Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 160 Tempering oneself

The auction was very popular from the beginning, and countless people started bidding. The strength of the auction items this time is really too high, and the power displayed when he created it can already be seen.

The sensational effect caused during this construction was even more exaggerated than the last time. The climate of the desert was completely changed, and large tracts of sand were burned and melted, turning into a glass-like area. The whole land is burning with eternal flames.

The acquired spiritual treasures cultivated in such an environment are already extremely powerful just by imagining them. An object that can exist in such an absolute high temperature is already amazing enough in itself. And based on the previous experience, more than fifty top experts went to besiege, but were killed on the spot. Only a few escaped, but still They put it back on their own initiative.

This situation has already unfolded. The strength of the acquired spiritual treasure created by the number one businessman in the mainland.

Therefore, even some high-dimensional beings personally paid attention to the auction and participated in it.

Even if the auction is notarized by the system, there is no way for high-latitude entities to rob it. But they have their own methods, such as finding the person who auctioned the item and then robbing him after the auction is over.

Lan Nuo is not easy to grab, which they have realized before. His ability to control the magic weapons he created is very strong. If these magic weapons fall into his hands, the strength he can exert will make even those beings at high latitudes not think he can easily defeat them.

But if these magic weapons fall into the hands of other people, their ability to control these magic weapons is limited. If he takes action, he is very likely to snatch the magic weapons over. In this case, they can be regarded as powerful, and they can Saved a lot of money.

Therefore, although the auction was very fierce, not many high-latitude entities took action. Most of them were just watching the show and then deciding whose hands the protection fell into.

This also requires the auctioneers to keep their identities secret very well, almost never mentioning it, but these high-latitude existences will also feel like they are secretly there for a while.

This feeling is not what the system told him, but that they themselves have gained powerful abilities and have a certain innate feeling of power.

Relying on the power of this natural induction, they can roughly determine the approximate location of the person who obtained the auction item, and then launch a surprise attack.

Only a few high-latitude entities can accurately determine who has auctioned the items. However, if everyone launches a surprise attack together, the other party will definitely be unable to bear it, and will be frightened into using it directly, exposing their position.

In this way, it is easier to catch him. Everyone has this mentality, but the people who get the auction items have a different mentality. They want to familiarize themselves with the application as soon as they get the auction items, and strengthen own strength.

After gaining strength, he was confident that he could rely on his own strength to keep the magic weapon in his hands.

As a result, many people who are not strong enough do not dare to auction because this thing is too hot. Even if they have money, they have not been strengthened enough, and it is not suitable to start today.

Cheng Ying was very dissatisfied with the final auction price. It was completely inconsistent with the value of his auction item. It didn't mean that the people participating in the auction didn't bid hard, but that the amount of money they had in their hands was at most this level. , most of those with so much savings have already purchased innate spiritual treasures to strengthen their own strength.

There are very few people who spend more money than this to buy more powerful innate spiritual treasures, which are all rare. What if I didn't save enough money but died because I didn't have enough strength? Wouldn't it be a failure?

As the auction ended, a golden gap opened in the sky. It was the high latitude that opened the existence inside and launched its own raid. The huge golden stadium fell from the sky towards an area in the west of the mainland. Go down, that's exactly where the person who landed the auction item is.

If he stood still and allowed the golden palm to slap him down, he would be seriously injured at most, because no one could really be sure. Who actually holds this acquired spiritual treasure? The acquired spiritual treasure itself also possesses quite powerful hidden attributes. If you have to hide yourself and prevent others from discovering it, it will be difficult to find it.

Even if these strong men kill everyone present, the acquired spirit treasure itself has the effect of storing the life of the owner. After they kill everyone, they can secretly resurrect in other places, and then change their own The appearance is difficult to identify.

Perhaps a strong man of this level can feel the resurrection through heavenly induction or the like, and then kill him again, but to be honest, it is really difficult to find and completely kill the holder of the magic weapon, and if they because of this incident If too much killing is caused, some existences in high latitudes will not allow it. There is still a certain order in this world. The most powerful people restrained

There is no reward for killing ordinary people at their level. Killing innocent people indiscriminately would be a waste of points, and it would also not be conducive to them breaking through the blockade of this world.

It's just that the guy who got the acquired spiritual treasure couldn't calm down after all. He is not very confident that the acquired spiritual treasure can help him resurrect. Used it immediately when encountering a surprise attack.

I have to say that the design of this acquired magic weapon is quite interesting. The methods used are basically fool-like. You can exert most of the power of the magic weapon mainly by relying on your own intuition. Of course, if you want to perform at a super level, let the magic weapon be used. If he could exert his strength beyond his level, he would have to be extremely skilled in controlling it.

He is now relying on his intuition to control the magic weapon to cover himself in it. The Nine Dragon Divine Fire Shield was originally a magic weapon that trapped the enemy inside for burning and refining. But now he is using it in reverse, trapping himself inside, and then using the outer cover to resist attacks, which is the same usage.

Moreover, after this magic weapon possesses the two runes of Qian and Kun, its ability to constrain time and space is greatly enhanced. Under the protection of this time and space restriction, those who obtain the magic weapon can use extremely powerful defensive skills.

And it can have an excellent increase in its own defense skills. Although the ability to control time and space is the basic ability of every strong person who has reached this level, the law of time and space is also one of the most mysterious laws in the world. If it is recommended If you go to high depths, even high-level saints and even more powerful beings will be difficult to destroy.

Obviously, what is in front of me is this level. Compared with the previous Heaven-shaking Seal, this time the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Shield is much stronger.

The big hand covering the sky slapped the sphere, and the hemispherical shield hardly trembled. This scene looked a little funny, as if someone slapped the concrete used to block the car on the roadside. on the ball.

The sphere did not suffer any damage, and it did not even vibrate the palm, but it received a counter-shock force, which made the palm of the hand numb.

The golden palm indeed showed this effect, the golden light became dim, and even some cracks appeared.

Originally preparing to follow the golden palms falling one after another, several palms suddenly stopped and realized how solid the sphere on the ground was.

It contains powerful laws of time and space. Even their own laws of time and space are not as good as compared to it. This is actually something that an acquired spiritual treasure with no original power can do.

Although this world has sealed the upper limit of technology, it is obvious that through cultivation one can bypass this seal and continue upward. In other words, things containing extraordinary power can still rely on the continuous accumulation of knowledge.

This is what is happening in front of them. Relying on the vast amount of knowledge, they have created a super time and space blockade that even they cannot match.

The strong man who auctioned the Nine Dragon Divine Fire Shield inside the time and space blockade saw nine fire dragons rotating around him. The high-temperature flames seemed to burn him and brought him in. Suddenly, the souls of the dead emerged, and he was about to take back his magic weapon. When he was there, he discovered that the flames of the nine fire dragons would not cause any harm when they touched his body. Instead, the flames were integrated into his body.

Immediately, powerful train laws appeared inside his body one after another. Even a strong man like him had a very shallow understanding of the power of the laws. Most of them could only rely on the skills of space infusion to convert the laws. Use it skillfully. Under the subtle infusion of the Law of Fire in front of him, he also quickly deepened his understanding of the Law of Flame, and began to be able to skillfully use the power of this law.

Moreover, this skillful use has begun to be integrated into his instincts. When he is not strong enough and does not have much extraordinary power, people always say that he should practice the moves into his muscles and develop his instinctive reactions.

The situation in front of me is similar to what was described at that time. The power of law has been trained into the body and has become an instinctive reaction. It will be used naturally in every move.

When attacked, it will automatically counterattack, and when using an attack, it will automatically be added to your own attack. It is almost the same as the skills attached to the system, even more convenient than that, and you still have a certain degree of control. room.

This made the user of the Houtian Lingbao extremely happy. Only then did he realize that this magic weapon had the effect of refining his body.

However, he obviously wouldn't tell others about this effect. He just practiced silently in the Nine Dragon Divine Fire Barrier. The big golden hands on the outside kept hitting his magic weapon, but it couldn't cause any harm. After being convinced of this, he Just started practicing.

I have to say that this guy is a little too arrogant and has never thought about whether his magic weapon has an upper limit of endurance or whether it will be broken after a certain amount of attacks.

But this actually saved his life, if at this time he chose to temporarily take back his magic weapon or enable the movement function of the magic weapon to move while defending.

The defensive power of the magic weapon will decrease to a certain extent. After the magic weapon's defense power decreases, it may not be shattered, but the power of higher-level experts will take advantage of it and penetrate it. At that time, it may not be broken. They will not attack him directly, but compete for the dominance of this acquired spiritual treasure in the process.

If Cheng Ying personally uses this acquired spiritual treasure, there is no need to worry about this problem, because in the fight for dominance, the opponent has no possibility of victory. He understands the structure of this magic weapon clearly, and the operation of the magic weapon The system is also built character by character. Even if the dominance is completely given to the opponent, as long as it is given a chance to invade, the dominance can be regained.

But obviously the current users do not have this ability. Once they are all taken away, it will be a fair competition with the other party. If there is a fair competition with someone much more powerful than themselves, isn't that looking for death?

In this way, he cultivated here with a big heart, but saved his own life. If he really ran away in a panic, his magic weapon might really be snatched away.

The golden palm outside used various abilities to hit the light, but all his attacks were transmitted to the direction of the earth.

When the two major runes of Qian and Kun are present at the same time, it can have such a magical effect. By opening up the heaven and earth, you can borrow the power of the sky and the earth at the same time. In such a continental world, the entire world is actually the earth except for the sky. So no matter where this light exists, it can borrow the endless power of this world for defense.

Without targeted laws or if the power reaches a level that breaks through the boundaries, it is impossible to break the light's defense. Only a handful of the top experts who are strong enough can bring all their power to the main world, and these are the weaker ones among them. The rest are unable to attack at full strength, so that their attacks completely fail to meet these two requirements.

Coupled with restrictions from some rules, the time they can intervene is limited.

The golden palm made a series of finger gestures in mid-air, shooting out a bright beam of light. After lighting up almost the entire continent and blinding millions of people around them, this group of powerful men finally retreated.

What remains in place around the light is a super large crater, a crater with a diameter of hundreds of thousands of miles. The depth of the crater is even more incalculable. It is much larger than its diameter. It is like a giant crater leading to the sky. It's like a passage to hell. From the edge of the pit, you can't see how deep it is. Even so, you can still see a red mask at the bottom of the pit.

Even in the face of such a terrifying attack, there were only minor cracks on it, which were being repaired quickly.

[To be continued]

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