this is the legendary Mount Buzhou that holds up the sky.

It is impossible for this innate spiritual treasure to appear in Cheng Ying's hands, but in this false world, bird food can be produced.

The power of this innate spirit treasure is comparable to the top ten innate spirit treasures. It is even considered one of the strongest ones there. With Buzhou Mountain, it is almost superior to most of the powerful people here. , after all, although there are different strengths and weaknesses among them, the strongest one has not reached it. The degree of high-level holy status.

Facing an opponent of this strength, they gradually felt despair. Hundreds of system guards were enough to make their scalps numb. Now, weapons powerful enough to crush them have come out. This Buzhou Mountain is completely gone. Under their control, they will exert terrifying power, and these system guards will take turns to use it, developing various powerful functions of Buzhou Mountain.

The power that can be exerted has far exceeded the limit of this level. These strong men now trapped in the formation have no resistance at all.

Seeing that these guys were still unrepentant, Cheng Ying snapped his fingers and modified the background data again. After the modification, there was another innate spiritual treasure in the modified background data, which was the Four Swords of Zhu Xian. It is also one of the top ten innate spiritual treasures, and has the strongest attack power among them. As soon as these four swords appeared, they enlarged one by one and turned into four pillars supporting the sky, standing at the four ends of the world.

Then, just like the imitation, countless swords were released, but they were countless times more powerful than the sword energy released by the imitation.

The power exerted this time is hugely different from that exerted by the previous attack. Buzhoushan before was still more good at defense. The innate spirit treasure in front of him is the most adept at attacking among the ten innate spirit treasures, and its attack power can be said to be unparalleled in the world.

The Zhuxian Sword Formation is also among the top ten formations on the ancient continent.

One can imagine the power that can be exerted after the sword array is successfully deployed. Immediately after the sword formation, other formations appeared, including the Netherworld Blood Sea Formation, the Prehistoric Beasts Formation, and the Thirty-three Heavenly Mysterious Net Formation.

Various powerful formations were deployed, and brand-new innate spiritual treasures appeared. Hetu Luoshu appeared in the sky. In addition, the Donghuang Bell also appeared in the sky.

Cheng Ying created almost all the innate spiritual treasures he had an impression of. At this moment, this small world has turned into purgatory. The general world has been broken into pieces, and everything has been refined into chaos. Earth, fire, feng shui will all begin to evolve again.

It's as if the universe is about to return to zero and restart.

Such power finally made the strong men present realize that none of this was something they could resist, and they had to use his non-frontal combat methods to fight against him.

"It's impossible. We can't continue to use this method. The power of law is not used in the way we do now. If you think about it carefully, if this world is an illusory world different from the outside world, our power of law cannot be used with the power of law. What could interfere with the physical rules here?"

Someone finally realized that something was wrong, but by this time there had been a large number of casualties, and in reality, their sluggish bodies were also hurt along with them, especially the damage at the legal level, and the damage at the physical level could be repaired quickly. But the damage caused at the legal level almost wiped out their Dao.

"The power of our laws cannot actually affect the rules in this small world at all. The rules in reality and the rules in this world simply operate with different logics.

It's just that we think we can use the power of law to control the rules, so the power of law has such an effect. The power of law here is actually an omnipotent force, similar to a wishing machine.

Although I don't know if this conjecture is correct, I just have to give it a try. I have to give up the laws of my own that I previously knew and transform my power into a type that is most suitable for use here. "The King of Zhongzhou was the first to react among everyone.

But he didn't have time to tell anyone else what he had discovered. Under the siege of various powerful formations, he was already in danger.

There are crumbling sky and earth everywhere between heaven and earth. Earth fire and feng shui are spreading from all directions, and the whole world will be restarted. Once the world is restarted, everything here will probably disappear.

Even if their power of law can suppress the power of this world in what they are good at, they will not be able to survive this kind of change that is almost like a world restart.

"Let's get started. I don't have any powers that I'm good at now, but I have a little knowledge of every law. Just a little bit is enough. It doesn't need to be very strong!" The King of Zhongzhou began to talk to himself like a self-hypnosis. .

This is like the entire county. The authority in this world is the lowest, but the power at the authority level will be absolutely suppressed in the entire county. What he needs now is to let all parties involved Each aspect gets a little bit of authority power, and as long as it gets a little bit, it can cover the authority of this world.

But he didn't know whether his power of law could be used in this way. Everything before was just his guess. Maybe the power of laws in this world is not the same as the wishing machine at all, but actually corresponds to the laws of the real world. Only by mastering the power of relevant laws can one Can use similar power.

Chengying checked the abnormal data in the background, and soon paid attention to the King of Zhongzhou, and then the expression on his face became interesting.

"It's really interesting that you can destroy my formation through such primitive and simple means.

Not changing my underlying logic, but modifying my own logic, so that I can at least guarantee that I am undefeated in my field? But if I end up personally, I also have mastered the power of the law. If you spread all your powers equally, then each power will be ordinary. For me, the effect is minimal.

In that case, how should you respond? "Cheng Ying suddenly became interested, and then he personally controlled an avatar to appear in the formation.

"It's done well, but it's not enough." At the same time as he appeared, the King of Zhongzhou had gradually seen the power of his laws in various aspects. Its own power of laws was actually the total amount. It's not too much. When he relied on self-hypnosis to spread the power of law to all aspects, his own power of law had also been reduced to the lowest level.

It can be said that he has no strengths at all. He is only slightly stronger than the system guards in this world. However, as long as he is a little stronger, he is absolutely stronger than the system guards in this world.

The power of the formation that could make him embarrassed before, and the system guards that could force him into despair were finally completely unable to cause any harm to him at this time.

The rest of the strong men trapped in this small world were surprised to see that all the terrifying attacks of the Chinese King seemed to be completely ineffective on him, generally unable to cause any damage.

No matter whether it was a pure physical attack, an energy attack, or an attack from the power of law, it could not have the slightest impact on him. It could not even make him move. He seemed to have transcended. He has lost sight of this world, treating this world as a dream, and nothing in the dream can cause real harm to the owner of the dream.

Someone saw all this, as if a kind of famous thing was born, and regarded everything in front of them as a dream, and then shouted "Break" at the oncoming attack!

Then his end is conceivable. This is not a simple dream world, but a real small world, and everything that happens here will be fed back to reality.

It was obviously impossible for him to get rid of everything that was happening in front of him by relying on his pure mental strength. He just tried it and was hit by a powerful attack. He was beaten all over and almost died. , and his body outside also exploded violently, and the power of law in his body rushed around, as if it had been stirred into a pot of porridge.

Even if he can finally find the right way to leave alive, he will definitely suffer a heavy blow. His strength will drop significantly, and he may even fall to their otherworldly level. He doesn't know how many points it will take to recover in the future.

[To be continued]

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