Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 199 Information Warfare

After Lyon's knowledge of collecting character holders, the vampires first mastered the characteristics of this contained object. First of all, this contained object probably does not have any offensive capabilities and cannot actively kill anyone. pad

The extremely powerful sword just struck the volunteer, or to be precise, it was struck by the volunteer, but it had no effect. It only destroyed all his clothes, but he himself did not suffer any harm.

The surrounding buildings were also torn to pieces by the strong wind that had just attacked. Only the person in the center who was attacked did not suffer any damage.

Even his clothes were torn to pieces, but his hair and eyebrows were still intact.

"We have to conduct further experiments. Come on, you go and stand on that building, and then you use the sword in your hand to split the building in half. You should know how to make the people upstairs from The roof fell down."

After seeing the scene just now, the holder of the containment object finally realized what was going on with the thing in his hand. This thing seemed to be completely unable to hurt people, but when facing him, even if he knew He is absolutely unable to harm himself, and will also have a strong sense of fear. This fear is a characteristic, just like the power of this sword itself is his characteristic. Everyone who sees this sword, regardless of Anyone who sees how powerful he is will feel that he is extremely powerful.

Chengying actually saw the sword in the secret. Entropy even wanted to snatch it directly instead of observing it secretly, because the weaker the person is, the more he thinks it is a bad thing before seeing it.

In the eyes of special people, a peerless sword is probably not very powerful if it is not very strong, very sharp, and can cut iron like mud. It can cut concrete with one click, which is considered a magical weapon, and the legendary sword It's something that can be regarded as an artifact in the eyes of a weak person. This power must at least be able to destroy a city instantly. If it must be a weak person at the demigod level, what we consider to be an artifact level thing must be able to kill at least half of a small continent. pad

By the time we reach the spiritual level, the weak in our eyes will see an artifact that is enough to split the planet in half.

And when we reach the level of the holy throne, what we think can become an artifact level is definitely enough to interfere with the rules of the universe, and even have a huge impact on the entire universe.

"There is nothing you can do about it. Can you defeat us? The power of that sword is still wrong. It must be only used to escape, so it shouldn't be possible. Although your attack can hurt people, the terrain changes caused by your attack But it can stop our retreat.”

After that persuasion, Entropy finally calmed down completely. If you think about it casually, we just came to a universe cautiously, how could we really encounter the top innate spiritual treasure? If that thing can be obtained with such difficulty, then it is very valuable to me.

"Did he just take it from his hand when he saw you? Are there any characteristics that are hostile to each other? They are all mutually reinforcing. There are not too few magical items like that in the world. He must have encountered others. It is very unlikely that an item with ordinary abilities will have its containment taken away from you.

But you don't have a plan. There is no point in simply escaping in front of us. You must show your strength. Let us be aware of the possible consequences of pursuing you.

And that might be enough to deter us. This is an organization with quite no order of its own, dedicated to maintaining world peace and ensuring that contained objects will not cause disaster in the world. pad

After being reminded, the super weak man finally calmed down.

"But how can you mislead us? Your containment object can't kill people at all! Even if it really depends on the person's body, he will also see it later. You haven't even broken a hair on mine. Even if it's a kitchen knife, the effect is less bad than yours.

The power of the divine sword in his hand is probably far from reaching the lower limit. It can even tear the entire planet into pieces, and it can't even cause any damage in the process of tearing the entire planet into pieces. casualties.

And he basically knows what kind of huge forces are hidden in front of the world. We are far beyond his imagination, but even you vampires are weak opponents that you can't fight against. In order to be targeted by us, you dare to expose yourself.

And before we calmed down and observed the situation, we finally discovered the problem. In the experiment just now, the ability limit of that divine sword has not been clearly reflected. The limit of my ability is that I just look very awesome, but in reality I can't hurt anyone at all.

However, my actions were blocked by weak force.

If you take something like that back and use it as a top-notch artifact, there will definitely be some problems on the battlefield. pad

Even if you rely on innate spiritual treasures and delay one step in reaching this level of combat effectiveness, the previous lack of strength will have to be made up bit by bit. "

"It's about taking it easy. Have you ever told him? If you want to break through this level, it's reliable to rely on what comes from it. He must be able to control his own power and his own mind. Light.

No matter how weak the attack released by the possessor is, it can damage even a hair on an intelligent creature. It can even harm machines that may not be intelligent. After all, there is no way it can harm human hair.

That itself is not part of its properties, and that part of its properties cannot be exploited by you.

It is wrong to say that our containment team is not on the road yet, or has not reached far away from you, and is investigating the situation in the distance, preparing to retreat to weak containment for you. "

"Even if the ability of the sword in your hand is limited to that, the weak ability to damage the natural environment can still allow you to run rampant with it. Why does he look worried? Is there nothing? Can't I take it from your hand? It takes away."

But that aspect is not an absolute characteristic, or the absoluteness is not so low, it is only affected by the subsequent absolute characteristics. In theory, it is still impossible to be killed by other attacks while being attacked by that sword. , at least none of the tool people who were transformed into vampires died that way. pad

Then a magical scene appeared. The power of the divine sword easily split the building into pieces, and everything downstairs also fell down. However, during the fall, although all kinds of things were smashed into pieces, only the people under the roof were not harmed. When they landed on the ground, they coincidentally landed on a mattress. There were almost no injuries underneath.

"Even if I can kill people directly, if I can definitely kill people indirectly, that thing is not that weak to break the force, and it is also very useless as a secondary weapon on the battlefield." I would rather have less entropy, But he still patiently watched the opponent's experiment. That time, the opponent's laboratory sent people to the roof of the building, and then blew the entire building down to see if they could kill the people.

"There really is no such organization. If we all have ordinary items like that in our hands, you have no chance of winning."

Please add it to your collection, please vote for me~ Moreover, he has such a powerful divine sword, with a sword energy that reaches eighty thousand meters away, but when he kills people, he still needs to use the lowest weapon to cut people. Doesn't he feel that the violation is not a bit weak? Even if the opponent originally thought there was a problem, seeing his cheating fighting style, if he could see the problem.

And there is no doubt that your characteristics are extremely suitable for secretive regression and development. Now he should understand why you want him to hide it, right?

The divine sword in his hand happened to have no similar ability. Anyone who didn't see me would think that I was a powerful divine sword. The power is not the limit we imagine. No one will believe my weakness when they see me.

When they see me, no one will realize that I can kill people or cause any harm to intelligent creatures. Therefore, you only need to put on a show to let the other party know that the thing cannot kill people and does not cause any harm. The characteristics of my forehead are not that of a weak divine sword. As long as you think of a super divine sword that cannot even destroy the earth, destroy the solar system, or destroy the galaxy, as long as you can do that, you will be able to achieve a terrifying deterrent with the other party. and fight for a chance to escape. "pad

And the thing behind the eyes is the top-notch artifact no matter who it is. Therefore, in the eyes of a top-level weakling like Entropy, the power of that thing has been reduced to an incredible extent, which is comparable to the top-level artifact of the Ten Little Innate Liangguan level. Even weaker than this, it is equivalent to the treasure level of merit. This is something that has been produced a few times since the beginning of the world.

Even outside the short period of time when the Divine Arrow attacks, the person being attacked is even very painful. For example, when the Divine Sword attacks a person, not a single bullet hits me, so that bullet is not very small. The probability changes from fatal to fatal.

It's hard for him to imagine what a weak organization this is. Almost all magical items in the world are under our control.

We then tried several more times, such as using the Excalibur to detonate the liquefied gas tank next to the victim, or discovering various indirect damage methods. As long as the divine sword attacks, any damage can be caused to the person being attacked.

The hierarchical concept of the vampires is an absolute characteristic, so there was no way to resist before I gave the order, and the sword came into my hands.

Thinking about one thing means thinking from one direction only. Can you only think about weakening the power of the sword in your hand so that I can kill people? You should also start thinking in terms of those who were killed. Do you still remember the vampires you transformed who died unexpectedly in the subsequent experiments?

When he goes up with his sword, he will sweep out the powerful sword energy. Then we all choose to commit suicide. We all fall to the ground before being swept away by his sword energy. He said that people who saw that scene will still believe it. Is the weapon in his hand capable of killing someone? "pad

As long as necessary, you cannot temporarily transform the many people who have risen up to die for you, and we are absolutely loyal to you. It does not mean that if you ask us to commit suicide, we will commit suicide. We will commit suicide in whatever form you ask us to use. What form will you use to commit suicide?

Wait, a kitchen knife? you understood! What he means is that you have to modify the sword to a certain extent and add a fake blade to me. I can't kill people with this fake blade, but this fake blade can't kill people. That way Then you can't forge the weapon in your hand, and it won't be able to kill anyone. "

"Hmm... Do you know at the moment whether you should say that he is crazy or that he is stupid? That method may really bypass the killing ability of the sword, but the probability is that he traps it. The shell underneath was instantly shattered by it.

So you have to create an illusion of confrontation over the contained objects. Confrontation at the information level is rarely more effective than confrontation at the physical level. He wants to find a way to mislead us so that we don't misunderstand the characteristics of his contained objects.

But it's too late to say that now, he hasn't been exposed yet. The things he has done have not yet determined that he does not have a containment object in his hand, and it is a containment object that is very likely to be broken. If it takes a long time, we will send out our own containment team.

Each of our official members can be equivalent to an army, and even when facing that kind of extraordinary items, we are even more ineffective than the army. "

"Does he think he has an enemy with that sword? Come and give you the sword. That's an order." Wai Ang said in a very weak tone. pad

In that case, you cannot use that planet as a threat at all. Come so that we are forced to compromise. However, our purpose is to protect the survival of civilization. However, if the things in your hands cannot cause any harm to human beings, even if they can cause huge changes in the terrain of the earth, they cannot deter us, and we will still be weakened. containment.

"Of course, if there is a war between you now, it is indeed the case. Do you have any possibility of winning? But your only advantage now is not that the enemy is overt and you are in the dark. We do not know the existence of the vampires.

Therefore, I simply resisted my impulse. As long as I get that kind of thing, I can completely break through my current level and become an emperor-level weakling. If I can definitely reach this level, it is impossible to change the true ultimate of historical achievements. .

[To be continued]

"Is it as complicated as he thinks? It is a global organization and cannot borrow the military power of any country. Our own technology is much lower than the technology behind the earth. We don't even have spaceships and moons. Base, he can imagine that the gap between us and the earth's conventional technology is not that small. I'm sure you can't outrun us if you run on two legs.

"You have to be patient with that kind of thing. I am definitely not as weak as you think. That thing is a containment object. The properties of containment objects are all kinds of weird, and nothing of any kind is possible. And you come to a world with caution, He encountered a containment object that is equivalent to a top-level innate spiritual treasure. Does he think this is unlikely? "

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