Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 184: Vicious Infectious Disease

The collapse of a building over a hundred meters high is too shocking for ordinary people. This building already had certain problems. During construction, a large amount of excavated earth was piled on one side of the building.

It has caused considerable pressure on this building for a long time. Even if the earthwork was later backfilled to the other side, the foundation of this building still has certain problems, and because it is built in the city center. The area is small and can only occupy a small area. Therefore, the length and width of the building are much shorter than its height.

In the situation where there were already problems, it was catalyzed by bad luck, and it naturally collapsed.

The collapse of a building in the city center has an impact beyond just that one building. The surrounding roads and adjacent buildings were damaged, which is the effect of the blasting failure.

At the same time as it collapsed, surrounding buildings were also crushed. The casualties cannot be calculated at all. Obviously, bad luck does not care about the harm it causes to other innocent people, but from the current point of view, bad luck will still avoid having an excessive impact on ordinary people in the early stage to a certain extent.

At least the unexpected scenes in the early stages of the doom were not this big. Another possibility is bad luck. From some channel, he realized that the person he wanted to kill was protected in various ways, in order to be able to kill him in the hands of the protector. Cause enough damage to him. Doom took a more ferocious approach.

Cheng Ying couldn't tell which possibility it was now, but the scene was already in a mess.

When the building collapsed, a large number of fire fighters were immediately called to deal with it. As for the container holders who escaped, they were also sent to other hospitals. Surprisingly, there were no surprises along the way. Cheng Ying had been carefully observing the ambulance that transported him. I was worried that something might happen to the ambulance, but after careful inspection, I found that there was nothing wrong with the ambulance.

By the time the containment holder was sent to another hospital. When the doctor saw his symptoms, he had a very strange expression on his face.

"Are you? The person who was sent here from the scene of the building collapse. Why are your injuries so weird? Others had their hands and feet broken when the building collapsed. The more unlucky ones were penetrated by steel bars. You, who had a spring penetrated your anus. How did you suffer the injury? And I see that the clothes on your butt are not torn. How did the spring get in?

Is it possible that when you go to and from get off work, you always carry a spring in your trouser pocket? "The doctor's words made the containment holder's mentality explode. For a moment, he didn't know how to explain his injuries. In the end, he chose to tell the truth. However, the doctor had a look of disbelief.

Obviously, no one would believe that he accidentally sat on a spring, but after all, this was a hospital. Although he was speechless at the patient's various weird behaviors, the doctor still operated on him in accordance with the regulations. Because of the delay for so long, a lot of the flesh and blood stuck in the spring has become necrotic and swollen due to ischemia.

It is already very difficult to remove it by conventional means, and surgery is necessary, and the risks that may arise during the surgery are much more serious.

Cheng Ying was always paying attention to this person's condition to prevent any accidents during the operation. As expected, there was an accident. The problem this time was not the anesthetic, but the deadly virus on the scalpel. In this regard The virus was left behind by the previous patient. Under normal circumstances, the hospital would disinfect its own medical equipment, but after disinfection this time, there were still virus residues on the scalpel. This is theoretically impossible.

Cheng Ying retrieved the hospital's internal inspection records through electronic equipment and was convinced that the surgical equipment had been cleaned. However, there was still a virus on the scalpel, which obviously meant there was something wrong.

At least this virus is probably not an ordinary virus. It may be able to resist most conventional cleaning methods, even high-temperature disinfection.

Of course, it is also possible that there was something wrong with the sterilization equipment that allowed the virus to remain. While Cheng Ying was observing the poisonous scalpel, he was also preventing it from being used on patients.

It's very simple to do this. You just need to break the scalpel. It doesn't need to be big, you just need to make a tiny notch on the blade of the scalpel.

Doctors will check before using a scalpel. Regular hospitals will replace surgical supplies immediately if they see any defects, even if the defects don't seem big.

"This should be a new scalpel. Why did it break so quickly? It seems that the scalpel should be ordered from another manufacturer." The doctor muttered and gently touched the blade with his finger. At this moment, someone patted him behind him. I asked him when the operation started, but the shock made him use a little more force on his hand. As a result, his finger pressed on the blade of the scalpel and cut his finger.

Under normal circumstances, with the protection of gloves, even if he touches the blade directly with his fingers, there will be no damage, but the scalpel is still quite sharp. In such a frightened situation, he immediately injured himself, and The deadly virus happened to enter his body.

Cheng Ying's face didn't look very good, and he felt as if he had been plotted against him. It seemed that his actions were calculated into the misfortune and became part of it.

Because he is there. While analyzing the principle of the virus, he performed a series of previous operations, so he did not realize what the principle of the virus was. After he completed the analysis, the doctor had accidentally cut his hand.

It is obviously too late now to do anything to prevent doctors from being infected, and the real effect of this deadly virus is actually something similar to a zombie virus, which even contains some content that Cheng Ying cannot analyze, which means This thing is probably also a special item, or a derivative of a special item.

It is obviously easy to understand what the zombie virus is. People infected with this virus will quickly turn into zombies who only know how to eat, and they will eat everything, especially the same kind around them. People who have been bitten by them will They will all be infected by them and turn into the same zombies. Under normal circumstances, in modern society, even if such zombies appear, it will not cause a biochemical crisis, and the army can easily deal with them.

But the zombie virus in front of us seems to contain some special power, and it is unknown what kind of damage it can cause.

The real reason for the ugly expression on Cheng Ying's face is that it was his small changes to the world that led to the spread of the loss virus. If he did nothing or destroyed the scalpel directly, then the biochemical crisis would be will not break out, and if the biochemical crisis does not break out, the holder of the containment object will not fall into a more dangerous situation. If the previous arrangement can be said to be not the power of fate, then this time Taking Cheng Ying's actions into account, it is almost certain that the power of fate is involved.

And he seemed to have mobilized another special item. At least it is a derivative of another special item, which is even more incredible.

It only took a short moment to think about these problems, and the doctor also experienced various adverse symptoms in this short moment. The speed of virus infection is faster than imagined, or maybe this is the original sample of the virus, so the speed of infection is fastest.

After the doctor's finger was cut, he didn't feel there was any big problem. Simply take off the gloves, re-bandage them, and put on a new pair of gloves.

The cut was on his non-dominant hand, so it would not have much impact on the operation. Moreover, the operation he was going to perform next was not a very critical operation. It was difficult to operate on the patient's anus. Not particularly big.

However, just when he held the scalpel again, his colleague saw a sudden change in his eyes. After coming behind the patient, the doctor's eyes showed obvious appetite.

Even he himself felt that it was abnormal. At this time, the patient's anus was stretched open and he was preparing for surgery. When he saw the patient's butt, he actually developed an appetite. No one could accept this. The reality is that the nine-turn large intestine is enough to make people feel emotional. Now the nine-turn large intestine that is still alive can definitely cause myocardial infarction.

However, the virus had invaded his brain, and his consciousness began to gradually change. Facing the containment holder's butt, his appetite became increasingly uncontrollable, and he suddenly wanted to feast.

Finally, his mind completely turned into chaos, no longer dominated by human consciousness, and he was about to bite him.

At this time, Cheng Ying also wanted to try to rescue the holder of the containment object to see if he could successfully escape the backlash of the side effects. Conventional methods are no longer able to make the holder of the containment object escape, and can only give him a little special stimulation.

An electric spark suddenly appeared on the butt of the containment holder, which immediately made the guy jump up and cover his butt. The pain just now was far beyond the possible level of surgery, and when he turned around When I was there, I saw that the originally gentle and elegant Yisheng was staring at him with red eyes, as if he wanted to take responsibility, but in general.

But thankfully, he escaped with his life just now. When the doctor bit him, he just wiped his butt and bit him. More importantly, the doctor was wearing a mask on his mouth, gloves on his hands, and a scalpel. He has been thrown away by the doctor, and there is nothing on him that can cause wounds to the other party. Unless he holds the person down and bites him to death, it is possible to bite him through the mask and bleed. Like now, a sudden bite If it goes on, most of the time it won't cause any harm at all.

This is also an important reason why the holder of the containment object can react to such a small stimulus.

The doctor had been biting on his butt for a long time, but because his butt was too round, he didn't bite it.

At this time, other medical staff finally discovered the problem, but this was not a major operation, so there were only three people in the operating room. Seeing the surgeon going crazy, the other two people hurried up to catch him, but they didn't realize it yet. The seriousness of the problem is that at this time, the surgeon is still scratching and biting like crazy. If one person struggles with all his strength, it will be difficult for even two people to suppress him.

What's more, they are not professionals. After a fierce struggle, they quickly couldn't suppress it. In the eyes of the doctor, the two of them were actually food, and they were immediately bitten by the doctor. When they suppressed the doctor, the mask fell off under the chaotic beating.

Now the doctor's teeth could finally be exposed. In this case, one of the nurses was bitten on the neck, dripping with blood, and immediately made him scream.

They quickly let go of the doctor and ran to bandage themselves. The remaining people suppressed the doctor and called other people outside the operating room to help. But facing the guy who looked like a mad dog, several people were still bitten and their wounds bled.

At this time, they did not realize the seriousness of the problem.

The first person to get sick due to being bitten was the nurse just now. He was the first to be bitten, and the bite was the worst. The artery in his neck was almost bitten, and his current condition is also the worst. The poor one's consciousness has become a little blurry, and everything looks like food.

And he was not a crazy doctor, so he didn't receive much warning, and he didn't receive much warning when he got closer to the crowd.

In fact, this is the most dangerous stage for infected people. During this stage, they still retain a certain amount of human emotions, but only their appetite is left. The vague human emotions can let them know that they cannot do too much. Abnormal things, such as biting people in public, are theoretically not allowed, but their strong appetite for the same kind will make them unable to help but get close to the same kind, just like they encounter something delicious and want to get closer to smell it.

At this stage, what they did is not particularly suspicious. Only when the impact of the virus is further advanced and they completely lose their minds will they start to attack the people around them crazily.

The nurse walked into the crowd without attracting any attention. Everyone was also discussing how to deal with the crazy doctor. He had been tied up, but he was still struggling desperately, as if he wanted to bite someone.

For a while, there was no good way to deal with him. Just when everyone was at their wits' end, another scream came from beside them. It turned out that someone was bitten again.

Only then did someone notice that it was the nurse who had done the trick, and the bloody wound on the nurse's neck was still so conspicuous.

At this time, someone finally realized what was going on. Even if they had not watched Resident Evil, they could realize at this time that this was a vicious infectious disease, and they would probably be infected if they were bitten.

[To be continued]

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