Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 183 Crazy Doom

"Can we feel the source of this misfortune? If we can feel it, we may be able to retreat. If not, I'm afraid we won't be able to get this ring." Cheng Ying had a rather solemn expression on his face.

The ring he encountered was probably more troublesome than he imagined. The unlucky things he saw happening now were all caused by slight tampering in probability, and the source of this tampering was basically observed. Less than.

"I can't observe where exactly the problem occurred. It is likely that there is a problem at a very secret level. It may even be a being more powerful than me, influencing in secret. Of course, it may also be the rules set by the containment object. Such a high level.

So far, these effects are very subtle, and it is normal that we cannot observe them. Next, just look at his bad luck that becomes more and more severe. It just depends on how much noise it will make. The bigger the noise it can make, the easier it will be for us to see clues from it. "

While talking, the ventilation ducts of the hospital. The alarm started. There must be a fire alarm in the hospital's warehouse. It's just that this time, in order to precipitate bad luck that could kill someone, the fire alarm broke at this time. However, it was useless. All it took to fix the fire alarm was an idea. After the thought was over, the fire alarm was intact.

Then the whole hospital knew that the warehouse was on fire. The fire in the warehouse was not that big at this time, and someone immediately broke in with a fire extinguisher. The ignited building materials that might release toxic gases were quickly put out.

Although part of the poisonous gas flowed along the ventilation ducts into different rooms, talking about the toxicity, regardless of the dose, was just to be a hooligan. Such a small amount of poisonous gas would make people dizzy at most, and it was almost impossible to be fatal.

The doctor and the containment holder who were trying to remove the spring stuck in the buttocks in the operating room only felt slight dizziness, and then nothing happened.

The operation went relatively smoothly. Although the spring had clamped the flesh inside, the doctor was still very experienced in removing such strange things.

"The next step may be more painful. Please bear with it. The mucous membrane of the human rectum is very soft. When something hollow like a spring enters, the flesh and blood in the mucosa will squeeze into the spring along the gaps of the spring. .

If you forcefully pull it out at this time, the spring will strangle the meat. Not only will it cause you a lot of pain, but I won't be able to pull it out. The way to solve this is to stuff the meat back little by little from the inside of the spring, and then fill the inside of the spring. This way there will be no additional resistance, and it is relatively easy to take out the spring inside. This process may be quite painful, so you have to endure it. "

The doctor was still comforting him, but the containment holder was going crazy. He couldn't figure out why he suddenly became so unlucky today? He had no idea that he had just quietly escaped several fatalities.

When the doctor was about to give him an anesthetic, the expression on Cheng Ying's face suddenly changed. Immediately afterwards, the syringe in the doctor's hand broke. This was naturally what Cheng Ying had just done. It just silently loosened the structure of the syringe, and it would break with just a little force.

"What are you doing? This is likely to expose our existence." Entropy frowned: "Does it make you feel fun to torture such an ordinary person and deliberately prevent him from using anesthetics?"

"No, I don't have that bad taste, but if you look at this person carefully, look at the structure of his body, and then look at the ingredients of the anesthetic, when this person came in, he only found a small shop because he was too anxious. hospital, and the testing process before entering the hospital was incomplete, so he did not conduct tests for various allergens. Anesthetics are also the most commonly used type in this hospital.

However, due to cheapness, the type of anesthetic used in small hospitals is relatively unsophisticated, and his body happens to be allergic to this substance. If he is really injected with this anesthetic, he will go into shock within three minutes. And the medical conditions you have here are absolutely impossible to save.

You'd better observe it carefully. The mortal body is much more fragile than you think. Even I can't judge what allergens this body may be allergic to, because it may kill him. There are too many substances, and we don’t know what exactly these substances are contained in in our daily lives. "

Entropy has a certain understanding of this aspect of knowledge, although it is not much, but under such a reminder, the problem was still discovered after observation.

Although it does not know much about human physiology, it has indeed discovered that certain chemicals in the human body react with some substances in anesthetics, producing substances that are highly toxic to the body, causing the body to A crash reaction occurs.

"What happened this time? This hospital has been using this kind of anesthetic on a large scale. How did the God of Death arrange it? Was this person allergic to this substance before we observed it, or has he always been allergic? This question is very important. Importantly, if it is the former, it is no different from the previous method of death, but it is just a certain adjustment to the structure of his body.

If it is the latter, it will be more troublesome. One possibility is that the containment object can affect time, fundamentally changing his physique from the past. This is the most terrifying possibility. This kind of change can make us unable to detect it. There is another possibility, which is equally terrifying, that is, this contained object can calculate fate, that is, it can predict the future through everything in the past. everything of.

And we were able to intercept his assassinations again and again. It's probably all part of his plan. It's really troublesome. The doctor went to change the anesthetic again. We have to find a way to let this guy know that this hospital is a black hospital. Otherwise, he will die here sooner or later. "

Entropy seems a little irritable now. Contained objects are things that he is very reluctant to come into contact with because these things are usually inexplicable and may even have some power over him.

As one of the most powerful innate demon gods, he is already one of the beings at the top of the world, but he still has to face a power that is above him. How can he not be annoyed?

However, all this has just begun. Cheng Ying did some operations and found relevant media accounts on the Internet. A considerable part of them were about black materials about this hospital. At this time, he happened to push these black materials. to the cell phone of the holder of the contained object.

When the doctor went to change the anesthetic, although he felt uncomfortable, he still looked at it with his mobile phone. After all, modern people are almost inseparable from mobile phones. And I just happened to see this piece of black material.

"Which hospital is this? There are so many problems, so many people have died in the anorectal department. Wait, why does the name of this hospital look so familiar? Isn't this the hospital I'm in?" The containment holder almost came from He jumped up on his hospital bed, and some of the content in the black material was embellished and changed, making this hospital very scary and saying that the doctors in this hospital were very rough in their methods.

"I want to be transferred to another hospital! Go through the discharge procedures for me quickly. Forget it, there's no need to do it. I'll go out and do it myself." Although there was still a spring inserted in his butt, it didn't stop this guy from leaving the hospital as if he was running away, and he hit him casually at the entrance of the hospital. After getting in the car, we rushed towards the largest hospital in the room. Logically speaking, such a large hospital requires an appointment in advance. But he should be able to go to the emergency room for a problem like this.

Although the taxi driver felt that his passenger had a spring inserted in his butt, which was a bit indecent, but it did not prevent him from making money. At least there was nothing strange flowing out of the passenger's buttocks.

"Sit steady for a while, but it's a big downhill slope! You have to slow down at that time. You have such a big thing stuck in your butt, and it suddenly slows down. Don't sit down, it will get inserted deeper."

The face of the containment holder almost turned green. He was already feeling uncomfortable enough now, and there were still people around him who were making sarcastic comments and really wanted to beat the people around him to death. Perhaps the only thing he is better than others now is that he has money. He took out a wad of bills from his wallet and threw it at the taxi driver's face: "Shut up, shut up, okay? Do you understand what people are saying?"

With so much money thrown at his face, even if he felt a little embarrassed about it, the driver would immediately shut up. No one can live with money.

However, he didn't know that he was not struggling with money, but with life. Sitting behind him was a guy who was already plagued by bad luck. Bad luck would do anything to kill him. So the car didn't realize that the brake pads were broken when the car was running.

Before Entropy could realize what was going on, Cheng Ying had already completed a careful inspection of the taxi, with a helpless expression on his face.

"The handbrake of this car is broken. You should understand what I mean. The hospital we are going to soon will have a big downhill slope, and the car cannot be stopped by relying on the foot brake on that downhill slope. You must use the hand brake. , the driver will definitely not use the handbrake before reaching the downhill, so he will not realize that his handbrake is broken at all. In front of the downhill is a highway with a very large traffic volume. If he does not brake If the car were to hit the highway, it would rush out directly from the elevated road and fall onto the highway with constant traffic. I can guarantee that they will be smashed into pieces. "

Entropy also discovered a fault with the vehicle at this time, and this kind of handbrake fault is not something that can be controlled at a microscopic level. It is just a matter of slightly adjusting the time when the handbrake breaks. The handbrake of this car is obviously broken. A few days. This seems to be controlling destiny again, but this time there is still a little difference from the time in the hospital. This time it is actually enough to give him the car with a broken handbrake. In comparison, the time in the hospital It was probably planned before he entered the hospital, and there were several assassinations in between. It was really like he had the power of destiny.

The car was indeed going downhill. At this time, the driver who did not have a handbrake felt a little panicked. He pulled the handbrake several times in succession, but could not stop the car at all. Seeing that the car was about to lose control, the driver who suddenly pulled the handbrake suddenly Feeling as if his hands were working hard, he pulled the brakes again, and his face suddenly showed an expression that looked like he was surviving a disaster.

This was naturally not God's favor, but the two men repaired the car secretly again, and this time they made more noise than before.

In the past, it was at most a few atomic levels, but this time it has almost interfered with several grams of matter. Although in the eyes of the entire world, or even to an entire planet or an entire city, this change is insignificant. Yes, but on a planet with containment objects, one of the containment objects may be able to monitor such subtle changes, so you still have to be careful.

The former containment holder in the vehicle is currently unknown. He had just escaped death again, and he was still lamenting the problem of his butt. This time the car successfully arrived at the entrance of the big hospital, but this time the expression on Cheng Ying's face became a little ugly.

"I feel like this guy's bad luck is getting more and more exaggerated. You see the problem with this building. This whole building has problems, and it started during construction. One side of their foundation is not It was well laid, especially since the earth was piled at the other end of the hospital building. Now the entire building is in a situation that is about to collapse.

I can't quite predict when this building will collapse now, but I think it will be soon. Well, the structure of the building has begun to collapse crazily, and it will fall down. "

The expression on Entropy's face was also ugly: "I'm going to stop this building."

"No, that makes too much noise, let me do it!"

Cheng Ying saw that the whole building was crumbling and about to fall. He suddenly made some moves on a car next to the containment holder. The car that was originally going to park in front of the hospital suddenly had its brakes broken, and then it headed towards It collided in the direction of the containment holder, and one person and one car were knocked out more than ten meters. Although the impact speed was not very fast, because the brakes failed, the containment holder kept lying on the hood, and then They slid far away together with the car. Neither the car owner nor he suffered any injuries.

The holder of the containment object stood beside the car and cursed, and the car owner apologized after getting out of the car, saying that his brakes were really broken. Just as the two of them were arguing, there were breaking sounds and frightened screams around them.

Then they turned around and saw a nearly 100-meter-tall building slowly falling down, heading towards them.

If they hadn't been knocked far away by a car just now, it would have been too late to run away. Now that they saw that the building was about to collapse, the two of them ran as fast as they could.

[To be continued]

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