Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 188 The inexplicable cessation of the disaster

The organization behind the scenes that maintains the stable development of the world has now confirmed that there is definitely something special in the ruins of the city, and that special existence is the culprit that caused all these disasters. Lan

Thunder continued to fall in the sky, like a dense rainstorm at the same time, the thundering sky prison generally gathered in the same direction.

It is as if there is a super lightning rod inserted there, and all the thunder in the thunderstorm will gather in the direction of the super lightning rod.

And this is not the end. At the same time as the thunder landed, there were continuous meteors hitting this position. The meteors in the sky seemed to be free of charge and generally flew in the same direction.

After landing on the ground, a pillar of light exploded into the sky, and a large amount of soil rolled up. So much energy gathered at the same location that it melted the ground into magma.

The source of the disaster is obviously located in the center of Yanjianghu, but there is currently no way to determine what the source is.

However, special forces have been dispatched to conduct reconnaissance in this area. The reconnaissance of the city ruins has encountered huge troubles. After all, it is not an easy task to enter such an area covered by meteorites and thunder. From time to time, there will be blows here. Exhausted tornadoes and earthquakes are commonplace. If the city had not been destroyed, there would be no survivors left in the city. Such disasters bring an extremely despairing reality.

Fortunately, this city is not on the seaside, otherwise, even a tsunami might hit this city. Lan

The meteorites falling from the sky are getting bigger each time. So far, none of the meteorites that have fallen to the ground have a diameter of more than fifty meters. But as time goes by, larger meteorites may not stop falling. , then there is no guarantee that the disaster will affect this city.

Special forces wear strict protective clothing and even have a set of powered armor, allowing them to operate in such a harsh environment.

Their bodies were wrapped in metal, and they were dragging a chain behind them to prevent lightning from striking them.

The metal clothing on their bodies is equivalent to a layer of Farads, and the wires connected to the ground can ensure that the current will only be transmitted to the ground along the metal on their body surfaces, without passing through their bodies.

As for meteorites falling from the sky, there is no way to prevent them. Even if humans bring out the highest technology, there will be nothing they can do when the meteorites fall.

The members of the team have more or less otherworldly abilities, but their abilities are not systematic like superpowers, but all kinds of strange. An ability that doesn't seem scientific or magical.

That is the ability left to them after a character has infected them. As the captain of the team, Joey has the ability to regenerate at a high speed, but his super-speed regeneration comes at a price. That means you have to bite your own wounds crazily. In other words, if it is out of reach of his mouth, he will not be able to regenerate at super speed. Lan

This is the characteristic given to him by the containment object. It is very strange and unreasonable. But in order to make this feature of mine work as much as possible. He made changes to his mouth. Now, his mouth can be removed. Take it off your face, and there is an extremely tough nerve line and blood vessel line. It remains connected to the body like dentures and can be removed to bite any part of the body.

He can even bite other people with his mouth. This can also heal their wounds and allow their wounds to regenerate at a high speed after being bitten.

It is precisely because of this unscientific logistical ability that he became the captain.

The other members of the team also have their own special abilities.

The deputy captain has the ability to detect remotely. There is a system in his mind that has invaded part of his consciousness. Containers like the system are also a relatively common type of containment. They usually need a host.

And it will reside in the host's body and provide the host with certain abilities. Most systems are logical. They will give the host a goal, and after completing the goal, the host's abilities will be improved. This is a relatively conventional system. Of course, there are also some weird systems that cannot be upgraded, but will arrange various weird tasks for the host.

The system on the vice-captain is a relatively traditional system. You can improve yourself by commanding armies. In the interface for commanding the army, there is a small branch function which is the battlefield map. You can directly view the overhead view of the battlefield area. And you can mark the corresponding target in red in the battlefield. This way they can be easily spotted when moving. Lan

At the same time, the map can also travel through strata. Detect the underground. It also intelligently identifies suspicious targets on the map and actively marks them. This kind of thing can indeed be done with technology, but the technology this organization has mastered so far is far from enough to manufacture this kind of thing. So detection can only rely on the system.

"How's it going? Did you find anything? Are there any remaining zombies in the city?" Captain Qiao Yi asked the deputy captain. Detective skills are paramount in every investigation. Even more important than his logistical treatment capabilities.

"There are only corpses of zombies in the city. The special medicine we made for zombies is very effective. After the explosion of the cloud bomb spread these medicines, the zombies have completely lost their ability to move. Now they are nothing like real corpses. There is a difference.

I'm still searching the city, but it seems there are no survivors. The continuous falling thunder makes the ground in the city deadly. Captain, you should know that if a high-voltage wire falls on the ground, you will get an electric shock just by walking towards the location of the high-voltage wire. Even if you don't reach out to touch the high-voltage line, you will still get an electric shock if you just step on the ground near the high-voltage line.

Because after the high-voltage line falls to the ground, the voltage at different locations on the ground is different. When your feet are in different positions, there will be a voltage gap between the two feet, allowing current to flow along the human body.

There was a similar situation before us, and this time it was not the high-voltage wires that fell to the ground, but the endless thunder and lightning in the sky. They are absolutely deadly. Continuous falling will cause the voltage in the entire city to become chaotic in the process.

There will be a huge gap in voltage between the ground in different areas. Every step you take here will cause you to receive an electric shock. Therefore, there are almost no survivors in the city. If we don’t have this layer of protective clothing on us, we would probably be gone by now. Burnt. As long as the thunder in the sky does not stop, this city will continue to become a restricted area for life. "Lan

Joey nodded: "I understand what you said, but to do our job we not only need to understand natural science knowledge, but also need to understand those completely unscientific containment objects. Most of them are unreasonable." Like now they have created such a disaster for no reason.

The organization even suspected that the zombie crisis that broke out before was caused by them. Okay, let's move on. Let's search underground. Everything on the ground has been cleared by the explosion. In this case, the problem is likely to occur underground. , search the underground area on the map to see if there is anything suspicious, and follow the extension lines where lightning falls. They may be gathering towards a certain existence underground. This time we may encounter something like a demon. We are all ready to fight. It may be difficult to deal with something that makes such a big noise. "

It is understandable for their captain to make such a judgment. The judgment of contained objects in this world is not so strict. Not all things with absolute characteristics can be called contained objects. Some powerful ones are beyond human understanding. Creatures will also be considered as contained objects.

Normally, those whose strength reaches the level of demigods are considered to be objects of containment by the containment organizations of this world. Therefore, they have actually housed many external extraordinary beings, many of whom are demigods who came to show off their power. As a result, they were Among all kinds of strange contained objects, the Jiaozuo man finally became one of the contained objects.

Because they have housed similar things, the team members in front of them are not too afraid of humanoid creatures that may have extraordinary power. Instead, they are ready for battle and ready to call for support from the rear.

There is probably something breaking the seal in front of them, causing a natural disaster, and they are preparing to destroy it. Maybe now is their only chance, and they can take advantage of this opportunity to completely kill their opponent.

However, their judgment is not always correct. For example, this time, there was obviously a mistake in judgment. The vice-captain with the mini-map ability searched underground, only to find that the underground was almost empty. Everything was buried by the ruins of collapsed air raid shelters. Only a large number of human corpses could be seen inside. It was difficult to distinguish which ones among these corpses. Which ones are zombies and which ones are human beings? After all, the one that can move is the one that everyone is pressed under. But now underground, no one can move, they are all the same as ordinary corpses. Lan

"There are only corpses underground, and nothing unusual was found. Moreover, these corpses should be very dangerous now. The previous cloud bombs did not kill the zombies underground. Our special effects medicine was blocked by the thick strata.

But now ordinary people are suppressed underground together with zombies. The zombie virus does not consider whether the infected person is alive or not. Even corpses will be infected and become walking zombies.

In this case, those people buried underground may all become zombies, and we may need to treat them all as zombies now. Otherwise, rashly digging up the bodies of these people and trying to bury them may trigger a new biochemical crisis. "

"Don't pay attention to those corpses. Our mission is to find the objects that may be hidden here. Now the equipment on my monitor shows that there is nothing special underground except for the air raid shelter. Except for the main structure of the air raid shelter, there is no scanning To other metals, what exactly is the container we are looking for?”

"To be honest, I don't know. Maybe there is something special about this place and it will be attacked by various attacks all the time. Anyway, these zombies will have to be dealt with sooner or later. Let's take this opportunity to deal with them. If you drop it, it’s not a waste of time. Have you brought all the special medicines?”

The members of the team nodded one after another. They came to work in a city where zombies were rampant. Even if most of the zombies had been killed in the previous explosion, there was still a high probability that they would encounter zombies. Targeted drugs will naturally be written on the body.

The organization behind them combines the power of all mankind. Because of this, they can develop drugs against zombies in such a short period of time. The technology of the organization behind the scenes is much more advanced than the technology displayed by humans on the surface. , let them take action to solve the problem. Zombie Crisis is available in minutes. calm. Lan

Now the members of the special operations team have to deal with the zombies buried under the city.

The solution is also very simple and crude, they just need to drill holes in the ground. These people carry some engineering equipment with them, and it is not particularly difficult to dig this kind of thing. The team was divided into three groups and dug passages in different locations in the city. The underground air raid shelter was divided into many parts. Although it had collapsed, there was still a small amount of space inside. Relying on the support of collapsed building debris. It can still barely maintain an underground space.

At this time, all they have to do is blow air into the ground through a blower. Although the underground space is very small, it is almost impossible for the corpse inside to move. But if you use a strong blower to blow, you can still inject gas into it to a certain extent, and these gases contain special medicines against zombies.

When these drugs enter the bodies of zombies, they can quickly lose their ability to move and turn into real corpses. And these drugs were quickly injected into the underground pipelines.

This kind of killing of zombies did not cause any movement, because the zombies could not move originally, they were trapped underground and tightly buried inside.

Only the roaring sound of a powerful blower can be heard, and a large amount of gas is poured into it.

According to the feedback from the map, the living zombies marked as red dots were extinguished one by one, which meant that they had lost the ability to move and were judged to be dead. Lan

And when almost all the red dots disappeared or turned gray, a scene that shocked everyone happened. The thunder that kept falling in the sky suddenly stopped, and even the meteorites that were about to fall showed subtle changes in their orbits. Change, and pass by the earth's atmosphere.

[To be continued]

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