With a top-notch innate demon to lead the way, traveling through low latitudes has become much easier. Although there are many rules here that even the innate demon cannot ignore. But when he reaches his level of strength, his own body is his own domain, and he has enough original power, although it is not enough to build a small world. But it is enough to withstand the erosion of a large number of external rules.

Even if low latitudes are chaotic, most chaotic areas are limited to the power of rules. In theory, more powerful rules can offset them to a considerable extent.

Under the protection of a transparent light film, Cheng Ying entered the oasis that he had not been able to go to before. The two sides did not alert outsiders. This light film not only protected them from being affected by the laws here. , which also ensures that people outside the light film cannot observe them.

"Open a gap in the barrier that protects us. I need to know a little bit about the situation outside."

"Yes, but I don't recommend you do this often. I can't say to what extent I can protect you. There's not much difference between opening one gap and opening them all. You should be able to understand the principles and laws of this. Force only needs a gap to penetrate, just like you poke a hole in a balloon. No matter how small the animal is, light can shine directly in through the hole, and the power of law is like light, and Unlike light, which can only travel in straight lines.

As long as I open a hole, you will immediately completely assimilate with the local laws. The laws here are relatively mild. Even if you let the laws here affect you, there won't be any problem. But judging from your intention to go to some dangerous places, then this is not enough. "

Cheng Ying nodded: "It is indeed a bit troublesome. I will first understand the laws of these less dangerous places. After summarizing some rules, I will try to build a defense system for myself. It should be able to resist this power to a certain extent. In this way, even if you release part of the law, I won't be dead immediately.

I think you can rescue me. If you close the connection with the outside world, it should be easier to clear the abnormal laws in my body. I just need to be able to survive longer under the influence of the abnormal laws. time is enough. "

"It is true that the remnants of the law can be removed from your body, but some powers are extremely arrogant and may kill you in an instant. You have to make sure that what you create has a strong enough effect." Entropy is obviously for Cheng Ying. He is very concerned about life and death. There is only such an alarm clock in the world that can wake him up regularly. If it is gone, he will never wake up again.

"Aren't you still worried about this? As long as you can provide enough materials to create the Houtian Lingbao, I can do it. Now that I have mastered the Bagua runes, the creation of the Houtian Lingbao is better than what I did in the small world. It’s easier. If you don’t believe it, you can let me try it.”

Entropy only hesitated for a moment before agreeing. This was not a difficult decision. He was relatively confident in his own strength. Although he had learned about Cheng Ying's performance in the small world through his subordinates, he did not Quite worried. .... There is still a difference between that small world and the real prehistoric world, and the top-notch acquired spiritual treasures he created also used very precious materials. These materials are almost impossible to get together in reality. Even if It would be difficult for him to take it out.

If Cheng Ying wants to gather those materials, it will take thousands or even tens of thousands of years, which is almost impossible. However, if he can really create the Houtian Lingbao with limited materials, Entropy still believes it. Although at present No one has been able to do this so far, but since the word Houtian Lingbao comes with the word Houtian, it means that this thing is not against the heavens, and it is theoretically possible to create it.

"Then you have to provide me with enough materials. Some materials still need to be fresh. We probably need to come to low latitudes around the world to capture some beasts and the like. I think these things are probably more precious in low latitude weaving. Exist."

"You don't have to worry about this. There are all the materials, and even living beasts are not difficult to obtain in low latitudes. Although this thing is indeed quite precious, it is also because of the problem of the brain. In this kind of It is difficult to survive under chaotic rules.

But this kind of thing is only precious to other people. For us, we can have as much of this thing as we want. It is very difficult to leave from low latitudes, but it is not difficult to enter low latitudes from the outside world, especially if we leave the door open.

So when I want something, I can contact my group of believers on earth. They can collect relevant things and drop them.

Therefore, overall, the cost of beasts and other things here is higher than outside. The high ones are also limited, but they are the courier fees for my followers. Just tell me the variety. I will tell my followers and ask them to deliver it to me. "

Cheng Ying always felt that there was something wrong with the style of painting. How come finding ingredients by yourself is like ordering takeout? But these are not the main points. Creating props that can arm oneself as soon as possible is still the first priority.

As for completely breaking away from the control of entropy, it is currently almost impossible to achieve. Although there are also powerful emperors in the small world, when he was at his strongest, he had surpassed those of that level.

But the emperor-level powerhouses there were really far behind those in the outside world. Although they have realized that the power from the system is unreliable and have begun to exercise their own strength, it is too late by the time they do this. I don’t know how long it will take to make up for the shortcomings. 8

If they were left outside, their fighting power might not be able to defeat most innate experts. And the one in front of him is definitely stronger than those two guys. But such perfect materials cannot be obtained here. Even if he has the opportunity to go all out to create the acquired spiritual treasure, he may not be able to match the opponent's strength.

What's more important is that he no longer has the Haotian Mirror. In the middle and late stages of the small world, his strength can skyrocket, precisely because the Haotian Mirror provides him with the ability to know almost everything in that world. With this addition, he was able to achieve almost anything in that world.

Although I have realized that Cheng Ying is definitely not an ordinary person and has a very deep understanding of the rules, it is another feeling to actually see him hit the acquired spiritual treasure. To be able to grow to this point and become an innate-level strong man, Entropy is also the best among many strong men in terms of knowledge. ….His knowledge is definitely one of the best in the entire universe, but compared to his understanding of rules, there is still a huge gap between him and Cheng Ying. He has actually seen many rules powers, or in other words, he has seen most of the rules powers. He has seen it before. After all, he has lived for so long and has a wide range of knowledge, but he has never connected the principles of these rules with each other. ..

There seemed to be no connection between them, but Cheng Ying found the connection between them and summed up the rules of their mutual influence. When he was watching, he felt a sense of enlightenment after seeing almost every step.

What makes Chengying great is not only his breadth of knowledge, but more importantly his thinking. If others learn from him, they may be able to learn his method of creating an acquired spiritual treasure. As long as they have enough knowledge, they can also create exactly the same thing. something to come.

But the problem is that creating another set of acquired spiritual treasures requires a completely different set of ideas and ways of thinking. Learned the previous set. Although it is helpful for creating another set of acquired spiritual treasures, the help can only be said to be average.

But there can only be one most powerful thing like the acquired spiritual treasure. None of the ones created later can reach this level, so even if you learn it, it will have no effect.

Entropy provides a large amount of materials, a large part of which are not particularly precious. For ordinary people on the prehistoric continent, these things may be extremely expensive, but for magicians and other extraordinary beings, this Maybe it’s just everyday materials.

Chengying's processing of these materials is also very interesting, using high temperatures and some special conditions to make these materials soft. Then spread them out like paper, onto an extremely huge plane, and then write formulas one after another with runes on it. Most of these runes can be recognized by Entropy. They are the combination of Bagua runes. Variations can be directly found in various natural phenomena in nature.

Only the Bagua runes, which are the most simplified runes, cannot be found directly, and because of the influence of heaven, even if you see the original body of the Bagua runes, you cannot understand its meaning.

Normally, after a piece of material the size of a thumb is unfolded, its area is almost equivalent to the surface of a planet. If the entropy did not have a large enough territory, there would be no way to unfold such a production.

After completing such a carving, Chengying will fold the material that has been unfolded into a huge flat surface, and then stretch the folded material again to return to its original size. It feels a bit like ramen noodles, returning to its original size. After that, the runes will be written on it again, this time with some other sentences.

Repeatedly pulling noodles like this will make his noodles thinner and thinner, and by doing so, the materials he uses will become thinner and thinner. In the later stage, the thickness has gradually exceeded the limit of conventional physics and has fallen below. An atom has even passed the Planck length, which is the scientific limit.

When he returned to his original form, the volume had only increased by half from the beginning. It still looked like a thumb-sized material. However, this material itself was not particularly valuable. After such processing, Suddenly a colorful light was released, lingering with the power of the law, and it looked like an innate spiritual treasure. ….This ability to turn waste into treasure really makes Entropy envious. He can also do similar things. Countless runes can also be condensed into such a small piece of material. The fact was that he had tried it before.

He can do similar things. But in the end, the constructed runes were illogical. The effect displayed is less than one ten millionth of Cheng Ying's.

This made him very frustrated, even if the effect could reach one ten thousandth of the opponent's. He was also satisfied that he could achieve this level of effect. He is enough to increase the value of a piece of material millions of times.

As for now, he can at most increase the value of a piece of material hundreds of times. But that made no sense to him at all. It is the most precious material. Raising the price hundreds of times wasn't worth the trouble. You must know that a strong man of his level can get many times the amount of materials in exchange for a casual move. Not to mention that he didn't just make a move casually, but seriously worked on it for a whole time. days time.

There is only so much gain. It really made him feel that there was no need to continue researching. Not everyone has a talent for scientific research. He had tried it before because of his long lifespan, but he didn't believe it anymore. He even studied this for tens of millions of years, and then proved that not everyone is suitable for this.

Chengying uses materials that are not particularly precious. Use this method to upgrade them. Become the best material in the world. Then smelt and combine them. Finally combined into a complete piece of equipment.

Although the equipment assembled this time is not the type that can be split into countless individuals before. But it can also turn into liquid flow.

When it is not moving, it is a silver sphere, about the same size as a Wenwan walnut that is being played around.

And he can change into any form like a liquid, and when he needs to use it to protect himself, he can act like a layer of skin. Cover the body surface.

This form is also the most suitable for resisting the erosion of the power of law. Because it can replace water. A structure that replaces water in the human body. While completing all physiological activities in the human body, it permeates every cell and becomes a part of the body. On some level. It's actually okay to say that this thing is not an acquired health insurance, but a medicinal material.

If ordinary people take this elixir, they will immediately have legendary level combat power. And he is almost immortal, even if a demigod comes, there is no way to kill him. This is still a situation where ordinary people are completely unable to exert the true power of this thing.

The only difference between this thing and the elixir is that after the medicine is taken, it is absorbed by the human body and is completely integrated with the person. As long as there is enough water to replace it, this thing can be removed from the body in a short time. It is separated from the human body and can be used without the body when needed.

It's not that Cheng Ying doesn't want to create some acquired spiritual treasures with stronger combat power, but now that people are under the roof, if he makes combat-type acquired spiritual treasures, he might make the opponent anxious.

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