Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 163 Super Computer

As Cheng Ying continued to learn, he gained more and more knowledge. In the process, his own brain was no longer enough to store so much knowledge. After all, before he entered here, the strength of this body was not even The legendary level is only the third level. After arriving here, he just optimized his body internally, without using any foreign substances, and barely broke through to the legendary level.

This is already the limit of what he can do without using foreign materials. If he uses the materials of this world to build his body here, then it is very likely that he will never be able to leave this world in the future.

Because of this, even though his own strength is limited and he is unable to reach the sky and become the real top powerhouse in this world, he still chooses to be stuck at the legendary level. The trouble this brings is that even though his mental structure is special, At this time, the external hardware cannot accommodate enough knowledge.

The method he used before that was to use the acquired spiritual treasure he created to memorize the knowledge he needed to store, and to build a mental structure similar to a second brain outside the body to share it with his conscious senses. Expand your consciousness.

But now this method is no longer enough to keep up with his constantly expanding knowledge. When the knowledge covers the mistakes that everyone may make, the amount of knowledge will increase geometrically.

A piece of knowledge has only one correct answer, but there are countless possible misunderstandings. If all misunderstandings are entered into the knowledge base as part of the understanding of the world, then the people who need to understand The amount of knowledge is much greater.

It is a conventional storage device that cannot be stored. It is also a normal mental structure and cannot be understood. It was still possible to use acquired spiritual treasures to forcibly record it before. But now it is necessary to build a special memory storage device. In fact, Houtian Lingbao can also do this. Even something that can be created through conventional means and can do the same thing is an acquired spiritual treasure.

There are actually relatively few Houtian Lingbao that specialize in storing information. There is almost no such thing in history. You can only build it yourself and improve the quality of the thing to the level of acquired leadership. Chengying is actually suppressing his understanding of the rules and excluding part of the knowledge from himself. In addition to his comprehension, otherwise, he might have comprehended the fifth Bagua rune by now.

But in that case, the suppression of him by the laws of heaven will gradually increase. The reason is very simple. Even if he has understood seven of the Bagua runes, if he has not understood them all, he cannot be regarded as the true founder. In that case, the targets won't be particularly strict when they hear it. Occasionally, someone who has comprehended a few Bagua runes will be revealed, and that's it. But if you advance one by one in this way, when you advance to seven, the way of heaven will Basically, he will target it with all his strength. Even if Lan Nuo has accumulated enough knowledge, the difficulty of breaking through this bottleneck may not be inferior to deducing the Bagua runes to the limit and understanding all the runes in the world. ....This is actually equivalent to breaking through the golden nature, equivalent to taking half a step to break through to the ultimate, and only reaching this kind of existence that can almost be on an equal footing with the universe. Only then can we completely break through the suppression of heaven.

However, this is obviously an almost impossible path. If you have access to the help of Bagua runes, you may still be able to successfully follow this path. If not, you must get the blessing of heaven and get a series of adventures before you can do it.

Cheng Ying obviously won't be favored. It's already good if he doesn't get targeted. But this basically puts him in an infinite loop. If he can't get the Bagua runes, it will be difficult to deduce all the runes in the world. This is not recommended. If there are some runes, it will be difficult to break through the blockade of heaven and obtain the Bagua runes.

It was only after Cheng Ying obtained four runes that he felt that Heavenly Dao's suppression was getting stronger and stronger on him. In the past, every time he broke through a rune, the increased suppression on him was actually minimal. If he hadn't suppressed everything, Quantified, what can be perceived through data is minuscule and almost impossible to pass through conventional perception. If he knew the changes in suppression, he would have to introduce at least two more runes before he could realize this. I realized this at that time, to be honest, it was already a little late.

At this time, Cheng Ying suppressed his understanding of the rules and tried his best to ensure that he would store a new set of memory information about himself as the acquired spiritual treasure of his second brain without touching the Bagua runes. Create it.

In fact, this thing originally existed, and it was more suitable than anything else. It existed as his second brain. It was the innate spiritual treasure he brought with him, which was also the carrier of the world he was in before. , to be honest, that thing is said to be an innate spiritual treasure, but it has more or less transcended the constraints of this world.

It's just that this innate spiritual treasure is not on his body. It must not be on him. The most dangerous mission he performed was to come to the lower dimensions. In a place like this, even the most powerful person may be trapped here forever. If the innate spiritual treasure is placed on his body, he may never see the light of day.

Obviously, it was impossible for him to bring such a precious and unique thing here, so he had to build something similar for himself, a replica of the innate spiritual treasure he owned.

After all, before coming to the lower latitudes, no one could realize that he had such a good opportunity to gain the precious opportunity to master the Bagua Rune.

Cheng Ying exchanged quite a lot of precious raw materials this time to make this new acquired spiritual treasure. On the one hand, his memory ability is indeed close to the limit. He must expand his thinking ability, and expand it as much as possible under the premise that his spiritual will can bear it.

On the other hand, the points he had accumulated were almost enough to exchange for the Haotian Mirror. As long as he can exchange enough for the Haotian Mirror, his understanding of everything can be improved to another level, and his understanding of the world can also be improved to several levels, and he can see through everything in the world through the Haotian Mirror. ....In this way, he can receive the endless knowledge transmitted from the Haotian Mirror through the acquired spiritual treasure he has constructed now. ..

In fact, the real owner of something similar, the Haotian Mirror, had built it in the original work. That is something called logical heaven. It is a very strange machine. The machine itself was born in an area similar to low latitudes, but more mysterious and special. It is an existence with infinite computing power. In order to fight for this thing, even the innate holy throne has taken action. Now, there are even higher-level and more terrifying beings participating in the fight.

It is conceivable that it is such a precious treasure. However, due to energy and other problems, Hao, who had just obtained this treasure, was far from being able to use his true computing power until the treasure was obtained. After gaining a holy position, he now has relatively enough energy to show his powerful computing power, and can be regarded as a preliminary complete form.

What Cheng Ying is planning to create now is definitely not as powerful as logical heaven. But the computing power that can be displayed is definitely not weak, at least it is stronger than the acquired spiritual treasure he is using now.

Although the acquired spiritual treasure he is currently using has quite strong calculation power due to its complex enough structure, its expertise is more focused on building the world and imitating the power of laws of other acquired spiritual treasures. It is not a device specially used for calculation, and it still has quite a shortcoming in terms of computing power.

This time, the creation of Houtian's leader still needs to borrow the previous time acceleration field, but this time, the creation of Houtian's Lingbao needs to use one of the many laws he has learned in the divine blood before.

As his knowledge increases, he understands more and more laws, but many extremely well-chosen laws, even laws with authority and power in this world, still cannot be calculated through conventional knowledge. Among them are Including one of the first laws he understood from the divine blood.

The law of unlimited enlargement and reduction of objects allows objects to be enlarged and reduced regardless of all other objective factors. After zooming in and out, the energy of the object itself will also zoom in and out.

This function is actually most suitable for processing some extremely precise parts. It allows people in the primitive era to process chips. Of course, if it is a technology that can process existences that are countless times more complex than chips, if it is used on enlarged items, the microscopic structures that can be constructed will be extremely complex. Make any existence feel incredible.

The Prehistoric Continent is a very strange world. Matter can be infinitely subdivided. Most matter in nature is composed of atoms and even basic particles, but there are always some exceptions.

When making Houtian Lingbao before, similar materials were used. After carving their interior with countless runes, they also took advantage of the fact that their structure can be almost infinitely subdivided, and each one was larger than an atom. Small microstructures have become incredibly complex, giving each of them enormous computing power.

But what Cheng Ying wants to do now is even more extreme, but this time he doesn't need so many microstructures, he only needs a relatively macroscopic computing device. .... Then I saw a huge structure consisting of 27 cubes in a field.

Each cube has a side length of more than tens of millions of miles. If you look closer, it will seem like the end of the world. It is an extremely huge wall connecting the sky and the earth, and all the cubes are shrouded in it. In a barrier, that is the field of time acceleration.

In this field, Cheng Ying threw the acquired spiritual treasure that he had created before. The acquired Lingbao composed of ten to the twenty-sixth power microscopic structure became the robot most suitable for microscopic carving of the behemoth in front of him.

After enlarging the behemoth in front of you to the order of magnitude in front of you, you can sculpt its microstructure in depth.

Ten million meters is actually not too big, it is just the seventh power of ten. The carvings on him and the runes carved inside him are all at the level of atomic nuclei or even the level of elementary particles.

This level of microscopic carving, after the thing in front of you is shrunk to the eighth power of ten, is considered to have a sufficiently complex structure inside. To add such a complex structure to the inside of such a behemoth, it does not take a long time. If the time acceleration formation is used, who knows how long it will take.

I would like to go out and look at those huge cubes, which are huge black squares. Even if you get very close, you can't see the lines on the squares. But if you use a microscopic enough microscope, you can find that these squares are actually hollow. , has an extremely complex internal structure, itself composed of extremely precise lines connected together.

When he is finished building it, it will be a supercomputer with acquired Lingbao level. Its computing power is at least ten to the fifteenth power of his previous acquired Lingbao. This is one of the professional computing auxiliary equipment and combat equipment. There is a huge gap in computing power between them.

Only by reaching this exaggerated level can Cheng Ying's thinking be expanded enough so that his thinking can be stored in a complex enough structure.

As for the creation of this acquired spiritual treasure, there hasn't been much movement. Because this is an acquired spiritual treasure structure that is purely responsible for calculations, the strength is not that important. Therefore, when building, the environmental conditions are actually not harsh. The excess internal heat can be discharged at any time, which only slightly increases the temperature of an area. The building process is basically carried out at the micro level. At the macro level, almost If you can't see anything, you won't attract much attention.

The moment it was successfully built, few people even noticed it. It was not until the huge cubes began to become smaller that anyone realized what had happened. Another acquired spiritual treasure had been built, although most people had not done so before. Although he was aware of what happened, the process of Hou Tian Ling Bao gradually shrinking from a size that covered the sky and the sun was still relatively conspicuous. The size of this thing is already very large. The overall volume occupied is much larger than that of the earth. Suddenly shrunk to the size of a Rubik's Cube, the movement caused was naturally not small. However, everyone soon knew that this thing was not for sale.

Moreover, Cheng Ying did not hide the role of this thing. After shrinking, the acquired spiritual treasure turned into a Rubik's Cube. The structural strength of the Houtian Lingbao was very weak, and it had almost no combat power. All its abilities were concentrated on calculations, which also made those outside more inclined. Those who are strong in fighting lose interest in this.

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