Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 202: Strict hierarchy

The attack on the underwater base started with a sword energy that separated the sea. After investigating and discovering the location of the underwater base, the Sword God personally took his sword and set off. He is also the absolute main force in this attack.畕

Although other people have more or less been transformed by the containment objects and gained some extraordinary power, they are really insignificant compared to the power that the Excalibur can unleash. This is also the most powerful weapon of the Excalibur organization. A containment object.

c I have never seen any contained object with almost all attributes being positive before. Even if most of the attributes of a surgically-contained object are positive, the power it can exert is incomparable to this guy in front of him.

As the sword energy was released, it parted the sea and exposed the base under the sea. There was an invisible shield covering the base. This is not containment, but technological products are things produced by advanced technology within the organization.

It is more advanced than the technology outside, close to the level of technology that is hundreds of years old.

Facing the powerful attack of the contained object, this kind of technological product did not have enough ability to resist and was torn into pieces after the second sword energy arrived.

The defense team composed of formal members fought their way out of the containment base and faced off against the sword god holding the divine sword.

However, each one was quickly defeated. They were first exposed to the Spiritual Deterrence Divine Sword, which possesses the ability to intimidate people at the spiritual level, which can make people involuntarily fear him, and even have ups and downs thoughts. Just one point is enough to make a very small number of people irresistible. This is not the case when facing the Divine Sword, they will have the idea that the attack of the Divine Sword must not kill them instantly. Based on the influence of that idea, it is very difficult for them to resist. No one can continue to maintain a strong will to fight.畕

In addition to learning about the impact of that sword on the physical level, it is also my weakest strength. Furthermore, knowing that the sword can kill people, judging from the damage I have caused to the material world, it is simply not good. An enemy divine sword. And if you want to use less power, use less power. Then you can split the small sea with one sword, and then you can release it, which is just enough to cover the moving building. He definitely just wants to attack the windows of the mobile building, which will definitely destroy his existence. That kind of control ability of Xue Yin is even more coveted.

The Sword God is almost invincible in battle. The personnel in charge of the containment base tried to use the contained objects in the base, and even directly used the Book of Truth to tamper with everyone's understanding of the sword, making people think that the sword is a A species is something that can be described.

Apart from this, there is no other way to use it. When encountering an enemy who has been able to fight with a divine sword, he pretends that he has the divine sword and lets the divine sword fall into the opponent's hands. "

But I also remember that when I recognized what the thing in my hand was, I just held it and continued to swing it.

Xue Yin is a person who completely knows my characteristics. If he gets the sword, he will definitely think that he has got a peerless artifact, and then use the sword to attack the opponent crazily.

When the time comes there will be nuclear explosions all over the world, but this is just a joke. And if the truth continues to be regressed and tampered with, it may cause even more minor consequences. These are what the earth can bear at the moment. The most important thing is the containment failure and chain reactions that the explosion may cause.

After being attacked by weak sword gods who were immune to contained objects and immune to very few attacks, the battle in the containment base was almost one-sided. And because the attack was so sudden, other bases had no time to retreat to support, and the battle started almost immediately.畕

Chengying and Entropy were observing in secret and had not yet fully figured out the nature of the sword, so they were quite interested in me.

Besides, my containment is still bad. The Book of Truth Tampering is really incapable of destroying an entire civilization. As long as I tamper with some important truths about nuclear physics, small nuclear power plants around the world will explode instantly.

Of course, those are just fantasies, and the real situation is not significantly different from what we imagined.

We can only temporarily acquiesce in the existence of the suddenly appearing containment organization.

The next step is to use the same method to use other characters to retreat and attack me.

"It is to know whether the thing inside can produce an effect. You think it is impossible to produce an effect. If the learning factor of that kind of thing can bring out that world, the learning factor is called a meme. If you use it , you cannot use too few tactics." Chengying Xueyin came up with too few tactics based on the characteristics of the sword.

It may still lack a lot of features, but at least it has a level of combat effectiveness. Without the assistance of the divine sword, the battle will be one-sided.畕

Even the weak defenses of some contained objects cannot be easily broken through by the power of the divine sword, but people outside will also suffer any harm.

"Huh? What does he mean?"

It is conceivable that many official members paid the price with their lives in the process, and many people went completely crazy due to mental distortion. If there is definitely no prop that is immune to the various properties of contained objects, those casualties are all avoided by learning.

In fact, even now, when the members of the organization truly know the characteristics of the Excalibur, it is difficult to save the situation, because although the Excalibur can kill people, others cannot. The Excalibur cannot help others break through their defenses. , and other people's attacks cannot kill people who have lost their defense. Although it will be extremely limited in actual combat, and the effect it can exert is generally bad, but if you have to say, that kind of tactic is indeed It works.

At the same time, it makes no sense for us to commit suicide like that. What we did was really misleading the organization in a huge way.

It is obviously not a misunderstanding that our defense cannot be easily torn apart by the Divine Sword. Even the shield constructed by the first retreated technology cannot sustain for a second against the power of the Divine Sword, but the shield cannot be easily torn apart by the Divine Sword. People outside the shield will not suffer any damage.

"What he means is that you are going to get the sword in your hands next? It is not a difficult thing for you. Although the mental deterrence of the sword is not effective for you, you haven't touched it yet. Before all its characteristics are obscured, even if you are mentally intimidated, you cannot use autonomous machinery and forcefully snatch it away from me. "Entropy Xueyin was able to get the contained object by the end of his own imagination. Applications.畕

The battle scenes are transmitted to bases around the world through electromagnetic waves. That kind of battle scene can only give us the illusion that the wielder of the divine sword is not immune to the attack of the almost-contained object. That shock to us is weaker than any other feature after that. At the same time, it also made the organization more eager for the divine sword.

The organization has collected a small amount of containment items that may lead to the destruction of the world. It is not that we want to destroy those items, but that a small minority has no way to destroy them. In that case, there is no way to destroy the items. Objects can only be restrained with various strict containment measures to ensure that we will cause harm.

As for how to hold it, I just have to hold it in the most comfortable position, and that way I can't pretend that I'm not affected by the contained object at all.

The expression on Entropy's face changed. There was no reason to send that kind of treasure to others. But I thought for a moment, and I was sure that if the sword fell into the hands of an informed person, what would happen to it.

[To be continued]

In fact, the strict hierarchy among the Vampires is even more exaggerated than imagined. A large number of people in the base were low-level members of the Vampires before they were transformed, but I, a subordinate, only arranged one. Let us die, we can only choose to self-destruct in the battle without any resistance, and be destroyed by the power of the divine sword.

"First of all, you can't use the enemy. You know the characteristics of the sword like the people of that world. You can't disguise me as a weapon that can destroy the world and only use me to attack or scare the enemy. Scare away many weak enemies, including those who are weaker than you.

By the time support arrived, the entire base had not yet been completely occupied, and the objects outside the base had not yet been re-contained, but they had changed owners.

Before successfully occupying a containment base, the Vampires finally lost their own strategic-level containment objects and a small number of other insignificant containment objects.

Abnormal controllable nuclear fusion will explode, but before the truth is tampered with and correct operation is performed, there is a very small probability that the power plant with controllable nuclear fusion will turn into a huge hydrogen bomb.

But that only made the Sword God slightly stunned for a moment. Then he still raised the sword in his hand and launched a frenzied attack. During that time, the Dragon Collection team forgot what a sword was, so that We basically know that what we are facing is safe, but we have suffered more serious losses.

Even if there are not even eight generations of vampires who are not very low-level beings, they must choose to commit suicide despite the orders of their subordinates. This is simply conceivable in other organizations, and it is also the reason why vampires can learn quickly. One of the important reasons.

Naturally, everything was performed, and it was not rehearsed after that. The content that will be written under the Book of Truth Tampering was also told to the user of the containment object in advance, so even if he suddenly recognized it during the battle, The thing in his hand is a sword.

Until we contain the objects, we have to pay a lot of price. We are simply vague about the characteristics of many of the objects. When faced with them, even formal members who are not well-trained cannot be killed in an instant. Everything can only be filled with human lives, and human lives can be used to test the effectiveness of the contained objects.畕

And if those common senses definitely affect only special nuclear power plants, this problem is still difficult to solve. The problem is not that the organization has not stopped using controllable nuclear fusion to provide energy in a small amount, but in order to maintain the operation of the containment base, no one around the world has Our power plants, if those gadgets explode, you can imagine the harm that may be caused.

The base science has been completely penetrated, so it is clear to everyone that there are no contained objects outside, so it is unclear how to fight those contained objects. Before using those contained objects, the wielder of the Excalibur It showed that I was not affected at all. In fact, after the battle, I had not prepared any plan to deal with those contained objects.

But we definitely lost control. The harm that these few containments may cause is cosmic. It's not about being barefoot, but about wearing shoes. When there are no shoes, you will be more relaxed.

Later, the collusion led to our containment, and we had the illusion that the sword had no effect at all. The small number of casualties made us believe that the sword had a weak attack ability. Even if we defended with all our strength, we would not be able to resist such an attack.

Please collect and recommend~ Even in a real battle, you can't use it. These weak defenses should be broken in theory. In actual combat, it is actually effective.

When members of the organization face such attacks, there will also be a small number of casualties. Now the blood clan is unable to organize such an attack. Before we occupied a containment base, we could not train combatants who were not much different from the organization.

The most important thing is that there is no training center for containment personnel in a base, and members like us cannot be trained there according to the organization's procedures. Even if there is a containment concept, it cannot be passed. The weak command of the blood clan in the upper level, come, let us weakly implant the concept of containment, and absolutely bind that concept to our loyalty. 筕

And in the face of the threat of all the containments in a containment base, the members of the organization who were besieged later had to choose to evacuate temporarily.

Of course, the organization really doesn't have any more heaven-defying containments, but before the Excalibur organization has a strategic-level containment that is enough to threaten the entire human race, the confrontation between each other must be more cautious.

When facing the attack of the sword, the abnormal opponent will defend, and then he will find that he will be injured very soon, but if he definitely sends the sword out actively, he can't pretend to be injured by my chopping, pretending to be embarrassed, but in fact, he is constantly recovering his strength, because in that process he will not really be injured, as long as he holds the sword in his hand, no matter how weak the attack I use, he can't hurt himself, and that is not a precious dangerous period.

The containment that has not been contained and controlled cannot be tested by death row prisoners or D-level personnel. But if there are uncontrolled containment objects, it is necessary for the untrained soldiers and untrained containment team members to find a way to solve it personally, and casualties in the process are almost inevitable.

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