Just hearing this name is enough to make people realize how powerful this guy is in front of them. As a low-level hidden existence, Polo Ge naturally knows what this thing is.

Entropy is one of the most powerful among the innate demons. As beings of their level, their names actually represent the power they control. And anyone with a little bit of scientific knowledge will understand. Entropy is such a despairing existence in the universe.

Under a closed system, entropy is constantly increasing. This word is originally used to describe the degree of chaos in a closed system. Under any closed system, entropy is constantly increasing, even including the entire universe. .

The entire world is actually a closed system to some extent. Because of the existence of this law, everything will develop in an increasingly chaotic direction.

Of course, there are exceptions. The entire world is not completely closed. For example, the power of the sea of ​​soul actually comes from outside the world. This is also because the power of the light of the soul is so powerful that it can break through the limitations of strength after reaching a certain level.

What Mr. Entropy can control is only the entropy in this universe. Even so, as a representative of a scientific term, he is already an extremely powerful existence. Even those old guys who hide and never show up, most of them Neither is stronger than him.

"I didn't expect to see you here. It seems that everything we experienced before was largely arranged by you."

"It can also be said that it was indeed my people who did it for you to fall into that small world, but I only found out about it recently." Entropy seemed very candid and had no intention of hiding anything.

"The cause of the matter is this. You are somewhat famous in the prehistoric world. Ever since you left the Elf Empire, there have been people who have been secretly watching you. Those are my followers on the prehistoric continent. , hidden existences like us cannot leave, and low latitudes will naturally cultivate some believers on the prehistoric continent.

If your strength reaches your level, you should know it. The clone next to you should also tell you this. We powerful beings are trapped in low latitudes, with no hope of escape. As long as enough creatures believe in us, we can theoretically be pulled out.

It's just that the more powerful you are, the more faith you need, like him. "Entropy pointed to Polo Ge: "The power of faith required is not particularly huge. The entire elves believe in him and are extremely pious. There is a high probability that it can be pulled out.

But I think he definitely can't do this kind of thing. After all, his strength is still far behind the most powerful ones among the elves.

As for me, the fear that all the creatures in the entire prehistoric continent will believe in me is not enough to make me escape from here. Of course, even if the possibility is slim, I have still cultivated many believers, and some of them are openly Some of the strong people are just ordinary people. Apart from being able to establish communication with me, they don't have any special abilities.

So I'm afraid you didn't realize that you were actually being monitored. After you inexplicably arrived at a low latitude, your observation sequence among my men increased significantly. Because that probably means you know some secrets of this world.

The information about you was also handed over to one of my more powerful subordinates, that is, he sent you to that small world because he thought you were a trouble, and you summarized the laws of low latitudes. It may cause a lot of trouble. For me, the more regular and orderly something is, the more troublesome it is.

I think you can understand this through my name. Life is the most threatening existence to me, because they can actively eliminate entropy. This is contrary to the Tao I uphold. Of course, it seems now , it is almost impossible to eliminate all life.

And you try to summarize the pattern and make everything orderly. This is also bad for me in a macro sense. So some of my subordinates became more and more substitutes. Prepare to get rid of you when you enter the lower latitudes.

Until this moment, I didn’t even know you existed. Until you entered that small world, according to the flow of time in the outside world, you should have stayed there for more than three hundred years, and I have actually been paying attention to it during this time. What's going on in this little world. "

"Why? Such a small world that can only be entered but not exited. Does it have any special meaning to you? Or do you have some powerful enemies trapped in this world?"

Polo Ge was the first to ask his doubts.

"For other top powerhouses, such a small world that can only be entered but not exited, and no real material can be brought out from it. It does not make much sense. They can construct something similar to this in their own minds. The real Kingdom of God. Let countless creatures who believe in you live freely in your own Kingdom of God.

But for me, this small world is actually quite meaningful. He can help me realize that the flow of time here is a hundred times faster than in the outside world. Although it is not much faster than the outside world, it is enough for me to see the ending of this small world before the end of the universe.

In a closed system, entropy is always increasing. At present the only thing in our universe that can violate this is the light of the mind. The same is true in this small world.

There is one difference between them and the real world. That's their power. It’s not something you’ve trained yourself to do. It’s much more difficult to give birth to the light of the soul than it is for us. This foundation, this ethereal power. Make it difficult for them to give birth to a strong-willed existence. And if the amount of spiritual light is too small, the world will become chaotic faster.

I think you should be able to understand a simple truth. That is in a small world. In a closed world. There are more and more powerful beings showing their strength. The world will become more chaotic. "

"Yes, I can understand this. All intelligent creatures are actually engaged in a process of self-elimination of entropy. The more powerful the intelligent creatures are, the more entropy they emit. For example, what an ant emits is obviously the same as No intelligent creature can match it.

Similarly, if the entropy emitted by an intelligent biological manufacturing factory is vastly different from what an individual can emit, a powerful person is like a factory. The more powerful the factory is, the more entropy the factory will emit. Huge, naturally they will create a lot of entropy just by surviving. "

"Yes, it's just like what you said." An expression of interest appeared on Entropy's face: "This world will reach heat death much earlier than our real world, and that is my way. If Can I see the end of the universe in this small world and see how my Tao comes true? Then my strength will naturally improve, just like when a regular practitioner reaches enlightenment."

"Because of this, I have always paid attention to this small world. Although there is no way to bring out the information from it through conventional methods. But it is not impossible to transmit the information.

People inside can draw outside beings into it by performing some special rituals. And depending on the individuals involved, it can actually be the other way around. Send message.

I cultivated a large number of bacteria and numbered them, and then asked those who entered the world to remember the number of each bacteria and the characteristics of each bacteria, so that they can transmit information when they need to I can summon the bacteria to tell me what they want to say.

Of course, this transmission of information is unilateral. If I want to communicate with them, I have to send someone in. Just give them what I want to say.

And I can learn about these bacteria by the order in which they disappear. The information you want to express to me.

The transmission efficiency of this kind of information is very low. But when necessary, you can even send pictures or videos. I imagine you being tech savvy would know exactly what to do.

Pictures and videos, if realized through technological means, are actually just strings of data.

There are a huge number of bacteria. I can record the disappearance order of a large number of bacteria, then obtain a large amount of data, combine these data, and analyze it to get what I need.

Time flows faster inside than outside, so my waiting is not particularly boring.

This also allows me to witness the end of the universe in a more intuitive way. And you are an accident that happened while I was waiting.

Your rise is too fast and too conspicuous for such a big thing. It's impossible for the men I sent in not to report to me.

So I became curious about you. Not only do you have a lot of knowledge, but your mental structure is also very interesting. Your way of thinking is different from ours, and you are better at finding solutions to problems than we are. When faced with an unfamiliar problem, you can rely on intuition to find the best solution.

This is what I discovered by watching you create those acquired spiritual treasures, and you now have enough knowledge. The most important thing is to have eight runes that even I can't understand. This makes me very interested in you.

You are a smart person and you should understand that you should cooperate with me now. "

Cheng Ying was silent for a moment, and then nodded: "What do you want me to do?"

He knew very well the situation he was facing now and what the other party meant by his words. In short, this was a threat. It's just that the other party had a better attitude and spoke more tactfully, and did not directly express the threat.

The current situation is actually very simple. The most powerful man in the world squatted directly at the door of the resurrection point, Chengying. Although Chengying's strength in the small world, if brought out, he may not lose to the one in front of him. This existence gives him enough time, and he is confident that he can grow to that level, but obviously he does not have time to grow now, and the entropy he faces now can easily kill him.

Even for him, no matter how hard he tries, it's useless. He can't escape, and he can't commit suicide. The gap between them is countless times bigger than the gap between humans and ants. Maybe it's bigger than the gap between humans and ants. The gap between the holy position and the ants is even greater, and any resistance is impossible, so the only thing left is cooperation.

"Your Excellency is indeed a smart man, so let me tell you straight away, I want you to learn the eight runes."

"No problem, I can carve them out and give them to you, but you should be able to understand from your previous observations. Even if I give them to you, it will be difficult for you to learn. Neither you nor I are destined. I It was only through some coincidences that we broke through the blockade of Heaven, and now Heaven's blockade has become too strong. Even if I give you the runes, it will be difficult for that person to learn if you are not destined. ”

"How do you know I'm not the one I'm destined to be? Do you know something?" Entropy's tone suddenly became dangerous.

Instead, Cheng Ying gave a look that looked like an idiot: "Why do you think you are the destined one? You don't know how many intelligent creatures there are in the world, right? What is the probability that it will be your turn?" "

Entropy transformed into a human form and touched his nose, feeling that maybe he was really too sensitive. He knew something, and his future self even told him some information about the destined person.

After the early birth of the Bagua Rune, history has been changed. This period of history that was originally unchangeable has become no longer fixed, so what he does now is likely to affect the future.

As for a strong man of his level, if there is a change in his future achievements, it is likely that he will be able to feel it immediately.

Obviously, he met Cheng Ying here, and his strength in the future also jumped to a higher level.

"It doesn't matter, even if you can't understand it, it doesn't matter. Just give it to me. Since you can understand it through special means, then I can also try. Even if Heaven has sealed this backdoor as much as possible, there may not be anything else. The back door, and just looking at these runes itself can make those of us who have reached the peak of strength slowly improve.

As entropy, as the existence that accompanies this universe from beginning to end, what I don’t lack most is time. No matter how many reincarnations it is, as long as entropy still exists, I will exist, no matter how little my strength is improved, just a little bit. By accumulating, I can also become..."

Cheng Ying suddenly interrupted the other party: "Have you ever heard of a mathematical term called limit?

If you improve every time by half of the last time, then even if you are given wireless time, you will not be able to surpass a certain limit. "


[To be continued]

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