Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 194 General Characteristics

After the captain of the containment team was infected, he was also transformed into a vampire, and after signing the contract, he maintained his absolute loyalty to the vampire. In this case, his thinking mode was successfully forcibly changed by the containment object to lean towards the vampire. this side.藰

Faced with the unfavorable situation that the vampires are in now, it becomes clearer how tight the organization is and what a powerful captain it is. It is clear that the top priority now is to ensure that the vampires are as concealed as possible.

"I suggest that the vampires operating outside should not continue to expand as much as possible and maintain the original social order. People in their respective positions should do their own things. There should be no changes from before. No matter how much secular power is gained, Compared with the extraordinary power within the organization, it is nothing. The most important thing for us now is not to attract the attention of the organization and infiltrate the organization secretly.

Our two most important tasks now are to control this base. There is a strategic-level containment object here, which is of great significance to us. This is a super containment object that can seriously damage an entire civilization. If this containment object is used, even our behind-the-scenes organization will definitely be in a hurry.

However, the confidentiality level of this contained object is relatively high, and you may not know what it is. "

"What is that..." The first official member to be infected was a little confused.

“The name of this contained object is the Book of Truth Tampering, and its function is just like its name.

It can tamper with the truth, but what is tampered with is not the rules of the universe, but people's perception of the truth. What is written on it will be regarded as absolute truth by the race of the person who holds it.藰

We once conducted an experiment. He tried adding one to the seventh decimal place of pi, and then wrote it in the Book of Tampering with Truth. As a result, during that period of time, human beings' understanding of pi became quite confusing.

However, this confusion can be corrected. As time went by, through experiments and various attempts, the problem of pi was quickly discovered. After this problem was discovered, the modified pi was also changed back.

This ability to tamper with truth is a fatal blow to a civilization that develops science and technology. After we tamper with certain truths that are generally accepted by everyone, everyone will firmly believe in the wrong theory. If you follow the wrong theory and practice it in reality, almost all equipment and all technologies will not be able to achieve it.

Although some obvious errors will be easily discovered. But compared to the huge cost required for humans to correct these mistakes, we only need to write a line in this book to make these mistakes.

Compared with strategic-level containment objects like the Extinction Document, this containment object is indeed not that exaggerated, but the effect is also quite impressive, and it has a pretty good effect for us.

In addition, this containment base also contains several very practical containment objects, all of which have greater positive effects than negative effects. "

"I know this. Things in this area are not considered confidential. Even with my confidentiality level, you can read them. Those containment objects you mentioned that have greater positive effects should have wireless clockworks in them, right?

It's the containment object that can make everything in the world move. "

The so-called wireless clockwork is a clockwork that looks very ordinary, but it can be inserted into almost anything. When it is inserted into a tree, the tree will become like a tree man. Generally begins to move, regardless of whether the tree has a structure that can move.

If it is plugged into a car, the car will seem to have unlimited kinetic energy while the clockwork is spinning.

Of course, the car will also lose control and run rampant. If he were inserted into a ship, the power of the ship would be even more exaggerated. The most outrageous scenario is probably that if he is inserted into the ground all of a sudden, the entire earth will gain power and run wildly around the solar system.

Therefore, this is a quite dangerous containment object, but if used well, its positive effects will indeed be greater than the negative effects.

Because it can indeed provide huge power, the objects driven by it have almost unlimited energy. If a huge mecha is built and there is not enough energy to drive it, it can be driven by a wireless clockwork.

In addition, the containment measures for this thing are also very simple. The wireless clockwork can make anything move, give them life, and can even be inserted into people's bodies. People who use this clockwork will find that His physical energy has become unlimited, and he can still control his body.藰

If this person happens to possess any extraordinary abilities, these abilities will also become non-consuming, equivalent to unlimited firepower mode. It can be said that if used well, it is very useful. There is only one thing that this thing cannot give life to, and that is a real wind-up toy.

If you plug it into a real wind-up toy, the toy will only work the way they were designed. So if you want to contain this thing, you only need two ordinary people to take turns on duty and plug this thing in.

It can be said that it is a contained object with no difficulty, extremely low risk factor, but extremely effective.

"The item you are talking about is indeed one of the containment objects we want to obtain, but it does not have any strategic level effect. It can only provide a considerable degree of convenience in terms of individual combat effectiveness. In order to use this thing, we need more We have many characteristics and need something extremely useful for organizations and the like. After training, we have acquired a variety of powerful extraordinary abilities, and these abilities usually have a source, that is, they must infect certain containment objects. These positive abilities can only be obtained after acquiring the characteristics.

For example, our sweet air wall must be replenished by eating sugar. If you want to obtain this special ability, you must be infected by a containment object. This containment object is not in our base. But some things do exist, such as our genius medicine, which is something similar to universal properties, or the seven-day gamble. These are things we can try to cultivate in transformed individuals. Including those ordinary people, although it is not that easy to cultivate their income consciousness, it is not as difficult as imagined to just cultivate them into a strong fighting force. "

The two mentioned by the captain are general characteristics. The so-called universal characteristic is that there is an additional rule in the universe. This rule is incompatible with the laws of nature and overrides the laws of nature. This rule needs to be obeyed first, and then the laws of nature. Therefore, it is called a universal characteristic. In essence, this thing can still be regarded as a type of contained object.

If this property is determined to be safe, it can basically be widely used, such as the genius medicine mentioned earlier.藰

That is a universal feature implanted into the earth. To be precise, it is a universal feature that can only be used on the earth. I don’t know which contained object it is, or what stipulates that it is the most expensive gemstone on earth. If you grind it into powder and take this powder, you can obtain the strongest talent within a certain period of time. Anyone in any field can have a decisive talent. If you learn with the blessing of this talent, everything will become particularly fast and the effect will be particularly good.

In order to take advantage of this characteristic, an agreement was reached between the organization and the human government, which is to price a certain gemstone whose reserves on the earth are not actually low at a high grade. However, although the reserves of this gemstone are not low, its reserves are not low. However, the origin is strictly restricted and cannot be exported at all. This kind of gem always maintains the highest price in the market.

In this way, the organization can obtain a very large quantity of gems, but they are extremely expensive outside. After grinding them into powder, it becomes a genius medicine.

The organization chose Taffy Stone, a stone that is almost invisible in daily life. However, there are actually very many reserves deep underground. Most people on earth do not know the existence of this stone. A few gemologists only know that this is a very rare, very precious, and very expensive stone, and the price is almost the most expensive on the entire earth. Only the most cherished museums will have one or two in storage.

And in the undersea base where they are located, there is a large amount of Tafi Stone stored here. With them, a large number of bodies can be cultivated, including those vampires who are not members of the organization.

This can be regarded as a core item in the training of official members. Most of the skills that can be acquired through learning among official members are mastered through this genius medicine.

If you do other things, you may be discovered by the organization, but if you secretly transport some Taffy stones, there will be no problem at all.藰

In fact, what the two official members care about most is not how powerful and wise the peripheral vampires are cultivated. Instead, he was worried that other vampire members on the periphery would become mentally retarded. Abusing one's abilities leads to one's own exposure.

Using this genius medicine can allow them to exercise their intelligence, at least to a relatively high level. In this way, they can obey the orders of the organization, not mess around, and ensure the safety of the members of the organization. The overall quality is above a certain level. In this case, the risks they can be exposed to are much smaller.

As for another universal characteristic, it is the so-called seven-day gambling. This is also a universal characteristic that can be applied all over the world. It is a rule that is interspersed in many places in the world.

That is to say, a gambler in a casino loses money crazily for seven consecutive days. When he loses money to a certain extent, especially when his emotions are extreme, he can call out to Heguan and communicate directly with the opponent through his mental power. dialogue.

Generally speaking, the greater the amount of money involved in gambling, the greater the impact it may have, and the stronger the mental power will be opened up in the process.

This is the simplest and most practical way to unlock spiritual power on earth. Moreover, this kind of mental power is different from the mental power of other strong people. This kind of mental power is a characteristic and has nothing to do with the individual's spirit.

It is difficult to improve this kind of mental power through practice, but if the mental power is damaged, no matter what kind of powerful attack or curse it is, it will not damage the foundation. Even if it is completely erased, You can recover bit by bit in the future.藰

Because the existence of mental power is determined by characteristics, even if the user of mental power does not exercise him at all, there will be no decline. Even if the mental power is completely erased, the characteristics determine that this person has mental power, then he The mental strength will slowly recover.

This is also a very important ability. When you have this kind of mental power, you often have more ability when facing various spiritually polluted objects and when facing various interesting minds. Strong resistance.

As long as there is no rule-level mind distortion, most of this powerful mental power can be resisted, especially those who have undergone rigorous training and have extremely strong mental will. This is especially true for formal members, and with this thing, you can actually build a base secretly and try it yourself.

They can even disguise themselves as other members, accidentally discover a way to activate their spiritual power, and build a casino by themselves to activate their spiritual power in batches. Even if they are discovered by the organization, the most they can do is ban the casino. After investigation, The people who opened the casino did not delve deeper into the issue after confirming that there was no relationship between them and the organization.

After setting phased goals, the two also started their actions. The first ones to deal with were naturally the members of their own team. Their containment team had a total of seven people, which can be regarded as the largest number of people in the containment team. There are relatively many. Most of the time, the containment team consists of two people, and for large-scale containment operations, different teams cooperate with each other.

Their team has a relatively large number of people, which also facilitates the operation of the first batch of transformations. The teammates have a tacit understanding and trust among each other, so when they are invited alone, there is basically no hindrance. When there is one person who is the captain with the strongest combat effectiveness, the person being targeted can hardly do any resistance or send any signals and will be controlled. After being infected, he will forcibly read the contract. content and signed the contract.

In this way, the entire team was transformed into a vampire, and all they needed to do was to transform all the people in the entire containment base, including the peripheral members who worked here in shifts.藰

The most important thing is not to cause any surprises or suspicions during this transformation process. If the people being transformed do not cooperate absolutely with them, this would be an almost impossible task.

[To be continued]

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