"Even if you are strong, you must be careful when taking over tasks. Although the humans in this world are very weak, the things they control are very dangerous, especially in this universe."

Although most of the collected characters only take effect in this universe. But as long as we hide in this universe, we will be affected by the containment objects that take effect in this universe.

Only if the strength has been raised to the ultimate level and the inner universe itself is realized as a universe, can it not be affected by this kind of influence. "

Entropy also knows what Cheng Ying said, which is one of the reasons why he doesn't like to come to the turbulence of time and space. There are indeed many treasures in the turbulence of time and space, but there are also more dangers. For him, For a veteran powerhouse, it is somewhat worthless to take such risks to obtain benefits, unless he can encounter some treasures that are worth his while.

Although the divine sword in front of me has no offensive power, its special properties allow it to be used as an extremely powerful prop in certain scenes, so it was still included in the candidate list.

But there are definitely things to pay attention to when acquiring this prop. First of all, it must be fast enough, and it must be taken away from the universe with this containment object before the powerful people in this world react.

After all, after they react, many containment objects can be used, and after these containment objects are used, who knows what inexplicable effects it will have.

Another point is that after obtaining the contained object, try to show some kind of threat to the world. That will be more difficult to attract attention. Compared with the real front-end organization, the vampires in that world are indeed developing slowly, but for the two of them, that kind of vampires are simply terrifying. That kind of strange power cannot transform themselves into many people. subordinates, and make them absolutely loyal.褣

But there is no limit to the ability to transform. Beings that are too weak compared to oneself can be transformed. For example, the two people who are secretly observing behind the eyes can transform at all.

To transform, the being must have no blood and be able to absorb my blood. It must also be able to inject it back before absorbing it.

But it does not mean that there is law to control our every move. Control through the spiritual level is effective, which is through regression control at the physical level. No matter how weak the characteristic-level obedience effect is, it is still a spiritual effect. No matter how weak the effect on the mental level is, the effect on the physical level will be overridden.

But the level of organization itself is actually the same as when it was above the control of the original organization. Although it has not yet fully accepted the organizational structure, the vampires still have no problem with their subjective initiative. Although absolute orders can make subordinates obey absolutely, there will be no thoughts of betrayal, but betrayal means that they will work seriously, even if they are ordered, they will work seriously. There is no certain difference between that kind of seriousness and the seriousness of a completely free person.

However, it was too late to do all that. Tenacity came in front of the two of them, and the two of us endured the huge fear and took action weakly, directly blasting the containment holder away, and the divine sword fell. Underground, a stronger force burst out, and after I continued to burst out, Cheng Ying stretched out his hand and grasped the sword.

Cheng Ying spoke first when I was about to take action, and what I said immediately made the man calm down.

When I accepted the order just now, I didn't have this special feeling of absolute obedience, nor did it mean that the two of them were not my subordinates. But we know the secret of that sword, which is abnormal.褣

Only a very small number of people know whether the sword in my hand has real lethality. A very small number of existences in the vampire clan are kept in the dark. Because of this, there is a small chance that the person who can know the secret is one of my own. We need to be on guard, so I put the hand under the sword hilt up again.

"He, come here, you need to study the regression of the sword to a certain extent. When he handed the sword over, he needed to let go. You have to detect and test my regression to a certain extent."

In addition, it is possible for us to fully understand the true structure of the organization. In such a situation, it seems that the defense outside has become more stringent, but the ability to resist attacks in the face of some inexplicable contained objects has become stronger. Stronger.

Although I am very vague that the weapon in my hand can hurt people, I am also very vague that my weapon can make other people feel doubtful that they will die when they face me. Therefore, when facing that weapon to cut it, I will never A small number of people will choose to avoid it immediately. That can also buy me a certain amount of time.

In short, it is not absolute mental obedience, but the body is suppressed by a tangible force. Then, it is like playing with a cash puppet, assuming various postures, and controlling the vibration of the vocal cords. Make the needed noise. That way, even if you are absolutely loyal mentally, you still can't betray physically. That's not what the so-called physical control overwhelms. Mentally controlled.

But when I saw the person at the door, I immediately put my hand under the sword under my knees. I have always maintained the habit of keeping the sword away from my body. No matter what time it is, the sword is always there. It will leave my hand. Even when you are having sex with two beautiful men, my sword will be tucked under your waist. Even when sleeping, they will hold each other and sleep together.

That water base. Before changing its owner, it also underwent a certain degree of modification, mainly to weaken the defense. Before the defense was weakened, the base had weaker combat effectiveness.褣

Even if the two of us wanted to retreat into such an area and cause others to break up, it would be difficult to do so. The outside was deliberately designed to be extremely strong. Any major spatial fluctuations and mental disturbances will cause collapse, which makes it very difficult for the two of them to penetrate this wall of separation, but at the same time as it penetrates, it only sounds an alarm, which is almost done.

Again, no matter how exaggerated a person's chance of a poor life is, the resources that can be consumed by the entire society are minimal. Generally, I am still restricted to such a relatively small area, and the resources required for my life are even one percent of the resources consumed by that containment room. That would be even more important.

That was what I was afraid of, so I still took good care of the sword. I hugged the sword all the time and always took my thoughts away from the sword.

So when I raised my sword, the two of them made no progress at all.

Before the door of that room was opened, the owner of the contained object looked at the door in confusion. Logically speaking, no one would disturb me, and no one would leave that room on weekdays.

As for those two characteristics that are useful to the two of us, the strength currently displayed by the vampires does not pose any threat to us at all, even if we obtain some strange contained objects, such as the Book of Truth Tampering. The threat to both people is also minimal.

The moment I handed over the sword again, I chose to slash at the two people.褣

The two people who had been hiding in the dark finally came to that world. Before we come into contact with that world, we change our appearance and become the appearance of the abnormal vampires in the base. Our infiltration operation ended before we carefully replaced two people.

If Shishi wins, he will be transformed into a vampire in the process. Before the transformation, he is no longer absolutely loyal, so any information will be exposed.

But as a contained object owner, this is all harmful. As long as you are in contact with the outside world, you will expose information and stay there quietly. And I am always prepared to take action, even if I am extravagant and lustful.

But those are indeed enough in normal conditions, and in the situation behind the eyes, bird food is enough. The two people behind me are the same as the others, and we know the real secret of the sword.

One of the two is a simulated human body, and there is no blood at all, so he cannot be infected. The other's skin has not been modified to the point that even the softest material in that world can't. It can't pierce the skin, let alone absorb my blood.

Before Cheng Ying and the two sneaked in and retreated, it was an unusual patrol, and the patrol arrived. Before getting very close to the containment room on this floor, he took the initiative to reach the location of the valve. Then the corresponding password was entered here. Before the password was entered, the gate was opened directly.

"Is he really planning to attack you with this thing in his hand? Is he sure this thing can cause any harm?"

Please add it to your favorites, please vote for recommendations~ It must be that the Sword God has been sitting there and has shown a relatively weak combat power, so I'm afraid that person hasn't been beaten yet.

The two of us didn't rely on that kind of physical control, which made everyone outside suspect it. We were also vampires, and we were just doing routine patrols. Although a very small number of people thought that our identities were okay, our actions Every movement is controlled. They can only obey the instructions and open one isolation door after another to let them out, but there is no real holder of the contained objects at the outermost part of the isolation door.

In fact, no one has tried to retreat and infiltrate now. It's just because there will be a vampire detection activity regularly every once in a while. You must successfully retreat during that process to be considered a successful infiltration.

Because if that thing wants to change the truth, it must first know and understand the existence of that truth and what kind of words it uses. In addition, if it wants to change the useless truth, it must have a certain understanding of the other party's academic system. .

For that kind of electronic equipment, you can almost tell it at a glance. What's the situation like inside? As I entered backwards, the password for the electronic device was also opened directly. That containment room cannot be isolated from spatial abilities and mental exploration. And the target is in that area.

The powerful force that had just been released disappeared, and even Cheng Ying felt his heart skip a beat before finishing those words. When the opponent put his hand under the hilt of the sword just now, I still had the urge to turn around and run away.

Cheng Ying's mental will has not yet weakened to an incredible level, and it is still difficult to resist that kind of influence. Can you imagine what the effect would be if it were someone else?褣

It's just that I wasn't as serious as I thought. I was basically like the leader of a small organization. There are a small amount of game equipment in my room, a small amount of snacks in the world, and even two handsome vampires to accompany me.

Although I clearly know that the sword will have no killing effect, when facing me, I still have no illusion that I will definitely die as long as I hit it. Even if I tell myself over and over again that I will die, it is It will work for nothing.

[To be continued]

There must be no corresponding cognition. Just blindly changing some basics may affect the realization of all truths. Such changes will be discovered and corrected very slowly, such as changing the cognition of 1+1=2. , making people think that 1+1=3. That really cannot be done. But there is no point in doing such a thing. Even special people, as long as they do not have an adult mind, will be able to correct themselves very slowly before discovering that such truth has been tampered with. And for weak extraordinary people, It may only take a moment to correct those thoughts, or even less time, which means that even if the truth has been tampered with, there is a small probability that it is meaningless.

So in reality we must physically retreat into that area. Before we retreat, the vampires outside will be under our weak control. It's not mental control. Mental control interferes with the obedience of those vampires at a characteristic level. In the face of absolute characteristics, any control ability above characteristics has no effect.

Exceptionally speaking, the people who know the secret are definitely my subordinates. He is a lower-end vampire than me, which means that all the orders given to me have no absolute effect, and the two of them have no such effect. This is definitely a person with no problem.

And why did the two of them have to be discovered when they went to seize the divine sword? With our strength, it would be easy to be discovered.褣

No one fed me snacks while I was playing games. I can’t say that for me, that kind of life was not a dream. Although I am not really a revenue person. It's not a containment concept that will confiscate personnel. The least I think about is surviving and living comfortably.

When the two people who looked like subordinate personnel came to the possession of the contained object, they subconsciously chose to obey and handed over the sword in their hands. But when the sword came behind the two of them, I immediately realized a problem.

It's really because apart from that sword, I have no value to other vampires. As a containment owner, I have not witnessed too many meaningful deaths. The absolute loyalty of the vampires prevents us from dying for any reason. And once I lose that sword and lose my identity as the owner of the contained object, I will be arranged to die for any reason.

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