Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 189 Virus Mutation

In the end, the actions of the Nine-Tailed Fox Team did not achieve the results they planned. Although they successfully solved the continuous outbreak of disasters, they did not find the source of the disaster. It seemed that as long as all the zombies were killed, it would be over. . Lan

But everything does not seem that simple. As a behind-the-scenes organization that maintains world peace and stable development, it will naturally invest a lot of attention in the face of this supernatural phenomenon.

If all the losses disappear, which means the disaster has subsided, then there will be a large number of zombies spreading in other places around the world. However, in these areas where coverage was lost, disasters did not occur.

This is not in line with the characteristics of the contained objects. Logically speaking, if a natural disaster caused by zombies breaks out, then other places with zombies will also have natural disasters to target these zombies. Although there are also special forces in other places carrying out operations against these zombies. Eliminate, but the efficiency is obviously not that high.

The drugs prepared by the organization behind the scenes have not been distributed to them. They can only rely on modern thermal weapons to fight against zombies, although they are enough to eliminate these dangerous existences hidden in human society.

But the effect is actually not particularly good. The biggest reason is that the virus does not only rely on bites in the process of spreading. If unhealthy water sources are consumed or unhealthy food is consumed, it may also lead to mutation. How does this process occur? It is a very troublesome process to identify those who have been affected by the virus and those who are not.

Many times, a well-dressed and ordinary-looking office worker walking on the street will suddenly pick up and bite someone.

And there are no signs at all. You may start biting people out of nowhere while walking on the street or sitting in a car. At this time, the only thing you can do is to isolate people in the city quickly and avoid going to public places. Activities, people who mutate into zombies can be discovered through surveillance such as drones. Lan

After screening for a period of time to ensure that the zombies have not continued to mutate, those citizens who have become zombies will be disposed of. Only in this way can the stability of the city be restored.

But isolating everyone at home is not an easy task. Society needs to operate and someone needs to maintain it, and people who maintain it cannot be isolated.

Even if they take strict protective measures, they are still likely to come into contact with people with viruses in their daily lives. Each of them is a potential infected person. And if they break out of the virus and become zombies, it will have a negative impact on social order. The impact is simply devastating. The original social order is maintained by these few people.

If they have another problem, the situation will be serious. The entire social order will collapse, and people isolated at home will not be able to get water and food. The chaos that will eventually result may be worse than letting zombies bite people on the street. More exaggerated.

At this time, the organizations behind the scenes finally took action. Although they did not figure out the source of the disaster, the crisis of loss was imminent and must be solved as soon as possible. They have developed relevant anti-humidity drugs. As long as they are The hair in the city can make those who have been infected and lose the ability to move continue to heat up. The chemistry teacher can ensure that even if I become a zombie in the city, I will die immediately and will not attack other people to ensure that the zombies spread of the virus.

Although this kind of ultra-high six times network will bring huge panic to society, as long as there is no strong aggressiveness that gradually bites people, the problem will be easily solved.

However, during this process, the organization behind the scenes soon discovered a serious problem, that is, the zombie virus was mutating rapidly. The antidote they had developed before was no longer effective. In a city where a large amount of chemical substances were released, middle. There are still cases of mutated zombies attacking people. Lan

Moreover, these mutated zombies began to become more and more powerful. Each of them began to possess strong aggression, and also began to possess a certain degree of wisdom. After possessing aggression and wisdom, facing many living people, They learned to hide themselves, create companions for themselves, learn to kidnap, and then kidnap the kidnapped people and lock them in the basement, transform them into their companions, and then put them back to integrate into life and expand themselves. scale.

Zombies have been compiled into another level of existence. After this race gained wisdom, everything changed.

Jack was originally an ordinary office worker. After he was infected, he found that he had a strong desire for raw meat and the like. However, his memory did not become blurred and his intelligence did not decline. He just developed a desire for everyone. Appetite, and has gained a strong vitality. Even if the heart is pierced by a blade, it will not die, and the heart will even heal after a period of time.

He realized that all the changes in his body were similar to those of zombies, and he was probably infected. During this period, he secretly purchased a large amount of raw meat to ensure that he could survive smoothly during this period and not suffer from the disease. So hungry that you lose your mind.

At the same time, he felt that as he mutated, his strength became greater and his reaction speed became faster, and he began to far surpass ordinary people.

But he began to have a desire for real human flesh and blood, and eating raw animal meat gradually began to fail to satisfy him, so after a period of hesitation, he chose to try to launch an attack on humans.

It's just that this kind of attack is quite covert, and will not be carried out on the street, but will be carried out in homeless neighborhoods where homeless people gather. In these areas where homeless people gather, no one will notice that there is one missing person or There was one more man, Jack, who came to the area with a pistol and a knife. Lan

And with these, he is almost invincible here. Although the tramps appeared to be very arrogant, they were not strong due to long-term lack of food and clothing. After seeing Jack again, someone immediately came to him and wanted to drive him out of the neighborhood.

"I advise you to leave. These are guys who eat people without spitting out their bones. If you continue to stay here, I guarantee there will be another corpse on this street tomorrow."

"I think you may not quite understand what it means to eat a person without spitting out the bones. Come on, I will show you today what it means to truly eat a person without spitting out the bones." Jack took out his pistol and held it against his body. In front, above the head of a homeless man holding a frying pan.

Immediately, the homeless man raised his hands. This group of people was very aware of current affairs, and they would definitely not choose to resist when they were at an absolute disadvantage.

Jack nodded with satisfaction, then put the gun to his opponent's head, and then bit him on the shoulder. The severe pain caused the bitten person to scream, and as he screamed, blood began to flow from it. His shoulders bulged and blood flowed into Jack's mouth and swallowed down his throat. Human blood and animal blood brought completely different feelings to it.

Compared with the blood of animals, human blood made him extremely excited. Now he only felt that the garbage flesh and blood of animals was full of a rancid smell. Only human flesh and blood was worthy of him.

He even felt that the blood of the homeless man in front of him could only be regarded as the lowest among human beings. Although he didn't know how this idea came about, he felt that if he could drink the blood of a virgin, the taste would definitely be the best. better. Lan

The homeless man who bit him on the shoulder was frightened. He desperately enjoyed the struggle, but as soon as he struggled, he felt the muzzle of the gun above his head tightening. He could clearly see the person biting him, and his fingers began to tightly hook the trigger.

He believed that if the madman in front of him saw that he was normal, he would pull the trigger without hesitation and blow his head off.

And as the severe pain on the shoulder came, the person who was bitten suddenly felt a numbness in the bitten area. The severe pain began to gradually subside, replaced by an inexplicable sense of pleasure, which was a feeling that the body was gradually losing. Control general feelings.

The brain can no longer control the body clearly, and all kinds of perceptions become hazy, as if they are high on drugs. The homeless are very familiar with this feeling, and they are the ones who suffer the most serious drug abuse. Batch people. Most of the people had taken drugs, so their resistance stopped, and he even became a little addicted to this feeling.

And this feeling of pleasure became stronger and stronger. As his pupils gradually turned red, this special feeling finally reached its peak. While trembling all over, he found that his body had become stronger and stronger. The body that was hungry and thin also became strong.

His legs used to be in severe pain every time it was rainy. Although he didn't know what was going on, he was still troubled by the pain. But now, he estimated that his legs were still troubled by the pain. I'm afraid I've lost the ability to predict the weather with my own legs.

"It seems that you have already felt the changes in yourself." Jack faced the homeless man sitting on the ground and suddenly felt like he was a superior. It seemed that he could issue various orders to this homeless man. . Lan

Although the tramp felt that he had become extremely powerful, when he looked up and saw the former, he felt inexplicably inferior to others. It seems that the other party is much stronger than you. Even if you hold a gun in your hand and the other party does not, you will still feel a sense of being irresistible.

Completely unable to resist the other's orders, neither party could be sure of this mysterious feeling, but soon Jack made his own inquiry: "You seem to be my subordinate, you must carry out my orders in the future, do you understand?" ?”

Although the tramp was extremely resistant to this order, as the order was issued, he still subconsciously handed the luggage to the other party and stated that he would definitely complete all tasks.

"Okay, now go to your secret base and find more people to come out. I need more people to become my subordinates. You should understand what I mean, let them come one by one."

Jack has discovered that he is different from other humans now, but he does not panic because of this difference. He seems to have an inexplicable calmness now. He used to be trembling when he met his boss, but now even he is a national leader. Standing in front of him, it didn't seem to have much impact on him.

The zombie crisis is developing in an inexplicable direction, and everything seems to be starting to become weird.

After biting a large number of homeless people, Jack found that they all became subordinates who obeyed his words. This made him deeply aware of the special nature of his current status. He can get more subordinates in this way. If his subordinates want other people, the other people will also become zombies. And she also obeyed his words, but at a lower level and more humble. Lan

This absolute suppression of blood made him realize that if he bit a superior person in society in this way, then the other person would also obey his words.

In this way, it can be controlled without causing any turmoil. Many superiors serve themselves and establish a dark empire behind the scenes of the world.

Thinking of this, Jack was extremely excited. Originally, as an ordinary office worker, he had no ambition at all, but as his identity changed, his various qualities became more powerful. All kinds of diseases in his body also disappeared, and he began to try to use his power more deeply.

In just one month, his vision began to expand rapidly again, and he had a pivotal position in his city, and he understood both black and white.

At the same time, the leader of the Gris family received a letter while he was critically ill. Gris, who was suffering from cancer and was nearing the end of his life, learned that there was a doctor from abroad who could treat his disease.

His children are not willing to let such an unknown doctor contact him. On the one hand, the unknown doctor does not even have a medical qualification certificate. On the other hand, they do not know if the disease in their hometown is really cured. How long will it take to inherit the inheritance?

However, Chris of Lao Mai is already close to death, and there is no life-saving straw that he cannot grasp. When faced with a being who looked like a doctor in a suit and tie, he finally chose to ask everyone to leave his room and let the doctor stay alone to treat him. Lan

As long as he can continue to live, no matter what he does, he can accept it. Then the doctor came to his bed with his horrified eyes, opened his bloody mouth, and could see the canine teeth in this mouth, which were slightly sharper than normal people. Before he could call out and Resist. This big mouth had already bitten his body, and inexplicable toxins were injected into his body, transforming it into a creature that was completely different from the original human being. It was the cancer in the body, and it was not cured during this transformation process. Get better.

[To be continued]

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