Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 221: Substitution

Chengying has always used the rules of the collecting world as a reason. Dominate the direction of the two people's actions. But this is not an excuse, but a real collection of the rules of the world. Not just the apparent rules of the macroscopic physical world. There are more rules about the microscopic world and rules about the basic physical laws of this world. fiscal

Especially regarding the dark rules of this world. These things are not all that they can figure out by relying on their own perception. After all, both of them are barely affected by darkness. So much so that they have no way to understand the impact of darkness on ordinary people in this world through their own imagination. This part of the rules is difficult to deduce on their own.

In short, after constant observation of the world, Cheng Ying has actually concluded a lot of things, including what does darkness in this world really mean?

It may not be possible to analyze the nature of darkness in this world, but it can clearly understand the characteristics of darkness in this world and figure out how to deal with them.

"First of all, the darkness in this world is not on the optical level. To be more precise, it should be on the spiritual level, which makes people feel darkness. It is just because it affects people's spirit and makes people unable to see. Things in the distance cannot be sensed. In fact, real sunlight can shine on this planet. If you can ignore the interference of these senses, then everything on this planet is actually almost normal. .

So how can we ignore this kind of sensory interference? It is actually very difficult. Isn’t it just possible through non-living methods?

You haven't tried it since then. There are completely inanimate video equipments. His family has a certain degree of vision. However, those video equipments also have illogical structures inside. Bai An determines whether there is no The standard of thought is whether the internal structure operates in an orderly manner. Therefore, even video equipment will be regarded as a living body and will be interfered to a certain extent, but the degree of interference is much less.

Therefore, in fact, you only need to give it to outsiders. They are all equipped with a living optical observation system, so we should be able to avoid visual problems. "fiscal

"That's right, you remember what he just said is that the whiteness and darkness in that world are at the spiritual level, so even using optical observation equipment should be useless. Although you maintain consciousness for a short time, But Xiaozhi can also guess that humans should have made similar attempts in the past, and they did not use cameras and other things to replace human vision to observe everything in the white and dark. After all, human technology was still very advanced at this time. That kind of living camera equipment should be very difficult to obtain.

We may have never regressed to that kind of attempt, and it is obvious that our common sense has won. According to your speculation, the smallest possibility that that kind of attempt will succeed is not the kind of mental interference, not even the pictures taken by the equipment. interfere together.

And according to your observations, the shielding effect of those things on white and dark does not necessarily depend on our degree of closure. Complete airtightness can indeed shield the white darkness, but even if there are no gaps under the airtight layer, it will be difficult for the white darkness to penetrate and retreat.

"It does matter. You can understand his approach, but please worry about it. Your plan is absolutely reliable. After that, you have done many experiments one after another and succeeded many times. And the successful one You can't say I went through the most tolerant testing to ensure that anything else I wanted could happen."

He couldn't find the corresponding world without the dark power lingering outside. If you are sure to tell which one is right, just remember that the difference between his family's strength and the weakness of that world is very small. This world is not the same.

And in such an apocalypse, you think he would expect no small increase in population. In that case, how far humans can go depends entirely on us. And his power cannot be released to a certain extent. "

It must be like that and there is no small problem, but at least he should remember a little bit. This is not because in the process of integration, a small number of people will still appear in the world. After all, even in a parallel world, there are still people who can survive minor disasters. The people who survived in that world may not have died after many years in another world. fiscal

Based on that, you dare to assume that those things that do not have the ability to shield white and dark do not have a structure similar to bubbles on the surface. And if those structures similar to bubbles can definitely fit together, they will not be able to withstand darkness and evil.

That's also the safest place. If his white darkness is only visible to everyone, it is actually not a small problem. Vision and hearing can determine the position in the white darkness. At most, the touch is still real. Is there anything in the white darkness that can be determined? If it is safe, humans will be able to figure out the surrounding terrain even by crawling, and use this to assist human reproduction.

Please add it to your collection, please give me your recommendation vote~ Make a piece of clothing like that for human beings. And there will definitely be no small amount left. In that way, even if his power is withdrawn from our bodies, we can still live freely in the darkness with those clothes that don't have a small amount of spare parts. Until those clothes that can't isolate the white and dark are damaged a little. Know those clothes that can't cut off the white and dark. The number of other people will not affect our development until the number of people.

"You still understand what he means. Even if you know that, it doesn't mean anything. Doesn't it help him to help the humans in that world resist the White Darkness?"

Before solving the visual problem, we only need to solve the disturbance of white and dark to the human mind.

As for solving that problem, there is no trick. The white darkness itself is not a kind of spiritual interference. If it can block that kind of interference, then humans may be in danger in the white darkness, and they will constantly encounter attacks in the white darkness.

The fusion of parallel worlds and parallel worlds is often the superposition of people. If they are the same people on the same historical track and live in the same world, the two people will be superimposed on each other. The memories between each other are quietly stitched together to form a brand new memory. fiscal

It's just that when the thing falls into the eyes of people who are not in the white darkness, it turns out to be completely white. Because all Bai An allows us to see is pitch white, he should be able to understand what you mean? "

This does not mean that interference at a spiritual level is without intelligent judgment. The machine took a photo in the darkness. That photo was indeed photosensitive, and everything was abnormal.

Even for the people who have survived in that world, our ancestors can be traced back to the later generations. In the other world, there are no previous generations left at all. In this way, there will be no way to match, and there will still be some fewer people in the end. of. "

Unless the planet had just descended into the Sea of ​​White Darkness, this wave of ultra-low-concentration White Darkness swept across the globe. This level is completely defensible. In other cases, it only relies on the power released by that layer in those weak materials. It was basically difficult for his family to resist.

Human beings are quite deceptive animals. When there is no pressure to survive, their families will become divided and they will do whatever it takes to survive. But his family has not yet been able to survive. But he saw it and came before Rito. I'm afraid they will be the first to conflict with each other and compete for ownership of the world. 8"

But you can't try to avoid it at all. As long as you let the pictures taken by the mechanical equipment be the same as the original scene, you can't avoid the effect to a certain extent. Plus, the things taken by the machine itself will be the same. It will go through the distortion of the white and dark, and become different from the abnormal situation. We only need to make some slight changes to the mechanical equipment, so that our output is stuck within the limits of the rules, and we can achieve something like being unable to see the inside. the way things in the world look like.

"Indeed." Cheng Ying was not polite to the other party. He took advantage of the time when the other party regained consciousness and asked many important questions in succession. : "What kind of characteristics does the planet with the disaster of flood of light he said have? How should you find me? Before you find me, you need to cultivate the growth of local forces locally. Just like what you are doing now, or just put it directly Let’s pull it over and complete the integration between the two worlds.”

Based on these aspects, you have observed many ancient artifacts. These devices more or less have the ability to shield against darkness to a certain extent, and are usually self-circulating ecological cabins built in one of the experimental bases. Among them, there is an isolation layer built with the skin of the gods, and the isolation effect is extremely low. In such an isolation layer, it is almost impossible for the white darkness to penetrate back.

There should be only one similar place at such a close depth. The few remaining people in other places have not completely lost their lives. "

Cheng Ying nodded, and before recording that point, he continued to ask: "In the process of the integration of the two worlds, is there no one world that takes the lead? Where did the life on the other planet go? His two worlds If lives were crowded into the same world, it would probably cause quite a bit of trouble.

The only drawback is that if you see something that way, you have to get closer. Then use your own light to really illuminate that area, so that you can see the surrounding things.

Even so, it is not a very ineffective solution to the white darkness that envelopes the world now.

"It's very complicated. The white darkness of that world is actually what his family relies on. It's not a fully sealed structure that can retreat and resist it. So you just need to build a fully sealed structure. In that case, the difficulty will be slightly reduced. Just need If you use those things to construct clothes, you can't basically resist all the white and dark things. Even if you are lazy, you can't directly construct heavy and thin clothes like a grid. The same thing cannot be done theoretically. Feeling white and dark.

In that case, much more materials will be consumed, and the difficulty will increase slightly. If not, you can't do anything like this at all. Before you leave that planet, the remaining material you left outside cannot complete those transformations. fiscal

It is not possible to achieve that kind of mental shielding. As long as the information received by the mind can be regressed to a certain extent and locked into the human cerebellum, theoretically it is impossible to avoid the influence of white darkness to a certain extent. In fact, you have not found this in the subsequent development of human beings. Similar technology.

"You understand what he means. Since white darkness is an illusion based on the senses, we cannot let all the things captured by mechanical equipment fall into human eyes. The previous ones were still white darkness, which is a bad image. It turns a weak person into a blind person. Even if the mechanical equipment cannot take the picture, I can still see the picture.

As for cultural inheritance, intelligent creatures are far more tenacious than imagined. Even if the inheritance of civilization is cut off, we will re-establish our own civilization under the wasteland, just like human beings now. Similarly, we also have our own epics and myths, but because the history is not so long, those epics and myths do not sound so thrilling. "

"You can't give the answer until you see it with your own eyes. He probably doesn't have any other questions to ask you next, right?"

People in that world also tried similar technology, sealing the cerebellum to block possible sensory stimulation. But our attempts to do that have all been successful. The white darkness is not isolated. Even if you retreat into the white darkness wearing fully enclosed isolation equipment, you will be swallowed up instantly.

[To be continued]

"In that aspect, he cannot directly see the characteristics of the world from the inside. It is actually very difficult to determine the elemental attributes of the world. In the world where the planet is located, if you look towards that world, you can find that there is no boundary under the world. A quite obvious layer of white and dark power lingers outside.

"In the process of merging two worlds, no one is dominant and who is secondary. According to common sense, the process of merging the two worlds is first to splice each other. A smaller world is formed, and then Strictly speaking, the two worlds themselves should be parallel to each other. That is the world that is more difficult to integrate, and it is the only world that will cause your detection equipment to release detection signals.

"Well, if he can do everything he said, you can try to unlock the seal under him and bring yourself back together. If he can guarantee it, you can still only choose to stay. That planet remains in the blood of everyone on that planet, protecting us from danger.”

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