Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 185 Interlocking crises

After realizing that people who have been bitten may be infected, the scene once fell into great chaos, because many of the medical staff present were bitten and scratched, and they are still temporarily He showed no tendency to attack others, but at this time, these people were all looked at by others as if they were monsters.

For those who were bitten and scratched, this scene is very desperate. As for those who were scratched, they did not realize it, or others did not notice the injury. They carefully hide their wounds so that no one will notice them.

Anyone who is human can imagine what will happen to the infected people who have been bitten when faced with this kind of crisis. In short, even if he got sick due to infection, he turned into the kind of zombie that bites everyone in sight. It's better than being killed one step ahead by your own kind.

The chaos was still spreading, but the previous holder of the containment object had already taken advantage of the chaos to leave. He instinctively felt that something was wrong with the situation in front of him, and he had been exposed to supernatural things. For this aspect, The sensitivity is also relatively strong.

Before leaving, he had seen that this danger could spread from person to person, so he chose to stay away from the hospital as much as possible. After leaving, he was ready to find a car to leave the country.

As a person who often crosses between two countries, he is relatively familiar with this aspect. However, while crossing the country, he is also attacked by various misfortunes. First of all, he cannot find a car. All the cars he called were blocked on the road, obviously preparing to kill him with the zombie crisis that would break out next.

But at this time, he had already risked his life. He endured the severe pain in his buttocks and ran directly to the traffic jam. He handed a lot of money to the driver and asked the driver to turn around, even if it was a violation of traffic rules. , my points were deducted, and my driver’s license was revoked. The money was definitely worth it.

The driver was moved by his money offensive and drove directly on the highway in reverse, preparing to take him away. This act of seeking death was undoubtedly fatal. The driver didn't know that his passenger was in trouble and was in all kinds of dangers. After all, he wanted to kill him. This kind of reverse driving on the highway might be dangerous under normal circumstances, but as long as If you stay focused, nothing will necessarily happen if you are only a few hundred meters away.

But with such a super disaster on their bodies, it would be strange if nothing happened. Seeing an oncoming large truck about to crush them off the viaduct, the wheels of the large truck suddenly made a sharp turn and twisted. It formed an arc that was impossible to turn under normal circumstances, scraped past the side of the car, and then hit the guardrail, almost collapsing the guardrail. It was such a big piece.

And the two of them missed the big truck in such a thrilling way, and the holder of the containment wiped a cold sweat. He couldn't remember how many times he had passed death today. I'm even a little used to this feeling of escaping from death, and I don't think it's anything special. However, as another large truck passed by him, he finally felt that something was wrong. Today's luck is a bit too much.

Fortunately, the two finally passed the retrograde stage. When he reached a relatively safe section of the road, the driver was also in a cold sweat. Although the money given by the other party was enough, the experience of escaping from death still made him realize that this money is not easy to earn at all.

The driver hasn't realized the problem yet, but this is normal. A normal person would not think about the death of his passenger. His life would be in danger at all times, chasing after him.

When the two finally arrived at the customs, it seemed that the danger had finally gone away from them. However, no one knew that the customs at this time had actually welcomed an uninvited guest.

As the target that Doom has been chasing, how could Doom end if he didn't die? Although a biochemical crisis broke out in the hospital, and normally the crisis would be contained within the hospital, some people who were bitten did not report their situation, but hid it. And be prepared to flee the scene as soon as possible to ensure that you will not be caught.

After all, it has not been proven that if you are bitten, you will definitely be infected, and if you are bitten, you will definitely be isolated and observed, which is very dangerous, because when you are isolated, you may be surrounded by people who may turn into zombies at any time. They have lost their freedom and are unable to resist when faced with danger. This also makes people who have been bitten subconsciously not want to accept isolation. Even if that makes it more likely to get treatment.

There happened to be a few people in the hospital who were from the next country, and they also came to the customs quickly. Prepare to take this opportunity to leave.

And when they arrived, it was already a little late because they were already infected, and something happened shortly after entering customs. I saw the taxi before rushing straight into the customs and smashing the glass curtain wall. This immediately triggered a burst of shooting.

Normally, customs soldiers are not allowed to shoot, but this is obviously no longer an ordinary situation.

The car that rushed in like this was obviously a recent passerby, so it would naturally be treated with the most vigilance. After warning the taxi many times, he still rushed in. Then he was shot, but there was no effective design at all. Although it had hit the driver on the car seat and the passenger on the co-pilot, it didn't seem to stop them at all. Instead, it involved breaking the door. , leaving the originally closed car door open.

The car ran rampantly, knocking everyone in the customs to the ground. As the door opened, the passengers who climbed out of the car immediately fell on the passengers who fell to the ground. With the crazy biting on their bodies, every passenger was infected.

The speed of infection is related to the area of ​​injury. The injuries suffered by both the driver and passengers were not particularly serious. It was precisely because of this that he felt that he might not be infected, and prepared to escape with a sense of luck.

The small wound also resulted in a small number of viruses that he was infected with, so it took a relatively long time to completely turn into a zombie.

But these passengers bitten by them are different. The wounds on their bodies bleed crazily, and the virus enters the body along their blood. It may not take a minute to transform into zombies.

With a loud roar, the zombies officially appeared. Before all the passengers in the customs could react, quite a few people had been bitten. In such a densely populated area, the police might be able to ensure that they would not be bitten. Injury, but the large number of ordinary people here have no way to escape the attack of zombies, and a large number of zombies will appear in a short time.

The zombie crisis first broke out within a city and has not yet spread to the country or city next door. However, it is already very dangerous. Many injured people are taking chances and do not tell others about their dangers. situation, but quietly left, which has also become an important way for the virus to spread.

However, for the previous user of the containment object, the zombie crisis that broke out in other places did not have much to do with him. What he really needed to face was the threat in front of him.

This place is really a densely populated area. With the outbreak of the zombie crisis, there were only a few sporadic zombies at the beginning, but in an instant, there were hundreds or thousands of people.

The customs is a relatively closed place. The entrances and exits are quite limited. When people are crowded at the entrances and exits, it is often difficult to escape. If one person is bitten by a zombie, the group of people gathered together after being bitten will basically be destroyed.

This, in turn, caused all the entrances and exits to be blocked by zombies. Everyone was bitten when they crowded at the entrances and exits. After turning into zombies, they turned into a big pile of zombies gathered at the entrances and exits. So much so that the entire customs has become a situation of trying to catch a turtle in a jar.

Everyone was trapped indoors, and the door was full of zombies. No one dared to go out from the door.

The situation suddenly became extremely critical. Faced with this almost certain death situation, there was very little the holder of the containment could do. But fortunately, someone was helping him secretly, so when facing danger, he could get certain prompts, such as a clang from the fire pipe.

Although no one told him what to do, after seeing the fire hoses there, he suddenly thought of a way to escape from here.

Today's customs is in chaos. It is no longer possible to leave through formal means. It is even impossible to leave this room. All the front entrances are blocked. If you want to leave, you need to find another way. Some doors that have not been designed before, such as going directly through the window.

The fire hose next to it reminded it that although it did not have a rope, it could use this thing as a rope to help it climb down from the window, so that it could avoid the siege of zombies. The fire hose itself was very strong. , can withstand such a large water pressure, naturally it can easily bear the weight of a person. Decisively, he picked up the firefighting suit next to him, and then escaped with a large circle of water pipes, heading towards a higher floor. In the past, many people also ran towards higher places. After all, being condescending makes it easier to defend.

And during the process of escaping, he was almost mistaken for a zombie. After all, he was carrying a water pipe on his back, which was not something a normal person could do. He was thrown from the top of his head by someone who didn't know what it was. The heavy object almost hit him. At this time, it was difficult to tell which one was the crisis that bad luck had brought to him because everything was very dangerous. He narrowly avoided the objects thrown from high altitude and expressed loudly He was not infected, so he was allowed to go up there. However, there were still people who wanted to secretly attack and kick him down during the process. After all, everyone can only know that they are not infected, and others must know whether they are infected. Take off your clothes and check if there are any wounds before you can make a judgment.

And that kind of thing obviously takes too much time. In an emergency, the best way is to kill everyone close to you, whether they are humans or zombies.

However, the user of the containment object who had experienced many crises was already extremely vigilant. When the attack was about to come, he raised the water pipe on his body and blocked the attack of the kitchen knife. I don’t know who he was, but he was able to bring the kitchen knife with him. Go to customs.

While he blocked the attack, he also kicked the man down. It was obvious that he was not a good person, but at this time he was also very aware of his fighting power and did not have an advantage at this time. After kicking the man down, Seeing that the other party was bitten to death among the zombies, he ran away quickly.

If he becomes the target of siege by others, then the escape plan will be completely useless.

He quickly took the water pipe on his body to a window on the sixth floor, then tied the water pipe firmly to a pillar, and then quickly threw the water pipe out of the window, trying to follow the water pipe along the Climb out the wall of the floor, so that you can escape from the zombies, at least temporarily out of danger.

However, things did not develop as smoothly as he imagined. When Cheng Ying was monitoring this scene from a distance, he wanted to curse, but he actually forgot that just now he was using the fire hose to resist the opponent's kitchen knife.

Perhaps he was too panicked and didn't realize that the fire hose that was chopped with a kitchen knife might be damaged, so he just used this hose. It was used as a safety rope for him to climb down, and one section of the water pipe had been almost cut off, but it was still connected by broken wires, so it seemed that there was no problem.

And this section of water pipe happened to be placed at the window, which is the position most prone to wear and tear. If he used this section of water pipe to escape, he would definitely fall and die, and there was a high probability that when he fell, He still landed on his butt and was stabbed to death by the spring inside his butt.

Helpless, Cheng Ying could only slightly adjust the position of the fire hose on the window sill, as long as the damaged position was not allowed to rest directly on the window sill. It won't wear out that quickly, at least enough to support him to the ground.

Judging from the recent dangers, the death crisis caused by bad luck does not seem to follow the fact that it becomes more and more dangerous as time goes by. In the situation where the environment was already dangerous just now, bad luck The crisis it brings seems to be quite ordinary, not much different from the dangers encountered by other people. The judgment mechanism does not change with the passage of time, but only changes with the difficulty of killing him in the judgment. , that is to say, in a safer environment, the scale of the danger he encounters may be greater. If he is in a room of a mental hospital where he will almost never encounter any danger, then maybe he will A meteorite fell from the sky and came directly to kill him.

[To be continued]

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