Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 169 All 8 hexagrams

The light-year level magnification law. The energy consumed is very huge. Even if the power of law is continuously maintained, it still requires the consumption of natural energy. After all, the original power it contains is too little. Is there any law of heaven that can obtain infinite energy for its own value?

Only by converting the energy of nature into the power of law can he maintain the operation of his own formation. Therefore, while building this huge formation that is five million light years long, he also built a large number of antimatter energy reactors in the formation. The surroundings continuously provide huge energy to maintain the operation of the formation and ensure that the huge Houtian Lingbao inside can remain intact.

The antimatter reactor is basically a manifestation of technological development reaching its limit. I want to develop things like reactors or engines with higher technology. It requires the power of cultivation, such as Daoyun Reactor.

If you use this kind of thing as a reactor, you can produce the power of the house itself. If you use the energy released by such a reactor to attack, the attack will be eroded by the power of the law.

And this kind of thing must be manifested by the power of cultivation, and it must also master the Bagua runes to be regarded as cultivation.

Chengying definitely does not meet the conditions now, so there is no way to build such a reactor, and he can only resort to using antimatter as the next best option. After providing energy, it is further transformed into the power of law through positive and negative reactions for application.

Today's formations are expanding at a rapid rate. It takes an unknown amount of time to set up this huge formation. If there is no assistance from the time-accelerating formation, even the amplification skill can enlarge items at the speed of light. It would also take five million years.

Even with the assistance of the Time Acceleration Formation, it took a full year before the amplification was successfully completed and the reactors along the way were completed.

This time, the creation of Houtian Lingbao shocked the entire continent. Even from a distance, one could easily see the behemoth. That is already bigger than the galaxy. Just like a celestial body covering the sky and the sun, he can be seen across the entire continent. Those who are closer cannot see clearly because they are too close to see the whole picture.

You have to be far away to feel how shocking this thing is. The huge sword blade lies across the ground. Whether it is running towards him or moving away from him, his size on the horizon will not change at all.

In fact, it has changed, but because the distance moved is insignificant compared to its size, this change cannot be perceived at all. Even the legendary level powerhouse cannot detect such subtle changes.

Someone once tried to fly towards a huge spear in the distance. They thought they could reach the giant thing in the distance quickly. The mountains they saw were also like this. Although they were far away, it would take up to a month if they flew at the extreme speed. You can also fly there.

After all, he looked so big, and looking at something so big, in theory, it wouldn't be particularly far away.

A truly distant mountain range looks like a tiny dot to the eye.

However, when they started flying, they discovered that they had been flying for year after year. But it didn't close the distance with that huge sword blade at all. ….Recalling the first time I saw him, I realized that he was almost the same size as he is now. And they have crossed who knows how many pieces of land, and are far away from their homeland.

In the next hundreds of years, almost everyone regarded this behemoth as a celestial body. There were even many strong people living on this continent who regarded the behemoth in the distant horizon as their directional sign, pointing in a specific direction.

It is easier to use than any compass. In fact, the reason is very simple. Just like insects often use the moon to judge whether they are flying on a straight trajectory, and they will constantly correct the angle between themselves and the moon.

But in fact, although the moon is far away and the insects fly very close, the angle between them and the moon is still constantly changing. That level of distance is enough for navigation, let alone the distance in front of us, which is who knows how many light years.

The behemoth will remain in this world for who knows how many years, because the light it releases travels at the speed of light, and the land under its feet is far more than a few light years, but tens of billions of light years. Size, when faced with an existence of this size, whether it is a living thing or a dead thing, it seems extremely small.

And so does light. Even if light travels at the speed of light, it can travel a prohibitively large distance every second. The distance traveled by ordinary people in a lifetime is probably not as long as the distance traveled by light in one second.

But the behemoth in front of us only took a few hundred years from its appearance to its disappearance, and these hundreds of years were not even enough for the light from its head to reach its tail. By the same token, these hundreds of years There was not enough time for the light he released to travel from the center of the continent to the edge of the continent.

In the next countless billions of years, the shadow of this behemoth will be seen one after another on this continent. People in various places will see such an extremely huge sword appearing on the horizon at different times, and then experience Disappeared after the first half of the year.

Chengying spent such a long time carving his last acquired spiritual treasure.

The top powerhouses at high latitudes have completely given up targeting him. Although he seems to have consumed a lot of energy, it seems that he has a chance to take advantage of the weapon he built.

But they could tell from the state of the weapon in front of them that even if the weapon was not successfully crafted, it could still be taken out and used at any time.

And even if it is not successfully built, the power that this weapon can exert will be extremely terrifying. Although he is only an acquired spiritual treasure, in terms of power, even the top innate spiritual treasure may not necessarily be stronger than him.

And if he completes the creation, unless the body of the Four Swords of Zhu Xian cooperates with the Zhu Xian Sword Formation, and there are strong men equivalent to the four innate holy levels to preside over it, otherwise, in terms of standing, there is probably no way to compete with this. Compared with the acquired spiritual treasure.

Even so, they may have underestimated the power of this acquired spiritual treasure. After all, this thing is built. It is used to target the world, and is powerful enough to break a hole in the world. In other words, in terms of pure penetrating power, this thing is the power of a strong person at the level of the inner universe or the ultimate level. ....And in this small world, even though there is a system that can exchange for various treasures, a strong person of that level has never been born.

That level of power can no longer be achieved by exchanging some treasure? No matter how powerful the innate spiritual treasure is, there is no way to reach that level in one breath.

And it is impossible to strengthen people to that level through the strengthening of exchange. In fact, the highest body enhancement that can be exchanged can only reach the level of the innate holy status, and the rest is only the accumulation of quantity.

The two powerful men in this world who have reached the emperor level all relied on this kind of mindless accumulation of strength to reach their current level.

As a result, even though their fighting power was extremely powerful, they could not see through the power of this acquired spiritual treasure for a while, and they were even less sure that they could control the mirror in the opponent's hand.

Time passed so slowly, and this time the creation of the acquired spiritual treasure lasted much longer than before. Previously it lasted a few months to a year at most. And this time it lasted for more than a hundred years.

Even during the creation process, the energy gathered by such a huge innate spiritual treasure caused it to generate an extremely huge mass, attracting and rolling up the surrounding earth.

An extremely tall mountain range rose up beneath him, and violent earthquakes have often occurred around this area over the years, even with the entire continent following them.

No one can calculate how many runes are engraved on this weapon. I no longer know how to describe it in terms of science and technology, and the power displayed by this acquired spiritual treasure has almost reached the limit of what this world can bear. Circles of light appeared around him. That is the law of the world, which cannot withstand the oppression of his huge power and screams.

Presented as halo and chant. There are constant songs that are implanted directly into the soul. It is emitted from the surroundings of this acquired spiritual treasure, so that all kinds of intelligent creatures can hear it clearly.

Cheng Ying's final creation was coming to an end, and his understanding of various runes had reached perfection. Finally, he began to put his own runes on this weapon.

“Do it!







Redeem! "

The eight runes were carved in almost 0.01 seconds, and when he reached the seventh rune, Tiandao seemed to have already reacted. He is using his ultimate ability to suppress Cheng Ying's ability to understand runes.

But where is this enough? There is no time for Heaven to stop him. What Cheng Ying is doing now may even cause the emergence of historical paradoxes. In order to erase his existence that should not appear, a purple thunder even appeared directly in the sky. It turned out to be the real Dutian Divine Thunder, a thunder that only appeared when the universe opened and ended.

Seeing that the thunder was about to fall, Houtian Lingbao and his master would be turned into ashes.

The huge Houtian Lingbao suddenly shrank, and the last eight runes painted on it seemed to give him infinite power. It took almost no time to transform from five million light years to one that could be held in the hand. With a three-foot clear blade, as Cheng Ying raised him up to face the purple thunder in the sky, he saw an extremely sharp aura being released from the blade. ....The sea of ​​thunder in the sky was directly separated by a hole, allowing Lan Nuo to pass through the hole and reach high in the sky.

An unprecedented explosion occurred on the ground beneath his feet, and the whole thing was turned into nothingness. Ignoring the limit of the speed of light, the explosion spread out at an incredible speed, and everything within a radius of five million light-years was wiped out.

This power has become so powerful that it would have been enough to completely destroy the world if it hadn't been directly pierced by the source and continued to flow down.

High latitudes and low latitudes were directly penetrated by this force. The existences that had been trapped in low latitudes now had a chance to escape, but most of the existences in low latitudes were stunned and did not react at all. It's time to escape.

As for the existence of high latitudes, they were already stunned at this time. Although they had realized that this acquired spiritual treasure was definitely not an ordinary existence. But they didn't expect that even the Dutian Divine Thunder could split, nor did they expect that the birth of this thing would directly provoke the Dutian Divine Thunder. For a while, they couldn't even imagine what level of treasure this was. The God of Thunder is an epoch-making thing bred by the way of heaven. Theoretically, everything in this world was struck by this thunder. The same thunder can also destroy everything in this world.

As a result, it was not only blocked, but also cut off from its source by invisible forces. The acquired spiritual treasure in front of me was completely against the heavens.

But they didn't realize that what was truly heaven-defying was not this acquired spiritual treasure, but the eight runes carved on it.

Qiankun Zhengenkanli Xundui, representing the eight runes of the Bagua, is the foundation of future cultivation and something that has changed the entire era.

There has always been a limit to the number of strong men at the level of the Holy Level, because the number of such places that Heavenly Dao can provide is limited. However, after the emergence of cultivation, immortals who are equal to saints have gradually been born, and they do not need Heavenly Dao. The positions are given, so the number is almost endless. As long as there are enough practitioners, there will always be some geniuses who can practice to the level of immortals.

It is conceivable how significant the Bagua rune is. His appearance can almost overturn the structure of the entire world. Otherwise, why would Bagua be regarded as one of the three great merits of the Human Emperor?

It was precisely because Cheng Ying obtained one of these three great merits in advance that he even changed history and became the biggest variable between heaven and earth. Only then was he crazily targeted by Heavenly Dao, who just tore the small world to pieces and threw away all the gods. Ray comes in.

Naihe entered this small world, and quite a few laws must follow the rules of this small world. Dutian Shen Lei was downgraded to the Dutian Shen Lei of this world, and a hole was poked out of the middle by Cheng Ying's sword. . .

And this thunder was also a good thing for him, because it helped him open a portal and a door to the outside world. Although the world was quickly repaired, it became much easier to leave this world. .

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