Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 197 The Invincible Divine Sword

One of the biggest benefits of the vampires infiltrating the containment organization is not that they can borrow the containment items of the containment organization. In fact, it is very difficult to borrow these containment items. The rules within the organization are quite strict, and any containment item is the simplest. All animals in the shelter need to be recorded, and if members of the organization are allowed to borrow them, there will definitely be clues left.眿

The biggest advantage is actually the advantage in intelligence. They can use the huge intelligence network within the organization to observe the world and learn about various abnormal events happening around the world.

In this way, if there is an additional containment object in the world, they can know it immediately, arrive at the scene before the organization, and obtain the containment object.

Although this requires a certain amount of luck, after all, the speed of the organization is also very fast. It is very difficult to keep up with their speed, but the vampires are now spread all over the world. It is also very possible that there happens to be a vampire in the location where the containment object is located.

In this world, the space-time turbulence in which containment objects are constantly being born is itself a chaotic place, where the rules of the universe conflict with each other. Originally, some fragments from the innate era were mutated here after the distortion of time and space, and could be born and sold at any time. Some only affect one universe, and some are effective in the multiverse.

While collecting intelligence, the Vampires also quickly verified that some creatures that were not very special did not cause them to take the initiative. After all, hiding is the first priority now, but as time goes by, some relatively Important clues were also discovered by them, and the action was carried out immediately. The organizational strength was also limited, and some things were suspected to be contained objects, but they were not necessarily contained objects. You may not necessarily take action immediately.

The characteristics of the thing they encountered this time were indeed worth trying, because this thing showed invincible power.

The cause of the incident was that a sword in an antique weapons shop suddenly mutated. The person holding this sword will make people think that he is a top swordsman, and it will make people feel that as long as he holds it, he will have invincible abilities. Everyone who faces this sword will Feeling like I could be killed at any moment.眿

The sword was first spotted by an antique enthusiast, but soon changed hands. Bought by a very rich ser. He believes that using this sword can make him more elegant.

In fact, this is also true. He shined in the exhibition, and some people even bowed to him. The aura of a super strong man cannot be faked. Although there is no special aura on the ship, it is just a light station. It gives people a feeling of invincibility there. And these are the swords that have not been used.

While the urt gained great popularity at his exhibition, the sword he wore also attracted the attention of others.

Someone in the background noticed that after he took off the arrow, the slight look disappeared, but the sword still gave people an extremely majestic feeling.

Suddenly someone in the background got greedy. He stole this sword, thinking that this sword is the real soul. As long as he owns it, he can also become the same boss.

Those who can work in the background are also a group of chuunibyou, so they directly wear this sword after getting it.

However, when he was leaving, he was bumped into and discovered directly. Immediately a group of people gathered around him. After all, the owner of this sword was very rich and hired quite a few security guards. These people were going to snatch the sword back.眿

However, the man who stole the sword got excited and pulled out the sword. And he raised the sword in his hand towards this group of people. Although it looked like a decorative weapon, when he raised the sword, all my security guards subconsciously backed away and did not dare to fight with him. As an enemy, as he subconsciously waved the sword in his hand, an incredible scene happened. A white light lit up on his sword, and then, an entire wall was cut open by him. An entire wall of the room was directly reduced to rubble. He himself did not expect that the weapon in his hand was so powerful.

After discovering this, he decisively regarded this weapon as a real artifact. He was about to wave it at the security guards, but the security guards fled in panic. No one dared to face this weapon.

Everyone who sees him will think this thing is invincible the next day. If you are hit by him, you will definitely die.

Therefore, no one dared to stop him, and he walked out through the hole in the wall like that.

And this matter will definitely get bigger and bigger, and the police will look for him. After all, even if those people were afraid, they still dared to call the police. After the police went to find him, they would naturally confiscate the extremely powerful weapon in his hand, and they might even use the army.

This was also true, but the holder of this sword felt that he was invincible. After leaving the downtown area, he tried the power of this sword.

And as he came to the wilderness, he realized how powerful the weapon in his hand really was. He slashed out with a casual sword without using any strength at all. I saw a gap in the middle of the distant mountain peak, and the mountain peak was split into a canyon. Even a missile might not be able to do such an exaggerated thing, but he just waved his hand casually.眿

He could probably unleash an attack like this casually, imagining a gust of wind on his skin, and then waved his hand again, and a raging tornado rolled up in front of him. Hundreds of meters high, even reaching the top of the clouds, sweeping across and sucking in everything in front of it.

After displaying such powerful abilities, it turns out that some chuunibyou containment holders feel invincible.

Therefore, when the police came to see him later, he acted very arrogantly. When the police wanted to confiscate his weapons, they always refused without hesitation. It means that these police officers have no idea what the sky and the earth mean.

So the two sides began to conflict. The holder of the containment object took the lead in launching the attack, and saw that with his sword, the sky collapsed and the earth tore out a canyon. The city was directly divided into two halves from the main road in the middle. The police were frightened on the spot. They were pissed, and they all ran away like crazy.

Just seeing that sword made me feel that if it fell on me, I would definitely die. The city was cut in half. Such a big thing must have attracted the attention of the containment organization behind the scenes. A containment team was immediately dispatched to the scene. At the same time, the vampires also got the news and mobilized people around them to rush there. on site.

In comparison, the vampires are at a disadvantage when it comes to obtaining contained objects. They cannot make a big splash, nor can they rely on too much power in society. They must hide themselves as much as possible. In this way, it will be much more difficult to obtain the creatures, but they also have an advantage, that is, they can observe in secret, and they can have members of the organization in front to test the characteristics of the contained objects. This income is obviously very powerful . And it's incredibly powerful. Logically speaking, human beings' current technology cannot deal with him at all. If you want to take this contained object, you must pay a huge price. The vampires came here just to try to see if they can take advantage of it.

The holder of the contained object must also have extremely powerful power at this time. Even the police and the military were easily repelled by him before. However, the organization's judgment proved that the containment holder still had a relatively strong bottom line. When repelling the police and the military, although he behaved very brutally and arrogantly, he did not actually kill anyone.眿

Preliminary judgment is that this contained object has extremely powerful control capabilities. If the holder does not want to kill people, it will not really hurt people.

According to this organization's judgment, the holder of the contained object should be a person with a certain moral bottom line, and is most likely an ordinary person, so he will hardly kill anyone.

Although the holders of such contained objects have caused huge economic losses, they will not be reduced to prefecture-level personnel after recovering the objects. Instead, they will be closely monitored and survive in a special area.

The people sent by the vampires also infiltrated into the city, and other people in the city had already evacuated. Faced with the invincible sword energy, no one dared to stay in the city, and the containment object held He seemed to have become the uncrowned king of the city. Some people were forced to stay in the city by him. If they dared to leave, he would kill them with his sword energy.

Li Ang was one of the people left behind in the city, and when he faced the sword energy, he clearly felt that if he dared to escape, he would be able to be killed remotely even if he traveled thousands of miles away in the near future.

So he didn't dare to escape at all, and stayed in the city honestly to provide services to the user of the containment as a service staff.

It seems that in order to prevent the containment object on his body from being lost, the holder of the containment object used various measures to tie the sword to his body and keep it with him even when sleeping.眿

After all, he knew very well that this sword had no owner. When he got the sword from that person before, he didn't encounter any accidents. He got it easily. This also means that if others want to get the sword from his hand, it will also be easy. Because of this, he is on guard. But in the end, he still couldn't hold back his desire and selected some people to serve him exclusively. This is also a normal phenomenon. After all, everyone has their own desires and wants to live a more generous life.

And he didn't know this, which exposed his moral bottom line. It also caused some changes in the vampire's judgment of him. At first, the vampire was the same as the organization members, thinking that he was a person with a moral bottom line, so after getting the powerful containment object, he also controlled the containment not to kill people. , but judging from his current actions, it seems that it is not that he does not want to kill, but that he has never killed for some other reason. Maybe this containment object has a price, and it's not as powerful as it seems.

At least a person with a moral bottom line should not find so many people to stay in the city, force them to stay, and threaten them to become their own cattle.

Many of these people are women, and they are women with quite outstanding looks. It is self-evident what these women will do if they are left behind. He did not allow anyone or any reconnaissance equipment to come close to the city, so the intelligence organization did not know about it, but the vampire knew this because Li Ang was in the city, and he was one of the people who was forced to stay. This can be regarded as one of the advantages of the vampires. They look no different from ordinary people. They can mix directly among ordinary people, but they can have access to some information that organizations cannot access. Therefore, they further confirmed that the moral level of the holder of the acquired object is not as high as imagined, which means that the object will not kill people. It is probably a problem with the object itself. For example, killing people may require payment. The price is this for some contained items.

They themselves may be very powerful and can kill extremely powerful beings, but they also need to pay a heavy price, and some of them directly pay their lives. Some of them make themselves pay a price that they cannot understand.

According to the vampire's judgment, this contained object is likely to be like this. So while it has huge power, it cannot kill people casually. Of course, their judgment may not be correct. Based on previous videos in the city, the Vampires roughly inferred that this income item had extremely powerful control capabilities and could decide whether to kill people based on subjective wishes. Because in the previous attack, the storm that tore the city apart was raging almost throughout the entire city. Almost everything in the city was reduced to rubble, but no one died in the process. This is undoubtedly an extremely controllable effect. As long as you don't want to kill anyone, you won't kill anyone. Even accidents caused by using this sword will not kill anyone.

As the city was torn apart, numerous buildings collapsed. These buildings are supposed to crush people to death. But it happened to avoid everyone and didn't weigh on anyone. Even if someone is buried in a collapsed building, it is a sign of high controllability. And this kind of controllability is obviously not the ability of the holder of the contained object, but the characteristics of the containing creature itself. In order to find out the true characteristics of this contained object. The vampires who were forcibly left in the city to provide services to the containment holders also became pioneer intelligence investigators. Relying on their advantage of being close to the character holders, they can obtain first-hand information.眿

[To be continued]

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