Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 162 Peaceful Realm

In this peaceful area, no one can trigger a battle, and can only use all their energy to learn. The learning process is also extremely difficult and long.

There is no end in a short time, because the knowledge contained in this area is too huge. The knowledge of Osaka in the Tree of Wisdom can be found here, and many of them are still comprehended in this world, and there is no knowledge outside.

If you don’t have a super powerful mind and a very special soul and consciousness state, and a trained mind, don’t even think about figuring out what these things are in a short time.

The system built by Chengying can gradually and systematically learn all kinds of knowledge. And it takes endless time to learn a category of knowledge to the peak. Not to mention learning everything here.

Not everyone likes to learn, so most people hide here to avoid the existence of chasing them.

Some people came in after avoiding the existence of chasing them, but sat in a classroom with the existence of chasing them.

The pursuers and fugitives get along in this peaceful space for several months or even years. They may become friends with each other.

Such things are not uncommon in this area, and some people even made a movie about it. There is nothing strange about this. In a relatively peaceful environment, people will think about how to entertain themselves.

In the outside world, everyone just keeps killing, because the rules of the world force them to kill. If they fall behind others, it is not killing, but being killed by others. Under such rules, there is no other choice except to keep killing and keep getting their hands bloody.

But now this piece was originally born for education. In the peaceful field, families no longer need to be restricted by such rules. They can get along with each other and communicate their inner thoughts.

You can sleep peacefully, or even find your partner, without worrying about being betrayed and killed by your partner. Find true friends and live in a community.

Although most of the races here are not human, the races that can live in groups are basically all social animals. Lonely survival has actually made many intelligent creatures feel very uncomfortable. It may even cause serious mental problems and gradually go crazy.

In this area in front of them, the problems they faced were no longer problems. As long as they could enter this peaceful area and did not violate the rules here, they could live here safely.

Naturally, some people thought of entertainment. Not everyone loves to learn, and this place does not restrict them from doing other things. Although they do not study, most of the abilities on this continent must rely on the system.

But the abilities exchanged in the system are also very convenient. There are still many functions of cameras that can replace humans, and some people actually have a lot of scientific and technological skills. It is still very simple to make movies.

Chengying did not expect that this area where he knew that he could not fight would develop so prosperously, but this also helped him understand all the knowledge of this world and fully understand this whole world, naturally including the bizarre phenomena happening in this area now.

People built cities and their own communities in this peaceful area. After seeking permission from the owner here, that is, the permission of the holographic projections teaching in the classroom, they even built their own entertainment facilities, because the productivity here is almost unlimited and there is no need to worry about any logistical problems. The city was almost built into an entertainment city by them.

And as some people who have learned a lot of knowledge joined in, they relaxed their body and mind to a certain extent. The technological level of facilities in the city is also improving rapidly.

Originally, the food and daily necessities in the city were all automatically provided by the intelligent robots in this space, and were produced and printed bit by bit by the microscopic robots here. If they were separated from these, it would be difficult for people here to survive independently.

But with the development and progress of science and technology, more and more advanced equipment appeared in the city. Those who have learned a lot of knowledge and have rich experience and only need to practice it once in reality have also begun to exchange a lot of materials in the system to practice the knowledge they have learned here.

Because there is no conflict in material demand. Under such conditions of great material abundance, the degree of harmony between people is quite high. Many people don’t care so much about their gains and losses. Even if the things they make become public facilities and are used casually by others, there is actually nothing to worry about.

Some people even want to see that the things they make are popular, which makes this area the most prosperous area on the entire continent.

The size of this peaceful area is limited after all, roughly equivalent to the surface area of ​​the earth, although it is actually quite large. However, more and more people want to live in this peaceful area, and the size of this area seems to be a little insufficient. Some people are more pioneering, and they realize that the peaceful area itself also means an important function, that is, as long as you enter it, you can avoid being killed.

Living in such a realm where you can't fight does provide enough security, but if you just survive next to the realm, you also have a considerable degree of security. As long as you encounter any danger and escape to the peaceful realm in time, people outside will be safe. There is no way to attack them.

With this mentality, cities began to be built outside the realm of peace. What’s interesting is that no one wanted to be too far away from this realm, so the city was built around the entire realm. At the beginning, the city was just a plane, and It is a plane that continues to expand outward, a circle of annular areas. The farther outward, the cheaper the land price is, because it takes longer to reach the core peaceful area. Even if it is equipped with teleportation facilities, it cannot guarantee its own safety when faced with a prepared surprise attack by a powerful enemy, so the price has never been higher.

But one day someone suddenly had the idea to build a three-dimensional city. From the current point of view, the peace field should be a spherical area. Therefore, in addition to the area covered on the ground, there is also a large area in the sky that is covered by the peaceful realm.

In fact, people in the field have already started their own huge city construction plans. The entire field has been built into a huge pyramid. The side length of the pyramid is more than 40,000 kilometers. The height will not be much lower, and every time There are people living on every floor. Can you imagine how many people can live in such a huge building?

It is also such a magnificent facility. It is enough for enough people to survive here, and people outside are thinking of the same solution. Since the flat city cannot meet people's needs, then the city should be erected. If the space inside the flat field has been occupied, , then they would make a spherical shell close to the edge, so that a large number of people can survive in such a three-dimensional city, and the distance to the peaceful realm is close enough, and they can escape directly in case of danger. In this way, they can Ensure the safety of living in this spherical shell.

Then a strange building appeared, and a city wrapped in the realm of peace like an eggshell appeared.

When building this city, people didn't actually notice that even if they were far away from the peaceful realm, even if they didn't have time to escape to the peaceful realm, they believed that they couldn't attack each other, so they built this city After that, perhaps even if the peaceful realm disappears, the peace here can last for a long time.

And this is not the most important thing. To build such a three-dimensional city requires a lot of knowledge. With primitive technology and a little extraordinary power, it is impossible to build such a magnificent building.

Therefore, with the efforts of hundreds of millions of people, a large number of high-end talents have been cultivated. They have mastered very high-end technologies, completed the design and construction of cities, and made countless mistakes in the process of learning. Mistakes, these mistakes have become inspiration, provided to Chengying. Everyone's inspiration and mistakes are an accumulation of knowledge. These relatively dull existences themselves are also part of the world. If you don't know enough about them, , and why do you say you understand the world?

Cheng Ying was not in a hurry to build his fifth Houtian Lingbao. Three of the remaining four runes in the Bagua runes were just the last step. He needed to ensure that he could comprehend all the remaining four runes. It's not that because he comprehends more and more, the seal of the law of heaven on him becomes stronger and stronger, and he is unable to comprehend the last one.

This is accumulating. Next, he plans to comprehend all four laws at once, create the strongest acquired spiritual treasure he knows, and carve all the Bagua runes on it. This is like an alarm going off. , it always takes some time from the onset of alarm to the policy becoming more stringent.

After he had not comprehended a rune before, he had to wait for a period of time before comprehending the next one. During this period of time, the suppression of his thinking by the laws of heaven began to subtly become stronger.

And if he comprehends the remaining four runes in a very short period of time, although the laws of heaven will continue to become stronger for him, this becoming stronger will also have a process, and it will not have time to generate enough suppressive force. , if he has comprehended all the last four runes, it will be too late even if Heaven wants to stop him.

Things like Bagua runes are not like memories of other things. Once successfully obtained, there is no way for heaven to erase them.

As for the protagonist in the original work who traveled to this era, he brought his own plug-in and understood these runes from the beginning. They belong to the big universe and cannot be interfered with. After all, he is a real cheater and is beyond the level of this world. Strong, but he didn't realize it.

Cheng Ying doesn't plan to wait until that time, and he doesn't know how long it will take to wait until that time. He will always do something with his own strength.

And this accumulation process is undoubtedly extremely long. During this accumulation process, countless scholars have become real strong men in the outside world with him, even if they have not obtained many points or exchanged items from the system, Relying on their own knowledge and practice, they gradually created their own power system in addition to the power given by the system.

Most of these people no longer care about the strength of their combat effectiveness. By the time they reach this level, they have basically understood that the strength of their combat effectiveness is actually only secondary. What truly strong people need to compete with is actually their view of the world. understand.

The more powerful they are, the more amazed they are at the unfathomable depth of the creator here. It is even difficult for them to understand the thinking structure of intelligent creatures, and how they can take into account so much knowledge at the same time and understand them.

Perhaps this is the precious thing accumulated by people who have reached the peak level in another world.

The speed of thinking and mental structure may be imitable, but the most fundamental thinking mode of a person and the most essential personality of a person are not so easy to imitate, especially those who have been trained to almost the extreme. personality.

Chengying doesn't know why his mental structure can withstand so much knowledge without collapsing. Logically speaking, his thinking contains so much knowledge. Even if he doesn't do anything or think about the knowledge, he just lets it go. They store it enough to change their mental structure and gradually lose their sensibility. Become a machine with only reason.

But no, he still retains his sensibility extremely completely, and can clearly perceive what he wants to do and what he doesn't want to do. Everything he has experienced has left him with very real feelings, including joy, anger, sorrow, and even more. The complex emotions were clearly retained in his heart, but most things could not trigger these emotions in him.

Improving one's own realm does not mean getting rid of these seven emotions and six desires. Because these things themselves are part of the world. No, we just shouldn’t get rid of these seven emotions and six desires. What’s more, we must be able to empathize with as many beings as possible and understand their emotions. Only then can we understand their thinking and even understand. Every detail of this world.

[To be continued]

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