Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 204: The Divine Sword Refines the Heart

The effect of different people holding this peerless sword is also hugely different. In their perception, what should a peerless sword look like? Then what kind of effect should this sword show? Although the being in front of him has gone through special training and expanded his imagination, his imagination is nothing compared to the reality Cheng Ying has seen. Mention, so the sword he held in his hand showed the power of penetrating time and space in an instant, directly breaking through this world, and even breaking through several worlds in the turbulence of time and space. If it were not affected by the world If the law is limited, it may penetrate directly from the turbulence of time and space, break through low latitudes, and even directly penetrate into the ancient continent. chop

However, this sword does not have that ability after all. Even the genuine Four Swords of Zhu Xian probably do not have this ability. Therefore, the light just stirs up the turbulence of time and space, causing many bubbles in the time and space in the turbulence of time and space. The chaos was then controlled by him, and the light converged back. After he took out the sword, the two of them faced each other, and then the space was torn apart, and the two of them disappeared in place.

When you hold this sword in your hand, you are in your weakest state, because with this sword in your hand, there is no way to kill people. The combat effectiveness of the two people is equivalent to being weakened to the level of only one person. This is also the choice to let The reason why Cheng Ying came to hold this sword was that although his combat power was also very powerful, it was insignificant compared to Entropy.

As the two people broke away from the space-time cannon, they continued to float upwards, completely away from the area of ​​​​time-space turbulence, and then stopped.

The sword energy penetrated too few universes just now, and some of these universes do not contain the existence of organizations. We must have discovered the sword and tracked it based on the sword energy. In the turbulence of time and space, It is said that a small number of contained objects outside will lose their effect. If they must be inside the turbulent flow of time and space, a small number of contained objects will still maintain their characteristics, which is a fairly small trouble for me.

"Xintian, let me give you this sword now. You guys broke your promise. The first containment object you get will be yours, and each of the next ones will have one for each of you."

Entropy wanted to take the divine sword while he was speaking, but Chengying avoided my hand and shook his head: "It is indeed impossible to give him that sword, but do you think it would be better than letting him hold the sword in person? A worse usage.

He must have not forgotten that you told him that before he reaches that level of cultivation, if he really wants to continue to make breakthroughs, he must rely on the power of the light of the soul! "chop

When Entropy heard those words, he suddenly realized, and then he remembered that he had been reminded of similar things before, and he felt scared for a while.

"Have you ever thought that he could really remember to remind you? To be honest, he must have reminded you. I'm afraid you haven't forgotten it just now. That is the true meaning of practice. It is indeed the result of signing a contract with Heaven. Even if You will also be aware that your memory and cognition will be distorted.

"That's right, he should know that the light of the soul needs to be tempered and grown in life and death crises again and again, and there is almost no existence in the world that can scare him, so how can he let it happen? What if the light of the soul continues to grow?

Please add it to your favorites, please vote for recommendations~ At this moment, I felt like I was going to die. The potential and power in my body burst out, and I moved my body to one side of the retreat space. At the moment when the sword energy was about to hit me, although there was He didn't completely transfer his body, but he pulled out the core of his mind and moved it to a dangerous place.

And as Cheng Ying took the sword and launched an attack in the direction of entropy, he immediately saw that the originally soft ground seemed to be melted and became sparkling. In fact, this was not the melting effect caused by low temperature. , but the space ended twisting and oscillating during the attack, making some surrounding things look like ripples on the water.

Just when I took action, Entropy also felt an unprecedented fatal crisis. I have never felt that kind of crisis in my heart for many years. This is a kind of crisis that I face as soon as I open my eyes. I had the feeling of death in my heart. Even though I was very worried that the attack could definitely hurt me, I still couldn't get that thought out of my mind.

【To be continued】Cut

As time goes by, those Xintian world rules will heal little by little, but because they are not complete yet, the world rules before the healing should still be distorted, but the distorted state after the healing will not be the same. It's the same.

As the space door opened, the two came to a barren ruins. Although the space outside was still a twisted world, and the rules were still a little abnormal, at least it only made it suitable for survival. For the two of us beings of that level, the impact is not generally small. At most, if we stay there for a long time, there will be no too small impact.

I don’t know if Xintian has ever experienced that feeling of dying or dying for many years, and that kind of dying or dying scene is also an important test for me.

So what did he just remind you of? Is it to prove his own worth? Let you give him the containment item. To be honest, that is possible. Every piece of containment you obtain is useless, and it is all random. If he must be the first to select it, all the useless items will be in his hands. That is possible. "

"You understand what he means. He wants to use that sword to hone the light of your soul, right? That is a wrong idea. Since it is a characteristic-level power, that sword can definitely hurt you. If you want to, try it now, you try to resist his attack, and in the process, you will try hard to burst out with a force weaker than the sword energy."

It's just that before the strength reaches this level, Xintian Zhongyi peels off that fear, and even directly modifies that characteristic to make the sword a special sword without any ordinary power. This Xintian is different. There is a level of strength, which is far from the level behind you. The ultimate seems to be only one level behind the emperor, but the real gap is huge. Now the emperor has met the real ultimate. Is there any chance of winning, let alone any chance of winning? I'm afraid there's no chance of even struggling.

"If we definitely plan to do that, we'd better go to a more desolate place, which is close to the turbulence of time and space. The fluctuations in your battle may tear the world apart at will.

Everything that comes into contact with that layer of defense will fall into a state of silence. It is my weakest defense, and it is also my weakest attack. Countless weak enemies have been wiped out behind my layer of gray light. However, The sword energy directly split the light shield in half from the middle, and then passed through my body without any hindrance.

"Make you feel fear. There are only a handful of things in this world that can make you feel fear. Even the Shuanghuangs and Kunpeng Xintian couldn't do it in the past world. I'm afraid only existences like the Dao of Heaven can make you feel fear. You feel fear. Even if the other people are weaker than you, they are at the same level as you. They can easily kill you, even if you can guarantee that you are not extremely small. Probability and these beings can all die together.

I hadn't even thought about turning around and running away, but in the end I gritted my teeth and stood there, exploding all my strength into a layer of gray defense.

It does not mean that the longer the sword is held, the less power it can exert. It is wrong to say that before the sword is held, it will definitely explode with a weaker force than the opponent, and entropy If you must go all out to resist the attack of that sword, the power it will unleash will be enough to crush entropy. And if that level of power is definitely unleashed, the consequences will be catastrophic.

Entropy Xintian is a super life form that lives under time constraints, and the power required to completely suppress me may even reach the limit of what high latitudes cannot bear.

"Let's take action! You know if the next attack is weak and you can resist it." In fact, I also understand why two people chose an extremely desolate area to retreat to that kind of battle. The reasons are very complicated. In the subsequent battle , the two of them haven't discovered that the sword becomes weaker with each battle.

Even that kind of attack would not really harm any life. It will end badly if the entire status is tied up in vain. chop

Of course, the reason that the appearance looks abnormal is because the thinking of the two people is abnormal. Before the rules of the world are twisted into pieces, that area becomes a chaotic state after the world was opened. In that chaotic state, nothing can be done at all. When your thoughts turn into something special, the rules of the universe will construct themselves under the guidance of the thinking of intelligent creatures.

"What does he mean?" That time Entropy finally became a little interested, and it didn't look like the other party was joking.

The area that was originally full of distorted rules now looks normal.

But you must be able to control your subconscious mind. For example, if you want to use that ordinary environment to resurrect someone who is not dead, you must subconsciously believe that that person is still alive.

After all, no place in the world is as strong as the twisted space in high latitudes. In a place like the prehistoric continent where the rules are perfect and stable, even this one may break all the rules of the world.

Therefore, Entropy did not reveal the self in the upper reaches of the timeline, but faced the challenge alone with the current self. In that case, although it was still weak, it could unleash an attack that was enough to wipe out the entire high latitude.

And Entropy, who had successfully broken free from the fear and shadow of death, could clearly feel his own aura, and his heart had soared before the blow just now. Although his heart had become much weaker, he still couldn't. I can't help but feel that the light of my soul has indeed weakened during the death struggle just now. chop

According to Xintian, it can be said to be an inhabited area, and some places are indeed uninhabited. However, these Xintian areas have been completely assimilated by status and have become part of the rules of the outside world, just like the NPCs he calls them. Killing us is almost causal, because we are not equivalent to life. "

Before everything started, this wasteland with few urban ruins had not been completely reduced. As for the twisted rules entrenched under the wasteland, they were all cut into pieces by that sword.

And that is difficult to do, because a person can hardly influence his subconscious mind. Before he is convinced that a person is not dead, it is absolutely impossible to hypnotize me and make me doubt that that person is still alive. Matters of the heart.

"There is nothing missing in that complex high latitude. It's not that there is a lack of inhabited areas. In that area where the rules of space are distorted in various ways, intelligent creatures can survive in a very small area. You just need to leave time and space a little bit. Turbulence, and when he comes to the real core hinterland of high latitudes, he will find that there are inhabited areas everywhere.

The words haven't even gotten to that point yet. If Entropy still understands what he is listening to, then there is nothing wrong with his IQ. The divine sword behind his eyes has such characteristics. Even though he knows that the divine sword will not really kill him, facing me It is a kind of characteristic-level power, no matter how weak the strength is, it is even possible that even the world back then would have the same fear when facing that sword. .

Because of this, existence that can scare you almost certainly exists in that universe. "

He should know about cause and effect. Causing too few kills will cause cause and effect to be entangled under his body. In the end, the British will find him sooner or later, so the worst you can do is find an inhabited area. "chop

Cheng Ying sighed helplessly. Did he know that his IQ was suppressed because of the contract with Tiandao, or was it just like that? Didn't he think that there was no other way to use the sword? You are not trying to occupy the sword, but you are reminding him that the sword cannot help his strength weaken slowly, at most it can break through slowly from the current stage. Compared with his simple training, the light of the soul is much slower.

Both of them still have no ability to sort out the rules of the world. That is a privilege that only weaklings at the inner universe level have. If we are sure that we do not have this level of strength, we will directly swallow the fragments of the world's laws, cut off a part of that world, and summarize it under ourselves.

Is he planning to challenge the Shuanghuang or Kunpeng? In this case, there may be no real chance of dying during the challenge, but now none of you actually know how to make him feel the threat to his life, and at the same time, it will definitely hurt him every bit. No matter what, he still understands what you mean. "

While talking, the two people opened the space door again. For us, no one has the power to travel through space easily.

"What you mean is very complicated. Is there nothing that can make him feel scared now?"

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