Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 200 Movie King

The income holder was immediately frightened by this cruel plan, and finally realized what a strict hierarchy there was within the vampire clan. When facing high-level existences, low-level existences had no possibility of resistance. No, even the right to own one's own life can only be obtained by the unity of a high-level vampire. Otherwise, it is impossible to survive. Yu

If you let them commit suicide, they must commit suicide. If you let them commit suicide, they must commit suicide in whatever way. This is simply impossible to think about. If you think about it, it is really terrifying.

If you order a low-level vampire to kill him in an extremely cruel way, even to the point of cruelty that ordinary people cannot do, I am afraid that he will be forced to carry out the order and then commit suicide in extreme pain.

This kind of absolute order from superiors to subordinates cannot be explained at all if it is not an absolute characteristic.

Facing such a horrific scene, it is really unimaginable what would happen if I was the one who was ordered to die. Being one level behind among the vampires is really a huge difference. This is not the first level of officialdom. Dead people are so simple. But the gap between each episode is like a chasm. It is almost insurmountable, unless promoted by a higher-level being. Convert it into your direct subordinate, otherwise it will be impossible to advance to a higher level.

Fortunately, his current level is relatively high, and there is no way to lower the level among the vampires. In other words, it can only be promoted, but it can be demoted. At most, I need to worry about this now. He was ordered by his own people to die.

"He will still be the one to hold the next container. If someone else is to hold it, it will probably arouse the other party's belief. Just use it to act out according to your plan and use it to kill those under your control. Man, he only needs to control the containment object in his hand and release a long attack, which makes people feel that the attack is enough to shatter everything behind him. You will order these vampires to find ways to commit suicide until their whole bodies are shattered.

After that, in order to ensure that he did not have enough execution ability and sufficient acting skills, he ate that thing, and then went to read the book and practice.

Before the holder of the contained object was stunned, he saw that the other party had stuffed himself with a bottle of white powder that he knew what it was, and at the same time stuffed himself with a book. The name under the book was "The Self-cultivation of an Actor."

"What do you mean? Why do you need to read that book before taking that white powder? What is that powder? Have you not become his superior yet? Do you still need to use medication to control it?"

At that time, the effect of the genius medicine had almost disappeared. Before the genius effect disappeared, I watched my acting skills come alive in the mirror, and I dared to doubt that I had done it.

The goal is clear. It is obviously a deserted city, and there are obviously not a small number of bank vaults in the city, but those people have all noticed us. At a glance, we can tell that we are heading towards the containment object. It must be abnormal. If they were illegally armed, they would have gone to the bank vault first and robbed the money first.

Please add it to your favorites and vote for recommendations~ Next, I want to act as a person who really holds a peerless sword, and I want to act as a character who can kill one person in ten steps.

Vampires do not have any extraordinary abilities, so it is almost possible to cause self-destruction by relying on the power of blood in their own bodies.

"You don't have that kind of thing yet, can I give you a little less?" Apparently the guy behind him didn't have any concept of confinement. He only thought that the thing was some kind of treasure. When he saw the bad stuff, he wanted to get less of it. It must be a person who has no concept of containment. Before learning about the effect of that thing, he would immediately think that such a weak thing would have no side effects? If there are no side effects of facial growth, how to avoid those side effects? If the side effects are definitely extremely weak, how should we destroy that kind of thing? Yu

And the performance must be quite compassionate, so that it can be explained. Why do I keep killing people after that?

Facing the things Li Ang gave him to contain, the owner didn't seem to hesitate.

You didn't want to hurt anyone after that, you just wanted to live a bad life. If you believe it, they can't go back to investigate. Outside of this period of time, although the city was destroyed, no one was injured, but what about them? You tolerated me again and again. What they got in exchange was their indifference and alienation. If that's the case, you've done it too. "

"Let him eat and he will eat. Is there anything else that others want to eat? That's a bad thing. It's really bad." Li Ang rolled his eyes: "That's your own cooperation. It must be

That thing is a genius medicine. Before taking it, you cannot become a super genius within the effective time. During that time, you will learn everything very slowly. Possessing the weakest talent in the world.

Although there are few such organizations, many of them have not survived the oppression of the weak forces in front of the world, but the power of some of them to control the weak contained objects is still too great.

With the blessing of that kind of talent, he would read the book and learn to become an actor-level existence, so that his flaws would be exposed when he performed next. "Yu

However, just when we wanted to do that, we saw that no one in the city suddenly jumped to the top of the building. This was the person who later held the contained object. I still held this divine sword in my hand. Even if I observed it with a telescope from a distance of more than ten kilometers, the official members still felt a chill. Just seeing This sword has a relatively weak power. Even at such a long distance, there is no sense of danger. It seems that the sword's attack cannot cross the infinite distance and fall directly under us.

And in that kind of destruction, that kind of scientific phenomenon cannot be explained by the effect of the containment object at all. The power of the divine sword is too weak, and it beats people into powder in an instant, and there is nothing left. It is also completely incomprehensible.

Don't prepare to arrange for those people to die before you finish doing that. Based on the orders of subordinates, even if it is a fatal task, we can only choose to execute it. Yes, the task we have to perform next is not to retreat and self-report at the appropriate time.

Before the former people were infected by the vampires and transformed into members of the vampires, they took a small amount of genius medicine, underwent low-intensity training in a short period of time, became geniuses in combat, and were equipped with a small amount of Modern weapons, even after only a short period of training, without the assistance of genius medicine, can still allow us to become more powerful than the king of soldiers in the special forces.

Before confirming the identity of the illegal shelter organization for that group of people, c was ready to take action and kill us and our commanders in one fell swoop.

[To be continued]

The weapons they carried drove away the armed men within the city limits and turned into powder along with the city. Yu

Be ready to take action at once. c also temporarily stopped coming up, ready to wait and see what happened. Those people could see that there were no containment objects under them. The small minority were special people. Although they were not well-trained, the small minority had undergone military training and had mastered it. A considerable degree of military skills, but if you want to rely on us to get it done, it is still difficult to collect characters. You must know that the regular army has collapsed.

"It's a good idea. Among the vampires present, you are the only one with a low enough level to be allocated a small amount of genius medicine. He wanted less and didn't remember to think about it before eating it. He specializes in learning acting skills. The duration of that thing is unlimited. The little thing on his hand can only last for a few hours.

At the same time, the man standing on the top of the building spoke directly: "It seems that your kindness in the future has not been understood by them. Do you have to show the power of killing to make them understand that you are not very kind in the future?" ?

What you have in your hand is the weakest sword appointed by the world. As long as you hold it, it will look hostile. You cannot easily kill any existence that is hostile to you.

That young man's time was wasted for him. Do you have any other means to deliver genius medicine to the outside world, but it will cause the growth of the outside world? Those outside his hands are not all. "

Ron felt extremely miraculous about the large bottle of medicine in his hand. He thought that there were not so many weird things in the world of contained objects. If those things could be controlled, how could everyone be able to control them? It's like Superman is special, but I have never asked so few questions before. Time was tight, so I took the medicine, and then the book, and ended up finding a room without a mirror to practice my facial expressions. Acting.

It is difficult to bring in such an identity and perform without any sense of contradiction. Ron finally found a feeling before performing in front of the mirror while reading a book. Yu

In order to blow ourselves into powder, we cannot say that we took great pains. We only injected a small amount of explosives into the blood vessels. There was also no small amount of explosives implanted outside the stomach or on the skin. There is no guarantee that before the explosion. , every cell in the body will be left behind.

As he spoke, he saw that the person on the roof waved the sword energy in his hand, and then a bright white light directly enveloped the entire city. It was a weak lethality that had never been shown before. The power of the sword seemed to be It will also change according to the user's cognition. In the user's cognition, the weaker the thing, the more exaggerated the power it can burst out. If the surface length has just increased, half of the city will be It was instantly wiped out, and not even half of the city was shattered into dust.

But our ability to control the blood in our bodies is indeed relatively weak. Even if the blood is adulterated with something, it will cause our blood vessels to become clogged and die. So a small amount of explosives was injected into our blood.

And next, the people I want to kill will be my own shelter organization, which should be called an illegal shelter organization on that planet. Nor is it an illegal gang that uses the shelter to commit crimes.

And above that kind of explosion, all the evidence in our bodies will disappear. Even if it is a retrograde autopsy, given the state in which the body was blown up and burning violently, the basic examination will show that there is no difference between us and special people. .

That's not basically in line with the strength of an illegal shelter organization hidden in the city.

And before those people were ready, a shocking little show was about to take place. After the real front-end organization came on stage, we took the lead in taking action. We organized from the city, and our actions were very slow. It was observed that the sudden small actions were not unorganized or premeditated. Yu

In the surrounding cities, there are also no activities of the chiefs of the blood clan. We secretly found some people who would be strange even if they disappeared in that world. Our identity is like some ordinary organizations living in seclusion in the city. Each member has a relatively free career and monitored activity time.

Before she was convinced that her acting skills had been trained, Wan Fang also found Wai Ang, who was in charge of me. The two parties met in a secret and ventilated room and confirmed whether there were any flaws before showing the content of the upcoming performance. I broke the relationship with them and prepared for the next performance.

The organization behind the scenes now wants to find out who organized those people, and while doing the containment operation, they also want to eradicate the illegal containment organization.

Yes, it is obviously yes now. When considering those things, the first task is to solve the c that may besiege us next.

I am sure that if I decide to make a movie now, I will definitely be able to become successful in a short period of time. Even if I'm not average-looking, I can become a star in a movie with my superb acting skills.

Those explosives are relatively stable when flowing in our blood vessels, but when we trigger the trigger under ourselves, those explosives will explode immediately and blow us into pieces.

That is also necessary. We must be blown up to ashes. The organization in front of the curtain must have detected our body substances, and discovered from them that they are the same as those of long-faced humans, and discovered the infection of those substances. If it's sex, it's less of a problem. Yu

So originally the commander was ready to take action, we suspended the action, and then we saw those people who were not well trained driving various vehicles and carrying a small amount of weapons towards the center of the city.

And that group of people were obviously professionals. Even when they passed by the bank's vault, no one spared a glance. They had no interest in money at all. The only thing that interested us was not the collection of characters.

It is natural to play as a member of those organizations, launch a retreat attack, and then be killed by the divine sword.

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