Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 196: The Heaven-defying Taffy Stone

After learning about the hidden side of this world at night, I learned that this world contains gems that can allow people to instantly possess the best talents. The Vampires also began to develop these gems. verandah

For such an organization that hides behind the scenes in the secular world, it is entirely possible to organize some deep underground exploration, and it can be completely done in the name of digging deep mineral veins.

Extremely deep gold mines have been discovered in Siberia. According to the local exploration team, there are likely to be large amounts of gold mines more than five thousand meters underground, and this can give a legitimate direction. Reasons for mining underground. However, tower flying is not a scarce resource deep underground.

In fact, once you reach below 5k underground, the number of this rare stone will be very large. As long as you search carefully, you can search in large quantities.

However, although the price of this stone is high, only a few collectors know of its existence, and most people would not recognize this gem at all even if they see it.

This is also an important reason why organizations choose this substance as the highest priced gemstone and then take advantage of this universal property. At this time, this characteristic was taken advantage of by the vampires. They themselves like dark places, and they are not at all reluctant to work in mines at this time.

They relied on the absolute control of their superiors over their subordinates in the secular world, and quickly established a quite huge group. Even those groups that were not well managed in the past immediately regained their prosperity after they accepted it.

The reason is actually very simple. If 100 people can cooperate sincerely and work wholeheartedly towards the same goal. Then the power they can unleash is enough to build a top company in the world. verandah

But it is difficult to find such completely like-minded people in the world. Under normal circumstances, this kind of thing is almost impossible to achieve, but under the level suppression of the vampires, similar effects can be achieved in disguise.

The companies that are also controlled by the vampires were originally in a competitive relationship with each other, but now they are in a cooperative relationship. As more and more people sit together, production efficiency becomes higher and higher. Internal internal friction becomes lower and lower, and since then, the entire industry has developed rapidly.

It also made the Vampires quickly become stronger in the process. And they quickly sent out an exploration team to try to mine the gold mine underground in Siberia. Most people were not optimistic about their actions because the veins there were too deep. Mining at such a depth was not possible. The cost is extremely high. Even gold mines have a high probability of losing money.

But who knows that their goal is not gold at all. Even if they know that they may lose money, they still insist on going their own way.

As the exploration team dug deep wells deep underground, a large number of minerals were mined. Some of them did contain gold mines, while others were mostly stones that people did not recognize, but among the exploration team, There are vampires who knew Taffy and can identify these stones. As they continued to identify each item, they confirmed that there was a mineral vein near the underground gold mine. So the excavation continued. Although the number of sperm unearthed was not too many, unexpectedly the exploration team did not lose money.

Because of the absolute internal loyalty, the team operates very efficiently without any internal friction. In this case, although the number of gold mines mined by an extremely efficient team is not particularly large, the cost itself is not high. It was actually able to barely maintain a profit.

In this case, it is logical for this mine to continue to exist. As for the most expensive stone in the world, in fact, only one mine is enough to mine it, enough for all the vampires to use. verandah

At the same time, in an ordinary residential apartment known as Wa Liang, Jack held up such a piece of Taphi stone and looked at it. From the surface, there was nothing special about this stone at all, but it was the most expensive stone in the world. , and can make people’s talents grow and develop in incredible ways.

He had tried similar drugs before and experienced that extremely mysterious feeling. In that state, he felt as if he was omnipotent, as long as he gave himself enough time to be in that heaven-defying state. , you can reach a state of near omniscience and omnipotence.

After studying it for a brief moment, he immediately gave the order. Ask for it to be available to him during this time. The best training conditions the vampires can provide.

Interestingly, Jack is now the leader of the entire vampire clan, but he does not live in a magnificent villa or castle. In theory, this is consistent with the style of a vampire ancestor, but he only lives in an ordinary residence in the city.

It's not that he is contented or anything like that. He is not the kind of person to be able to establish such a huge organization of the Vampire Clan, which means that he is definitely not the kind of guy without ambition. Living in a city is, on the one hand, convenient because it is convenient to communicate and evacuate.

On the other hand, living in a city does not seem out of place, living in this kind of city. He can blend in among ordinary people and be difficult to detect. verandah

In fact, the reason is very simple. Originally, Jack was just an ordinary office worker. Even if he encountered some accident, he gained a lot of wealth. The wealth he acquires is also limited. In this situation, he has always been at ease there. It would be strange not to be suspected.

It would be understandable if an office worker suddenly made a fortune and then tried to buy a house in a popular area. Suddenly, an office worker built a palace in the most luxurious place in the world and built his own super yacht. That would be outrageous.

Obviously, although he is not a formal member and has not been exposed to the concept of contained objects, he still knows how to hide himself. Although he has always been very wealthy, he has only lived a relatively comfortable life. He will not squander his strength or wealth in this situation. Therefore, even within the Vampire Clan, few people know where their real leader is.

But the moment they see their leader, they will immediately realize that it is their leader.

Conversations via video can also have a certain awakening effect. As he demanded the best training conditions for himself, he also began to sign up for a private academy. The purpose of this college is to impart various skills to adults in society. And it has gradually established a certain reputation within the country. It's even officially recognized.

It is completely reasonable to go to a place like this for further study. The various qualification certificates obtained here are also useful outside.

So Jack's coming to a place like this to study and exercise did not arouse any suspicion. verandah

And as he drank the taffy stone powder disguised as his own protein powder into his mouth, he once again realized the power of this genius medicine. After he drank this genius medicine, his whole person entered a state of ecstasy. In a special state, in this state, he learns anything extremely quickly. The first is about knowledge. If you study in school, you will learn more about the knowledge to cope with the exam.

There is a huge difference between knowledge of real unsolved mysteries and the like. There is also very little real knowledge that can play a huge role in society.

And in this private school, what he can learn is how to become a ruler. And how to learn various self-defense skills and skills to hide yourself.

In addition, it is to establish one's own concept of containment in this process.

Although it is true that he himself is a containment figure, in such a world, in such a world full of all kinds of extraordinary items, he must have a very deep understanding of the concept of containment in order to fight against the organization.

In addition to these is natural science knowledge. And some common sense of social sciences are of great help to him in understanding the world's environment.

But in his current state, he learns everything very quickly and can remember everything he sees at a glance. He doesn't even need to learn how to be a ruler. After taking the genius medicine, he will continue to think as long as he is thinking. To improve one's talents as a ruler. verandah

The person he is now is completely different from before. After completing the training, he finally opened the door to the training room. In just one day, he consumed a large amount of genius medicine and became an elite in various fields.

But that didn't make him feel relieved. If the organization that is hostile to him also has the same ability, that organization has existed for so many years. If all these things are used for training, how many outstanding warriors can be cultivated? Under the siege of those outstanding warriors, what kind of waves can a beast character holder like him make?

In fact, he didn't know that genius was not so strong in the past. Even if he obtained the most powerful talent among human beings, if he wanted to grow to his level through learning, he would still need years of hard training, not like him. That's it for one day.

Even if Jack has reached this step, it is not the end. He will continue to study at this level in the next few days to make his knowledge of natural science more extensive and his understanding of comrades deeper.

At the same time, the containment organization organized an undersea containment base, which actually fell unknowingly. People who are transformed into vampires can still maintain their consciousness and retain their memories, but they are forced to change their alignment. This makes them the most suitable undercover agents.

There is no need to fake their identity, there is no need to fake anything, because their identity itself is all true.

With this identity being completely true, even if they took complete control of the base and transferred it to their own hands, no one would be able to detect anything unusual. Under normal circumstances, the organization rotates, which means that a group of people will not be stationed in the same reception base all the time. This makes sense, just like the ancient generals would not let them stay in one area for a long time. garrison. verandah

If a group of people stay in one area for a long time, it is possible for this group of people to unite internally and establish their own small organization, which is very detrimental to high-level governance.

Therefore, the personnel of the submarine base are constantly mobilized, but there will not be a one-time shift change. Too many people, because a large number of shift changes may cause problems in the handover of contained objects, and the containment of a contained object fails. It may trigger various chain reactions. In this case, it is better to wait and see what happens. Replace the original personnel one by one.

And this means that everyone who enters the undersea base is actually isolated, and they have to face the entire base alone. When only one person came in, they were unable to resist the transformation of the vampires. Under the siege of a large number of people, they were killed almost instantly and were forced to sign a contract. After the contract was signed, an invisible force bound him. To be precise, it is a rule-level power that gives him the characteristic of absolute obedience.

In this way, no matter how the shifts are changed. Everyone in the undersea containment base can be guaranteed to be under the control of the vampires.

After taking control of this containment base, the vampire's plan has been completed for the first half, because they have already controlled a strategic containment object, and this containment object is very useful. It is not necessarily used to tamper with the knowledge of mathematics and physics. The Book of Truth can tamper with any knowledge. Including biological knowledge and social knowledge.

After tampering, two originally hostile countries may even forget that each other was their respective enemy.

Of course, this can only be regarded as memory tampering. If there are still substantial conflicts between the two countries, even if this method is used to force the two countries to reconcile. Soon, they will find themselves in conflict again as they find themselves at odds with each other. And it is possible that you may realize that your spirit has been forcibly interfered with in the process. And if this is based on tampering, what is tampered with is some relatively secret information. In addition, if no one reminds me, I am afraid it will not be discovered for a long time. Even if it is discovered, it will not be considered to be the result of interference by contained objects. verandah

Of course, the real most strategic application of this thing is to carry out a devastating blow to the technology of all mankind. With this strategic-level containment object, even if the vampires are exposed in the future and the organization is completely at odds, they will still have the confidence to intimidate the organization. Under this kind of slight deterrence, although the blood clan still has a high probability of failure.

But if the organization doesn't want to perish with the vampires, it must pay considerable attention to the vampires' ideas and make a considerable degree of compromise. This contained object is still kept in the undersea containment base, because taking it out will definitely trigger an alarm. By then the containment breach was discovered. It will cause more trouble.

[To be continued]

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