Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 173 The Contract of Heaven

Being blocked by the innate demon when you go out is almost the worst possibility. Fortunately, the innate demon who blocked him this time was a relatively rational type, not a chaotic type who just knew how to kill.

Cheng Ying didn't mind handing over the Bagua runes in his hand. Because even if he really handed it over, no one would really be able to understand it. Breaking through the limitations of heaven is by no means an easy task. He couldn't even guarantee that other people could understand these gossip runes, let alone them. Leave it to someone else.

Entropy has been thinking about what Cheng Ying said before. Although his mathematical knowledge is not particularly advanced, he can still find limits and so on. This kind of continuous improvement but ultimately unable to break through a certain limit He had not thought about the situation carefully before this.

But now that I think about it, this situation is very likely to happen. Even many strong people may be stuck in such a bottleneck. They can see their weak improvement every day. Although the improvement is very small, they have been led by this improvement, thinking that they can break through as long as they continue to accumulate. Finally reach a higher state.

But in fact, this is like the continuous subdivision of matter, each time half of the original is divided, then it will never be divided completely, and it will never be able to break through to the next realm.

Entropy recalled his own strength improvement and found that he was also trapped in such a predicament. It was just because he did not see the improvement in his strength every day, but only broke through after a long period of time. Once, and the power increased each time is not the same, it is not a simple 1/2 rule, but he has strong calculation power, and if he wants to calculate, he can calculate it quickly. The growth trajectory of his strength over the years, and according to his calculations, the final result is that the rate of growth of his strength is constantly decreasing.

And according to this trend, if it continues to develop, his strength will be stuck at a certain level and he will be unable to continue to break through.

"Tell me how I can make my strength break through to the next level, equal to the emperor, or even a higher existence." Entropy asked a question that seemed very unreasonable.

"Do you think it is possible for a weak being like me, who has no resistance at all in your hands, to know how to break through to the emperor level?" Cheng Ying rolled his eyes.

"You must know, you must know. Even if you don't know, you have to pretend to know, right?" Entropy seems to be quite rational, but judging from his current performance, he actually has no essential relationship with other innate demon gods. The difference is equally unreasonable.

"Well...well, I do know, but it's useless even if I tell you, because after I tell you, you will immediately forget it. This involves some secrets. My suggestion is that you'd better arrange a powerful place here. The kind of barrier that can shield the secrets of heaven, so that I can tell you what I know." Chengying refers to the sky. Obviously, Entropy also knows that there are some problems with the way of heaven, and knows many secrets about this world. , but indeed, there are some things that he doesn’t know clearly.

"Well, after all, this is a low latitude. It is easier to block the secrets of heaven in this place." Entropy, as the top innate demon god, has almost stood at the top of the world's pyramid.

As he thought, the world around him seemed to change. Everything turned into chaos, and everything turned into a chaotic and warm existence. This is almost the state after the heat death of the universe. It is also his domain, within this domain. Even Heavenly Dao has difficulty discovering anything, and in this chaotic realm, there are only two existences that can still maintain order, and that is Cheng Ying and himself.

If he hadn't maintained Cheng Ying's body, Cheng Ying's body would have become chaotic in an instant, exactly like the surrounding materials that had become extremely chaotic.

"Tell me, now you can tell me what conditions are needed to break through my strength to the emperor level."

"If my guess is correct, including you, almost all the top experts now focus on the accumulation of strength during their training.

In our cultivation process, it is generally divided into five stages, that is, levels 1 to 5, and the most critical one is actually the fourth level. To be precise, it is the middle stage of the fourth order.

At this stage, our soul will go deep into the sea of ​​soul and ignite the light of soul, and the light of soul is the source of immortality.

There has always been such a legend in the ancient continent, saying that the light of the soul is the source of immortality, but there are very few people who actually cultivate the light of the soul. On the one hand, it is extremely difficult to ignite the light of the soul, and most existences use There are some tricky ways to break through this level. Few people will face their inner demons between life and death, and defeat them, completely ignite the light of the soul, and illuminate the sea of ​​​​mind bit by bit.

And after reaching a higher level, you can easily use the accumulation of power to make yourself stronger. Although the light of the soul has various wonderful uses, in the face of such huge power, the combat effectiveness it can exert is actually It wasn't particularly strong, so it was gradually forgotten and given up by people.

But the power of the mind is truly infinite. The power of the sea of ​​mind is also a power that does not belong to our universe. All other powers have an upper limit, but it is the upper limit of our own universe. I only have the power of the mind.

At your level, it is extremely difficult, even almost impossible, to continue to rely on the accumulation of strength to make continuous upward breakthroughs. Basically, growing to your current level is already the limit, but only the power of the mind can grow indefinitely. , is not affected by this limit.

Well... Actually, even if I don't say it, under normal circumstances, you and other strong people should be able to realize this. Although the accumulation of power was much easier than the light of the soul before, after practicing until now At this level, the accumulation and improvement of power are already very small. It should have been long ago to think of continuing to use the power of the mind.

Don't you think so? " Cheng Ying had a profound meaning when he said this.

Entropy showed a confused expression on his face and covered his head at the same time. Even if Chengying launched an all-out mental attack, it would be impossible for the other party to show such pain, but these few words just seemed to be As if something key had been touched, the face of this top innate demon god showed an almost twisted expression.

"Why? Why didn't I think of this? This is obviously a very simple thing, something that can be thought of after a little thought. Why...what have I been doing all these years? Tell me what is going on? If you tell In my case, I will allow you to teach the Bagua Rune to a person you designate."

Cheng Ying sighed and said: "I can tell you, but even if I tell you, I'm afraid there's nothing you can do to change the situation, but I hope you can keep the promise you just made.

You must have forgotten it. No matter how strong you are, when you break through to your level, you will have the opportunity to sign a contract with Heaven. And those who can break through to this level are basically from all races in the wild. As for the contract, The content is roughly about treating humans harshly, torturing humans in every possible way, preventing the rise of humans, and not allowing your own people to treat humans kindly. There are some details in it. Although I know some, but I can’t tell you. It’s useless because you won’t be able to remember it later.

And these are not directly related to your strength being blocked. In order to ensure strong enough control over the ancient continent, Tiandao made some manipulations in the contract when you signed it, and did not force you not to improve your strength. It makes you subconsciously ignore a certain path, which is the path of spiritual light.

Including you, all the powerful people in the world today have basically signed this contract, and when practicing, they will subconsciously ignore that the light of the spirit can make you stronger.

This kind of neglect is very rigid. Even if I tell you now, in a few years, as long as no one reminds you, you will soon and inexplicably ignore the cultivation of spiritual light.

If you don’t believe it, you can try it. Although you seem to have remembered now that the light of the soul is the only way for you to break through your limits in the future, I think you should understand how much influence the way of heaven can have. , your thoughts will be changed, and after being bound by the contract, you will become the same as you are now, completely ignoring the existence of the light of the soul. "

Entropy covered his forehead, only feeling extremely painful. His current act of trying to remember had already triggered the contract signed with Tiandao. Just maintaining this state of memory had already made him feel a strong sense of pain. God's punishment, if he leaves this space that shields the secrets of heaven, the suppression he will receive will probably be even stronger, until he completely forgets these things that he should not know.

"Why do you know this? Why isn't your memory blocked? Are there other mortals in this world who have signed contracts with Heaven like us?"

"No." Cheng Ying shook his head: "Signing a contract is voluntary, but the contract is tampered with. You don't know about this. People who don't want to sign the contract will naturally not be affected by this. Suppression, but all races in the wild will not reject this contract.

You should understand the truth behind this. What exactly are human beings? As a being at your level, you should have a certain understanding of whether it is a parasite left over from the previous era, or a race of the protagonist who rose up but was forcibly suppressed by some people. You should know it well. Yes, so when you signed the contract, you definitely didn't refuse it. Almost all the powerful people from all races in the wild will not refuse, so you all fell into the trap.

But correspondingly, if there are humans who break through to this level, they will naturally not sign a contract with Heaven, and they will naturally know how to cultivate the light of the soul.

As for mortals... some of them are bound by desire and are unwilling to choose the arduous cultivation route of spiritual light. Even if the other part thinks of certain problems, because the mortal spirit is too weak and can be easily played by heaven, even if it does not sign a contract, it will subconsciously ignore the problem.

As for why I know this, I am sure it is not blocked by memory. I can only say that I have seen the general content of the contract through certain channels, and my mental strength, well... you should have experienced it. From the very beginning, you have been using psychological suggestions on me, almost without using direct mental attacks. You should have felt it. My mind will hardly be affected, and the law of heaven cannot affect me like it affects ordinary people. , so I am one of the few people who can intuitively realize that there is a problem with the contract without being bound by the law of heaven.

Of course, besides me, you should also be able to find similar people, such as the strong among humans. Although they cannot become saints, there is still no problem in becoming saints. If they know the contents of the contract, they will not forget it either. , but...well, if you can find humans to help you, then just pretend I didn't say anything. "


Human beings who can break through to the level of Lin Sheng are all strong-willed. He really can't think of any way to seduce these people. Let them work for themselves and remind themselves all the time that they can improve their strength through the light of the soul.

This clearly created a powerful enemy for mankind, so how could they agree to it? And after signing certain contracts with Tiandao, I am afraid that even if he wants to live in peace with some humans, he has even shown some actions to get close to humans. They will also be forced to reverse, or even secretly interfere with their own will, and betray humanity at some key points, leading to a complete rupture of relations with humanity.

Of course, there is another possibility to get rid of this shackles, and that is to inform the Heavenly Law widely about the contract. If so many saints and innate demons all know the news, then they will use their strength to collectively fight against the Heavenly Law. The influence can at least eliminate the manipulation in the contract.

But that would be meaningless. Only a secret he knows can be called a secret and can give him an advantage. If everyone knows it, it is fair competition. Even if he feels that he is not weaker than others and that his talents are very strong, to be honest, he is definitely not the most talented among them. The one with the most talented is now the emperor. Even if he is not, he is still like Kunpeng. A strong man who is no weaker than the Emperor. Although on the surface there is only one step away between him and these strong men, if there is a real fight, the gap is actually huge. One step away is like a natural chasm that cannot be crossed.

If everyone learns the secret, he really has no confidence that he can win the final competition for the three limited ultimate positions.

[To be continued]

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