Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 176 Turbulence of Time and Space

Even the acquired spiritual treasures of this level are enough to make countless strong men envious. Even if you reach the level of a saint, it is not easy to own an acquired spiritual treasure, and most people don’t even have one. Not to mention the innate spiritual treasure.

The strong men who can get the innate spiritual treasure have considerable potential to be promoted to the high-level saint position. Of course, there are also some people who are not saints but have successfully obtained the innate spiritual treasure.

Some of these people are because they hide themselves, so the treasures in their hands have not been robbed by others, while others are because the treasures in their hands have been recognized, and it is useless for others to rob them.

This is also one of the advantages of innate spiritual treasures over acquired spiritual treasures. If the innate spiritual treasure recognizes the owner, then basically the ownership will not change again, unless it is the top-level strong man, such as the emperor level, there is a certain possibility to change the ownership of this level of innate spiritual treasure.

But usually even the strong men who have reached this level will not do this, because it is really too bad to do so. This is equivalent to saying that things like innate spiritual treasures can be directly robbed by those with strength, and the order in the world will not be directly messed up.

Fortunately, although this thing is precious, it is not something that Entropy must obtain. At his level of strength, the ordinary acquired spiritual treasures have limited effect on his strength. Even the innate spiritual treasures must be compatible with him to have enough effect on him.

Therefore, although this thing is precious, he did not try to take it for himself. Now he still has great use for Chengying. Before finding a substitute, he must maintain the relationship between the two parties.

"It's up to you to decide where to go next. These days, we have already been through the relatively safe areas in the low latitudes. The next place we go is a more dangerous place, which is also the place that really occupies most of the area in the low latitudes.

You have to be careful in these places. Even if you have an acquired spiritual treasure in your body to protect you, it cannot guarantee that you will be safe and sound under the erosion of the power of the law. Many places are very tricky even for me."

Chengying nodded and said, "If possible, can you take me to a time and space turbulence? I think there should be some fragments about the future and the rules of the future world there.

I need more knowledge, not only the knowledge of the present, but also the knowledge of the future. These are also part of the world. If you only know the present and the past, but not the future, it is still impossible to rely on a huge amount of knowledge to be full-time and all-round."

Entropy showed a look of realization on his face, and at the same time realized that if he wanted to truly become the inner universe, that is, the ultimate level of power, he still had a long way to go. In addition to developing his own spiritual light, if he wanted to rely on knowing everything to become the ultimate power, he still needed it. He has a more comprehensive understanding of the past and the future. His understanding of the past is quite profound. After all, as an innate demon god, he has existed since the birth of this generation of the universe, and has existed until now. History is basically what he has experienced, and it can be basically restored through various clues. …. But the future may not be the same. This is also one of the great significances of going to the space-time turbulence. There are fragments of the future in the space-time turbulence. It is possible to directly travel to a certain time point in the future. Of course, this is a low-probability event. The greater probability is to get lost in the space-time turbulence.

Even Entropy dare not guarantee that he can escape unscathed after entering the space-time turbulence. There are four such extremely dangerous places, and they are collectively called the Four Jedi.

One of the three great merits established by the future emperor after he ascended the throne is to establish four elephants to guard the four poles. It means that the four ancient innate beasts are placed in the four Jedi as the guards of the four Jedi to ensure that these extremely dangerous areas do not threaten the main material world.

And this can be called one of the three great merits, which shows the huge threat these Jedi pose to the real world.

However, if it is just a shallow entry into the space-time turbulence, it may not be impossible for a strong person of the level of Xiantian Demon God. Entropy is powerful, and he has explored the space-time turbulence for a period of time before. He has a certain understanding of the internal structure of the space-time turbulence, and he is somewhat confident to enter it to explore.

"Be careful to protect yourself. I have been to the space-time turbulence before and left space coordinates nearby. We will be teleported there next. The space-time turbulence is composed of one world after another. You should know that the concept of the multiverse is the outer plane, but the worlds we reach through normal means are all at the same speed as our time flow, and are at the same coordinates in history.

But the worlds reached through the space-time turbulence may not be the same. It may be the distant past or the unknown future. Whether you can bring out matter or knowledge from it depends on luck. If you are unlucky, even if you go to the future and witness everything that happens in the future, you will not be able to take away this part of the memory when you come back."

"I also know some of the general situation in this regard, but if you use the Bagua runes, you may be able to bring out some information that you could not take away originally. You always have to try. The future is still more important to me."

A big reason why Cheng Yinghui said this is that the period of history he is deleting now belongs to a period of history that cannot be reached by predecessors and cannot be rewritten by future generations. There are a large number of time travellers, even adults, on the world line of the prehistoric world. There are batches of time travelers, so the history outside this period of time often changes. It is difficult to say that the history outside this period of time is linear. But this is the only part that cannot be changed. The outcome is doomed.

What he mainly looks at in the future is whether the direction of the world will change after he appears. If there is no change, it means that he has not done enough and his impact on the world is not strong enough. A period of history cannot be changed. In the final analysis, it is determined by the world. If the intensity of interference exceeds the limits set by the world, even this absolute setting and general limits may theoretically be changed.

After Cheng Ying was teleported, he came to a huge world where time and space flowed turbulently.

When you enter a huge whirlpool, you may travel to other worlds at any time, and no one knows what era it is in the world you travel to. ….There are too many developments in the future. Some future civilizations have been destroyed, and everything has returned to the original, and it looks like the past. Some pasts have extremely advanced technology and extremely prosperous civilizations, and they all look like the future. The lifespan of intelligent life is too short compared to the long life of the world, and it is impossible to leave an exact history to prove what era it is now.

Especially in some other worlds, which are not closely connected with the ancient continent, they are unaware of many major events that happened in the ancient continent. Therefore, even if someone returns alive from the turbulence of time and space, he cannot tell which worlds are in the past and which worlds are in the future, making it difficult to make accurate predictions.

So far, no one has figured out one. There is a clear historical line to prove how the era developed. In other words, no one on the prehistoric continent knows that the next era after the prehistoric calendar is the human history. Most strong people do not know what the outcome they will face. of.

The only thing they know is that in the turbulence of time and space, humans are a very common existence, and they often become the main body of civilization, appearing as the main intelligent creatures in civilization.

Chengying and the two stepped into the turbulence of time and space. After a while, they were dazzled and entered a world. Compared with low latitudes, if they do not encounter danger immediately after entering the world, it means that it may be worse than outside. Be safer.

Although it is a world of unknown times, in this kind of place, the rules are generally more stable than in lower latitudes, and most of the time you will not encounter twisted rules.

"What we came to this time should be a relatively ordinary world. This is another world where humans are the main body. I don't know whether it is the past or the future. In short, humans did have a prosperous period in history, but every time we travel, When traveling, we must be as careful as possible. The further downward the turbulence of time and space goes, the greater the danger we may encounter. If we are not careful enough, all of us may die here.

What is contained in those truly deep places. Many of them are beyond my ability to deal with. I think you should know about memes. "

Cheng Ying nodded: "I know about this kind of thing, but I prefer to call it a containment object. Meme more refers to the fact that these things are diffusible and contagious and can spread between people. Spread between things or between things.

But in fact, many of these things do not have this characteristic. They are just distortions of their own rules, making it difficult to describe. Just like the evil god at the same time.

If these things can be controlled so that they do not cause harm to the outside world, then this is equivalent to containing them. As for these abnormal things, I think they should be called contained objects.

I think their characteristics should be similar to innate spiritual treasures, right? Possessing many almost absolute characteristics, in the fields they are good at, no matter how powerful the existence is, it is difficult to fight against them.

I guess that's what you're worried about, right! In their areas of expertise, you may not be able to compete with them. "

"Yes, that's right. These things are actually fragments of the world's rules, but they are the twisted part and the part full of malice towards us. Compared with the innate spiritual treasures that can be used more conveniently, using They will become extremely dangerous, and they may pay a huge price because of their side effects...and this thing is completely unreasonable. In many cases, the side effects are much more domineering, and they are not effective at all. Talk about the principle of equivalent exchange. Sometimes the price paid is extremely huge, but what can be done is insignificant. Sometimes, almost no cost is required to produce quite incredible miracles.

The creatures here may not be powerful, but many of them may have mastered the fragments of these twisted world rules, and may exert inexplicable influence on us. I have actually been affected by this kind of thing once, and I was struck by it. Even now, I haven't gotten rid of his negative effects. "

Cheng Ying was a little curious: "What kind of negative effects have you been infected with? I don't think there is anything abnormal about you."

“I was infected with a negative effect, but it’s usually impossible to tell because the negative effect of my infection was already the loss of fertility.

There is only one race of mine in the world. All innate demon gods are unique. Each one is a separate race. Most of them cannot reproduce. I cannot reproduce. But if I pass With some technical means, it is theoretically possible to give birth to offspring.

But now I can't do it. After I was infected with this negative effect, I tried to use technical means to give birth to my own offspring, and those were directly connected to my bloodline. It's not a life I made up out of nothing. They all collapsed and died immediately after birth. Even though their physiological structure was completely reasonable and they could theoretically survive on most planets, they still completely collapsed not long after they were formed.

After that, I stayed away from memes that had special properties. Most of the other traits that were infected before were harmless or could be eliminated by me, but after this time, I became too cautious if I was infected with a meme that had a more terrifying impact than the trait in front of me. , then I am afraid that I may also face a disaster.

As an entropy, my characteristics of immortality may not work well in the face of such unreasonable rules of the world. "

"Although you say so, I have to tell you some unfortunate news. Based on my observations of this world and my collection of information on this world's network, the world we are in now has a very high probability of having a containment system." material.

You just used your spiritual power to scan the planet under our feet before, and did not read the internal information in detail. But I have just collected some confidential content of this world through the Internet. Deep underground on the planet, Humans have traces of secretly building giant projects, but my mental scan just now found no such projects. This shows that this thing may have a self-hiding effect and hide itself. "

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