Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 195 Characteristic changes

Cheng Ying has been secretly observing this world for a long time, and along with this process he gradually learned about the organization behind this world. After learning about the universal characteristics, it still aroused his interest.涶

"These universal characteristics also exist outside. I think there seem to be many universal characteristics in this universe. Haven't people outside discovered them?"

Entropy shook his head: "The universal characteristic may indeed be common to the entire universe, but it must have certain limitations. Even our multiverse will theoretically be affected by these universal characteristics, but most of them are There is a scope.

For example, their genius medicine has a limited range of effects. If we take out the taffy stone here, we probably won't be able to use it. This should be the most common type of restriction, that is, the entire universe is affected by universal characteristics, but only humans in this universe or living in this universe will the characteristics take effect.

There is a certain probability that outsiders like us will be affected by these universal characteristics when they come to this universe, but if they leave this universe, they will probably be useless.

This organization should be quite strict. They have determined that there is no problem with this universal feature and it will probably have no side effects. If you are curious, you can try this universal feature and what they call the strongest talent to enhance your own abilities. become. "

Cheng Ying did not hesitate for too long. There are very large reserves of this kind of Tafei stone on this planet. It's just that because they are buried deep underground, it is very difficult to mine them. Except for members of the organization, few people can mine them, but it is easy for the two abnormal level powerhouses present.

As the force of space randomly cut a gap deep underground, the thing contained inside was cut out, and the thing contained inside was Tafei stone. You can get it by grinding this thing into powder and taking it. Theoretically the strongest talent.棶

However, after taking it, there was no reaction for a long time, and Cheng Ying was a little confused. He always feels that his talent has not changed in any field. With his ability, he can try countless things in a short period of time. When he tried various exercises, he found that the speed of his progress was not much different from usual.

Entropy was a little curious, and he also saw that the enhancement of this talent did not seem to have an effect: "It may be this characteristic. The limitations are greater than we imagined. Only native creatures born in this universe will be affected. , It may even be that only humans in this universe will be affected, I will give it a try." Entropy also took a little powder, and finally he tried to feel his talent.

Then he was surprised to find that his talents in scientific research had improved, and there were many improvements. His ability to learn and summarize information and reason about unknown rules had been greatly enhanced, but his ability to exercise combat effectiveness had not been improved. Improvement, the talents in the manipulation of various energies have almost no changes, a few talents have been strengthened, and the remaining parts remain unchanged.

At the same time, Cheng Ying also felt that his talents in combat and training were improving rapidly, and he began to quickly learn combat skills that he was not particularly good at originally.

"Something is wrong, we are not unaffected. This situation just now seems to be...

After taking it, I gained part of your talents, and so did you. "When Cheng Ying thought of this, the expression on his face became unpleasant: "We'd better be ready to leave this world at any time. That ring is too deceiving. We still don't want it. I guess our existence should already be in this world. exposed. "

Entropy didn't realize what happened for a while, but he soon seemed to have guessed something: "You mean, the real function of things like Taffy Stone is to record the talent of their user, and when the next user uses it, When the tower is flying, it can share the most powerful talent among all users of this stone.

In other words, the stronger the various talents of those who have used him, the stronger the talents that those who use him will inherit, and the two of us are obviously the ones with the most exaggerated talents.

The reason why you didn't get any improvement when you used it before is because all the people in this world are almost not as talented as you in any field, so what you get when you use it is your own talent, covering almost all talents. Once, when I use it, I share a part of your talent that is stronger than mine. At the same time, you also share this part of the talent.

I know why you said we might have been exposed. c will definitely continue to train, and they will find that the talents they obtain through Tafei Stone are far more powerful than they imagined. And this change is bound to attract the attention of such a powerful organization. "

After Entropy thought of this, he took the two of them to the gap between time and space, ensuring that they could continue to pay attention to the universe and escape at any time: "Although there are not many powerful extraordinary creatures in this world, there are still some powerful ones in the containment matter. Yes, at least the authority limited to this world is very high, and even we are not immune.

For example, that precognition diary. I suspect that asking questions about that precognition diary can reveal our location. If they determine the location or real name, it will be very dangerous even for us. "

Cheng Ying nodded: "Our attempt just now will probably bring huge trouble to this world. It seems that the balance of this world will be accidentally broken by us. Get ready to run away and find the next one in the turbulence of time and space." This place, I have almost understood the relatively normal rules of the universe in this world, and I have also analyzed some information about the contained objects. The mission is basically completed, and I can change to the next world."

Obviously he also felt that it was not safe to stay here anymore, and the confrontation between the organization and the vampires also took a completely different trajectory because of this unexpected surprise that neither party had expected.涶

The captain of the containment team quietly mobilized a part of the Taffy Stone through his own authority. In name, this thing is for them to use. After all, as official members, they are qualified to use this kind of thing, but everyone's cooperation is Limited, and now that they have trained their various qualities to almost the limits of the human body, they no longer particularly need this thing.

So after applying for his own quota, he quietly collected these things and transported them to the vampires outside through secret channels.

Grind these small amounts of Tafe stone into powder, and then divide each portion into very small portions, and distribute them to vampires around the world, and let them quickly learn various rules and regulations after taking them to ensure that they will not be in trouble in the future. Will accidentally reveal his identity.

It's just that they have obviously underestimated the talent that Tafei Stone can bring. c Not everyone is training all the time, so they are not aware of the seriousness of the problem.

And after these seeds are dispersed, whether they are low-level members who are confused and like zombies, or those members who have almost maintained all human sanity, as long as they take these seeds, their talents in all aspects will improve rapidly, and with this powerful With their talents, most people, driven by curiosity, deduce the future and past of the universe and understand almost endless knowledge. No matter what I am learning, it has reached an incredible level.

You don't even need to read the combat skills once, you will be able to master them directly without any teacher. When you see the various natural laws in the world, you can subconsciously deduce the laws contained in them. In fact, many low-level vampires do not even have the most basic education, and their knowledge level may only be at the level of junior high school. However, they have quickly filled in the loopholes in their knowledge system by simply observing everything around them, at least reaching the level of Undergraduate level knowledge.

And those who have access to the Internet are faster at learning knowledge. In this extreme to almost invincible state, they each write their own programs, and then let the things they need to learn scroll quickly on the screen. Play.棶

And they are actually able to keep up with the contents of the rapidly scrolling things, write them all down, and then transform the contents of these scrolling messages into knowledge that truly belongs to them. Although each member of the Vampire Clan was only given a very small amount of Taffy Stone, which was only enough for them to maintain this state for more than ten minutes, but in these ten minutes, the entire clan was completely transformed.

Although the powerful talents will eventually disappear due to the time effect of the Taphi Stone, the knowledge, experience and skills they have learned will not disappear.

Today's Taphi Stone is many times more powerful than before. After they take it, the effect is almost immediate. Even a very short period of time is enough for them to grow to a level that is almost equivalent to full members.

The original organization was very fragmented, and there were vampires who gradually developed into zombies. The quality of the members increased rapidly at this moment. It has been improved to the point where it is almost equivalent to c.

The loose organizational structure within the original version was quickly integrated and became closer after each found a network and connected for meetings. At the same time, all aspects of the rules within the organization also became stricter. This ensures that the organization is not exposed.

And can successfully survive in the face of various extraordinary items in the hands of opponents.

With both sides receiving epic level enhancements, the one who takes advantage is obviously the Vampire. Because compared with the current increased talents, the results obtained from the training of those talents previously obtained have become insignificant and can be surpassed easily.涶

This is like a fat nerd facing a person who works out and exercises every day when everyone is an ordinary person. If you fight, you will be easily crushed. And at this time, they were suddenly sent to another world. And you can cultivate immortality in this different world.

And the speed of cultivation is very fast. It only takes a few days to complete the Qi refining and foundation building. Even if you practice to the point where the Nascent Soul transcends the tribulation, it will only take a few years at most. At this time, people who exercise every day may not have the same combat effectiveness as Fat Man at the beginning. Has the advantage of overpowering.

But it only takes a few days, or even just one day. The gap between the two parties becomes negligible, and as time goes by, this gap will become even more negligible. Eventually it got to the point where they couldn't influence each other at all.

The current blood clan is in the same situation as c. Originally, the members of the organization were the ones who worked out diligently every day. Each member has established an almost crushing advantage over the vampires. But now the copy has changed, and the gameplay has also changed. The advantages they had established were completely useless.

The blood clan is now standing on the same starting line as them again. Both sides can now rely on their extremely strong talents to make themselves stronger at a very fast speed. The only advantage of the organization is probably that they have too many containment objects in their hands, and they can rely on their strength in this process.

But their disadvantage is that they don’t know the existence of the blood clan yet, and the rapid increase in the ability of the blood clan members has greatly improved their hiding ability, which could have been exposed at any time. In an organization where everyone is like an agent, even if C wants to find their clues, it is definitely not an easy task.

Just like now, the captain of the containment team is the first one to know about the Taffi Stone mutation, so before others find out the problem, he decisively applied for his own extreme cooperation and started crazy training. There are all kinds of training facilities in places like underground bases, and there are endless learning materials. 棶

As long as he wants to use the heaven-defying talent he has shown now, he can quickly improve to a stronger level than those members who are more advanced than him.

For example, the powerful Best Team, or the powerful Zen Master, maybe he can't get the same containment as them, but he can definitely grow to a stronger level than them in terms of basic qualities, which is of great help to him in invading this base and converting others into vampires silently.

Not only is he training madly, he also caught those teammates who have been converted, asked them to apply for Taffi Stone, and also started to train quickly.

At the same time, the vampires outside who have become shrewd also understand what they should do now, that is, to mine Taffi Stone from deep underground through secret means.

[To be continued]

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