Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 186 The unrelenting natural disaster

While the containment holders were trying to escape their bad luck, the chaos at the scene finally attracted the attention of some organizations. The outbreak of zombies had to be contained, so the army was quickly dispatched to suppress the zombies that broke out in the city. Keep other cities safe.

The Nine-Tailed Fox Team was ordered to blockade the city where the biochemical crisis broke out. It consisted of four teams: Alpha, Bravo, Charlie and Delta. Each squad has its own mission and they have to survive among the zombies and complete the mission.

Team Alpha is on a street with a group of zombies in front of them.

"Everyone, be careful. There is a group of zombies ahead, ready to fight." Captain Lucas warned other team members through the walkie-talkie.

"Copy that, I'm ready," Emily replied over the intercom.

"I need more bullets," James said.

"Let me help you," Tom replied over the intercom.

Bravo Team is searching the city hall building for emergency communications equipment.

"We need to find emergency communication equipment in the city hall building and prepare to go." Captain Lisa gave the order on the intercom.

"I'll lead the way," John said.

"Okay, I'll watch from behind." Kate replied.

"I'll be in the middle protecting the communications equipment," Jack said.

Team Charlie set up roadblocks at the city's exits.

"We need to block the city's exits and set off." Captain Matt gave the order on the intercom.

"I drive a truck," Lily replied.

"I'll set up roadblocks," Brian said.

"I will fight them," Helen replied over the intercom.

Delta team goes to the hospital to rescue the survivors.

"We need to go to the hospital and rescue survivors." Captain David gave the order through the walkie-talkie.

"I'll heal them," Sarah replied.

"I'll help you," Allen said over the intercom.

"I'll fight zombies," Chris replied.

Each team communicates with each other via walkie-talkie and collaborates to complete the mission. Zombies are wandering around and attack from time to time. The Nine-Tailed Fox team must go all out to ensure the successful completion of the mission.

The team fought fiercely with a group of zombies on the street. James ran out of bullets, while Tom helped him change the magazine. Emily held a submachine gun and accurately shot every zombie approaching them. Lucas used a big ax to slash at the zombies attacking from all directions. These zombies are no longer ordinary corpses, their eyes have turned bright red, and they are constantly making low howling sounds, extremely ferocious.

"These zombies are faster than before!" James warned others.

"I also discovered that their power is much greater than before." Tom replied.

John wielded a saber and chopped off the heads of several zombies. Kate stood at the door, using a shotgun to defend herself from the zombies outside. Jack was in the communications room, looking for equipment. He found that the zombies' skin became harder and bullets could not easily penetrate their skin.

"Their skin is getting tougher!" Jack exclaimed.

"We need stronger weapons to deal with them." John replied.

Team Charlie set up roadblocks at the exit of the city, and they faced a large group of zombies. Lily drove the truck and hit the zombies that came to attack them with the front of the truck. Brian aimed a rocket launcher at a group of zombies, and one rocket exploded into pieces. Helen was fighting on the sidelines. She discovered that these zombies were no longer the slow-moving zombies a few hours ago. They had become smarter and could attack together and protect each other.

"These zombies are getting smarter and smarter!" Helen exclaimed.

"We need more people to assist us!" Lily shouted. It has only been a few hours since the zombie crisis broke out, and the four teams have already felt the power of the zombies. They have tried their best to blockade the city, but the number of zombies is far beyond their imagination. Now, their weapons are beginning to fail and more support is needed to deal with the crisis.

"This is the Alpha team. We need more armed support. We have run out of bullets!" James shouted eagerly.

"Received, we are sending helicopters to support, hold on!" came the reply from the command center on the intercom.

Team Bravo is also facing the same problem, they are almost out of bullets and the number of zombies is still increasing.

"This is Team Bravo. We need more armed support. The number of zombies has exceeded our control!" John's voice was full of anxiety.

"Received, we are sending armored vehicles to support, hold on!" The reply from the command center made John sigh in relief.

Team Charlie is also calling for support. Facing endless zombies, it is difficult to ensure the stability of the roadblock.

"This is Team Charlie. We need more armed support. The number of zombies has exceeded our imagination!" Lily's voice trembled.

"Received, we are sending large artillery vehicles to support, hold on!" The reply from the command center gave Lily confidence.

Team Delta is also requesting support from the command center. They need more medical equipment and medicine to help survivors.

"This is Team Delta. We need more medical support. The survivors need help!" David's voice was filled with helplessness.

"Received, we are sending a medical team to support, hold on!" The command center's reply made David sigh in relief.

In the command center, the commander is contacting other departments to find ways to solve this zombie crisis. They need more manpower, more weapons, and more ammunition to ensure the safety of the city.

While the headquarters' support was still on the way, suddenly a huge meteorite appeared in the sky and fell towards Hanumandu. The members of the four teams immediately felt this powerful energy. They saw the fireball in the sky getting bigger and bigger, falling crazily towards their city.

"Quick, avoid!" The captains' voices sounded at the same time, and they immediately ordered their teams to spread out and avoid the area where the meteorite fell.

As soon as the members of Alpha Team hid in the air-raid shelter of a building, a meteorite crashed onto the block in front of them, making a deafening noise. For a time, the entire city was covered in smoke and dust.

"Team Bravo, how are you doing?" James shouted anxiously, trying to contact other teams.

"We are okay, but we found that the support sent by the headquarters was destroyed!" John's voice was full of panic.

The members of Charlie's team were also safely avoiding the area where the meteorite fell. Lily's face was full of horror.

"Delta Team, are you still there?" David called eagerly, trying to understand the situation of other teams.

"We are okay, but we need more support. The survivors here need medical equipment and medicine!" David's voice was full of anxiety.

The four teams are all facing an unprecedented dilemma. They need to deal with the zombie crisis while avoiding the danger of falling meteorites. At this time, the command center is also facing great pressure, and they need to send more support immediately to ensure the safety of the team.

The images of falling meteorites are unforgettable, the fireball grows larger and larger, the air is filled with smoke and dust, and the entire city is shaking. People fled, but many people were trapped in the flames, and the shock wave of the meteorite also destroyed many buildings. The city has been plunged into endless panic.

Cheng Ying sighed. The holder of the containment object was finally dead. However, what he didn't find was that the landlord actually lost his ring during the zombie crisis and hid in an extremely safe air-raid shelter to survive. The meteorite was It was aimed at him, and he was not dead yet, so the disaster would probably continue.

As the meteorite fell, the sky became darker, and soon dark clouds filled the sky. Lightning continued to intersect in the clouds, and thunder rumbled.

"Beep beep..." The communicator made an extremely harsh sound.

"Everyone, be careful, thunderstorms are coming." The captain's voice rang in the headsets of the four teams, "Pay attention to weather changes at all times to ensure your own safety."

"Understood, captain." The members of the four teams responded.

As the thunder got closer and closer, the wind became stronger, blowing trees down and buildings crumbling. Suddenly, a bolt of lightning struck a tall building, and the building exploded and burst into flames.

"Be careful to avoid tall buildings and trees and move towards the center of the city." The captain's voice sounded again.

At the same time, the headquarters' communications were also disrupted by thunderstorms, and the four teams were unable to get in touch with the headquarters.

"Headquarters, are you there?" the captain called, but there was no response.

"Captain, our communications have been interfered with." the vice-captain said.

"Keep going, we need to gather in the city center." The captain ordered.

The four teams began to pick up the pace, carefully moving through the destroyed city. The streets were in ruins, littered with trash and debris. They could see zombies searching for prey in the destruction, but they were unable to coordinate their actions with other teams due to the interference of the thunderstorm.

After the thunderstorm, the city has become unrecognizable. Buildings collapsed, streets were filled with potholes, dust was flying, and lightning and thunder fell from the sky from time to time. The four teams finally gathered in the city center, but the support from the headquarters had been destroyed, and their only hope was to survive on their own strength.

at the same time……

The landlord huddled in the air-raid shelter, listening to the sound of falling meteorites, and his heart was filled with endless fear. When he heard the muffled thunder, he knew more destruction was approaching. He couldn't imagine what the city would look like. Fear and loneliness grew within him, and he wondered when this nightmare would end.

He tried to turn on the communication device, hoping to contact the outside world. But the communication device didn't respond. He despairs, realizing that he may be trapped in this cave until his last breath.

The landlord was hiding alone in the air-raid shelter. He was not sure what was happening in the outside world. He could only hear the violent storm and constant screams and roars. He felt isolated and helpless, and the darkness around him made him feel extremely frightened. This fear prevented him from staying where he was. He began to explore the surroundings of the air raid shelter, trying to find a way out.

In the dark cave, the landlord groped carefully. Suddenly, he felt a gust of cold wind, and a ray of light flashed across his eyes. He quickly ran to the source of the light and found that it was the exit of the cave, but he was blocked by a boulder and could not leave the air raid shelter.

The landlord kept trying to push the boulder with his hands, but his strength was far from enough. He felt that he was on the verge of death and that time was running out as the air in the cave became thinner and thinner.

He tried to kick the boulder with his foot, but the boulder seemed to be stuck and did not move at all. He realized that if he wanted to get out of trouble, he had to find other ways.

As long as the landlord is not dead, the disaster will not end, so the environment outside is getting worse and worse.

The crisis in the city became more and more serious. Suddenly there was a loud noise, and the underground ammunition depot in the city was detonated. It exploded instantly, and the flames shot into the sky. The huge air wave swept up everything around it. Buildings, vehicles, and pedestrians were swept into the sky, and debris Splashing everywhere.

This explosion caused an even more exaggerated chain reaction. A large number of buildings and vehicles began to burn, black smoke filled the city, and more deadly poisonous gas was produced. At the same time, the ground also began to shake. As the earthquake continued to intensify, large areas of houses and buildings collapsed, and the disaster became more severe.

Residents of the city fled in all directions, running wildly in search of shelter, but the shelters had exceeded their capacity, and people could only crowd together on the streets, making it difficult to maintain a safe distance.

Four teams were also affected by the explosion and had to retreat urgently and find new shelters. At the same time, they also began to call for support from the headquarters, requesting more manpower and materials to deal with this unprecedented disaster.

Suddenly, there was a violent shaking in the city, the ground began to shake, and the buildings were crumbling. This is an earthquake! The ground shook violently, houses collapsed, fires intensified, and fierce explosions continued to sound. The four teams faced the astonishing sight, completely stunned, as if they were swallowed up in the fear of doomsday.

Outside the air-raid shelter, the landlord felt a huge shock. He began to think of a way to escape from this ghost place, struggling crazily and trying to crawl toward the exit. But as the earthquake became more severe, his body was continuously hit by heavy gravel and garbage, causing him to lose consciousness in pain.

While facing the disaster, the four teams also started an emergency evacuation plan. They moved toward the designated exit one by one. Some were injured, and some had collapsed. The entire city has fallen into chaos, with collapsed buildings and burning streets everywhere. The horror scene caused by the biological crisis is indescribable.

The landlord has not died completely, so the disaster will continue for a while, and his lost ring now has a new holder, but it is a zombie...

[To be continued]

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