Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 222: Detachment

After Cheng Ying learned the general situation, his exploration of this world was basically coming to an end. The two shuttled through the dark wasteland, heading to one human settlement after another. However, the information they finally obtained was limited, and it was difficult to piece together the final picture of history.栠

"It seems that ancient humans did obtain a short-term powerful power by relying on the synthetic gods, and successfully survived by relying on this short-lived powerful power, but we still don't know. Where did this power come from?" Entropy also felt a little helpless after exploring the last underground ruins and failing to find what he wanted.

There are some historical truths that even if he is as strong as he is now, there is no way to explore them. Although this kind of thing didn't happen too many times in his long life, it was enough for him to get used to it.

"It's almost time to leave. Although your blood is not a precious thing to me, leaving too much here is not a good thing after all.

I advise you not to keep too many of your things, even if they are not precious to you. If your enemies get their hands on these, they may curse you through your blood. Don't say that others, even me, can do this. They can also use your body to create weapons specifically targeted at you. "

"I know this. If I were in other places, I would basically not leave my own flesh and blood behind. Even if there are any leftovers in the battle, I will find a way to remove these flesh and blood before ensuring my own danger. Burn.

But he was gay, and he also knew that he was playing this movie in Honghuanghai, so no one would come to that place? A very small number of weak people avoid that place for fear of being approached. It must be because of the agreement he made with you, and I am afraid that he will not come to that kind of place at all. "

"What he said does not make sense. He left his flesh and blood outside. There is indeed something to worry about. A small number of weak people who can threaten him are willing to come to such a safe place. Even if There are countless worlds in our eyes. The probability of finding such a dark world and finding his blood in the darkness is almost impossible to ignore.

There is indeed a problem that is too small, but you still have to remind him that no matter how high the probability is, it is impossible to happen, and if that kind of high-probability event is given enough time, the probability of it happening will definitely increase. Gradually, if something happens one in a million, I will definitely give it a million days, and the probability of it happening will reach a level that is worrying enough. "

Cheng Ying nodded: "You know what he means, and you are not ready to pay the price for it, and you think the probability is small. Your blood will not be stored there forever. After all, that is The outside is filled with white darkness, and since your blood is used by us as an artifact, it must be in constant contact with white darkness, and the white darkness outside is best used to destroy things that you want others to get.

Cheng Ying actually also wants to find those who have left. We may be able to investigate quite a bit of useless information from our bodies. We should be able to know what happened in that world in the past? Is there no definite way to save that world?

That time I still chose the Prehistoric Sea Eye. Although I gained more from that place, I didn't get the Pretentious Sword like this time, so it didn't really help either of them.

But as an innate demon with a long lifespan, he has lived from ancient times to the present. Entropy is the possibility of knowing what humans have done. Even after my memory was wiped, I knew that human beings are creatures from the next era. They were supposed to be the protagonists created in the next era. However, in that era, they were reduced to the status of the protagonist because all the races in the wild were willing to give up the role of the protagonist. For the highest class of slaves.

[To be continued]

There was endless light filling that world. Even Cheng Ying narrowed his eyes because of the light. Abnormal people could not survive in such light. They would be assimilated into the world in an instant. The white sand and dust seemed to be a more severe disaster than the white darkness. When I saw the disaster, I could hardly imagine the name used to describe that disaster at the first time. This was not the flood of light. That time I probably found the right place.栠

Entropy quite agrees with that statement, as I am one of the oldest beings in that world. It is true that thousands of years are regarded as a blink of an eye. In the eyes of special people, it is a long time, but for my long life, it is really just a very insignificant fragment.

And as the exploration of one world after another is completed, Chengying is more or less not finished yet, and he has some doubts. Is this world full of darkness not completely destroyed? It is true that such a world has not completely lost traces of human beings, so I subconsciously ignored it in the process.

It basically doesn't bother to look at the apocalyptic world with or without humans or any intelligent creatures at all. It just steps back and walks around for a while and then it comes out.

In comparison, the prehistoric sea eye is safe. But less security comes in the form of apocalypse. These are for the entire world. If the weak in the world can definitely escape, they will not be able to escape.

After all, I haven't confirmed whether I can save my home. Moreover, the family is in a doomsday situation, and if they continue to stay there, they will surely die. In the final analysis, they will still choose to leave.

"Let's go, you haven't fully understood the rules of that world. Although you can still fully understand the white and dark world, you haven't traveled through the civilized areas of that world, and the information you can obtain has basically been obtained. , is there any value outside, let you continue to explore it. "

Even if I get the item that gave me the curse, there is no way I can remove it. After all, it is much more difficult to put a curse on someone than to cure me. What's more, there is nothing that is not a feature. Contained objects are not designed to eliminate damage at all.栠

And that kind of thing represents luck. It is most suitable for cleaning up the filth from the Jedi under the body.

Relying on extraordinary power or destiny, it is impossible to cleanse away the filth from the ancient sea eye stained under the body. The so-called destiny can be roughly described as luck.

Things like luck do exist. A small number of times we are tangible and can be manifested in a certain way. But in high latitudes where the rules are all kinds of strange, the power of luck is also somewhat concrete. Sometimes there is no such thing as luck. We will materialize into the form of clouds and mist, sometimes we will turn into groups of light, and sometimes we may even turn into human form. Or the form of other intelligent creatures.

Human beings must be allowed to develop freely, and if they are allowed to do so, the eighth rise will happen sooner or later. It is a race that is good at using technology like the Earthlings. Even if the lower limit of technology is locked, we can think of various Various methods, combined with other people's power systems, can break through or bypass that layer of restrictions in a short time to achieve the effect of being weaker.

Before we pick up those gold, silver, and copper coins again, we will find that our number has increased inexplicably. If we think back carelessly, we will remember that when we were washing, we rolled to the corner, but when we opened the furniture to look for it, we found nothing. You will find that those things have flown away.

Those who have been there seem to be suitable, now go and find out. Constructing a space in the ancient ocean that cannot allow human beings to survive would be bad news for all races in the ancient world. Although Entropy can not be counted as a prehistoric race in a tolerant sense, but an innate demon god, after all, both parties are in the same camp and have signed a contract with Heaven. It is naturally possible. I hope that humans will not be among the Seven Little Jedi. An article with a stable footing.

When the Han Empire came and the God Emperor came, human beings showed terrifying potential. Due to their limited lifespans, or because they deliberately blocked the news, the older members of the prehistoric race did not know that human beings had ever The terrifying power displayed also treats human beings as existences like garbage ants.栠

Although the power contained in your blood can illuminate the white darkness outside for a long time, that durability is also relative. Compared to the short life of the people in that world, the time we can continue to influence is at least It can last for thousands of years, and for weak people like them, it is just a snap of the fingers. "

But that kind of consumption is nothing to us. It can only be said to be on the safe side. After cleaning ourselves and completing those things, the two of them ended up trying a new adventure.

Until we stepped into a world during a certain exploration, and were immediately bewildered by the light that came out, even we could feel the various auras filled with that world.

Please add it to your favorites and vote for recommendations~ Entropy is quite satisfied with that answer. Before I was convinced that I could satisfy my bad curiosity, I lost interest in exploring that place. However, the two of them did not return directly to Entropy's territory in the ancient continent, but came to the edge of the eye of the ancient sea. , a certain degree of cleansing has been carried out on itself under the marginal territory.

As for the main mission that Cheng Ying had planned, so far Entropy City didn't know that I was accompanying Cheng Ying to explore one doomsday world after another, and I could tell. Chengying is looking for these worlds without humans. And try to help humans in these apocalypse escape from the apocalypse.

After all, the characteristics of those things are almost random. In random situations, it is necessary to give him a random ability that cannot relieve certain states.

Even none of us may know what the God-Emperor's plans will be in the future. Nor is it to create a realm among the Seven Little Jedi where humans cannot survive abnormally. That is to say, we know the coordinates of other worlds.栠

And those parts that flew away were not consumed. The amount of destiny consumed by both of them to cleanse themselves was quite large. After all, we stayed in such a novel place for dozens of days in this world.

Those memories of our past, which we should all be similar to, have been erased by Heaven, leaving only the memories from the birth of human beings to the end. And in that part of memory alone, human beings have risen twice, and each time they showed ordinary and terrifying power.

The smallest feature of the power of technology is not mass production. It may indeed be unable to compare with the top weaklings of all races in the prehistoric era, but it is definitely enough to set off a bloody storm under the small continent, leaving all races in the prehistoric world except for the top ones. In the holy place of gods, all the rest of existence was covered in blood.

Cheng Ying was wreaking havoc among the Seven Little Jedi and saving some people. I can’t take it for granted that I saw it, but he really created a few worlds where humans can develop freely. This is another story. If human beings really developed in this situation, they might pose a threat to the entire prehistoric race.

In the territory where the two of them were located, luck indeed could not be manifested in a physical form. It's just that the forms presented are somewhat different. Before the luck or destiny materializes out there, it turns into gold coins, silver coins and copper coins. Before it pours us from the top of our heads and washes our bodies, it cannot even pick us up again. And in that process In the middle, all the bad things brought out from the desperate situation were washed away from the body.

It is said that collecting outside is the law of the same world, but in reality it seems that they are still working hard for the rise of mankind. It's just that kind of behavior seems to be useful in a small way. No matter how hard you try, in such a world, it is almost possible to escape the crisis of the doomsday for the surviving human beings. Chengying has nothing to do, so I can save it. I was always on tenterhooks, as the other party was always thinking about trivial matters and wasting energy on a career that was almost likely to succeed, so that I wouldn't have to worry.

In theory, the weak in the world shrouded in white darkness might not have survived and left successfully. And I am afraid that most of them can reach the legendary level. Basically, they can survive in the darkness for a long time. If the weak at that level have no attachment to their own world, they will find that they are capable after all before the disaster of annihilation comes, and they would have left before.栠

But the world over there is still slightly more dangerous than the world here in the turbulence of time and space. There is no organizational connection between the worlds in the turbulence of time and space, and it is impossible for one thing to affect the whole body.

Although the rules are chaotic and the world is on the verge of destruction, there will be many safe containment objects outside. If they are definitely used by some people or organizations, it may not be a disaster for the two of them. Perhaps entropy There is no guarantee of escaping from the pursuit of the organization behind the scenes. But there must be something like a curse infected here. Even if you successfully escape, it is impossible to remove it forever due to the characteristics of the contained object.

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