Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 154: Stabbing in the Back

After the King of Zhongzhou showed the ability to ignore the laws here and attack, many beings also tried to learn and imitate this ability. Although it is not easy, some people have already seen some clues.

Cheng Ying is not afraid that they will escape. Even if they escape, can they really unite to deal with him? Obviously it can't be done. Even if they are in crisis now, they are not united.

At the beginning, when they were in crisis, they did not unite their forces to deal with possible dangers from the outside world, but began to scheming with each other.

Everyone present has a very high level in the system, and the rewards you can get by killing anyone at random are also extremely high.

In this case, there is not only one way to get out of trouble. If you kill all these people, you will get the points in your hand, and the equipment that can be exchanged will be extremely powerful. Even if you exchange it for your own enhancement, in a short time It can also push one's own strength to a very high level.

In this way, we can break through the blockade of this small world. In the final analysis, this is just an acquired spiritual treasure. It cannot have that kind of absolute power and cannot break through the limitations. They will become stronger in the future, not because No one thought of such a solution.

It's because someone has already done it and told everyone the results after doing it.

The first person who was attacked by the system guards until he was on the verge of death was attacked from behind. However, after the sneak attack from behind, the person who attacked found that he had not gained experience. In other words, if he killed someone here, it was not counted as his own killing, or in other words, he had not completely killed the person.

Cheng Ying will not let the people here be killed so easily. First, if the people here are killed, his points will actually be counted. Although no experiments have been done, from the fact that he can intercept the lives of others and prevent them from being killed, it can be seen that their life and death are not in their own hands, but in Chengying's hands. Even if The final kill was Feng Xian's mode, and the big head was definitely on his head.

And he managed to maintain his existence at a low level. Killing just one person would be enough for him to reach level 100. In that case, wouldn't his low level be in vain?

So the moment before these people were killed, he kicked them out and let them leave this small world, but they also fell into an extremely weak and on the verge of death.

In this near-death state, if they are killed by others after a period of time, the points will not be counted on Cheng Ying's head. He does not want the points gained through experience for the time being.

He has other ways to deal with these people. Since they are still alive, he must give compensation, at least give his own money to buy his life. No one wants to die. Those who want to die have committed suicide long ago. This It is natural to take out things from people's pockets that are more valuable than their lives.

Otherwise, why spare someone's life? Although many people will consciously suppress their own levels, in fact, very few people can actually suppress them in the later stages. Faced with a large reward, should you kill or not? Is it to get rewards or to find a way? Extract points from others. To be honest, not everyone can afford the kill points of the same level as themselves. There are even very few people who can afford it. If there is no strong contractual restraint, or if one's own strength has an absolute advantage, there is no way to squeeze back the lost points.

Cheng Ying sighed, "These guys are really clueless, but it's also my fault. If we can unite as one from the beginning, I really have to find a way to kill them all. Otherwise, after they all come out, It would be difficult for me to deal with the same enemies if they all target me alone.

Now everyone is fighting on their own and attacking from behind. I didn't even kill their people, but they actually killed four or five of them in a sneak attack.

If such a group of guys were released from the space, they would probably fight among themselves first, and then solve the problem on my side. In that case, my side's chances are still very good, or in that case, they have no chance of winning at all.

Let’s spare the life of the King of Zhongzhou for the time being. Okay, if he is released, others should be able to figure out how to survive. If these guys are killed, the impact will be too great. This occupies The number of powerful people in the entire continent is almost 1/3. If they were all killed, the strongest men at the top would probably be alarmed. "

After the King of Zhongzhou discovered that he was no longer attacked by the system guards here, he finally realized it. Your strategy is correct. By adjusting how your power of law is applied here, you can adjust the pattern of your own power and adjust yourself to a level that the guards here cannot target.

But even if they knew the method he used, not many people could do it. To be able to do this, he must first be able to understand almost all laws, which is difficult for most strong people who have not learned countless laws.

The King of Zhongzhou is not one of the powerful people here who have been promoted to the current level through the system. He is one of the few. He has become a saint as soon as he comes in. There are almost no powerful people who use the system to improve their level. At his level, he has a lot of experience. Recently, I have guessed that this world is false, and if I want to leave here, I will not be able to absorb too much material from this world, and I will not be able to use the enhancements of this world.

Otherwise, if you leave this world, even if you don't die immediately, your strength will decline significantly. Naturally he wanted to avoid this. So what is exchanged here are all foreign objects without any exchange.

He cherishes every bit of material he brings in, almost relying on atoms to use it.

Therefore, even if his strength level has not improved for thousands of years, he is neither arrogant nor impetuous, and continues to wait for an opportunity to leave.

"Okay, you have successfully passed my test and you can leave." After the King of Zhongzhou returned to reality, he saw a man wearing a white robe right in front of him.

If you look carefully, you can realize that this white dress is actually made up of countless stars. These stars are actually the acquired spiritual treasure. The complexity of each star is very high, close to Stars in the real world. Only in this way can we have such an ability to dominate the world.

"Can I leave now? You didn't let me leave anything behind."

Cheng Ying originally wanted to ask him for ransom, but after careful observation he shook his head: "I'm afraid you don't even have an atom of this world in your body. You haven't used the system to kill anyone in this world. I even doubt that you haven't even activated the system. Is there any water that can be squeezed out of a person like you? It is considered amazing to be able to endure it for so many years.

To be honest, if I didn't have this ability to make utensils, I probably wouldn't have been able to endure it for so long. "

After saying that, ignore him and let him leave. If you want to fight back at this time, you can, but as long as you are not stupid, you must have realized that Cheng Ying is definitely not an easy character to deal with in the previous battle. Fighting alone, the possibility of defeating him is slim.

If you really think that he is only powerful in that small world and will be nothing after he comes out, then you are too naive. If he can be so powerful in the small world, can this acquired spiritual treasure be used in the outside world? No more abilities?

I'm afraid not necessarily, look at those. In addition to being injured from time to time, the bodies of the strong men trapped inside are also constantly using the power of their own laws. If he relies on the computing power of the small world to mobilize, can he guide the bodies of these people to use them? The action he wanted, using the power of the law he needed?

In that case, to a certain extent, it would be equivalent to controlling these people like puppets on strings.

If he really wants to achieve this step, he said while defeating these people, even if he escapes here, he may not be able to do it.

In the small world, more brutal killings have begun. System A will not show mercy to them, and their power comes from this world, covering almost all the power of rules.

Those strong men who did not see through the problem were all killed one by one, and it was reflected back to reality that they were not dead until they had the last breath left. In fact, at their level, it was not easy to beat them until they had only one breath left. easy. After all, as long as they still have breath, they can recover quickly. They must complete the dynamic balance of life and death despite suffering some curse, so that they cannot recover on their own and remain in a state of lingering without any fighting power.

Being able to beat them like this, we can also see the strength advantage of the system guards compared to them. On the one hand, it is the laws that each has an advantage. Each has different strength. Their own combat effectiveness is evenly divided. On the other hand, it is the system guards. The number is almost endless, and each one has to face thousands of system guards.

This is not a fair fight at all, and there will naturally be no fair outcome. There are more than fifty superpowers who have invaded here. Many of them are not even world-famous beings like the King of Zhongzhou, but are hidden powerhouses.

But they had been hiding for so long, and finally came out to break out, but the result was that they were beaten violently until they were on the verge of death.

Cheng Ying watched people die one after another from the small world, and shook his head helplessly: "Now that some people have found a way to escape from it, they have realized that the power of law will be used in this small world in a certain way. The power of this wish-making power is reflected, so why not just break this formation?

It’s still too stubborn! Now that you know that your power is the same as the power of wishing, it is completely possible to use your own power of law to create weapons that target the entire system structure.

Even if you don't have much understanding of the system, as long as the rules are made to target the entire world, there is still some hope.

During this period, you will indeed be chased by system guards because you have lost the power of your own laws and your strength has been reduced.

But the pursuit is the pursuit. A strong man of this level with such a strong vitality cannot be killed in a short time. Even if he uses his own health bar to carry tens of thousands of system guards, he will not be able to kill them so quickly.

As long as there was time to delay this, three or five people used the power of their own laws to condense weapons against the entire system structure, which was enough to join the small world I built, and it collapsed.

Is it that you can't trust each other, or do you just not think of it? I think it's the former. "This was said to the King of Zhongzhou who had not yet left.

This guy can be considered a bachelor. After getting the news that he was let go, he didn't leave at all. Instead, he waited here, waiting for others to come out and wait to see how the others were treated.

This decision is correct. Since Cheng Ying has chosen to let him go and behaves quite rationally, he is not the kind of moody strong man. But if he continues to stay here, there is actually no danger, and he might still be able to see him. Some interesting stuff, great insights.

"Is it really what I guessed? But they may have been misled by me. After all, I left here after reaching a special invincible state. They may have thought that I had reached this state myself. Will be thrown out and then fight you in reality.

And they may not even realize that their power of law can transform the wishing machine into a variety of different abilities.

In fact, even I didn't think of it. I just thought that the laws here might be convertible to each other, but it's just like what you said. Even if they really guessed this, it would probably be difficult to separate a few people specifically to carry the attack of the system guards. Come and destroy this space.

Speaking of which, if the space is destroyed, won't it be a blow to your future leadership? Do you really want to see them crack your world? "

Cheng Ying shook his head and said: "They caused a system to overflow data. If the system crashes, it will indeed cause considerable damage to the system itself, but why do you think their damage can harm my hardware?

My system is backed up. Even if they destroy it, can I just overwrite the backed up system? It's just that after they destroyed the system, I overwrote the new system and couldn't cover them. Re-covering is required to pull them in. "

[To be continued]

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