Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 170 Noah’s Ark

When all the Bagua runes were learned by a being who was not destined to exist, the history of this world was completely changed. Originally, this period of history theoretically would not change in any way. Even if more time travelers appeared, the final outcome of history would not change.

Because at the end of this period of history, three ultimate strong men were born. They are equivalent to coordinates, because the ultimate level means that as long as it is reached, it means that it will always be this level, whether in the past or in the future.

Therefore, there will be no changes in the time area with them as coordinates. At least any historical changes cannot affect the overall situation and cannot affect their eventual becoming ultimate.

However, during this historical stage that cannot be changed before and cannot be changed later, an existence suddenly appeared that changed history, making the process of humankind's rise variable.

If Cheng Ying had not been in this small world, he might have been directly obliterated by Tiandao just now. However, after escaping this time, Tiandao was basically gone. The chance to continue to obliterate him was not something like Dutian Shen Lei. It can be used casually. Now that it has been used once, it has actually brought a huge impact to the ancient continent.

Although people in the prehistoric continent do not know what happened in such a special space in low latitudes. But that thunder was real and could have a huge impact on the prehistoric continent itself.

Dutian Shen Lei was born in a place higher than the high latitudes of the prehistoric continent, penetrated all the way down, came to the low latitudes, tore apart the shell of the small world and blasted in.

This resulted in such an exaggerated effect, and on the ancient continent, what was reflected was that both high and low latitudes were penetrated, and a hole hundreds of light years in size appeared in the center of the continent. The hole created by the Dutian Divine Thunder.

Lan Nuo still doesn't know that the outside world is already in chaos because of the operation he made. Although this period of history cannot be changed, the direction of this period of history can be known. In other words, many people are actually acting out the script, and this thunder is obviously not what should be in the script.

It turns out that there is no way to leave the low latitudes. The stronger the strength, the harder it is to leave. On the contrary, the strength is relatively weak. Without the existence of the holy throne, you can escape from here as long as you send part of your faith.

This setting itself is to suppress some powerful beings and prevent them from coming to the main material world of the ancient continent to cause destruction.

Therefore, it has the characteristic that the stronger it is, the harder it is to escape. However, the power that created the world has penetrated the low latitudes, just like in the small world. The existences in the low latitudes can escape, and those who originally held the script are the most vulnerable. The top experts were also in a state of sluggishness at this time, not knowing whether they should leave.

They are still different from those strong people in the small world who have not experienced the world. Therefore, they understand better than anyone else the importance of this period of history. Almost nothing can change the direction of this period of history, and the scene before them is really incredible.

They are now beginning to hesitate whether to go against the script and break away from the constraints here. In that case, they don't know how the future will develop, but they can also get rid of some unfavorable endings in the future. ....The opportunity is right in front of them. Some people choose to give up and continue to follow the script. After all, even if the script is torn up, the few people who will eventually become the ultimate will also become the ultimate. No one can change this. Yes, it is indeed possible that other historical changes will occur in this process, but if the three ultimates cannot be changed, everything will be meaningless.

But there are still some people who choose to take this opportunity to leave the lower latitudes. Some of them are not knowledgeable enough. Seeing this opportunity, he ran away decisively, not even knowing that this period of history could not be changed. The other part had been planning for a long time and had been waiting for an opportunity. At this time, they just came out to implement their plan.

And these short periods of time have nothing to do with Cheng Ying, he is just in the small world. After consolidating his understanding of the Bagua runes and confirming that his understanding was deep enough, he took the weapon he had completed in his hand.

In this way, even if he leaves this small world, the law of heaven cannot erase the fact that he has learned the Bagua runes. The founder of Bagua Rune has changed from this moment on.

Cheng Ying once again held the acquired spiritual treasure, and the strong flavor directly tore the high latitude of this small world into pieces. It was already blasted with a hole by the thunder just now, and now it is even more fragile. In this piece of equipment, Facing the sharpest weapon in the world, those who had no ability to resist were torn to pieces. Those without any resistance were successfully broken open.

The existence of the original high latitude is still considering whether it can be captured. Can the various treasures created by Cheng Ying take away the sword in his hand? Now they realize how naive they were.

The opponent can easily tear apart the world. You must know that although this is not the real world outside, it can be regarded as a projection of the real world. The Xuanhuang of Heaven and Earth was the most powerful ultimate expert in the original division of the world.

He has become an intermediate-level strong man twice in history. He is the son of the whole world and a true son of destiny. Even though he completely fell after killing three thousand demon gods for the first time, he will still be resurrected in the future, and After being resurrected, he started from scratch again, climbed to the same level again, and proved it with a funny force that was completely incomprehensible, becoming the most unorthodox ultimate powerhouse in history.

And his division of heaven and earth into black and yellow can be said to be the greatest merit in the prehistoric world. He opened up a paradise between heaven and earth where intelligent creatures can survive freely, so that powerful beings such as gods and devils can only stay away from this area. , living in high latitudes and low latitudes respectively.

How can it be so easy to break a seal of this level casually? Even if it is just a projection in the small world, there is no corresponding history at all, and the intensity it can display is absolutely extraordinary.

The weapon in Cheng Ying's hand was able to tear this seal into pieces easily. Then when this weapon is aimed at them, all the various law-level, authority-level, and even origin-level defenses they can construct will be meaningless.

After Cheng Ying broke through the high-latitude barrier, he disappeared from the spot instantly without any hesitation, and flew up through the breach at a speed exceeding the speed of light. ….Theoretically, the height of the sky is tens of billions of light years. If there is no super-light speed, I don’t know how many years it would take to fly into the sky.

In the same way, the sun and moon in this world are also conceptual existences. Sunlight appears directly everywhere. If it were a real sun and moon celestial body, the time it would take for their sunshine to shine all over the world would be an astronomical number.

What people will see will be the sun and moon from who knows how many millions of years ago. It may even be that due to the movement of the sun and the moon, the light from different days overlaps with each other, so that there are multiple suns and moons in the sky.

This is obviously impossible. The light of the sun and the moon can span time, ignore the limit of the speed of light, and appear directly on the ground. Naturally, there is the same way to make the flying speed exceed the speed of light. Previous strong men have demonstrated it more than once.

Cheng Ying also showed the same ability this time. Before this, he was more passively defensive and rarely took the initiative to attack. Now that he has shown his abilities a little, people have realized that he is probably not far behind the real saint or even the innate powerhouse. Coupled with the weapons in your hands and the innate spiritual treasures whose functions have never been understood, you can be regarded as a strong man far beyond this level.

The emperor of this world appeared in front of him in person to welcome him to the high latitudes.

"I'm sorry that I didn't realize how powerful you are before. Otherwise, we should have gone down to earth to greet you in person." One of the emperors transformed into a human form and met Cheng Ying.

The other one also became a human, but he could still see the third eye on the top of his head.

The two of them chose this way, partly because Cheng Ying also used human images. On the other hand, because the human image itself is the innate Tao body, using this image is of great help to cultivation.

After their strength surpasses a certain level, using such an image can display stronger strength, even stronger than their own body.

This actually proves from the side that human beings are the protagonists of this era and deserve to rise. If all the races in the prehistoric times were not reluctant to part with their own status and their right to dominate the continent, and desperately used various methods to suppress mankind before it rose, turning mankind into the most miserable and humble creatures, the human race would have long ago It has already risen.

Cheng Ying faced the two emperors who greeted him and just nodded without saying anything. Instead, he turned downwards and spoke with the power of law in his voice, allowing the entire dimension to hear what he said. if.

"Next, I am going to break out of this universe, come outside the world, and return to low latitudes. And what do you want to choose? Leave with me. Or continue to stay here?

If you leave with me, I can only take away your thoughts, but I can't take away your strength. After reaching another world, you will just be an ordinary existence. If you continue to stay here, I will break the world and leave. , although it will cause certain losses to the world, it will not destroy the overall structure. You can still survive here. ….I can’t make any guarantees about your life after you leave, so the choice is entirely up to you. Everyone only needs to recite their choice silently in their hearts.

If you choose to leave with me, then don't resist. I will separate your spiritual will from the group and store it in my body. This is the only way in this world that can bring out your consciousness.

I only provide a limited number of places because the amount of data my body can carry is limited. Anyone who has not made a choice before the number of places is exhausted will be deemed to have given up. "

His declaration made everyone feel incredible. They had never thought that they could break out of this small world and come outside. The top experts have spent countless years but have not succeeded in breaking anything. Cheng Ying has just arrived at high latitudes, so he says he can break it?

Most people don't believe it, but a few knowledgeable people who really realize what level of power he uses do believe it. But believing it doesn't mean entrusting your soul and everything to the other party.

In this small world, they are the top strong ones who can call the wind and rain and do whatever they want, but after leaving, they are not even ordinary people because ordinary people at least have their own bodies, they are just a spirit that already exists in other people's bodies.

Whether you can get a body depends on other people's mood.

Moreover, the low latitude outside the birthplace is one of the most dangerous areas. Appearing there. It means a life or death.

Chengying is indeed a capable strong man, but he has the ability to survive in such a harsh environment, but he may not have the ability to protect them in such a harsh environment and survive with them. Because of this, most people refuse. Only a very small number of people choose to leave with him. Of course, even if a very small number of people expand to the scope of the entire continent, it will be hundreds of millions.

Chengying now has no way to take away any material that does not belong to his body from this small world. Therefore, if I want to keep them, I can only record their information on my body and use my body as material to create a type of thinking container to accommodate their spirit.

If Chengying had not successfully mastered the Bagua Rune and had a deeper understanding of the structure of the entire world, he would not have been able to do this. Now, after being convinced that he could break through the barrier of this world, he chose to go all out and take as many people as possible from here.

Not everyone's data has been uploaded here. Most of those who were taken away are humans, and they are the kind of humans who belong to the side of order and kindness after being tested. As for this unfair phenomenon that occurred during the screening, only the top few strong men can sense it.

However, when they faced the extremely sharp blade that was enough to pierce everything, they didn't dare to fart. They were the ones who didn't want to leave the most. What they wanted to do was to take the power they had gained with them. If they didn't leave, they would fall from the clouds to the ground, which they absolutely could not accept.

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