Chengying's metaphor can't help but make people's hearts sink. If the world he created was a computer, the way to escape from the computer would be to create a bug in the computer. In fact, it is not difficult, but even if a bug is created, it will not cause any harm to the computer itself. There is no way to damage the computer hardware internally, and if you finally get out of it, you will be hit again. If you pull him in, it will be too miserable.

Because the damage suffered inside will be faithfully fed back to the body outside. If this happens a few times, even the most powerful person will not be able to bear it.

Even if Chengying, an acquired spiritual treasure, is not used, its ability to transform into various acquired leaders has extremely powerful effects.

Not to mention this acquired spiritual treasure, its real combat effectiveness is definitely not low. Just looking at this white Taoist robe condensed from acquired spiritual treasures now, one can feel tremendous pressure, even greater than the pressure felt when facing many innate spiritual treasures.

"Are you just hanging around here and not leaving? Let me tell you, I am going to blackmail these people next. If you don't leave now, you might become the same one who is blackmailed."

The King of Zhongzhou still did not leave, but said indifferently: "Being blackmailed has no impact on me. Anyway, I have almost no points. At most, I am forced to work for you. So far, my level is still It’s not too high, and the things I’m redeeming are all magic weapons and don’t involve me.

For a being like you, I think you should also be able to understand the meaning of what I do. We are people in the same boat, and we are naturally opposed to other extraordinary beings.

We are eligible to leave and they will be trapped in this little world forever. This is the difference between us. And this difference makes us in the same camp. Even if you don't take this into consideration, I must also consider this. "

Cheng Ying responded without comment. He just changed the subject and asked another question: "Someone came out again, much later than you, but it was also through your method. He evenly distributed his rule power to various On top of different attributes, it neutralized the attack of the ultimate strongman in this world. If I didn't take action myself, he would indeed be able to escape like this.

However, this guy seems to be not as smart as you, or his control over the power of his own rules is not as flexible as yours. It should be the usage of one of the rules loaded to him by the system and the control over the power of the rules that he has cultivated himself. What is the difference between abilities? "

After hearing this, the King of Zhongzhou realized that the man who came out had encountered something unexpected. I saw that although he had broken away from the small world before, he still had a dead look on his face.

"How is it possible? This is impossible. Why did my power of law become like this? That world is obviously virtual, why is my power of law transformed into reality! Where is the system? Restore my power quickly. , why does my skill show abnormality? No one can interfere with the system's skills.

Damn it, what the hell is going on? I'll fight with you! "The faces of the strong men who appeared here showed an expression that was even more broken than if they were completely killed. Even if a strong man of their type dies, a trace of his true spirit is still entrusted in the way of heaven. Even if he is killed. It was crushed and destroyed very thoroughly, and it could actually be resurrected in the end, but it would take an extremely long time. However, after resurrection, it could still gradually return to its original state of strength, but the guy in front of him was obviously escaping from the sea of ​​suffering. After that, he did not convert his rule power back.

"You can't blame me. The path I designed for you to successfully pass the level is not to balance your rule power with various attributes and then achieve pseudo-invincibility in that small world.

But since you have done this, when you return to the real world, you will naturally return to that state. Now you have obtained almost all the power of the rules, but the level is very low. This is actually a huge opportunity.

You should be thanking me, why should you blame me? You must know that not everyone has the talent to cultivate different attributes. There are many rules. Some people do not have the relevant physical properties and will not be able to understand them in their lifetime. But now you have all the rules, which means that you can combine all the rules. Deducing upward bit by bit, even if it is difficult to fully advance, the situation will be much better than your previous situation with many shortcomings. "

"What do you know? What do you know?" If it weren't for the extremely powerful power shown by the three acquired spiritual treasures held by Cheng Ying in his hand, and the four Zhuxian swords around him formed a sword formation to protect it, he might have just managed to escape. The holy throne is about to rush over and fight for its life.

"What do you know? The system shows that all my skills are abnormal and are in an unusable state. Without skills, what is the use of the power of these laws?" Obviously, there is little improvement process for the strong people in this world. After my own training, I basically have no understanding of the power of rules.

After losing the support of skills and systems, even if they have the power of various rules, they cannot actively use it. This means that their strength has almost fallen below the holy level. This is simply worse than killing them. It will be even more uncomfortable.

"This is your own problem. These powers themselves do not belong to you. Why not study them carefully after learning them through special means? After turning them into your own things. Even if you no longer have skills, so The WeChat that can be used is not bad at all.

You just lack the determination to learn from scratch. Why can't you make up for the foundation you missed before? Even if those basic knowledge are very outdated for the strong men of your current level, what does it matter if you are very weak? Is studying something worth being ashamed of?

This situation is actually an opportunity for you. If you can seize it, you can gradually improve your various rules and find the one you are really best at, rather than the one you are best at. The one given by the system. Your growth will be unlimited by the system.

But I guess it's useless for me to say this. What you should do next is to rely on your own strength to kill those low-level people, and then get their points to build your strength back bit by bit.

I have to say that the growth rate of exchanging power through the system is really too fast. After tasting this sweetness, there is probably no way to go back to relying on cultivation, accumulation, and understanding to improve my strength as before. "

After Cheng Ying finished speaking, he ignored him. The fake Zhuxian Sword Formation here was suppressing them. Even if these people had escaped, they didn't dare to make any trouble.

"Those who successfully break free from the formation can get out. If you want to stay and work for me, you can. Then hand over all the money you have. If you work for me, I can teach you. How to understand the power of rules from scratch, so that even if you lose your skills, you can still regain the lost power of rules little by little. "

However, after hearing this, the strong man who escaped from inside turned around and ran away, with no intention of staying at all. It was impossible to hand over his savings, even as tuition fees.

Cheng Ying looked at his leaving figure and shook his head. The King of Zhongzhou also had the same expression: "People in this world are already too dependent on the system. They are completely inseparable from the system. Even if they go outside, The strong men here would probably not be able to go back to their original state if they had to do it all over again, and with their previous training experience, they might even be obliterated by everyone else.

The only thing they can learn here is the skills of killing, and the only thing they can learn is how to use the skills they already have, but these are really not enough. For a real warrior, if he only knows these, he can still kill people. Too bad.

Even if you don't understand the real principles contained in the power of these rules, you must at least exercise your intuition. There are many strong men who only cultivate their own bodies and practice pure physical combat. They can also reach extremely high levels because during the training process, they are constantly exposed to the power of rules, constantly carrying out their own unique speculation and thinking, making their intuition more and more sharp, and when encountering rules When there is strength, you instinctively know how to deal with it.

Just like they once did, they trained the moves into their own muscles and could use them subconsciously.

And the strong people here have not developed a keen sense of rules and the like, nor are they determined to learn from basic knowledge... I hope these people can break through the shackles of the system and escape from this world. Space...well, I'd better count on myself. "

Cheng Ying glanced at the saint beside him and wanted to ask how he fell into the low latitudes, but finally shook his head. Let's get familiar with this matter before asking. Now the two sides are actually in a hostile state, but it's just because of the huge gap in strength. The relationship between them seems a bit strange, and such a private issue is not suitable for discussion.

"Someone came out again, but this time they came out dead. I'm really clueless. I've seen how someone operated, but they still didn't escape alive at all. Or maybe these guys' understanding of the power of rules has been so low that Zero, what kind of rules do others use?

The dead strong man spurted blood all over his body. He was sluggish and almost in a state of death. The power of rules in his body was also in a state of chaos. He was severely injured. If he wanted to recover, It's also possible that although the power of their rules has been severely damaged, it has not changed like the previous one. As long as a large number of points are paid into the system, it can still be repaired.

And now their bodies are entangled with a special kind of domain power. The power of rules constantly prevents their bodies from recovering, leaving them in a state of weakness and weakness, with only their last breath left.

In this state, whether it is to kill them or seal them completely, it is very easy to handle. The one who was killed was an innate demon god. When he saw Cheng Ying walking towards him with a replica of the Zhuxian Sword, he first It's time to give in.

"I surrender. I really wanted to come and steal your baby. It's my fault. I'll do whatever you want me to do, as long as you keep me alive."

The expression on Cheng Ying's face was a bit unbearable. This was the first time he had seen such a spineless innate demon. According to Boluo Ge's description, he was already the most shameless among the strong men of this level. Otherwise, he wouldn't actually kneel down and lick him when he met the God Emperor, but compared to this guy in front of him, he still had much more backbone.

It can only be said that in such a world where growth can be achieved by killing, many people's minds are really not worthy of their strength. This is why there are situations where some crooked melons and jujubes can have strong strength.

"Well, I won't make it difficult for you to sign the contract in front of you. After paying off the debt above, you can regain your freedom. Before you pay off the debt, we cannot trigger a fight with each other. It’s like sparing you a little life.”

The innate demon god is actually easier to deal with among these strong men, because this kind of strong man is more powerful, but he is not attached to the way of heaven, and there is no way to resurrect him after death. Therefore, although their combat effectiveness is more powerful, they are even less confident after failing in the battle and being caught.

In comparison, the weak-minded people in the Holy Order seem much tougher.

Several strong men of this level were killed one after another, and Cheng Ying came to them as before, holding a replica of the Zhuxian Sword in his hand.

"How's it going? Have you thought about the price you'll pay for your own life?" Cheng Ying patted the extremely weak holy throne in front of him with the handle of the Zhuxian Sword in his hand.

"Huh? You think you can kill us completely. Come on, kill me now. If you can, I will scatter my bones into ashes. Ten thousand years later, I will be a good man again." It seems that this holy position looks like this. Or a human in a certain world, or a human NPC created in an abnormal space.

"Kill you, why should I kill you? It's not like I don't know that you can be resurrected in the way of heaven, but does being resurrected mean you are invincible? You should use your brain, you are so weak now I'm afraid I don't even have the ability to commit suicide. Then I can completely seal you, seal you to a corner that no one knows, forever and ever. If you think this is a much better choice than death, I I wouldn’t mind letting you try it.”

[To be continued]

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