Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 161: There is no distinction between education and discrimination

Such a powerful attack could not break the light shield, and finally those behind the scenes gave up completely. If they continue to attack, there may be a chance to break it, but they must have broken the rules. By then, beings stronger than them can rely on the contract with them to punish them.

In that case, even if you obtain that powerful artifact, I'm afraid it won't be worth the loss. There is a high possibility that the artifact you obtained will be confiscated by the higher-ups.

These guys who took action knew in their hearts that some people at the top were not as noble as they appeared, and they were just trying to show their greed to the other party.

What they are waiting for is for them to snatch the things away, and then in the name of the rules, take the things away from them openly.

We are all smart people. Since we can't grab it anymore, we will stop at it and no one will break the rules.

But this time, even the existence of high latitudes took action, and there was nothing they could do. The holder of this acquired spiritual treasure made people realize what kind of strength the largest businessman on the continent now has.

He himself has an acquired spiritual treasure in his hand that may be even stronger than the Nine Dragon Divine Fire Barrier, which means that even if it is a high-latitude existence, he does not need to be afraid of attacking him. This is already the most powerful existence in the main material world.

Chengying's current status is already unique. What makes everyone extremely embarrassed is that this guy's level is only in double digits.

The auction ended successfully, and no one who was planning to cause trouble took away the auction items. So much so that the reputation of this businessman became even greater. The items he sold were so powerful that even beings from high latitudes could not take them away. Let people also look forward to the release of other next works.

It just appears before the next work comes out. It turned out to be an almost free course registration.

The most famous businessman on the mainland and the most famous magic weapon forging master actually started recruiting students. For a while, the beings who were still living in this material world were all moved by the teachings of this level of beings. It's probably a huge improvement for them.

Even if their power is not obtained through their own practice, but through the system. Now that they see the big businessman showing such great strength and accomplishing such incredible things through his own knowledge, they are more or less moved.

What if you can not rely on the system, but are willing to place your strength on an unknown existence?

But now they want to become stronger and gain greater strength. It’s already difficult to rely on the road. After working hard until now, their respective values ​​are already very high. It should be time to start enjoying it. The problem is that there is no safe environment here at all. Killings are everywhere. As long as you stop, others will overtake you and hunt you down.

Everyone has countless enemies. If you stop, the enemies may become stronger. Under such a vicious cycle, even if you achieve success, you cannot enjoy it as safely as the outside world.

Only by acquiring strong strength through non-systematic means, and through means other than killing, can we ensure ourselves to be stable for a period of time.

There is such a master in front of me, who is willing to give everything to him, and there is no threshold and almost no price to pay, so why would he refuse?

For a time, strong men from all over the world felt that there were some strong men who had hatred between each other. During this period, they killed each other.

But once they entered a certain range, they found that they couldn't attack each other, and they couldn't even attack each other.

Gradually, some people discovered that there was a layer of rules covering this area. Within this layer of rules, fighting was actually stopped. It seemed that no one could initiate a fight here unless their strength exceeded a certain limit. The kind that can directly break this layer of rules.

This discovery soon spread across the mainland. Many people who were being hunted fled all the way to this field, and indeed escaped the chase. If the pursuers could tear all the laws here to pieces, If so, there is no need to run away. Almost no one can escape the pursuit of a strong man of that level. It is more worry-free to just wait for death.

There are more and more people in the field Cheng Ying has built. As time goes by, more and more people who enter his field appear in his classes.

The inability to fight in this area means that most of the methods of obtaining points cannot be used. In this case, if you want to kill time here, the only thing left is to find the academy here to study.

Courses are taught without any privacy. Everyone can watch as long as they enter the classroom. There is something similar to holographic projection in the classroom, but it is much more real than holographic projection. It can be seen and touched. Those who have received it will teach the lessons in the classrooms, and the people in every classroom are the same, that is, Chengying.

The content of the courses taught in different classrooms is also different. If you want to listen to the lectures, you can go to classroom No. 1 for the first class, and so on. After walking through each classroom, you can gradually form a system. Enrich your knowledge.

The holographic projection-like existence responsible for teaching is not just a video, but can actually give feedback to students' questions. The process of each class is different.

Someone tried to take the same class over and over again, and was kicked out by the holographic projection inside. The reason was that he had already learned all the content in the class, so he should not take up space here.

The most important thing is that he can't defeat this holographic projection. Combat battles cannot be triggered in this area, with the exception of all projections. Obviously this is the representative of the will of the master here, so only he can trigger the battle.

And after the fight started, the guy who had been in the same classroom for who knows how many classes was chased and beaten up.

He can be regarded as a powerful person with a limited reputation outside, but he can't even defeat a holographic projection here, which is really embarrassing.

However, it also made the learners in this area realize how powerful their tutors are. Although the level is very low, and although the body itself is not very powerful, the ability to control the rules is already too strong. It can be done with the help of tools. Things they are far from capable of doing.

All this is like opening up a small time independently, so that many people even plan to settle here permanently. In this world full of killings, there are many weak existences that are not themselves. Willing to kill. In this way, choosing to settle in this area and living in such a prosperous, prosperous, and most importantly peaceful area is really a joy and experience for them.

After a large amount of knowledge is taught, people learn and apply it, and this is the real purpose of imparting knowledge.

In the process of constantly exploring the laws of the world, Cheng Ying gradually discovered his own limitations, although his thinking speed has been increased to a very terrifying level by the power of the rules. Relying on the acquired spiritual treasures created by oneself, the computing power is incredible, but this is not enough. What he needs is more advanced technology and more understanding of the rules of this world.

Although he has a powerful thinking speed, the amount of inspiration seems to be limited. Even though this limited amount is many times that of other people, there is still a big gap between being able to understand the entire world.

Although the students he taught had limited knowledge and limited computing speed, each of them had their own inspiration. Obtaining many inspirations is repetitive, even wrong, and has no helpful meaning. However, what Chengying itself needs is only inspiration, not correct inspiration.

This is an expansion of his thinking. The process of understanding the world is not limited to understanding advanced and complex knowledge. It is not limited to knowing the correct truth.

In fact, those mistakes also need to be learned and understood. Just like a person is extremely smart, but he cannot understand how a fool thinks, then this does not mean that he understands the world.

In this case, if you want to fully understand a world, you must not only understand the existence of correct and beautiful truths. It is also necessary to understand the unfathomable existence in the hearts of those twisted and fallacious people.

And these inspirations are extremely precious to beings who are breaking through the limits of a certain stage.

After reaching the emperor level, if you continue to break upward, you will encounter two huge bottlenecks. They are called golden nature and immortality respectively, and they also represent what this world needs to break through to the strongest level. Two breakthrough directions.

One is the unification of all laws, integrating countless runes into one, that is, from the Bagua to the Five Elements, from the Five Elements to the Four Symbols, from the Four Symbols to the Two Symbols, and finally from the Two Symbols to Chaos. The further you push back, the more you study. The more difficult it becomes, and when it comes to the final step, it is almost impossible to do it.

The other direction is to understand everything in the world and understand the meaning of all runes. This path is more feasible than the previous path that relies on physical properties, but it is also more endless.

The number of runes in the world is almost endless. If you study, explore and understand them one by one, even until the universe is destroyed, you will not be able to understand them all. It is also an almost dead end.

It is precisely because every road is so difficult that it is so difficult to become the ultimate strong man.

Although Cheng Ying is still at the legendary level now, he has obviously embarked on the latter path and begun to try to understand and analyze everything in the world, and has gone further than anyone before, because in Before this, no one had ever tried to understand the existence of those who were wrong, those who were irrational, and those who were inferior.

No one cares what those ignorant beings in the dust think, and these are themselves part of the knowledge of the vast world, and are one of the prerequisites for achieving the latter and understanding all things.

After the academy opened, Cheng Ying could clearly feel that the runes that he had been unable to deduct were once again pushed forward.

He originally deduced the four Bagua runes, but they were already greatly suppressed by Heaven. Even if he continued to deduce backwards, he could still forcefully push them away. It was estimated that the fifth rune would be his limit. At that point At times, the suppression of Heavenly Dao on him will reach an incredible level, causing many things that he can directly think of to be blocked from his brain.

To break this wind, what you need is more knowledge, and what you need is for him to be able to recognize the existence of the sixth, seventh and even eighth runes more naturally.

The more he can recognize their existence, the more conclusive the evidence is, and the harder it will be for Heaven to block his knowledge. If he understands all the laws between heaven and earth, then there will only be three gaps left. Even the law of heaven cannot stop him from filling all three gaps, unless he restarts the world and starts everything over again, taking him along with the world. Eliminate it.

But even the current Heavenly Dao cannot do that kind of thing. It is almost equivalent to perishing together. After all, if you do not erase your own internal logic, if you do not cause a causal paradox, it is impossible to prevent this knowledge. Continue to be understood.

Cheng Ying clearly felt that his ability to understand the Bagua runes had greatly improved during this period. Even if he had not yet tried to create the next acquired spiritual treasure or tried to use the power of the runes he understood to the limit, he He could also vaguely feel the appearance of the fifth Bagua rune. In this case, he could at least understand the extent of the seven Bagua runes.

As for the last one, it is undoubtedly the most difficult. If he successfully understands and obtains it, the sign will lose most of its meaning in suppressing and blocking this aspect of knowledge.

Even if Tiandao can make it so that no one can understand the Bagua Rune in his hands, there is nothing he can do. It distorts a certain fact. Who is the first person to discover the Bagua Rune? Even if it is a latecomer, even if it is chosen by Tiandao. The person who later discovered the Bagua Rune was meaningless because he was no longer the original discoverer.

What this means is that one of the three great merits has been taken away, which means that nearly one-third of the Human Emperor's power has been taken away.

The Eight Diagrams among the Four Symbols and Five Elements Bagua have been taken away, and every great merit means a treasure of merit. The Four Symbols and Five Elements Bagua formation is almost the strongest among the ten major formations in the ancient continent. Even if you can only get one-third of it, it is almost enough to make you almost invincible on the ancient continent of this era.

[To be continued]

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