Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 168 The last 8 hexagram runes

Cheng Ying has been accumulating and preparing for his understanding of the final Bagua runes.

As time went by, his sense of the last rune became more and more obvious, and he gradually felt like he was about to come out.

And he couldn't hold it back anymore. I feel like I might be able to comprehend the remaining runes at any time. However, before he can create his last acquired leader, he still needs to make some preparations, which is to collect materials.

The Houtian Lingbao to be created this time will be the most powerful one in history, so there must be enough precious materials during the creation process.

As for where to buy these precious materials? Naturally, it cannot be bought with conventional means. He has exhausted almost all his points. Although he can earn a large amount of points every year by relying on his current peace field, but for the most precious innate spiritual treasures that contain the origin, Say, it’s really nothing.

As for creating a powerful Houtian Lingbao and selling it, it is indeed a feasible solution.

But now he is only one step away from realizing the breakthrough and obtaining the Bagua Rune. If you try to create the acquired spiritual treasure now, you will definitely add fuel to the fire. It is very possible that I have completely completed the breakthrough just after trying it. After the comprehension is completed, the difficulty of comprehending the next few runes will be greatly increased.

At this time, all he could buy in the system were some relatively conventional materials, which were also used to create those acquired spiritual treasures before.

But now if you want to get materials containing the origin, there is actually a place where you can get it, and the amount of the origin is quite large.

That was the birdman who fell into his hands before. The birdman hadn't woken up yet, and his body was just there.

Cheng Ying naturally wouldn't let this body go to waste. Although in theory he could release Birdman and have a super fighter.

But to be honest, he does not lack the fighting power of such a thug. In contrast, with the help of his original power, he created the strongest acquired spiritual treasure in history, and took this opportunity to understand the last four types of Bagua runes. , this is what he needs most.

As for the Bagua runes, there is no need for those false ones. He is just an innate strong man. If he can understand the Bagua runes, his strength will definitely be more than innate. Even if he is an emperor, he may not be him. opponent.

Of course, if such a strong person leaves this world, his strength will drop significantly. After all, things like Bagua runes can only increase strength. The divine power he possesses is difficult to be defeated by a strong man who has just reached the legendary level. Mobilize out.

Without these extremely powerful acquired spiritual treasures at hand, it would be impossible to unleash the true power of the Bagua runes. And if you leave here, it will be extremely difficult to create these acquired spiritual treasures.

On the one hand, it is not that convenient to collect materials outside. These materials are also very expensive in the outside world. Some of them are very precious and even cannot be purchased at all.

On the other hand, even if you can buy some things, it is too late. Many of the materials needed to create acquired spiritual treasures have a very short shelf life. Some of them will wither completely within a few minutes of being picked. Even if a strong practitioner can fly extremely fast, they can't keep up with the location of these things, just like the distance between planets.

Even for a strong man of this level, no matter how fast he flies, the day lily will be cold by the time he reaches the place.

The shelf life of some materials is so short that they are almost impossible to transport. It is not impossible to get them together. A strong person who controls the power of time and space can directly freeze time, and then transport materials while maintaining the solidification of time.

But if you think about it with your toes, you will know how high the cost will be.

Many materials themselves are not necessarily very precious, because it is extremely difficult to transport them. If they want to be used together at the same time, the cost will be so high that people will feel numb.

Cheng Ying wants to create the same set of acquired spiritual treasures in the outside world, but he may not even have the opportunity, but fortunately, after leaving here, his own behavior and strength can be improved.

In order to ensure that he could leave here, he never absorbed any material from this world, not even a single atom into his body. In this case, it would be almost a miracle to be able to break through to the legendary level just by modifying one's body and adjusting the layout.

If you want to continue to break through to a demigod, or even a higher level, it is almost impossible here. Even if Chengying could achieve it, he would not do it like this. You must know that breaking through the legendary level is already taking a huge risk.

The difficulty of maintaining different levels of bodies is also different. A legendary-level body obviously consumes more energy, and energy and matter themselves can be converted into each other. The material in his body is limited, even if all the skills he uses use various levers. Borrow the power from this world and use it. It will also be more or less draining on your body.

If the time is short, it won't be a big problem. This kind of consumption is almost non-existent for his body. But over time, his body was unable to replenish any substances. And the matter consumed through this conversion into energy cannot be collected back for replenishment. Sooner or later, his body will completely disappear and dry up.

So far, he has had various accidents. and inevitable energy losses. Five billion atoms were lost. Although for the macroscopic world, this number is so small that it is almost indistinguishable, but for this world where the material of one's own body can only decrease but not increase. Even if one atom is lost, it is almost impossible to replace it.

In other words, he must cherish his body very much now and hardly use the energy in his body. With such a little consumption, his life will have an end, which is different from the strong people in this world whose life is almost endless. .

And he may only live for tens of thousands of years. For the extremely long life here, it seems to be fleeting.

If you continue to improve your body's state, it is indeed possible, but that will often cause huge consumption of the body, and reaching the next state will not be perfect. In that unsatisfactory state, the control of energy The ability will be lower and the consumption of oneself will be greater.

If the strength at the peak of the third level was not too low, Cheng Ying would not risk breaking through to the fourth level. Now he is racing against time to prepare to comprehend the final Bagua rune.

If he could comprehend all the Bagua runes, he would also have the ability to try to interfere with the underlying rules of this world. The most powerful beings in this world. It uses the power provided by the system itself, so it is naturally impossible to defeat the system.

Although the power Cheng Ying used was redeemed from the system, it was essentially an amplification of his own power. The system itself doesn't even know. How do these things work? Many rule systems are actually imperfect. Those outside rules can operate here. But it is incompatible with the rules of the world itself.

Cheng Ying can theoretically break out of this world with the help of these rules that do not belong to this world, that is, the rules he brought from outside.

At least it is easier to break through than those who are still using the power of this world.

Their desire to break through the constraints of this world is the same as achieving the top level of the inner universe outside. The difficulty may even be higher. This is only possible with the ability to swallow the entire universe.

These strong men have different powers, and no one has all the power concentrated on himself. This means that they first have to fight each other to the death before they can get all the random power.

And their concentrated power must not be all in the universe. Another part is that the power of the system can never be obtained by them. Even if all the items in the system are exchanged, as long as the system itself hides some of them, they still have no way to break out.

Cheng Ying is different. He only needs to increase his influence in this world to almost the same level as top powerhouses like them, and then he can use powerful laws that are universally applicable to try to control this small world. Perform tearing.

The world outside is torn apart, and there is a dead end. Without their own world as a source of support, almost no living thing can survive. But if you are sure that there is a world outside your own world, then there will be no problem in tearing him apart.

Cheng Ying used the fastest speed to squeeze out the original power from the unconscious top powerhouse. The innate strong man this time is not the strongest among all the innate strong men. But there is not a lot of original power contained in the body.

The original power that Cheng Ying obtained from it was almost equivalent to a weaker innate spiritual treasure, and this part of the original power was presented in the form of blood.

And even if these original powers are extracted, there is still at least 30% of the original power in the body of the innate strong man that has not been extracted.

But this is enough. The amount Chengying draws is the maximum amount that does not affect the opponent's strength. Of course, if the opponent does not change the way he uses his power and still relies on the system, then his strength will definitely drop to 30% of its original strength. But if he truly masters these original powers and understands how to use them, then he can perform perfectly. The strength is theoretically possible.

Drops of golden blood were blended into each piece of material that was injected into the Houtian Lingbao. This time he created the acquired spiritual treasure. Finally takes on the corresponding shape. Instead of existing like a ball of sand.

With his own form, it is true that he will not be as omnipotent as before, but it also means that the power he can show in some aspects is powerful enough.

Cheng Ying chose the shape of a sharp sword, but the blade of this sword was not in the shape of a blade, but in the shape of a cone. This is also a weapon that symbolizes a breakthrough in the world.

All the power is concentrated on the tip of the sword, which is most suitable for breaking through the world's blockade.

Even if he uses this weapon to break through the small world in front of him, the wound may only be enough for him to squeeze out, and after he escapes, the world may even be closed again for repair.

As for the ending, we can only know after trying it. The design drawing has been set, and this time the sword is no longer constructed with countless runes, but is made into one piece with all the runes engraved inside. This means the weapon will be more powerful. All structures are tightly integrated.

Cheng Ying took a deep breath and began to build his own, the blade of the sword continuously enlarging in mid-air.

The materials used to make him had been tempered repeatedly before being made, and runes were beaten into them one by one, as if kneading dough. There must be layers upon layers inside, filled with the power of laws. At the same time, there is golden blood blended into it.

It is naturally the blood of an innate strong person that contains the original power. After being integrated into it, the entire material itself has a layer of golden brilliance.

With such folding layer by layer, the integration of the power of law and the power of origin gradually increased to the point where you are in me, and you are in me.

After reaching this level, you can make it into the required shape and then enlarge it for final perfection.

In fact, at this point, he has already shown the strength of the acquired spiritual treasure level with the endless runes inside.

If we stop forging him now, then he is already a pretty good acquired spiritual treasure, but this is obviously not enough to break through the world.

In the huge field of time acceleration, the sharp sword blade began to grow continuously. The original length of the sword blade was only three feet. Under constant enlargement, the length can only be described by light years as an adjective. Even if it is This continent is extremely vast, and this sword also occupies a huge area on the continent.

The range of five million light-years has exceeded the limit of everyone's imagination. No one thought that building a weapon requires so much effort. Compared with the momentum last time, this time it is obviously too much. It is no longer an order of magnitude at all.

In the final analysis, the most fundamental reason is that this time he got the Haotian Mirror, and he can use the Haotian Mirror belt to perform calculations for himself. In this way, even if the huge computing power of his small world cannot be tolerated by himself, it can be directly analyzed by the Haotian Mirror. result.

For the analysis within the time acceleration formation, this innate spiritual treasure can be completed, and this innate spiritual treasure itself is the strongest calculation and deduction. In terms of calculation and deduction ability, combined with his Rubik's Cube, it is almost It has been achieved to an extent that has never been seen before or since.

[To be continued]

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