Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 156 1/3 Haotian Mirror

After seeing the earth-colored strong man, the others also realized that they had no right to bargain. They have been controlled to this point, even if they are protected by heaven, they will not die. The other party also has 100 ways to make life worse than death for them. Since it has been mentioned before that they can be sealed, there are many ways to seal them.

Some of them just make people feel nothing good, but some of them can make people feel extremely painful in the sealed state.

Moreover, the guy in front of him has a powerful ability to control the time formation. Although he cannot directly control the power of time, he has a very deep understanding of the relevant rules. If he wants to, he can completely seal the time indefinitely. Stretching it out, maybe only one day has passed outside the seal, but thousands of years have passed inside the seal, or even longer.

In this case, it only needs to be sealed for a few days, and the person inside will probably go crazy.

As for relying on the long hours of cultivation to become stronger, what are you thinking about? Since it is a seal, it means depriving the sealer of all abilities. During the sealing process, let alone a practitioner, I am afraid that he cannot even blink his eyelids.

After officially realizing that the outcome before them might be more terrifying than death, most of the strong men present chose to submit.

"It seems that there are not many fools like this guy. If that's the case, then just pay. Hand over all the money you have now. As for the part that is not enough, you need to do it next. Work to pay off debt.

Help me deal with some troublesome things and collect some materials in exchange for you to offset part of the debt. I can sign a contract with you to ensure that before the contract is completed, we will not attack each other or have any intentions of harming each other.

After the contract is completed, I will give you enough time to escape, and you will not be actively hunted down. After all, there are so many of you, so there is no need for me to kill you all out of boredom. If it was really that boring, you wouldn't do it now. living. "

In such a killing world, few people would negotiate terms and be reasonable like this. After all, as long as you kill the other party and the other party's level is high enough, you can already get quite generous rewards.

Most people have far less money than they are worth. If you want to repay a debt, it is an extremely long process. Most people do not have the patience to wait for the other party to repay the debt and wait for the other party to redeem their worth little by little through work. Most of the time, they just kill them directly. That's it, save yourself the trouble of managing it yourself.

Therefore, everyone present was confused about the current situation and did not know what to choose. When they looked at the contract in front of them, they still hesitated and signed their names.

The name has been certified by the system, so there is no way to forge it in the contract. Even if the name certified by the system is a fake name, in this world, it is also your real name and can be directly traced back to the contract.

At least they can feel the fairness of this contract, which is almost equivalent to the power of system rules. Some of it is even accomplished with the help of the system's power. It also contains some system skill structures, which makes it almost impossible for both parties to the contract. If a violation is made, the punishment will be unbearable for both parties.

Cheng Ying is not lying. He does intend to let these people go. In fact, his strength is constantly getting stronger. In a world where you can use points to exchange for most of the things you want, his knowledge can Make full use of your own strength.

When the remaining value of these people is squeezed out, the few points they contain will probably be nothing to Cheng Ying, and the threat they can pose is even more insignificant.

"Okay, now that the signing is completed, everyone also asked me to check whether there are still deposits in their respective systems. Let me think about it, there should be other possibilities. Your money does not necessarily belong to you, right? ? When you reach this level, you should raise some younger brothers, some people you trust, and then deposit part of your savings with them.

This is also feasible, after all, even if the other party uses your deposit. They cannot be your opponents, they are still dead. You can also use things like contracts and unequal treaties to restrain them so that they cannot betray.

Let me think about it, based on your mental fluctuations. These people should have savings. Please take out all your savings. Look carefully, the deposit in this part of the contract is also something you must hand over. If you think you can bear the cost of violating this principle, then he can give it a try.

I don't mind knowing the power of contract activation. It will be quite a spectacular scene. Even I have never seen it a few times. "

After carefully reading the contract again, the strong men present could not help but turn blue in the face. However, they had been mentally prepared before signing the contract, but they had not thought of handing over all their savings. My little cleverness had no effect.

"Wait a moment, wait a moment, don't let the contract be fulfilled. We just forgot, we didn't mean to hide it." Several people agreed in succession, and then flew away quickly relying on their now restored strength.

After completing the contract, Chengying treated these people, allowing them to restore their strength and remove the erosion of the power of law in their bodies.

Only a few people were in different situations, that is, those who successfully escaped by spreading their power of law but could not change themselves back to their original appearance.

However, they also did not sign a contract. After all, they escaped by themselves and were qualified to keep their property and leave.

But having this qualification does not mean that they dare to leave here.

This strange strong man in front of him did not seem to have a strong desire to kill, which can be seen from his own level. It is less than three digits. I am afraid that he has never killed anything except some wild monsters, at least he has not killed them personally. If he stays here, he may be forced to sign a contract, but at least it is safer. You can accumulate points little by little, so that you can gradually improve and return to your original strength.

They now have no control over their own strength. Although in theory they have mastered various laws and spread the laws to different attributes, they can do it like the previous system guards, relying on the power of laws that others do not understand at all. Suppress others.

But the premise of doing this is that they understand the meaning of these law powers in themselves.

The truth is that they were just imitating the actions of the King of Zhongzhou, and they had no idea what it meant to do so.

"What are you all doing here? What's the point of looking at me? You want to restore your original strength. I can teach you the power of law, but you have to pay the tuition. The guy next to me who looks black and like a puddle of mud can also teach you."

At this stage, Polo Ge also changed from the image of a sports girl to the original black mud form like mud.

"He truly understands the power of law, and he is also a strong man at your level. In fact, he has a deeper understanding of the power of law than me. After all, I have not reached your level yet. I use the power of law more with the help of tools, which is equivalent to wearing a set of mechas to perform a series of operations. I don't have a deep understanding of using these powers in person. If you want to know the feeling of manipulating the power of law in person, you have to ask him." Everyone looked at Polo Ge. Only then did someone notice his difference. In this house, there was no strong breath of Thailand, but there was a trace of the power of the top strong. If they really fought head-on, everyone present thought they could beat the other party. But through the induction of this breath, they also roughly understood that the other party's original body was actually a being with the same strength as them. What appeared here was just a clone. But whether it was the original body or the clone, at least there was not much difference in the knowledge they knew. For a moment, these guys who distorted their own rules and could not use the power of the law fell into hesitation. The tuition fee was quite expensive, almost emptying their family's assets and making them bear debts. But now that they have lost the power of France, they have almost lost most of their strength. If they leave here, they will become a piece of fat meat, with a high level but no power corresponding to their level.

Not to mention being hit by wallpaper of the same level, even if they are hit by a strong person who is weaker than themselves, they are probably in danger.

Chengying is not in a hurry, but is constantly collecting money. After this round of super robbery, he has enough points on hand to buy seven or eight sets of acquired spiritual treasures.

Even if you go to buy innate spiritual treasures, you can buy some very powerful types, such as Shanhe Ding. Although this thing is also a replica, it is already at the level of innate spiritual treasures.

This thing is probably a replica of Jiuding, but because it is made of innate spiritual treasures, its material is innate spiritual treasures. After processing, its power is even higher.

However, it is very strange that this thing appears here, on the prehistoric continent. The Nine Cauldrons of King Yu have not yet been born. This is even an innate spiritual treasure that can only be born after the rise of the human race. It can be exchanged in the system in front of us.

From this point, we can see what a chaotic area the low latitude is. Here, not only the space and rules, but even the time is disordered. Things that originally happened in ancient times may happen directly in front of you the next moment, and things that originally happened in the future may have been in the past for an unknown period of time in your eyes.

Therefore, if you can come here, you can see the past and the future, and this is actually the ability of the most powerful and terrifying enemy of the rise of mankind on the prehistoric continent. Kunpeng has the power to see the past and the future, which is almost the top power of time, and also controls the power of the sun and the moon.

The sun and the moon on the prehistoric continent are not stars like the sun, but a conceptual existence. If you master the sun, even if it is only the most basic mastery, you can also obtain an extremely powerful ability, that is, to move instantly at will, to appear wherever you want, and to reach the extreme speed.

Just looking at this point, you can understand how powerful these two powers are, and such a strong man almost has the ability to know everything. You can know everything that will happen in the future, and you can also see everything that happened in the past.

Of course, this kind of predictive ability is not so absolute. Some things can only be seen clearly by going to the scene in person. For example, in low latitudes, some things can only be seen clearly by going here and being in a certain scene in person.

Powerful people like this walking on the timeline are almost stronger than the topmost powerhouses among the conceptual powerhouses that can be bred in this small world.

It is true that the top innate spiritual treasures can be exchanged here, and even the Dutian Divine Thunder can be exchanged, but even if one holds these top items, when encountering Kunpeng, and under the rules of this small world Even if you are in a suppressed state, you may not be able to win over the opponent.

Of course, these are things that Cheng Ying does not need to consider for the time being. His current savings are still far behind the exchange for the Haotian Mirror. He has probably saved one-third of it, which is already a quite exaggerated figure.

If he uses these points to exchange for innate spiritual treasures, exchange them for innate spiritual treasures that contain a relatively large amount of internal sources, and then devour the original sources, he can directly transform into the innate demon god, and he will be the stronger part of the innate demon gods. .

You can directly come to the high latitudes of this small world. Although this world is much smaller than the real thousand worlds, it is also divided into heaven and earth similar to the outside, with low latitudes and high latitudes. It sounds very funny. In an area of ​​​​low latitudes, there are still low latitudes.

But everything is planned by the rules of this small world, which means he can do whatever he wants, so no matter how strange it is, it is understandable and acceptable.

The high latitudes are the areas where the Holy One lives. However, in this small world, the high latitudes are occupied by high-level saints and higher-level powerful men. Strong people who are one level weaker than them can only move in this world's equivalent of the human world.

Strong men who have reached the level of high-level saints have almost stopped killing in high latitudes. The only thing they can think about is how to break through this small time, come to the wider new world outside, and retain all their power. .

[To be continued]

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