Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 182 Death is coming

The previous user of the containment looked up and saw the chandelier falling from the sky above his head. He reacted quickly and immediately jumped to the side. Only then did he avoid being hit directly on the head by the chandelier, but he was still hit on the leg. Although this blow was not fatal, it still hurt him to death. His leg was bruised and bruised. Although there was no fracture, it was bruised and he looked like he was limping when he walked.

"Do you feel something is wrong? The lamp just now will actually fall off after a while." Cheng Ying looked at the entropy around him. He should know more about this thing.

What he grasps is the law of changes in chaos among all things, and the breakage of such items due to aging and damage happens to involve the movement of molecules and is within his jurisdiction.

"The chandelier just now did fall early. Theoretically, it should have fallen about forty-one seconds later than now. If it had fallen at that time, it would not have hit anyone. It was obvious that the chandelier fell. In order to smash him. I'm afraid the side effects have already manifested themselves." Entropy looked solemn. He thought that the power of this ring was that it could swallow souls and completely eliminate the souls of some unkillable beings.

But now it seems that this thing may have other troubles. It seems to have no effect when using it, but once it leaves the user, it seems to bring bad luck to the user.

The specific mechanism of this bad luck has not yet been determined. The two of them continued to observe, and Cheng Ying came up with a guess.

"Do you think it's possible that the loss of his ring was caused by luck? Even our appearance is one of the reasons for this luck. I'm afraid he took off the ring when he took a shower before. At this time, he might He was in bad luck, but because he didn't take a bath for long, the bad luck didn't do anything to him, so he took the ring back.

But this time the ring was lost, and he didn't touch it for a long time, causing the bad luck to continue. Now it has become more and more serious.

And the bad luck he brought when he took off the ring didn't happen. Rather, our presence is a manifestation of his doom. If we had not appeared, the landlord would not have discovered his secret, and if his secret had not been discovered, the ring would not have been lost.

Of course, this is just a guess so far. Can this thing affect our actions? It also depends on how unlucky this person will be next, and if he is unlucky enough, whether he can try to reverse his unlucky situation, make him less unlucky than he is now, or protect him from the bad luck. Life is safe. "

Both of them had similar ideas. This was an opportunity to test the containment object. It was just enough to test how strong this thing was. If it was particularly strong, then even the two of them would try not to touch the ring.

And as time went by, bad luck struck again. This time, the leg of the sofa he was working on was hit by a chandelier, which made him very angry. He was so unlucky to have lost his ring. He was sitting on the sofa applying medicine to his legs while thinking about how to trace his ring back. He did not install his own surveillance camera in his room. But as long as you have enough money, it is still possible to mobilize surveillance on the streets.

He still doesn't know that because of his plan, the person who stole his ring even caused a blackout in order not to be discovered. During this power outage, most surveillance cameras lost their functionality and could not detect them. It would be very difficult to rely on surveillance to track down thieves.

Taken away, his ring exists. He immediately slipped into a crowded area, and he had no clear memory of the other person's appearance. After all, the two of them had never met before. After arriving in a crowded area, no one could tell who was who.

And while he was sitting on the sofa thinking about everything, the springs in the sofa were silently changing. Others could not observe what happened, but they were observing in secret. Chengying and Entropy could see that the sofa was aging rapidly. Originally, the surface of the sofa could still support it for a while, but after he sat on it, the surface of the sofa began to become fragile quickly, and there was a quilt inside the sofa. A spring that is compressed to the limit may pop out at any time.

And if he pops out, he will probably pierce the buttocks of the original containment holder sitting on the sofa.

"So far, none of the accidents that may happen are too dangerous. At least these accidents are not fatal. The chandelier just fell, even if it hit the head, it would not kill the person. The current spring is also , but comparing the possible injuries between the two, the current spring is obviously more dangerous." Cheng Ying told his speculation here.

"Is there a possibility that after losing the ring, the evil changes he faces will become more intense. If this is the case, then when his third bad luck occurs, it may be enough to seriously injure him."

The two people were just observing here without interfering. As the sofa aged rapidly, the spring that had been compressed to the limit finally pierced Saba and popped out.

The position of this spring was too coincidental. It directly pierced his pants and then penetrated his asshole. The entire spring spirally bounced in, but due to the resistance inside, only half of it bounced in. .

At this moment, the original holder of the containment let out a heart-rending scream, jumped down from the sofa trembling all over, lay on the floor covering his butt, and then saw the palm of his hand. There was a lot of blood on it.

He wanted to scream for help now, but he felt that the location of his injury was too difficult to describe.

At the same time, he tried to pull out the spring inserted into the back of his butt, but as soon as he exerted a little force, he felt a sharp pain. Then more blood came out, and the spring seemed to hook somewhere inside his body. Now it is very difficult to pull it out with bare hands.

Few people would be willing to go to the hospital to solve this kind of problem because it was too embarrassing, so he tried to turn the screw and the spring like a light bulb to turn it out. At first, this attempt was successful. But anyone who knows something about the structure of a spring knows that when the spring rotates like this, the end of the spring will be pinched, and the clamp will become tighter and tighter as it rotates. Just take out the spring a little after two turns. A little bit. The man suddenly let out another heart-piercing scream. This time he was caught, which made him even more uncomfortable for a while.

As a last resort, he could only call an ambulance immediately to trace the matter of his ring. He could think about it later, but now the problem on his ass was imminent. If it wasn't fixed quickly, the rusty spring might give him an infection. If it is infected, it will not be this little troublesome problem now.

Soon the ambulance arrived at the scene and saw the medical staff all looking very strange. My shoulders can't help but shake. What are you trying to endure? After all, they are all professionally trained. No matter how funny it is, they will not laugh unless they can't help it.

Although they have already seen all kinds of strange things stuck in their butts. But what he saw in front of him was still a bit strange. The most important thing was that he had not completely separated from the sofa, and the spring inserted into him was still connected to the sofa. It was the doctor who bought pliers on the spot, cut it off from the sofa, and then successfully sent it to the ambulance.

And now he had to explain to the doctor why there was an extra spring in his intestines.

"Believe me, I really accidentally sat on the spring." The original holder of the containment now has no arrogance as a super smuggler, and the expression on his face is as miserable as possible.

"Yes, yes, we all believe you. This kind of thing happens often. Last time I met someone who accidentally sat on a tilapia. You young people really don't know anything. Be careful. , almost every day I get a call from someone who accidentally sits on a wine bottle or accidentally sits on some weird thing. Relax, just relax as you would when he is not inserted. It feels the same, and we will definitely help you take it out.”

Cheng Ying, who was secretly observing all this, had a very strange expression on his face: "I don't know if this is part of the bad luck. Is this seemingly very unlucky thing also a curse brought by the ring? This is currently There is no way to judge, is social death considered a kind of harm? "

"Anyway, let's continue to observe. If we encounter fatal danger, we will try to intervene and see to what extent this fatal danger will increase. Is it just pure bad luck that can be reversed with enough strength, or is it just bad luck? There is a force of law that stipulates that he must be unlucky until death. "Entropy is already ready to take action, because he has observed that there will be some problems with the operating table after the operation, and the operating table will close abnormally, like It is clamped like a big mouth.

And this time the danger is already somewhat fatal. If he is caught, with his current lying posture, his spine will be broken directly. The damage caused is likely to cause him to die instantly, or his lower body will be completely paralyzed, and the entropy will be silent. It was adjusted without any interest. Fatigue coefficients of operating table connections.

The connection keys that were about to be broken are restored to strength, so that the operating table that was originally going to be damaged can be used for a long time.

"Hmm... It seems that the destruction has been prevented. Could this kind of bad luck be contained so easily? At least there will be no more problems with this chair." Entropy can guarantee that the operating table has been reinforced by itself. There is no possibility of any quality issues, he is simply more refined than when he first appeared.

"No, the problem has not been completely solved. Have you seen the shadowless lamps above? Pay attention to the bulbs of the shadowless lamps. They are also aging, and the hospital's power supply has begun to become unstable. If you look carefully at the lamp heads connected to these shadowless lamps, you will see Found this thing to be unsafe.

If the light bulb bursts, the lamp head will fall off, and there is a wire directly connected to the live wire inside the lamp head. If this wire falls on the holder of the containment object, it will get an electric shock, and at this level Electric shock can be fatal.

The current provided to the shadowless lamp is pressurized by a transformer. If the electricity is applied to a person, it will be more terrifying than ordinary high-voltage electricity.

And this one seems to be more deadly than the one just now. The operating table just now has a chance of breaking the spine. If he doesn't react quickly enough, he can jump directly from the operating table without fear of injury, and there won't even be any danger to his life.

But the one in front of him obviously doesn't work. The shadowless lamp is too close, and even if the shadowless lamp explodes, he can only hear the sound, but can't see what is happening at the scene. In this case, he is likely to leave it alone, resulting in He was in great danger. "Cheng Ying watched this scene and secretly controlled his acquired spiritual treasure to repair the shadowless lamp that might be damaged.

"We have just prevented the danger from happening, but this seems to have caused new dangers to emerge and become more destructive. So what will happen if we continue to prevent it?"

Even if he doesn't take action, Entropy will still take action, and the two of them can easily solve it. The problem of equipment aging. The shadowless lamp did not cause them any trouble, and as the previous danger was lifted, new dangers soon emerged.

The trouble this time was obviously much greater than before. There was a sudden fire in the storage room of the hospital. Cheng Ying didn't even notice this problem at first. After all, the two people's attention had always been on the holder of the containment object. The hospital's warehouse is actually quite far away from here. In theory, there shouldn't be much relationship between the fire there and the holder of the containment.

However, there are some equipment with special materials in the hospital warehouse. They will produce toxic substances during the burning process, and these toxic substances will enter different rooms along the ventilation ducts, and in the ventilation ducts On the main pipeline, which is the room where the creature holder is located, the concentration of toxic gases in other rooms may not be fatal, but the concentration of toxic gases in the room of the containment holder is definitely enough to poison him to death.

And this method of killing him has a high probability of threatening the safety of other people. It really seems like death is coming. A failed assassination often leads to more violent assassinations in the next.

[To be continued]

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