Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 167 Instant Kill

What really happened in reality was obviously very different from what the innate strong people knew. He thought he had won the victory due to his strong strength. Even if the opponent was cunning and cruel, sacrificing an entire city and using the power of countless creatures to raise his strength to the same level as his own, the ultimate exposure of his trump card caused the top group of strong men to take action together. Targeting him, he eventually died in the fire, and the treasure at hand fell into his hands.

The script arranged by Chengying was quite reasonable in the eyes of the parties involved. Those at the highest level are of the type that don't let go of the eagle when they see the rabbit. It was very bold for him to come out to test, but those people only took action when they were sure that they had a chance to win.

In this case, their last attempt to snatch it was definitely too late. The innate spiritual treasure had already been snatched before they descended from high latitudes.

And their attacks also weakened Cheng Ying to a certain extent, and instead accelerated, he had to be at my speed.

So much so that this innate strong birdman has not realized that he is just in an illusion. The moment he split the yellow mountain and looked into the mirror, his spirit was already pulled into the virtual world. in the world.

Everything that happened next was just his imagination and the illusion given to him in the virtual world.

And when the battle was over, his tense spirit recovered and he relaxed, and it became easier to deceive his spirit. It can easily blur his mind and even the concept of time.

There is a huge difference between the mental intensity of the strong when they are relaxed and tense. If the time in the mirror world is lengthened during the fierce battle just now, a battle that may have lasted only a few hours will be stretched. The time it takes to reach the outside world. For several days or several years, it is possible for someone inside to discover it.

But now this tense state has ended. The current innate expert is immersed in the excitement of having obtained one of the most powerful innate spiritual treasures. It can be said that the defense is at the lowest. At this time, if the outside world If the time is extended, it will appear that he only spent a second in the hallucination, but a hundred years have passed outside.

In this way, he can control it for as long as possible and write fewer dreams. As long as the dream can trap him for a few hours, tens of thousands of years have passed outside, or even longer. , and in this long period of time, what he will face is something that he himself can hardly imagine.

Cheng Ying took back his mirror. The other party's spirit was already trapped in it and there was no need to continue to maintain it. The time flow rate between reality and the world in the mirror began to be adjusted to a very large ratio. A day passes in the mirror world, and a year passes in the outside world.

He still did not choose the most extreme adjustment method. After all, this is the first time to use it, and the opponent trapped is also an extremely powerful type. If the time flow rate is too exaggerated, if the opponent notices the clues, it will be much more difficult to trap the opponent the second time. If you are always prepared, you may feel that there is no problem. He will also subconsciously use his own spirit to wreak havoc on the world he is in to determine whether he exists in an illusion.

When faced with such individuals, it would be too difficult to trap them for a long time.

For other strong men of this level, if they knew the secret of this move, it would be equally difficult to trap them.

It's just that if you observe it from the outside, it's difficult to see any clues. What can be seen is that when looked in the mirror, Birdman's innate strength seemed to have lost his soul and appeared in place like a sculpture.

Cheng Ying immediately walked over and did whatever he wanted to the statue that couldn't move.

This made it impossible for them to judge for a while what kind of attack the mirror was used. This situation was the easiest to think of. In fact, it has some kind of soul-absorbing ability that can directly absorb a person's soul and separate the person's body and soul, so that he can attack the body at will without losing his soul.

Seeing that the body of the innate strong birdman is bound by many chains of laws, the power of his own laws and the power of his origin are contaminated by some special laws and powers. Once it is forcibly used, he will suffer extremely powerful consequences. It is possible for him to suffer a backlash and be destroyed both physically and mentally.

Everyone immediately felt the seriousness of the problem. Before they could test the true ability of the Tianlingbao in Cheng Ying's hand, they had already lost one person. Even if the other party can wake up and discovers such a bad situation in his body, he may have no choice but to obey the order and bear the shadow. In this case, it will be more difficult to test the true ability of the mirror.

No one knows how long this mirror can trap people, and no one knows how many people this mirror can trap at the same time, and no one knows how to break out after being trapped. They are not even sure whether it is mentally trapped.

There is also a possibility that the characteristic of this mirror is that it can stabilize the physical body, and the same effect can be achieved by welcoming it in this way.

Maybe the trigger condition of the mirror is that you have to take a look in the mirror, or maybe there is no need to take a look at all. As long as you enter a specific range, you will be affected. There is even a possibility that your real name will be known, even through the distance. long distance. It will also be affected inexplicably.

Considering all these possibilities, many strong men did not even dare to walk on the road for a while, because maybe if someone saw them, their real names would be locked, and then they would become targets that the other party could attack at any time.

It was now quiet at high latitudes, and all those who had been making plans stopped. There is a saying that nuclear weapons are most powerful when they are on the shelf, and this is actually the case.

When the power of a potentially extremely powerful weapon has not been clearly understood, its deterrence is the greatest. On the contrary, after it is used, its deterrent power is gone.

At this time, the existence of high latitudes was intimidated, and for a while no one dared to come down. This was not only a question of whether they dared, but also a question of whether it was worth it. This guy in front of him. The strength has reached almost the same level as them. Although there is no clear manifestation, just using the innate spiritual treasure on hand to instantly kill the strong men of their level is enough to prove that they are at least at the same height.

If we take action rashly at this time, can we really kill the opponent even if the opponent's mirror has a cooling time?

You must know that the worst case scenario is that he releases the being trapped in the mirror, and then it is a fair two-on-one. There are not many people who are confident that they can defeat the strong Birdman, and there are even fewer people who are confident that they can defeat the strong Birdman and Cheng Ying at the same time.

There is no mutual trust among these top powerhouses. They were able to reach their current level only through countless killings. In this way, growing to their level is actually No friends left.

I am afraid that each other has more or less betrayed their friends, or even stabbed their friends at critical moments. The reason is very simple. When they encounter some dangers and must use points to solve the problem, they have been fighting with themselves. Friends are actually the biggest points. No matter what level you are, when you kill a being of the same level as yourself, the point reward you get is a huge number.

Most of the time, relying on your partner's strength to get through difficulties together has a far lower chance of success than stabbing your partner in the back and then using the points you get from him to strengthen yourself.

Each has had such experiences, and the other must have had similar experiences, so how can they trust each other? Those who trusted their companions wholeheartedly are now dead.

Cheng Ying was right on this point. This is the right thing to do. Birdman's body undergoes transformation.

Birdman's body has been equipped with many formations that can be detonated at any time, and he has no way to do anything to the formations. If he wants to remove them, the most likely possibility is that all the formations on his body are all in place. Detonating at the same time would definitely be enough to wipe him out in an instant.

Cheng Ying does all this with great arrogance. And there was no one to stop him. In fact, before he did all this, if the existence of high latitudes sent out strong men of the same level, there was a high probability that the sleeping strong birdman could be rescued.

It is obviously much easier to wake up a being in a dream than to trap a person in his own dream.

An attack powerful enough to threaten life is the best way to wake a person up from a dream. Although the formation Cheng Ying laid out was life-threatening, the process of setting it up was step by step, just like boiling a frog in warm water.

The destructive power it has always shown is limited, so that when the final arrangement is completed, it happens to be the time when the opponent's spirit is the most relaxed, and it does not wake him up at all. At this time, it is too late to wake him up.

After getting the Haotian Mirror, Cheng Ying did not expect that this thing was so powerful, or that the acquired spiritual treasure he had made before was so consistent with the innate spiritual treasure in his hand that it trapped the enemy. Spiritual abilities can be so powerful. It was different from what those strong men had speculated before.

There is almost no need to activate this move. You don't even need to see the enemy, you don't need to know the enemy's name, you don't need to be attacked by the enemy, and you don't need the enemy to be close to you.

As long as he thinks about it, the existence that is hostile to him will be directly displayed on the mirror, and then the real name will be interpreted by the mirror. Then he can use the real name to pull the other party into the dream world through the air. In other words, any opponent He has a hostile presence and will be attacked no matter where he is.

Cheng Ying did not expect that this move would be so powerful. So far, he has not found the upper limit of his control ability. At least he has no difficulty in suppressing a strong man of this level. It is estimated that dozens of eight can also suppress it.

After all, this is not about forcibly confronting the other party's spirit, but rather guiding the other party's spirit so that the other party cannot distinguish between virtuality and reality.

The most important thing is not actually the improvement of his attack ability by Haotian Mirror. The most surprising thing is actually the ability of this mirror to analyze all things. As long as he wants to recognize any existence in the world, the mirror will reflect all the information of this existence in a way that he can understand. It can be regarded as some information that he cannot understand under normal circumstances. You can also use metaphors and other means to help him understand.

Cheng Ying's understanding of the world's knowledge was already very extensive. Now with the blessing of the mirror, his understanding of everything is increasing at an incredible speed.

The Houtian Lingbao, which was originally thought to be almost impossible to fill, began to store a large amount of information rapidly inside, and was being filled from its originally empty state to a speed visible to the naked eye.

As a thinking container, this acquired spiritual treasure is already extremely powerful. There is no one stronger in this world. Including the innate spiritual treasure, there is no one stronger than it in terms of functionality. Thought container, but even so, he is still being filled up quickly. A large amount of knowledge and information are integrated into this acquired spiritual treasure, supplementing Cheng Ying's understanding of the world.

And he was constantly suppressing his understanding of the Bagua runes. If before he only felt that he was ready to comprehend the fifth rune, now he felt that he had the same effect on the sixth and seventh runes.

It seemed that he could draw them at any time. If he hadn't tried so hard to suppress this feeling, he might have already known what these runes looked like.

He still remembered what he had calculated before. As the number of Bagua runes you comprehend increases, the strength of Heavenly Dao's suppression will become stronger and stronger. If you cannot comprehend all the Bagua runes in one go, the last rune will most likely be lost forever. It cannot be understood.

Therefore, even though the three runes were ready to be drawn out, he did not try to draw these three runes at all. Instead, he continued to suppress his understanding, waiting for the last rune to be understood by him.

The original runes of each Bagua rune represent infinite power. Few people can resist this temptation and forcefully suppress it when they can understand it. This is also a trap of heaven. If you cannot resist the temptation, you will be trapped again and again. Understanding new runes all at once is because you think you can succeed again and again. If you succeed the last time, you will always be stuck at the last step.

[To be continued]

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