Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 187 When the ring falls into the hands of zombies

In the city of Resident Evil, zombies are constantly roaming the streets, making low and hoarse groans that never seem to stop. Meteorites and storms also took turns ravaging the city. Huge meteorites fell from the sky, destroying streets and buildings instantly, while storms brought violent rain and rain, washing the streets and rooftops into chaos.

However, these natural disasters are just the calm before the storm. Next, a more terrible disaster will break out. The ground in the city began to shake.

In the city of Resident Evil, meteorites and storms have fallen one after another, plunging people's lives into chaos and fear. Residents are constantly running around in the heavy rain, looking for safe shelter, while zombies are constantly wandering around the city, looking for their next prey.

The sound of falling meteorites made people's hearts tremble, and debris from buildings flew everywhere. The violent storm blurred people's vision and made it difficult to move. The city is littered with broken power lines, shattered walls and collapsed buildings as residents struggle to navigate the debris, trying to avoid danger.

In this chaotic city, the lights go out, water and electricity are cut off, and everyone becomes helpless and lonely. The roars of zombies and the panicked shouts of people came one after another, filling the whole city with the atmosphere of death and danger.

In such an environment, residents can only fumble forward in the dark night, looking for ways to escape. They must avoid stone fragments, meteorite impacts, and be careful of zombie attacks, and do everything possible to find opportunities to escape. The whole city is shrouded in darkness and unrest, and survival has become so difficult.

Originally, if the ring holder died, all disasters would end, but a new person picked up the ring again, and the ring in his hand was lost again. Cheng Ying did not actively intervene this time, but allowed things to continue to develop. Because this time I picked up the ring, but what I lost was a special being, that was a zombie.

If a powerful being, a being with tenacious vitality and difficulty in death, picks up the ring and then loses it, then what kind of disaster will Doom know to kill him?

Zombies are obviously much more difficult to die than humans, especially when the zombie is a mutated member of an underground bomb shelter. Even if the cave collapses and the zombie is trapped in the cave, it will actually just trap him. In this state, it is more difficult to kill him. At this time, how the ring will determine is a question worth thinking about. Should it determine that the zombie is dead, or determine that the zombie must be completely broken into pieces to be considered dead, and then create A more tragic disaster.

This time the ring fell into the hands of the zombies. Neither Chengying nor Entropy intervened. It was just a good time to judge through this process. What would be the consequences if a strong man like himself lost the ring after getting it?

As night falls, the sky is filled with thick darkness, and only occasional lightning breaks the sky and illuminates the entire city. The streets were empty, no sign of humans, just some dust and broken buildings. Occasionally, you can hear the roars and groans of zombies, which are enough to make your heart beat faster.

The city is filled with the smell of decay and is littered with corpses and blood. The walls were torn to pieces by the zombies' claws and teeth, and there was dust and rubble everywhere. Some buildings have collapsed, creating obstacles that make it difficult to pass.

Zombies keep appearing, and they look very scary. Some are missing arms and legs, and some are so rotten that only bones are left. The smell they gave off was even more disgusting, with smoke and foul smell everywhere. In the darkness, the zombie's eyes emit a faint green light, as if looking for the next prey.

The scene of the entire city is very desolate and deserted, without the prosperity and vitality of the past. Zombies roam the streets, constantly looking for new prey. The whole environment is full of terror and despair, making people afraid to approach the city.

There are few survivors in the city, and most people have turned into zombies, wandering the streets of the city. The city has been overrun by zombies and people have abandoned the city. In order to solve this problem, the government decided to use cloud bombs to destroy the entire city and eliminate all zombies.

The aircraft left the base, carrying a huge cloud bomb, and flew towards the central area of ​​the city. The cloud bomb, a giant spherical device with a 500-meter radius, would destroy the center of the city as well as several surrounding neighborhoods.

When a cloud bomb reaches the sky over a city, it begins to release a huge cloud of gas that covers the entire area. The gas contains a deadly toxin that destroys the nervous system of zombies, rendering them incapacitated within seconds. At this point, the zombies began to roll on the ground, screaming, and their heads began to burst, blood and brain matter splattering out.

After a few seconds, the cloud bomb began to release a powerful shock wave, which could almost level the entire city. Under the influence of this shock wave, all buildings began to collapse, people's homes were razed to the ground, and dust and gravel were scattered everywhere. The explosion could be heard in the farthest neighborhoods.

The explosion created a large crater and buried the entire city in smoke and ash. There was a pungent smell in the air, as if the whole city was burning. Those former zombies have now completely disappeared, they were flattened by this huge explosion.

The entire city no longer exists now, just a gray wilderness littered with ruins and wreckage. The government sent drones from the air to conduct a thorough scan of the area. They confirmed there was no zombie activity.

However, the problem has not been fundamentally solved. The government can quickly develop toxins against zombies. There is no doubt that there is a force behind it. The organization responsible for dealing with these supernatural things in this world has the ability to target them in a short time. The zombie outbreak produced corresponding drugs, but the explosion caused by the cloud bomb just destroyed the buildings on the surface and caused the collapse of the underground air raid shelter.

The zombie in the ground is buried in the soil. It is just buried under the ground.

Therefore, the cloud bomb seemed to end everything, but in fact it was the beginning of a series of more terrible disasters.

Underground in the center of the city, there is a huge air raid shelter that can accommodate thousands of people. The hole was used to protect citizens from bombing and war. However, the hole has now become a hiding place for zombies, where they breed and gradually become more powerful.

The government decided to use cloud bombs to destroy the city and eliminate all the zombies in it. However, they failed to account for the dugout. When the cloud bomb exploded, the walls of the cave began to shake and cracks began to appear. Under the strong pressure of the explosion, the walls of the air raid shelter began to collapse, and in an instant, the entire underground space began to collapse.

People inside were panicking, screaming and trying to escape. However, in just a few seconds, the entire air raid shelter collapsed. The ground above began to collapse, burying the cave under

The people in the cave heard the huge explosion of the cloud bomb and tried to escape, but it was too late. As the walls crumbled, huge blocks of stone and concrete began to fall from the top, blocking their way out and taking their lives with them. Zombies were also buried under the rubble. They were trapped in the underground space, and their dead bodies were covered with concrete blocks.

The entire underground space became dead silent, with only dust and dirt floating around. Government rescue teams reached the scene, but nothing could be saved. The entire air raid shelter was completely destroyed, with ruins and rubble scattered everywhere.

The sky above the ruins of the city is a desolate scene. The once towering skyscrapers have been destroyed by cloud bombs and reduced to countless ruins, scattered in the chaos. There was almost no life in the surrounding streets, with only some abandoned vehicles and dilapidated buildings lying there quietly, as if recounting their past glory.

Suddenly, the sky began to become gloomy, with dark clouds covering the sky and the sun, as if announcing the end of the world. Then, bolts of lightning pierced the sky and struck at the same location, making a harsh sound, which was as terrifying as God's punishment.

And that location was exactly where the cloud bomb exploded, leaving a huge crater. Thunder and lightning continue to bombard this pothole, as if to tell the world that the glory of the past is gone forever, and the road ahead will be full of challenges and uncertainties.

In this ruins, it seems like an abandoned world, everything seems so desolate and helpless. No one knows where the world will go, there is only darkness and uncertainty.

But it was not over yet. An amazing and strange phenomenon suddenly appeared in the sky: a concave lens-shaped area that focused sunlight into the ruins of the city like a lens. When sunlight passes through this concave lens, it seems to be accelerated, forming a hot beam. This beam of light seemed almost tangible, penetrating the smog and dust in the city and shining on the ground.

The focus of sunlight results in stunning effects. Certain corners among the ruins became extremely bright, as if objects were placed under a magnifying glass. However, the brightness of these corners is far beyond what one would expect. Under the focus of the sun, the stone and cement turned into a piece of burning lava, emitting thick smoke.

In the background of it all, a bolt of lightning struck seconds later at that focused spot. The impact instantly lit up the entire city, as if it were a stage under fluorescent lights. However, such beauty only lasted a short time. Because the location where the lightning struck was so hot that the ground began to melt. Gray smoke filled the sky above the lava, and instantly turned into thick black smoke, rising like a devil.

The atmosphere is becoming more and more terrifying. Sharp screams and cries came from the city, but they were quickly drowned out by flames and smoke. The temperature in the air rose sharply, as if the entire city was in a big furnace. The scene in front of me became increasingly blurry, and the city seemed to be swallowed up and turned into a sea of ​​fire.

Such an astronomical phenomenon is unimaginable. The power of sunlight, which was originally warming, has now turned into a destructive power. The entire city seemed to have fallen victim to this strange phenomenon, sinking silently into the lava.

A dazzling light suddenly appeared in the sky and quickly grew in size. It gets brighter and brighter, making it hard to look straight at. It was a huge meteorite falling from the sky. It burned like a meteor and rushed towards the ground. This meteorite seems not to be affected by the earth's gravity, as if it has its own gravity, constantly hitting the location where the light is focused.

The meteorite was extremely fast. It passed through the clouds, crossed the skyline, and finally hit the ground hard. The violent shock wave swept through the entire city, destroying the ruins and buildings to pieces, as if the entire city was about to be shattered. The moment the meteorite hit the ground, a violent explosion echoed in the city.

However, the meteorite seemed not content to destroy everything in the city. When it hit the ground, it also exploded violently toward the location where the light was focused. This location instantly became brighter, as if it was lighting up the entire city. The flames burned in this position, forming a huge vortex, swallowing everything. The air was filled with acrid smoke and deafening explosions.

After the meteorite impact, the scene of the city completely changed. What was once a city has now become a sea of ​​ruins and burning fire. Smoke and dust filled the air, making it difficult to breathe. The entire city became dark, and only the location where the light was focused continued to burn, emitting dazzling light. The impact of the meteorite seemed to be aimed at destroying this location, but now it seems that the true face of this location may be more terrifying than the meteorite.

At this time, the balance is maintained behind the scenes of the world, and the organization responsible for containing supernatural things. If they can no longer find problems, then they will no longer have to live, and living will be just a waste of air. In fact, they were more perceptive than they thought, but as soon as signs began to appear and zombies began to appear, they felt that things were unusual.

Zombies are not things that ordinary pharmaceutical companies can produce by relying on dangerous chemicals. Therefore, at that time, they had already dispatched the Nine-tailed Fox Team for reconnaissance and rescue. However, it was not their most elite unit, so the root of the problem was not discovered. Now that the team was completely wiped out, it also made the organization deeply aware of the problem. , there must be something supernatural in this area, which would lead to such successive disasters.

[To be continued]

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